2020/6/29 23:27:42
VStack { Text("abc") Spacer() Text("def") } 复制代码
func test(_ content: () -> String) -> Void { print(content()) } 复制代码
这是一个很普通的函数,但是函数的参数,我们传递了一个闭包,接下来, 我们调用这个函数:
Button("test") { self.test { "abc" } } 复制代码
VStack { Text("abc") Spacer() Text("def") } 复制代码
大家明白了吗? 上边的闭包其实就是VStack的一个初始化函数的最后一个参数,跟上边我们演示的函数没什么两样。我们再继续看看其函数定义:
/// A view that arranges its children in a vertical line. @available(iOS 13.0, OSX 10.15, tvOS 13.0, watchOS 6.0, *) @frozen public struct VStack<Content> : View where Content : View { /// Creates an instance with the given `spacing` and Y axis `alignment`. /// /// - Parameters: /// - alignment: the guide that will have the same horizontal screen /// coordinate for all children. /// - spacing: the distance between adjacent children, or nil if the /// stack should choose a default distance for each pair of children. @inlinable public init(alignment: HorizontalAlignment = .center, spacing: CGFloat? = nil, @ViewBuilder content: () -> Content) /// The type of view representing the body of this view. /// /// When you create a custom view, Swift infers this type from your /// implementation of the required `body` property. public typealias Body = Never } 复制代码
- VStack是一个结构体
- 其初始化函数的最后一个参数为
@ViewBuilder content: () -> Content
@available(iOS 13.0, OSX 10.15, tvOS 13.0, watchOS 6.0, *) @_functionBuilder public struct ViewBuilder { /// Builds an empty view from an block containing no statements, `{ }`. public static func buildBlock() -> EmptyView /// Passes a single view written as a child view (e..g, `{ Text("Hello") }`) through /// unmodified. public static func buildBlock<Content>(_ content: Content) -> Content where Content : View } @available(iOS 13.0, OSX 10.15, tvOS 13.0, watchOS 6.0, *) extension ViewBuilder { /// Provides support for "if" statements in multi-statement closures, producing an `Optional` view /// that is visible only when the `if` condition evaluates `true`. public static func buildIf<Content>(_ content: Content?) -> Content? where Content : View /// Provides support for "if" statements in multi-statement closures, producing /// ConditionalContent for the "then" branch. public static func buildEither<TrueContent, FalseContent>(first: TrueContent) -> _ConditionalContent<TrueContent, FalseContent> where TrueContent : View, FalseContent : View /// Provides support for "if-else" statements in multi-statement closures, producing /// ConditionalContent for the "else" branch. public static func buildEither<TrueContent, FalseContent>(second: FalseContent) -> _ConditionalContent<TrueContent, FalseContent> where TrueContent : View, FalseContent : View } 复制代码
@_functionBuilder struct TestBuilder { static func buildBlock(_ items: String...) -> [String] { items } } 复制代码
struct ContentView: View { @State private var text = "ccc" var body: some View { VStack { Button("test") { self.test { "a" "b" "c" "d" } } } } func test(@TestBuilder _ content: () -> [String]) -> Void { print(content()) } } 复制代码
["a", "b", "c", "d"] 复制代码
大家明白了吗? 通过@_functionBuilder
@available(iOS 13.0, OSX 10.15, tvOS 13.0, watchOS 6.0, *) extension ViewBuilder { public static func buildBlock<C0, C1>(_ c0: C0, _ c1: C1) -> TupleView<(C0, C1)> where C0 : View, C1 : View } @available(iOS 13.0, OSX 10.15, tvOS 13.0, watchOS 6.0, *) extension ViewBuilder { public static func buildBlock<C0, C1, C2>(_ c0: C0, _ c1: C1, _ c2: C2) -> TupleView<(C0, C1, C2)> where C0 : View, C1 : View, C2 : View } ... @available(iOS 13.0, OSX 10.15, tvOS 13.0, watchOS 6.0, *) extension ViewBuilder { public static func buildBlock<C0, C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, C6, C7, C8, C9>(_ c0: C0, _ c1: C1, _ c2: C2, _ c3: C3, _ c4: C4, _ c5: C5, _ c6: C6, _ c7: C7, _ c8: C8, _ c9: C9) -> TupleView<(C0, C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, C6, C7, C8, C9)> where C0 : View, C1 : View, C2 : View, C3 : View, C4 : View, C5 : View, C6 : View, C7 : View, C8 : View, C9 : View } 复制代码
struct ContentView: View { @State private var hasText = false @State private var show = false var body: some View { VStack { Text("a") if hasText { Text("b") } if show { Text("d") } else { Text("") } Text("c") } } } 复制代码
@available(iOS 13.0, OSX 10.15, tvOS 13.0, watchOS 6.0, *) @_functionBuilder public struct ViewBuilder { /// Builds an empty view from an block containing no statements, `{ }`. public static func buildBlock() -> EmptyView /// Passes a single view written as a child view (e..g, `{ Text("Hello") }`) through /// unmodified. public static func buildBlock<Content>(_ content: Content) -> Content where Content : View } @available(iOS 13.0, OSX 10.15, tvOS 13.0, watchOS 6.0, *) extension ViewBuilder { /// Provides support for "if" statements in multi-statement closures, producing an `Optional` view /// that is visible only when the `if` condition evaluates `true`. public static func buildIf<Content>(_ content: Content?) -> Content? where Content : View /// Provides support for "if" statements in multi-statement closures, producing /// ConditionalContent for the "then" branch. public static func buildEither<TrueContent, FalseContent>(first: TrueContent) -> _ConditionalContent<TrueContent, FalseContent> where TrueContent : View, FalseContent : View /// Provides support for "if-else" statements in multi-statement closures, producing /// ConditionalContent for the "else" branch. public static func buildEither<TrueContent, FalseContent>(second: FalseContent) -> _ConditionalContent<TrueContent, FalseContent> where TrueContent : View, FalseContent : View } 复制代码
struct ContentView: View { @State private var hasText = false @State private var show = true var body: some View { CustomView(Color.orange) { Text("aaaa") } } } struct CustomView<T: View>: View { let bgColor: Color var content: T init(_ bgColor: Color, @ViewBuilder _ content: () -> T) { self.bgColor = bgColor self.content = content() } var body: some View { self.content .background(self.bgColor) } } 复制代码
目的是能够开发出类似上边代码这样的view, 可以为自定义的view扩展其他的view。
let alert = UIAlertController( title: "Delete all data?", message: "All your data will be deleted!", preferredStyle: .alert) let deleteAction = UIAlertAction(title: "Yes, Delete it All", style: .destructive) { (_) in print("Deleting all data") } let moreOptionsAction = UIAlertAction(title: "Show More Options", style: .default) { (_) in print("Show more options") } let cancelAction = UIAlertAction(title: "No, Don't Delete Anything", style: .cancel, handler: nil) alert.addAction(deleteAction) alert.addAction(moreOptionsAction) alert.addAction(cancelAction) present(alert, animated: true) 复制代码
使用@_functionBuilder的黑魔法后, 我们的代码编程这样:
typealias RAlertActionHandler = () -> Void protocol RAlertAction { var title: String { get } var style: UIAlertAction.Style { get } var action: RAlertActionHandler { get } } struct DefaultAction: RAlertAction { let title: String let style: UIAlertAction.Style let action: RAlertActionHandler init(_ title: String, action: @escaping RAlertActionHandler = {}) { self.title = title self.style = .default self.action = action } } struct CancelAction: RAlertAction { let title: String let style: UIAlertAction.Style let action: RAlertActionHandler init(_ title: String, action: @escaping RAlertActionHandler = {}) { self.title = title self.style = .cancel self.action = action } } struct DestructiveAction: RAlertAction { let title: String let style: UIAlertAction.Style let action: RAlertActionHandler init(_ title: String, action: @escaping RAlertActionHandler = {}) { self.title = title self.style = .destructive self.action = action } } 复制代码
@_functionBuilder struct RAlertControllerBuilder { static func buildBlock(_ components: RAlertAction...) -> [UIAlertAction] { components.map { action in UIAlertAction(title: action.title, style: action.style) { _ in action.action() } } } } // MARK:- UIAlertController extension UIAlertController { convenience init(title: String, message: String, style: UIAlertController.Style = .alert, @RAlertControllerBuilder build: () -> [UIAlertAction]) { let actions = build() self.init(title: title, message: message, preferredStyle: style) actions.forEach { self.addAction($0) } } } 复制代码
let alert = UIAlertController( title: "Delete all data?", message: "All your data will be deleted!") { DestructiveAction("Yes, Delete it All") { print("Deleting all data") } DefaultAction("Show More Options") { print("showing more options") } CancelAction("No, Don't Delete Anything") } present(alert, animated: true) 复制代码
NSAttributedString { AText("Hello world") .font(.systemFont(ofSize: 24)) .foregroundColor(.red) LineBreak() AText("with Swift") .font(.systemFont(ofSize: 20)) .foregroundColor(.orange) } 复制代码
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