查询Tags标签: chol,共有 4条记录-
Robust adaptive bamforming using worst-case performance optimization: a solution to the signal misma
% Robust adaptive bamforming using worst-case performance optimization: a solution to the signal mismatch problemss_wco=sqrt(0.01); % 阵列流型误差范数上界U_chol=chol(R); % U* U = Rcvx_begin quietvariable w_wco(sensor_number) complex;minimize(norm(U_ch…
2022/1/8 23:04:56 人评论 次浏览 -
Robust adaptive bamforming using worst-case performance optimization: a solution to the signal misma
% Robust adaptive bamforming using worst-case performance optimization: a solution to the signal mismatch problemss_wco=sqrt(0.01); % 阵列流型误差范数上界U_chol=chol(R); % U* U = Rcvx_begin quietvariable w_wco(sensor_number) complex;minimize(norm(U_ch…
2022/1/8 23:04:56 人评论 次浏览 -
楚列斯基分解法 楚列斯基分解是专门针对对称正定矩阵的分解。设A=aij∈RnnA=a_{ij}\in R^{n\times n}A=aij∈Rnn是对称正定矩阵,A=RTRA = R^TRA=RTR称为矩阵A的楚列斯基分解、其中R∈RnnR\in R^{n\times n}R∈Rnn是一个具有正的上三角矩阵。R=[r11r12r13r14r22r23r24r3…
2021/10/26 23:10:32 人评论 次浏览 -
楚列斯基分解法 楚列斯基分解是专门针对对称正定矩阵的分解。设A=aij∈RnnA=a_{ij}\in R^{n\times n}A=aij∈Rnn是对称正定矩阵,A=RTRA = R^TRA=RTR称为矩阵A的楚列斯基分解、其中R∈RnnR\in R^{n\times n}R∈Rnn是一个具有正的上三角矩阵。R=[r11r12r13r14r22r23r24r3…
2021/10/26 23:10:32 人评论 次浏览