查询Tags标签: dirty,共有 6条记录-
1.在map的基础上,支持线程安全的load,store等操作 2.内部分成了read,dirty两个容器 3.查询会在read中查询,没有查询到的话,会在dirty中查询,并且miss次数+1,miss次数等于dirty的长度时,dirty上升为read 3.如果某个key在read中,直接cas更新即可,因为entry中是一个指…
2022/3/10 1:17:02 人评论 次浏览 -
判断显示屏保还是息屏 2112 /** 2113 * Updates the wakefulness of the device. 2114 * 2115 * This is the function that decides whether the device should start dreaming 2116 * based on the current wake locks and user activity …
2022/1/10 14:04:02 人评论 次浏览 -
判断显示屏保还是息屏 2112 /** 2113 * Updates the wakefulness of the device. 2114 * 2115 * This is the function that decides whether the device should start dreaming 2116 * based on the current wake locks and user activity …
2022/1/10 14:04:02 人评论 次浏览 -
type Map struct {mu Mutex// read contains the portion of the maps contents that are safe for// concurrent access (with or without mu held).//// The read field itself is always safe to load, but must only be stored with// mu held.////read 包含可安全并发…
2021/11/30 23:36:47 人评论 次浏览 -
type Map struct {mu Mutex// read contains the portion of the maps contents that are safe for// concurrent access (with or without mu held).//// The read field itself is always safe to load, but must only be stored with// mu held.////read 包含可安全并发…
2021/11/30 23:36:47 人评论 次浏览 -
前言 本篇内存管理学习总结为后面学习I/O的前置。关于I/O我们常听的词都有磁盘I/O、网络I/O、BIO、NIO、多路复用、epoll、mmap、零拷贝、顺序/随机读写,如需深入了解需要有机组的部分知识。楼主大学专业软件工程,有开机组的课程,不过毕业后全部交给老师了。那就先从内…
2021/5/31 7:21:02 人评论 次浏览