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查询Tags标签: penalty,共有 4条记录
  • 物体碰撞与摩擦的方法总结

    本文禁止转载 B站:Heskey0Contact and Friction Simulation for Computer Graphics(Siggraph course 2022) 相关的course:SIGGRAPH20 Course: An Introduction to Physics-Based Animation SIGGRAPH22 Course: Contact and Friction Simulation for Computer Graphics (…

    2022/8/27 6:23:08 人评论 次浏览
  • 随机游走001 | 什么是好的惩罚函数 (penalty function)?

    Question A good penalty function should result in an estimator with three properties:Unbiasedness(无偏性): The resulting estimator is nearly unbiased when the true unknown parameter is large to avoid unnecessary modeling bias.Sparsity(稀疏性): The…

    2021/11/9 23:40:12 人评论 次浏览
  • 随机游走001 | 什么是好的惩罚函数 (penalty function)?

    Question A good penalty function should result in an estimator with three properties:Unbiasedness(无偏性): The resulting estimator is nearly unbiased when the true unknown parameter is large to avoid unnecessary modeling bias.Sparsity(稀疏性): The…

    2021/11/9 23:40:12 人评论 次浏览
  • ML之LoR&DT&RF:基于LoR&DT(CART)&RF算法对mushrooms蘑菇数据集(22+1,6513+1611)训练来预测蘑菇是否毒性(二分类预测)

    ML之LoR&DT&RF:基于LoR&DT(CART)&RF算法对mushrooms蘑菇数据集(22+1,6513+1611)训练来预测蘑菇是否毒性(二分类预测)目录 输出结果 设计思路 核心代码输出结果 0、数据集after LabelEncoder 1、LoR算法LoR_model_GSCV.grid_scores_: [mean: 0.77012, st…

    2021/6/15 20:22:13 人评论 次浏览