C++ 大型RPG游戏-龙的传人-控制台版6000行代码
2021/4/26 20:55:42
本文主要是介绍C++ 大型RPG游戏-龙的传人-控制台版6000行代码,对大家解决编程问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的程序猿们随着小编来一起学习吧!
C++ 大型RPG游戏-龙的传人-控制台版6000行代码
Visual Studio上编译通过,加载时间有点长,多等一会就行了
//龙的传人无存档游玩版版1.1.2(测试版1.4.5) //代码有点长,谢谢。 //可嫩运行不了,不要介意... #include <iostream> #include <utility> #include <thread> #include <chrono> #include <functional> #include <atomic> #include <string> #include <windows.h> #include <conio.h> #include <fstream> #include <ctime> #include <map> #include <climits> #include <algorithm> #include <stdio.h> #include <vector> #include <iomanip> #include <cstring> #define edition "1.1.2" using namespace std; int health = 1000, maxhealth = 1000, damage = 100, defense = 20, force = 100, maxforce = 100, dodge = 10, hit = 10; string myname, myEnglishname, IDEN, mymenpai = "你还未拜师或创建门派", myshifu = "你还未拜师..."; string title = "普通百姓", title2 = "", task = ""; bool baishi, isrebound; int reboundnum, titlecolor = 16, wudaotalevel = 1; int nowroomi = 0, experience = 0, potential = 0, literate = 0, dienum = 0, killnum = 0, buildlevel = 1; int coin = 0, silver = 0, gold = 0, buildexp = 0; int password; bool gift[100]; bool ta[100]; void color(short x) { if (x >= 0 && x <= 15) { SetConsoleTextAttribute(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), x); } else { SetConsoleTextAttribute(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), 7); } } struct sk { string name; string use; string Englishname; int damage; int level; string weapon; int plushealth; int plusforce; int plusattack; int plusdodge; int plushit; int attacknum; int cooldown; int forceneed; bool isattack; int timedamage; }; struct th { string name; string Englishname; string tell; int coin; }; struct we { string name; string Englishname; string type; string tell; int coin; int plusdamage; int plushealth; int plusforce; int plusdefense; int plusdodge; int plushit; int lv; int inlaynum; th inlaything[10]; }; struct bo { string name; string Englishname; sk skill; int literate_need; string needskill[100]; int needlevel[100]; string tell; int coin; }; struct pe { string name; string Englishname; string tell; int health, maxhealth; int damage; int defense; int dodge, hit; int force, maxforce; we weapon; sk skills[100]; int skillsnum; bo dropbook; we dropweapon; th dropthing; bool canbai; bool canmove; }; struct ro { string name; string Englishname; string tell; pe people[100]; we weapon[100]; bo book[100]; th thing[100]; string dir[100]; int cango[100]; we weaponsell[100]; bo booksell[100]; th thingsell[100]; bool isshop; }; map<string, string> GeneralAttack = { {"刀","a挥起手中x一刀朝b砍来"}, {"剑","a提起手中x朝b刺来"}, {"拳","a一拳朝b挥来"}, {"鞭","a拿起手中x朝b抽来"}, {"棍","a抡起手中x冲b一扫"}, {"抓","a一手往b抓来"} }; map<string, we> weap = { {"sword",{"剑","sword","剑","这是一把普通的剑",100,100,0,0,0,-10,10,16,0,{}}}, {"longsword",{"长剑","longsword","剑","这是一把长剑",200,150,0,0,0,-5,15,16,0,{}}}, {"shortsword",{"短剑","shortsword","剑","这是一把短剑,虽然攻击力较低,但负重还可以",50,50,0,0,0,-2,5,16,0,{}}}, {"brokensword",{"断剑","brokensword","剑","这是一把已经坏了的剑,似乎经历了多年的磨砺",25,25,0,0,0,-1,10,16,0,{}}}, {"brokenblade",{"断刀","brokenblade","刀","这是一把已经坏了的刀,似乎经历了多年的磨砺",25,25,0,0,0,-1,10,16,0,{}}}, {"longblade",{"长刀","longblade","刀","这是一把长刀,可以远距离攻击",300,250,0,0,0,-10,15,16,0,{}}}, {"blade",{"钢刀","blade","刀","这是一把钢刀",2500,200,1,0,10,-10,5,16,0,{}}}, {"iron_sword",{"精铁剑","iron_sword","剑","用精铁铸成的剑,很坚硬",100,100,0,0,0,-10,10,2,0,{}}}, {"club",{"木棍","club","棍","普通的一根棍子,木头做的",700,100,0,0,0,-5,20,16,0,{}}}, {"qimeigun",{"齐眉棍","qimeigun","棍","竹子做的一根棍子,立起来恰好到眉毛",1000,150,0,0,0,-10,20,1,2,{}}}, {"ironclub",{"铁棍","ironclub","棍","铁制棍子,挥起来很有劲",1200,300,0,0,0,-20,20,2,0,{}}}, {"longclub",{"长棍","longclub","棍","一根很长的棍子,攻击范围很大",1300,300,0,0,0,-25,30,16,0,{}}}, {"whip",{"皮鞭","whip","鞭","这是一个普通的鞭子",1000,300,0,0,0,-5,20,16,0,{}}}, {"longwhip",{"长鞭","longwhip","鞭","这是一个长鞭",1100,300,0,0,0,-10,20,16,0,{}}}, {"heilong-bian",{"黑龙鞭","heilong-bian","鞭","这是黑龙史的鞭子",5000,1000,10,10,0,-10,30,1,2,{}}}, {"yunlong-bian",{"云龙鞭","yunlong-bian","鞭","这是云龙长老的鞭子",5000,1000,10,10,0,-10,30,1,2,{}}}, {"云龙剑",{}}, {"拂尘",{}}, {"将军剑",{}}, {"大砍刀",{}}, {"打狗棍",{}}, {"倚天剑",{}}, {"屠龙刀",{}}, {"武当长剑",{}}, {"太极剑",{}}, {"八卦剑",{}}, {"八卦刀",{}}, {"八荒刀",{}}, {"武士刀",{}}, {"武当长剑",{}}, {"黑龙鞭",{}}, {"云龙鞭",{}}, {"sword2",{"宝剑","sword","剑","这是一把宝剑",1000,100,10,10,1,-15,30,1}}, }; pe lvpeople[100] = { {"张慧文","guard","他是武道塔1层的守卫者,你需要打败他,才能进入2层",1000,1000,100,10,1000,1000,0,0,{"精铁剑","iron_sword","剑","用精铁铸成的剑,很坚硬",100,100,0,0,0,-10,10,16},{},0,{},{},{},false}, {"张楚嫣","guard","她是武道塔2层的守卫者,你需要打败她,才能进入3层",2658,2658,158,27,2521,913,0,0,{"精铁剑","iron_sword","剑","用精铁铸成的剑,很坚硬",100,100,0,0,0,-10,10,16},{},0,{},{},{},false}, {"张晓彤","guard","她是武道塔3层的守卫者,你需要打败她,才能进入4层",3479,3479,227,38,3042,1013,1000,1000,{"精铁剑","iron_sword","剑","用精铁铸成的剑,很坚硬",100,100,0,0,0,-10,10,16},{{"「武当剑法」", "e一式「2三环套月s」,连续三招,手中q化作三道光朝你飞来", "wudang-sword", 454, 10, "剑", 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 1, true, 2}},1,{},{},{},false}, {"张楚涵","guard","她是武道塔4层的守卫者,你需要打败她,才能进入5层",7332,7332,348,75,2328,3328,1000,1000,{"精铁剑","iron_sword","剑","用精铁铸成的剑,很坚硬",100,100,0,0,0,-10,10,16},{{"「武当剑法」", "e一式「2三环套月s」,连续三招,手中q化作三道光朝你飞来", "wudang-sword", 696, 20, "剑", 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 1, true, 2}},1,{},{},{},false}, {"张鸿瑞","guard","他是武道塔5层的守卫者,你需要打败他,才能进入6层",3479,3479,227,38,3042,1013,1000,1000,{"精铁剑","iron_sword","剑","用精铁铸成的剑,很坚硬",100,100,0,0,0,-10,10,16},{{"「武当剑法」", "e一式「2三环套月s」,连续三招,手中q化作三道光朝你飞来", "wudang-sword", 454, 10, "剑", 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 1, true, 2}},1,{},{},{},false}, }; sk ZhangSanfeng_skills[8] = { {"「武当剑法」", "e一式「2三环套月s」,连续三招,手中q化作三道光朝你飞来", "wudang-sword", 100000, 1000, "剑", 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 1, true, 2}, {"「太极剑」", "e虚步提腰,一招「6蜻蜓点水s」,手中q轻轻颤动,一剑剑点向你", "taiji-sword", 100000, 1000, "剑", 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 3, 3, 1, true, 2}, {"「太极拳」", "e左手回收,右手由钩变掌,由右向左,使一招「6提手上式s」,向你打来", "taiji-fist", 100000, 1000, "拳", 1000, 500, 500, 100, 10, 5, 10, 1, true, 1}, {"「昊天掌」", "e使一招「5海上明月s」,左手轻轻一挥,劈向你", "haotian-fist", 10000, 1000, "拳", 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 50, true, 3}, {"「空明拳」", "你凝神聚力,以极快的速度出拳\n\t4空明拳之意!s", "kongming-fist", 50000, 1000, "拳", 1000, 500, 500, 100, 10, 1, 10, 200, true, 10}, {"「云梯纵」", "e双手一挥,脚尖点地,一招「1云梯纵s」,瞬间变到了你的身后,使你的招数统统落空", "yunti-zong", 0, 1000, "无", 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 0, false, 0}, {"「武当身法」", "你一招「2移步换行s」,双脚一用力,往旁边一闪,瞬间将e的招数躲了过去", "wudang-step", 0, 1000, "无", 0, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, 20, false, 0}, {"「先天太极」", "你运转先天真气,双掌回圈,顿时一波澎湃的气劲直袭e,正是所学6先天太极s之「4先天功法s」", "xiantian-taiji", 100000, 1000, "拳", 0, 0, 0, 3, 0, 5, 0, 20, true, 5}, }; sk ZhouBoTong_skills[7] = { {"「昊天掌」", "e使一招「5海上明月s」,左手轻轻一挥,劈向你", "haotian-fist", 10000, 700, "拳", 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 50, true, 3}, {"「太极剑」", "e虚步提腰,一招「6蜻蜓点水s」,手中q轻轻颤动,一剑剑点向你", "taiji-sword", 70000, 700, "剑", 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 3, 3, 1, true, 2}, {"「太极拳」", "e左手回收,右手由钩变掌,由右向左,使一招「6提手上式s」,向你打来", "fist", 10000, 700, "拳", 10, 10, 10, 10, 2, 10, 1, 0, true, 5}, {"「空明拳」", "你凝神聚力,以极快的速度出拳\n\t4空明拳之意!s", "kongming-fist", 50000, 700, "拳", 1000, 500, 500, 100, 10, 1, 10, 200, true, 10}, {"「云梯纵」", "e双手一挥,脚尖点地,一招「1云梯纵s」,瞬间变到了你的身后,使你的招数统统落空", "yunti-zong", 0, 500, "无", 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 0, false, 0}, {"「武当剑法」", "e一式「2三环套月s」,连续三招,手中q化作三道光朝你飞来", "wudang-sword", 70000, 700, "剑", 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 1, true, 2}, {"「武当身法」", "你一招「2移步换行s」,双脚一用力,往旁边一闪,瞬间将e的招数躲了过去", "wudang-step", 0, 700, "无", 0, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, 20, false, 0}, }; sk SongYuanQiao_skills[3] = { {"「武当剑法」", "e一式「2三环套月s」,连续三招,手中q化作三道光朝你飞去", "wudang-sword", 10000, 500, "剑", 2, 2, 2, 0, 2, 3, 2, 20, true, 2}, {"「云梯纵」", "e双手一挥,脚尖点地,一招「1云梯纵s」,瞬间变到了你的身后,使你的招数统统落空", "yunti-zong", 0, 500, "无", 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 0, false, 0}, {"「武当身法」", "你一招「2移步换行s」,双脚一用力,往旁边一闪,瞬间将e的招数躲了过去", "wudang-step", 0, 500, "无", 0, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, 20, false, 0}, }; sk cike_skills[3] = { {"「漫天花雨掷金针」", "e一式「6金针掷地s」。瞬间,e手中q一一掷向你", "mantian-huayu", 100, 300, "剑", 2, 2, 2, 0, 2, 5, 2, 20, true, 2}, {"「倒转七星步」", "e一式「6翩翩若惊鸿s」,身不倾,脚不移,身体如行云流水般直滑出丈余。", "qixin-bu", 0, 300, "无", 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 5, 5, 0, false, 0}, }; sk player1_skills[1] = { {"「武当剑法」", "e一式「2三环套月s」,连续三招,手中q化作三道光朝你飞去", "wudang-sword", 2000, 34, "剑", 2, 2, 2, 0, 2, 3, 2, 20, true, 2}, }; we zhongkui = { "钟馗道剑","zhongkui-sword","剑","这把剑非同寻常,有一股仙气缠绕,闪着金光...",10000,1000,100,1000,100,90,100,4,5,{} }; ro room[200] = { //客栈 { "客栈", "inn", "这是一家非常热闹的客栈,每天人来人往", {"店小二","XiaoEr","这是这间客栈的服务员",2000,2000,100,50,100,100,110,200,{"拳","fist","拳","这是一个拳头"},{},0}, { {"吃剩的鸡骨头","LeftChickenBone","棍","这是一根被吃剩的鸡骨头",2,2,2,2,2,2,2,16} }, { {"破书","TatteredBook",{},1000000,{},{},"这是一本破书,里面什么也学不到",1} }, { {"碎裂的宝石","CrackedGem","这是一个宝石",1}, {"普通的宝石","CommonGem","这是一个宝石",3}, {"美丽的宝石","BeautifulGem","这是一个宝石",5}, {"无暇的宝石","FlawlessGem","这是一个宝石",10}, {"完美的宝石","PerfectGem","这是一个宝石",20}, {"神圣的宝石","SacredGem","这是一个宝石",50}, {"独一无二的宝石","uniqueGem","这是一个宝石",100}, {"世间难得的宝石","PreciousGem","这是一个宝石",500}, }, {"north", "south", "down", "up","gifthall"}, {1,3,7,1,47}, { weap["sword"], weap["longsword"], weap["iron_sword"], weap["blade"], weap["longblade"], weap["club"], weap["qimeigun"], weap["longclub"], weap["whip"], weap["longwhip"], }, {}, {}, true },//0 激发任务:店小二 //北大街1 { "北大街", "South_Road", "这是一条街道,一直通往北门", { {"旅客","traveller","这是一个每天在城里乱转的旅客",5000,5000,100,100,100,1000,1100,200,weap["longsword"],{},0,{},{},{}, false, true}, {"旅客","traveller","这是一个每天在城里乱转的旅客",5000,5000,100,100,100,1000,1100,200,weap["longsword"],{},0,{},{},{}, false, true}, {"旅客","traveller","这是一个每天在城里乱转的旅客",5000,5000,100,100,100,1000,1100,200,weap["longsword"],{},0,{},{},{}, false, true}, }, {{"石头","stone","无","这是一颗石头",2,2,2,2,2,2,2,16},{"石头","stone","无","这是一颗石头",2,2,2,2,2,2,2,16},{"石头","stone","无","这是一颗石头",2,2,2,2,2,2,2,16}}, {}, {{"椅子","chair","这是一把椅子",150},{"椅子","chair","这是一把椅子",150},{"桌子","table","这是一张桌子",300}}, {"north","south","west"}, {2,0,46}, {}, {}, {}, false },//1 //北大街2 { "北大街", "South_Road", "这是一条街道,一直通往北门", {}, {weap["blade"],{"石头","stone","无","这是一颗石头",1,0,0,0,0,0,0,16},{"石头","stone","无","这是一颗石头",1,0,0,0,0,0,0,16}}, {{"追风步秘籍","zhuifeng-stepbook",{"「追风步」", "你一个「2随风而舞s」,身形飘忽不定,躲过了e这一招", "zhuifeng-step", 0, 1, "剑", 1, 0, 0, 10, 1, 0, 0, 0, false},0,{},{},"这是一本关于武当剑法的书",10000}}, {}, {"north","south","west"}, {3,1,40}, {}, {}, {}, false },//2 //南大街1 { "南大街", "North_Road", "这是一条街道,一直通往南门", { { "江湖大盗","robber","这是一个江湖大盗",20000,20000,2000,1000,1000,5000,5000,200,weap["blade"],{},0,{"血刀秘籍","xuedao-book",{"「血刀大法」", "6你咬破舌尖,顿时血气缠绕,「4血刀大法6」w一刀竟不加防守,直逼es", "xuedao", 500, 1, "刀", 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 1, 10, 10 , true},0,{"「基本刀法」"},{600},"这是一本老旧的书,里面记载了血刀大法,不知道为什么会出现在这个蒙面大盗手中",10000000},{"屠龙刀","tulong-blade","刀","武林至尊,宝刀屠龙。号令天下,莫敢不从。",100000000,10000,10000,10000,10000,2000,2000,4},{}, false, true}, { "武神","god","他的功夫已经到达返璞归真的境界了",100000000,100000000,1000000,1000000,50000,50000,1000000,1000000,{"倚天剑","yitian-sword","剑","这是倚天剑,世间神剑",0,0,0,0,0,0,0,4},{{"「血刀大法」", "6e咬破舌尖,顿时血气缠绕,「4血刀大法6」w一刀竟不加防守,直逼向你s", "xuedao", 7500000, 15000, "刀", 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 1, 10, 10, true}},1,{},{},{} }, }, {weap["blade"],{"树枝","branch","棍","这是从树上掉下来的一根树枝",1,1,1,1,1,1,1,16}}, {{"基本剑法秘籍","swordbook",{"「基本剑法」", "", "sword", 0, 0, "剑", 0, 0, 5, 0, 2, 0, 0},0,{},{},"这本书记载了基本剑法的诀窍",2000}}, {}, {"north","south","east","west"}, {0,6,5,45}, {}, {}, {}, false },//3 //鬼门关 { "鬼门关", "ghost_gate", "这里就是阴间入口鬼门关,可以看见许许多多哭泣的鬼魂走进大门", {{"白无常","Baiwuchang","他是白无常",10000,10000,2000,1000,20000,20000,200,200,{"拳","fist","拳","这是一个拳头",0,0,0,0,0,0,0,16},{},0},}, {}, {}, {}, {"out"}, {0}, {}, {}, {}, false },//4 //书店 { "书店", "bookshop", "这是一间书店。", {{"图书管理员","librarian","这是一个图书管理员",2000,2000,100,50,100,100,110,200,{"尺子","ruler","棍","这是一把尺子",10,1,1,1,1,1,1,16},{},0}}, {}, { {"基本剑法秘籍","swordbook",{"「基本剑法」", "", "sword", 0, 0, "剑", 0, 0, 5, 0, 2, 0, 0},0,{},{},"这本书记载了基本剑法的诀窍",2000}, {"基本刀法秘籍","bladebook",{"「基本刀法」", "", "blade", 0, 0, "刀", 0, 0, 5, 0, 2, 0, 0},0,{},{},"这本书记载了基本刀法的诀窍",2000}, {"基本鞭法秘籍","whipbook",{"「基本鞭法」", "", "whip", 0, 0, "鞭", 0, 0, 5, 0, 2, 0, 0},0,{},{},"这本书记载了基本鞭法的诀窍",2000}, {"基本棍法秘籍","clubbook",{"「基本棍法」", "", "club", 0, 0, "拳", 0, 0, 5, 2, 0, 0, 0},0,{},{},"这本书记载了基本棍法的诀窍",2000}, {"基本拳法秘籍","fistbook",{"「基本拳法」", "", "fist", 0, 0, "拳", 0, 0, 5, 0, 2, 0, 0},0,{},{},"这本书记载了基本拳法的诀窍",2000}, {"基本掌法秘籍","palmbook",{"「基本掌法」", "", "plam", 0, 0, "无", 0, 0, 5, 0, 2, 0, 0},0,{},{},"这本书记载了基本掌法的诀窍",2000}, {"基本拳脚秘籍","unarmedbook",{"「基本拳脚」", "", "unarmed", 0, 0,"无", 0, 0, 5, 1, 1, 0, 0},0,{},{},"这本书记载了基本拳脚的诀窍",2000}, {"基本轻功秘籍","dodgebook",{"「基本轻功」", "", "dodge", 0, 0, "无", 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0},0,{},{},"这本书记载了基本轻功的诀窍",2000}, {"基本内功秘籍","forcebook",{"「基本内功」", "", "force", 0, 0, "无", 10, 5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},0,{},{},"这本书记载了基本内功的诀窍",2000} }, {{"书","book","这是一本书",10}}, {"west"}, {3}, {}, { {"倚天剑法秘籍","yitian-swordbook",{"「倚天剑法」", "你大叫:\n4倚天不出!\n1谁与争锋!s\n一式「4神剑佛威s」,屈腕云剑,剑光如彩碟纷飞,幻出点点星光飘向e", "yitian-sword", 20, 1, "剑", 1000, 500, 500, 100, 10, 10, 10, true, 20},0,{"「基本剑法」"},{500},"这本书记载了绝世神功倚天剑法的诀窍",1000000}, {"空明拳秘籍","kongming-fistbook",{"「空明拳」", "你凝神聚力,以极快的速度出拳\n\t4空明拳之意!s", "kongming-fist", 10, 1, "拳", 1000, 500, 500, 100, 10, 1, 10, 200, true, 10},0,{"「基本拳法」"},{500},"这本书记载了学习空明拳的诀窍",1000000} }, {}, true },//5 //南大街2 { "南大街(练级区)", "North_Road", "这是一条街道,一直通往南门", { {"野狗","dog","这是一只野狗",3000,3000,150,70,100,100,110,200,{"抓","claw","抓","这是一个抓",0,0,0,0,0,0,0,16},{},0,{},{},{},false,true}, {"野狗","dog","这是一只野狗",3000,3000,150,70,100,100,110,200,{"抓","claw","抓","这是一个抓",0,0,0,0,0,0,0,16},{},0,{},{},{},false,true}, {"野狗","dog","这是一只野狗",3000,3000,150,70,100,100,110,200,{"抓","claw","抓","这是一个抓",0,0,0,0,0,0,0,16},{},0,{},{},{},false,true}, {"野狗","dog","这是一只野狗",3000,3000,150,70,100,100,110,200,{"抓","claw","抓","这是一个抓",0,0,0,0,0,0,0,16},{},0,{},{},{},false,true}, {"野狗","dog","这是一只野狗",3000,3000,150,70,100,100,110,200,{"抓","claw","抓","这是一个抓",0,0,0,0,0,0,0,16},{},0,{},{},{},false,true}, {"野狗","dog","这是一只野狗",3000,3000,150,70,100,100,110,200,{"抓","claw","抓","这是一个抓",0,0,0,0,0,0,0,16},{},0,{},{},{},false,true}, {"野狗","dog","这是一只野狗",3000,3000,150,70,100,100,110,200,{"抓","claw","抓","这是一个抓",0,0,0,0,0,0,0,16},{},0,{},{},{},false,true}, {"野狗","dog","这是一只野狗",3000,3000,150,70,100,100,110,200,{"抓","claw","抓","这是一个抓",0,0,0,0,0,0,0,16},{},0,{},{},{},false,true}, {"野狗","dog","这是一只野狗",3000,3000,150,70,100,100,110,200,{"抓","claw","抓","这是一个抓",0,0,0,0,0,0,0,16},{},0,{},{},{},false,true}, {"野狗","dog","这是一只野狗",3000,3000,150,70,100,100,110,200,{"抓","claw","抓","这是一个抓",0,0,0,0,0,0,0,16},{},0,{},{},{},false,true}, {"野狗","dog","这是一只野狗",3000,3000,150,70,100,100,110,200,{"抓","claw","抓","这是一个抓",0,0,0,0,0,0,0,16},{},0,{},{},{},false,true}, {"野狗","dog","这是一只野狗",3000,3000,150,70,100,100,110,200,{"抓","claw","抓","这是一个抓",0,0,0,0,0,0,0,16},{},0,{},{},{},false,true}, {"野狗","dog","这是一只野狗",3000,3000,150,70,100,100,110,200,{"抓","claw","抓","这是一个抓",0,0,0,0,0,0,0,16},{},0,{},{},{},false,true}, {"野狗","dog","这是一只野狗",3000,3000,150,70,100,100,110,200,{"抓","claw","抓","这是一个抓",0,0,0,0,0,0,0,16},{},0,{},{},{},false,true}, }, {}, {}, {"千年古董","MillenniumAntiques","这是一个千年古董,看上去能买一个好价钱!",2000000}, {"north","south"}, {3,0}, {}, {}, {}, false },//6 //副本区域(进入副本) { "副本区域(进入副本)", "instances_inter", "这是副本区域,玩家可以进入副本去赚取大量经验和铜钱", {}, {}, {}, { {"您已进入副本区域,可以选择副本","捡起物品即可进入相应副本","您已进入副本区域,可以选择副本",0}, {"富人家副本[建议经验1000时进入]","A","",0}, {"森林副本[建议经验500时进入]","B","",0}, {"胡斐副本[建议经验2500时进入]","C","",0}, {"练习室[无条件即可进入]","D","",0}, }, {"up"}, {0}, {}, {}, {}, false },//7 //副本1: 财主家 {},//财主家入口 8 {},//大院 9 {},//走廊1 10 {},//走廊2 11 {},//走廊3 12 {},//走廊4 13 {},//走廊5 14 {},//走廊6 15 {},//走廊7 16 {},//接待室 17 {},//密室 18 {},//莲花池 19 //副本2: 森林 {},//林间空地 20 {},//草丛 21 {},//小树林 22 {},//大树林 23 {},//树林深处 24 {},//洞穴 25 //武当 { "武当派", "wudang", "武当:血厚,防高,控制强,讲究以柔克刚。使用武器:剑", { { "张三丰","ZhangSanFeng","这是一个糟糟蹋蹋的道士,武当派的掌门",1000000,1000000,50000,1000,1000,5000,5000,200,{"武当长剑","wudang-sword","剑","这是武当派的专用剑",0,0,0,0,0,0,0,2,1,{}},{ZhangSanfeng_skills[0],ZhangSanfeng_skills[1],ZhangSanfeng_skills[2],ZhangSanfeng_skills[3],ZhangSanfeng_skills[4],ZhangSanfeng_skills[5],ZhangSanfeng_skills[6],ZhangSanfeng_skills[7]},3,{},{},{},true }, { "周伯通","ZhouBoTong","这是武当派中算强的那个,号称老顽童",500000,500000,20000,1000,1000,5000,5000,200,{"太极剑","taiji-sword","剑","这是一把太极剑",100,100,100,100,100,100,100,6,1,{}},{ZhouBoTong_skills[0],ZhouBoTong_skills[1],ZhouBoTong_skills[2],ZhouBoTong_skills[3],ZhouBoTong_skills[4],ZhouBoTong_skills[5],ZhouBoTong_skills[6]},4,{},{},{},true }, { "宋远桥","SongYuanQiao","武当七侠之一",250000,250000,1000,100,100,4000,4000,200,{"太极剑","taiji-sword","剑","这是一把太极剑",100,100,100,100,100,100,100,6,3,{}},{SongYuanQiao_skills[0],SongYuanQiao_skills[1],SongYuanQiao_skills[2]},2,{},{},{},true }, }, { {"武当长剑","wudang-sword","剑","这是武当派的专用剑",3500,200,10,10,10,10,10,2,1,{}}, {"武当长剑","wudang-sword","剑","这是武当派的专用剑",3500,200,10,10,10,10,10,2,1,{}}, {"武当长剑","wudang-sword","剑","这是武当派的专用剑",3500,200,10,10,10,10,10,2,1,{}}, }, { { "武当剑法秘籍","wudang-swordbook",{"「武当剑法」", "你一式「2三环套月s」,连续三招,手中w化作三道光朝e飞去", "wudang-sword", 2, 1, "剑", 2, 2, 2, 0, 2, 3, 2, 20, true, 2},0,{},{},"这是一本关于武当剑法的书",10000 }, { "武当身法秘籍","wudang-stepbook",{"「武当身法」", "你一招「2移步换行s」,双脚一用力,往旁边一闪,瞬间将e的招数躲了过去", "wudang-step", 0, 1, "无", 0, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, 20, false, 0},0,{},{},"这是一本关于武当身法的书",10000 } }, { { "木人桩","woodman","练功用的木人桩",100 }, { "木人桩","woodman","练功用的木人桩",100 }, }, {"down"}, {0}, {}, {}, {}, false },//26 //丐帮 { "丐帮", "gaibang", "丐帮:近身缠斗,骤雨连打。使用武器:拳,棍", { { "汪剑通","WangJianTong","丐帮帮主",1000000,1000000,50000,5000,2000,2000,2000,2000,weap["qimeigun"],{ZhangSanfeng_skills[0],ZhangSanfeng_skills[1],ZhangSanfeng_skills[2]},3,{},{},{},true }, { "马大元","MaDaYuan","丐帮副帮主",500000,500000,30000,1000,1500,1500,2000,2000,weap["qimeigun"],{ZhouBoTong_skills[0],ZhouBoTong_skills[1],ZhouBoTong_skills[2],ZhouBoTong_skills[3]},4,{},{},{},true }, { "吴长风","WuChangFeng","丐帮四大长老之一",250000,250000,1000,100,100,4000,4000,200,weap["qimeigun"],{SongYuanQiao_skills[0],SongYuanQiao_skills[1]},2,{},{},{},true }, }, { weap["qimeigun"], weap["qimeigun"], weap["qimeigun"], }, { { "混天功秘籍","huntian-gongbook",{"「混天功」", "你错步上前,一招2靛沧海s之「2深渊势s」,双掌猛然卷一股滔天寒流,席卷e全身", "huntian-gong", 1, 1, "拳", 2, 2, 0, 0, 2, 5, 5, 20, true, 1},0,{"「基本拳法」","「基本拳脚」"},{10,10},"这是一本关于混天功的书",10000 }, { "铜锤手秘籍","tongchui-handbook",{"「铜锤手」", "你双手划弧,双掌轮番拍出,使一招「2威震八方s」砍向e的面门", "tongchui-hand", 2, 1, "无", 2, 2, 0, 0, 0, 3, 3, 5, true, 2},0,{"「基本拳法」","「基本拳脚」"},{20,20},"这是一本关于铜锤手的书",10000 } }, { { "木人桩","woodman","练功用的木人桩",100 }, { "木人桩","woodman","练功用的木人桩",100 }, }, {"down"}, {0}, {}, {}, {}, false },//27 {},//江岸 28 {},//道路 29 {},//木屋 30 {},//宝库 31 {},//江面1 32 {},//江面2 33 {},//江岸2 34 {},//雪地1 35 {},//雪地2 36 {},//雪地3 37 {},//雪地4 38 //垃圾桶 { "垃圾桶", "trashcan", "你是怎么进来的...", {}, { { "垃圾1","garbage1","垃圾","一个垃圾",0,0,0,0,0,0,0,16 }, { "垃圾2","garbage2","垃圾","一个垃圾",0,0,0,0,0,0,0,16 }, }, { { "垃圾3","garbage3",{"「武当剑法」", "你一式「2三环套月s」,连续三招,手中w化作三道光朝e飞去", "wudang-sword", 2, 1, "剑", 2, 2, 2, 0, 2, 3, 2, 20, true, 20},0,{},{},"一个垃圾",0 }, { "垃圾4","garbage4",{"「武当身法」", "你一招「2移步换行s」,双脚一用力,往旁边一闪,瞬间将e的招数躲了过去", "wudang-step", 0, 1, "无", 0, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, 20, false, 0},0,{},{},"一个垃圾",0 }, { "垃圾5","garbage5",{"「倚天剑法」", "你大叫:\n4倚天不出!\n1谁与争锋!s\n一式「4神剑佛威s」,屈腕云剑,剑光如彩碟纷飞,幻出点点星光飘向e", "yitian-sword", 20, 1, "剑", 10, 50, 50, 10, 10, 10, 100, true, 20},0,{"「基本剑法」"},{500},"一个垃圾",0 }, { "垃圾6","garbage6",{"「空明拳」", "你凝神聚力,以极快的速度出拳\n\t4空明拳之意!s", "kongming-fist", 20, 1, "拳", 1000, 500, 500, 100, 10, 1, 10, true, 200},0,{"「基本拳法」"},{500},"一个垃圾",0 }, { "垃圾7","garbage7",{"「追风步」", "你一个「2随风而舞s」,身形飘忽不定,躲过了e这一招", "zhuifeng-step", 0, 1, "剑", 1, 0, 0, 10, 1, 0, 0, 0, false, 0},0,{},{},"一个垃圾",0 }, { "垃圾8","garbage8",{"「混天功」", "你错步上前,一招2靛沧海s之「2深渊势s」,双掌猛然卷一股滔天寒流,席卷e全身", "huntian-gong", 1, 1, "拳", 2, 2, 0, 0, 2, 5, 5, 20, true, 10},0,{"「基本拳法」","「基本拳脚」"},{10,10},"一个垃圾",0 }, { "垃圾9","garbage9",{"「铜锤手」", "你双手划弧,双掌轮番拍出,使一招「2威震八方s」砍向e的面门", "tongchui-hand", 2, 1, "拳", 2, 2, 0, 0, 0, 3, 3, 5, true, 20},0,{"「基本拳法」","「基本拳脚」"},{20,20},"一个垃圾",0 }, { "垃圾10","garbage10",{"「昊天掌」", "e使一招「5海上明月c」,左手轻轻一挥,劈向你", "haotian-fist", 2, 1, "拳", 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 0, true, 20},0,{"「基本掌法」"},{30},"一个垃圾",0 }, { "垃圾11","garbage11",{"「太极剑」", "e虚步提腰,一招「6蜻蜓点水c」,手中q轻轻颤动,一剑剑点向你", "taiji-sword", 5, 1, "剑", 50, 25, 25, 5, 5, 2, 3, 1, true, 50},0,{"「基本剑法」"},{50},"一个垃圾",0 }, { "垃圾12","garbage12",{"天罡尘法「扫」字诀", "你身体往下一蹲,一招2天罡尘法s之「1扫s」字诀,手中w在空中一挥,再往e的小腿一扫", "tiangangwhip-sao", 3, 1, "鞭", 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 5, 20, true, 30},0,{"「基本鞭法」"},{10},"一个垃圾",0 }, { "垃圾13","garbage13",{"天罡尘法「连」字诀", "你手中w一抖,一式2天罡尘法s之「1连s」字诀,连续几招,挥向e", "tiangangwhip-lian", 1, 1, "鞭", 2, 2, 0, 0, 0, 5, 3, 5, true, 20},0,{"「基本鞭法」"},{20},"一个垃圾",0 }, { "垃圾14","garbage14",{"「铸剑法」", "你右脚往前一步,一招2铸剑法s之「2铸剑天下s」,手中w在空中划两圈,四周空气先后凝成剑状,向e刺去", "build-sword", 1, 1, "剑", 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5, 5, 20, true, 10},0,{"「基本剑法」"},{10},"一个垃圾",0 }, { "垃圾15","garbage15",{"「反弹剑法」", "你高举手中w,躲闪过e的攻击,顺着e的杀气,一式「2反弹绝技s」带着卷起的一股寒流,劈向e", "fantan-sword", 2, 1, "剑", 2, 2, 0, 0, 0, 3, 3, 5, true, 20},0,{"「基本剑法」"},{20},"一个垃圾",0 }, { "垃圾16","garbage16",{"「先天太极」", "你运转先天真气,双掌回圈,顿时一波澎湃的气劲直袭e,正是所学6先天太极s之「4先天功法s」", "xiantian-taiji", 5, 1, "拳", 0, 0, 0, 3, 0, 5, 0, 20, true, 50},0,{},{},"一个垃圾",0 }, { "垃圾17","garbage17",{"「云梯纵」", "e双手一挥,脚尖点地,一招「1云梯纵s」,瞬间变到了你的身后,使你的招数统统落空", "yunti-zong", 0, 1, "无", 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 0, false, 0},0,{},{},"一个垃圾",0 }, { "垃圾18","garbage18",{"「太极拳」", "e左手回收,右手由钩变掌,由右向左,使一招「6提手上式s」,向你打来", "taiji-fist", 1, 1, "拳", 10, 5, 5, 1, 1, 5, 1, 1, true, 10},0,{},{},"一个垃圾",0 }, { "垃圾19","garbage19",{"「武当剑法」", "你一式「2三环套月s」,连续三招,手中w化作三道光朝e飞去", "wudang-sword", 2, 1, "剑", 2, 2, 2, 0, 2, 3, 2, 20, true},0,{},{},"一个垃圾",0 }, { "垃圾20","garbage20",{"「武当身法」", "你一招「2移步换行s」,双脚一用力,往旁边一闪,瞬间将e的招数躲了过去", "wudang-step", 0, 1, "无", 0, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, 20, false},0,{},{},"一个垃圾",0 }, { "垃圾21","garbage21",{"「武当剑法」", "你一式「2三环套月s」,连续三招,手中w化作三道光朝e飞去", "wudang-sword", 2, 1, "剑", 2, 2, 2, 0, 2, 3, 2, 20, true},0,{},{},"一个垃圾",0 }, { "垃圾22","garbage22",{"「武当身法」", "你一招「2移步换行s」,双脚一用力,往旁边一闪,瞬间将e的招数躲了过去", "wudang-step", 0, 1, "无", 0, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, 20, false},0,{},{},"一个垃圾",0 }, }, { { "垃圾23","garbage23","一个垃圾",0 }, { "垃圾24","garbage24","一个垃圾",0 }, }, {"down"}, {0}, {}, {}, {}, false },//39 //矿洞 { "矿洞", "cave", "这里到处都是矿,玩家可以在这里采集矿物", {}, {}, {}, { {"输入mine <次数>来挖矿,挖一次10秒","","",0} }, {"east"}, {2}, {}, {}, {}, false },//40 //铸剑山庄 { "铸剑山庄", "zhujian_villa", "铸剑山庄:血厚,善近战,可反弹攻击。使用武器:自己制造的剑", { { "张三丰","ZhangSanFeng","这是一个糟糟蹋蹋的道士,武当派的掌门",1000000,1000000,50000,1000,1000,5000,5000,200,{"武当长剑","wudang-sword","剑","这是武当派的专用剑",0,0,0,0,0,0,0,2,1,{}},{ZhangSanfeng_skills[0],ZhangSanfeng_skills[1],ZhangSanfeng_skills[2],ZhangSanfeng_skills[3],ZhangSanfeng_skills[4],ZhangSanfeng_skills[5],ZhangSanfeng_skills[6],ZhangSanfeng_skills[7]},3,{},{},{},true }, { "周伯通","ZhouBoTong","这是武当派中算强的那个,号称老顽童",500000,500000,20000,1000,1000,5000,5000,200,{"太极剑","taiji-sword","剑","这是一把太极剑",100,100,100,100,100,100,100,6,1,{}},{ZhouBoTong_skills[0],ZhouBoTong_skills[1],ZhouBoTong_skills[2],ZhouBoTong_skills[3],ZhouBoTong_skills[4],ZhouBoTong_skills[5],ZhouBoTong_skills[6]},4,{},{},{},true }, { "宋远桥","SongYuanQiao","武当七侠之一",250000,250000,1000,100,100,4000,4000,200,{"太极剑","taiji-sword","剑","这是一把太极剑",100,100,100,100,100,100,100,6,3,{}},{SongYuanQiao_skills[0],SongYuanQiao_skills[1],SongYuanQiao_skills[2]},2,{},{},{},true }, }, { weap["iron_sword"], weap["iron_sword"], weap["iron_sword"], }, { { "铸剑秘籍","build-swordbook",{"「铸剑法」", "你右脚往前一步,一招2铸剑法s之「2铸剑天下s」,手中w在空中划两圈,四周空气先后凝成剑状,向e刺去", "build-sword", 1, 1, "剑", 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5, 5, 20, true, 1},0,{"「基本剑法」"},{10},"这是一本关于铸剑法的书",10000 }, { "反弹剑法秘籍","fantan-swordbook",{"「反弹剑法」", "你高举手中w,躲闪过e的攻击,顺着e的杀气,一式「2反弹绝技s」带着卷起的一股寒流,劈向e", "fantan-sword", 2, 1, "剑", 2, 2, 0, 0, 0, 3, 3, 5, true, 2},0,{"「基本剑法」"},{20},"这是一本关于反弹剑法的书",10000 } }, { { "锻造台","forging_table","用来铸剑的锻造台",100 }, { "木人桩","woodman","练功用的木人桩",100 }, }, { "down" }, { 0 }, {}, {}, {}, false },//41 {},//练习室 42 //道家 { "道家", "daojia", "道家:学问多,攻击强。使用武器:拂尘", { { "老子(《技能大乱斗》制作者)","Let_it_go","他是《技能大乱斗》游戏的制作者——Let it go。",1000000,1000000,50000,1000,1000,5000,5000,200,{"天罡尘","tiangang-whip","鞭","这是道家门派的拂尘",0,0,0,0,0,0,0,6},{ZhangSanfeng_skills[0],ZhangSanfeng_skills[1],ZhangSanfeng_skills[2],ZhangSanfeng_skills[3],ZhangSanfeng_skills[4],ZhangSanfeng_skills[5],ZhangSanfeng_skills[6],ZhangSanfeng_skills[7]},3,{},{},{},true }, { "文物管理局局长","JuZhang","NOI里的大佬",500000,500000,20000,1000,1000,5000,5000,200,{"天罡尘","tiangang-whip","鞭","这是道家门派的拂尘",0,0,0,0,0,0,0,6},{ZhouBoTong_skills[0],ZhouBoTong_skills[1],ZhouBoTong_skills[2],ZhouBoTong_skills[3],ZhouBoTong_skills[4],ZhouBoTong_skills[5],ZhouBoTong_skills[6]},4,{},{},{},true }, { "道家第四代弟子","DiZi","一个普普通通的弟子",250000,250000,1000,100,100,4000,4000,200,{"天罡尘","tiangang-whip","鞭","这是道家门派的拂尘",0,0,0,0,0,0,0,6},{SongYuanQiao_skills[0],SongYuanQiao_skills[1],SongYuanQiao_skills[2]},2,{},{},{},true }, }, { {"拂尘","dusting","鞭","这是一个拂尘,手柄用木头制成",100,50,0,100,0,-5,10,16}, {"拂尘","dusting","鞭","这是一个拂尘,手柄用木头制成",100,50,0,100,0,-5,10,16}, {"拂尘","dusting","鞭","这是一个拂尘,手柄用木头制成",100,50,0,100,0,-5,10,16}, }, { { "天罡尘法【扫】字诀秘籍","tiangangwhip-saobook",{"天罡尘法「扫」字诀", "你身体往下一蹲,一招2天罡尘法s之「1扫s」字诀,手中w在空中一挥,再往e的小腿一扫", "tiangangwhip-sao", 3, 1, "鞭", 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 5, 20, true, 5},0,{"「基本鞭法」"},{10},"这是一本关于天罡尘法【扫】字诀的书",10000 }, { "天罡尘法【连】字诀秘籍","tiangangwhip-lianbook",{"天罡尘法「连」字诀", "你手中w一抖,一式2天罡尘法s之「1连s」字诀,连续几招,挥向e", "tiangangwhip-lian", 1, 1, "鞭", 2, 2, 0, 0, 0, 3, 3, 5, true, 3},0,{"「基本鞭法」"},{20},"这是一本关于天罡尘法【连】字诀的书",10000 } }, { { "木人桩","woodman","练功用的木人桩",100 }, }, { "down" }, { 0 }, {}, {}, {}, false },//43 //武道塔 { "武道塔", "wudaota", "你现在处于1层", { {"张慧文","guard","他是武道塔1层的守卫者,你需要打败他,才能进入2层",1000,1000,100,10,1000,1000,0,0,{"精铁剑","iron_sword","剑","用精铁铸成的剑,很坚硬",100,100,0,0,0,-10,10,16},{},0,{},{},{},false}, }, {}, { {"1,输入out离开","输入wudaota进入"}, {"2,输入up进入下一层","要在击杀守卫后才能进入"}, }, {}, {"out","up"}, {0}, {}, {}, {}, false },//44 //打铁铺 { "打铁铺", "smithy", "叮叮当当的响声,让你觉得厌烦", { {"打铁工人","worker","他是在打铁铺工作的工人",1000,1000,100,10,1000,1000,0,0,{},{},0,{},{},{},false}, {"打铁工人","worker","他是在打铁铺工作的工人",1000,1000,100,10,1000,1000,0,0,{},{},0,{},{},{},false}, {"师傅","MasterWorker","他是那位工人的师傅",1000,1000,100,10,1000,1000,0,0,{},{},0,{},{},{},false}, }, {}, {}, { {"请勿击杀上面的好心人,不然你就不能打造自己的武器了...","系统提醒","请勿击杀上面两位好心人,不然你就不能打造自己的武器了..."}, {"输入build来打造武器","系统提醒",""}, }, {"east"}, {3}, {}, {}, {}, true },//45 //任务地点 { "官府", "government", "这里是官府发布榜文的地方,各大武林人士都会在这里领取任务", { {"刺客","assassin","这是正在领取任务的刺客",2000,2000,50,10,5000,5000,100,100,{"绣花针","needle","这是一把暗器","剑",0},{cike_skills[0],cike_skills[1]},1,{},{},{},false}, }, {}, {}, { {"告示","notice1"," ___________\n|两 朕 道 谁|\n|! 赏 塔 敢|\n| 他 一 去|\n| 五 层 闯|\n| 银 , 武|\n|___________|",0}, }, {"east"}, {1}, {}, {}, {}, true },//46 //活动大厅 { "活动大厅", "hall", "这里是玩家们进入各种活动的地方", { {"礼包使者","GiftMessenger","他是这里专门派发奖品的人,身后背着一个袋子,里面不知道装着什么",2000,2000,50,10,5000,5000,100,100,{"拳头","fist","这是一个拳头","拳",0},{},0,{},{},{},false,false}, {"西瓜","watermelon","一个又大又圆的西瓜",10000,10000}, {"闯关的山东剑客","walker","武士 闯关的山东剑客\n他的功夫看起来不知所以\n他装备着:\n·精铁剑\n",3150,4230,230,30,1249,2112,234,260,weap["iron_sword"],{{},},0,{},{},{},false,false}, }, {}, {}, {}, {"back"}, {0}, {}, {}, {}, true },//47 }; ro instancesroom1[12] = { //财主家入口 { "财主家入口", "inter", "面前就是大门了,击败门口的守卫就能进入", { { "守卫","guard","守卫着大门的守卫,一个个身穿银甲,手持大刀",5000,5000,200,100,200,200,3000,3000,weap["blade"],{},0,{},{},{"钥匙(不能出售)","key","这把钥匙似乎是用来开大门的",1} }, { "守卫","guard","守卫着大门的守卫,一个个身穿银甲,手持大刀",5000,5000,200,100,200,200,3000,3000,weap["blade"],{},0,{},{},{"钥匙(不能出售)","key","这把钥匙似乎是用来开大门的",1} } }, {}, {}, {{"小石头(别想着卖钱了,0元)","stone","你无不无聊...竟然还去捡这东西...",0}}, {"east"}, {9}, {}, {}, {}, false }, //大院 { "大院", "compound", "这人的大院可真大,足足有90平方米... 只见两个管家站在大院中央", { { "管家","housekeeper","为庄主服务的仆人",2000,2000,100,50,100,100,200,200,weap["club"],{{"「绝门棍」", "e动用绝招「1绝门棍s」,原地一个后滚翻,却在落地的一刹那,身体向你平飞过去,手中q指向你的胸膛", "juemen-club", 1000, 100, "棍", 10, 10, 10, 10, 5, 1, 5, 5, true}},1,{},{},{} }, { "管家","housekeeper","为庄主服务的仆人",2000,2000,100,50,100,100,200,200,weap["club"],{{"「绝门棍」", "e动用绝招「1绝门棍s」,原地一个后滚翻,却在落地的一刹那,身体向你平飞过去,手中q指向你的胸膛", "juemen-club", 1000, 100, "棍", 10, 10, 10, 10, 5, 1, 5, 5, true}},1,{},{},{} }, }, {}, {}, {}, {"north","south","east","west"}, {10,11,17,8}, {}, {}, {}, false }, //走廊1 { "走廊", "corridor", "走在这里神清气爽,不远处就是莲花池", {}, {}, {}, {}, {"south","east"}, {9,12}, {}, {}, {}, false }, //走廊2 { "走廊", "corridor", "走在这里神清气爽,不远处就是莲花池", {}, {}, {}, {}, {"north","east"}, {9,13}, {}, {}, {}, false }, //走廊3 { "走廊", "corridor", "走在这里神清气爽,不远处就是莲花池", {}, {}, {}, {}, {"west","east"}, {10,14}, {}, {}, {}, false }, //走廊4 { "走廊", "corridor", "走在这里神清气爽,不远处就是莲花池", {}, {}, {}, {}, {"west","east"}, {11,16}, {}, {}, {}, false }, //走廊5 { "走廊", "corridor", "走在这里神清气爽,不远处就是莲花池", {}, {}, {}, {}, {"west","south"}, {12,15}, {}, {}, {}, false }, //走廊6 { "走廊", "corridor", "走在这里神清气爽,不远处就是莲花池", {}, {}, {}, {}, {"north","south","east"}, {14,16,19}, {}, {}, {}, false }, //走廊7 { "走廊", "corridor", "走在这里神清气爽,不远处就是莲花池", {}, {}, {}, {}, {"north","west"}, {15,13}, {}, {}, {}, false }, //接待室 { "接待室", "ReceptionRoom", "这里是接待室,一位身强力壮的武将手持长剑站在里面", { { "武将","general","站在这里的武将,凶神恶煞,带着一股杀气,手里握着宝剑",10000,10000,1000,100,1000,1000,10000,10000,weap["sword2"],{},0,{},{},{} }, }, {}, {}, {}, {"west","down"}, {10,18}, {}, {}, {{"武将恶狠狠的说:“来者何人!报上姓名!”","","武将恶狠狠的说:“来者何人!报上姓名!”",0}}, false }, //密室 { "接待室", "ReceptionRoom", "这里是密室,一个潮湿的房间,你刚进去,门就“卡”的一声关了", { { "武将","general","站在这里的武将,凶神恶煞,带着一股杀气,手里握着宝剑",10000,10000,1000,100,1000,1000,10000,10000,weap["sword2"],{},0,{},{},{} }, { "武将","general","站在这里的武将,凶神恶煞,带着一股杀气,手里握着宝剑",10000,10000,1000,100,1000,1000,10000,10000,weap["sword2"],{},0,{},{},{} }, { "财主","richman","这个大别墅的主人,他已经发疯了",10000,10000,1000,100,1000,1000,10000,10000,weap["sword2"],{},0,{},{},{"钱包[卖掉就会有2.5金]","bag","钱包",50000} } }, {}, {}, {}, {"out"}, {0}, {}, {}, {}, false }, //莲花池 { "莲花池", "LotusPond", "这里是莲花池,花香四溢", {}, {}, {}, {}, {"west"}, {16}, {}, {}, { {"莲花","lotus","一朵清香四溢的莲花,因该会有人买",1000}, {"莲花","lotus","一朵清香四溢的莲花,因该会有人买",1000}, {"莲花","lotus","一朵清香四溢的莲花,因该会有人买",1000} }, false }, }; ro instancesroom2[6] = { //林间空地 { "林间空地", "glade", "你身处于林间空地,准备向森林出发", { { "小虫子","bug","编程里的BUG,为了编程好,干了他!",1000,1000,100,10,100,100,100,100,{"拳头","fist","拳","这是一个拳头",0,0,0,0,0,0,0,16},{},0,{},{},{} }, { "小虫子","bug","编程里的BUG,为了编程好,干了他!",1000,1000,100,10,100,100,100,100,{"拳头","fist","拳","这是一个拳头",0,0,0,0,0,0,0,16},{},0,{},{},{} }, { "小虫子","bug","编程里的BUG,为了编程好,干了他!",1000,1000,100,10,100,100,100,100,{"拳头","fist","拳","这是一个拳头",0,0,0,0,0,0,0,16},{},0,{},{},{} }, }, {}, {}, {}, {"west"}, {21}, {}, {}, {}, false }, //草丛 { "草丛", "grass", "草丛中,似乎有什么东西在动,你拨开草丛,验证了你的猜想,一些动物对你发起了进攻!", { { "小蛇","snake","一只无毒的小蛇,向你发起进攻",2000,2000,200,20,200,200,200,200,{"拳头","fist","拳","这是一个拳头",0,0,0,0,0,0,0,16},{},0,{},{},{} }, { "老鼠","mouse","一只小老鼠,向你发起进攻",1000,1000,100,10,5000,5000,100,100,{"拳头","fist","拳","这是一个拳头",0,0,0,0,0,0,0,16},{},0,{},{},{} }, { "老鼠","mouse","一只小老鼠,向你发起进攻",1000,1000,100,10,5000,5000,100,100,{"拳头","fist","拳","这是一个拳头",0,0,0,0,0,0,0,16},{},0,{},{},{} }, }, {}, {}, {}, {"east","west"}, {20,22}, {}, {}, {}, false }, //小树林 { "小树林", "woods", "往前走,树木越来越茂盛了", { { "竹叶青","snake","一只竹叶青,含有剧毒",3000,3000,200,20,200,200,200,200,{"拳头","fist","拳","这是一个拳头",0,0,0,0,0,0,0,16},{{"「剧毒之咬」", "e的头向你猛扎过去,剧毒的牙齿在你身上造成了三个孔", "judu-bite", 1000, 100, "无", 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 3, 10, 10, true}},1,{},{},{} }, }, {}, {}, {}, {"east","west"}, {21,23}, {}, {}, {}, false }, //大树林 { "大树林", "forest", "往前走,树木越来越茂盛了", { { "竹叶青","snake","一只竹叶青,含有剧毒",3000,3000,200,20,200,200,200,200,{"拳头","fist","拳","这是一个拳头",0,0,0,0,0,0,0,16},{{"「剧毒之咬」", "e的头向你猛扎过去,剧毒的牙齿在你身上造成了三个孔", "judu-bite", 1000, 100, "无", 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 3, 10, 10, true}},1,{},{},{} }, }, {}, {}, {}, {"east","west"}, {22,24}, {}, {}, {}, false }, //树林深处 { "树林深处", "forest", "这里只有几束光从茂盛的树叶中射出来,显得昏暗无比", { { "竹叶青","snake","一只竹叶青,含有剧毒",3000,3000,200,20,200,200,200,200,{"拳头","fist","拳","这是一个拳头",0,0,0,0,0,0,0,16},{{"「剧毒之咬」", "e的头向你猛扎过去,剧毒的牙齿在你身上造成了三个孔", "judu-bite", 1000, 100, "无", 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 3, 10, 10, true}},1,{},{},{} }, { "猛兽","Beast","一头猛兽,朝你冲过来",5000,5000,300,35,200,200,200,200,{"拳头","fist","拳","这是一个拳头",0,0,0,0,0,0,0,16},{{"「冲撞」", "e的头向你撞了过去", "chongzhuang", 2000, 100, "无", 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 1, 10, 10, true}},1,{},{},{} }, { "猛兽","Beast","一头猛兽,朝你冲过来",5000,5000,300,35,200,200,200,200,{"拳头","fist","拳","这是一个拳头",0,0,0,0,0,0,0,16},{{"「冲撞」", "e的头向你撞了过去", "chongzhuang", 2000, 100, "无", 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 1, 10, 10, true}},1,{},{},{} }, }, {}, {}, {}, {"east","west"}, {23,25}, {}, {}, {}, false }, //洞穴 { "洞穴", "den", "洞穴里面黑乎乎的,你感觉有东西在里面动", { { "狼王","wolf","狼王,森林之王",5000,5000,500,40,4000,4000,200,200,{"拳头","fist","拳","这是一个拳头",0,0,0,0,0,0,0,16},{{"「朝天吼」", "e使一招「1朝天吼s」,声音穿透了整个森林", "chaotian-hou", 2000, 100, "无", 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 1, 10, 10, true}},1,{},{},{"钱包[卖掉50银]","bag","卖掉50银",10000} }, }, {}, {}, {}, {"east","out"}, {24,0}, {}, {}, {}, false }, }; ro instancesroom3[11] = { //江岸 { "江岸", "riverbank", "旁边的江面波涛汹涌", { { "船夫","boatman","一位负责撑船的船夫",1000,1000,100,10,100,100,100,100,{"拳头","fist","拳","这是一个拳头",0,0,0,0,0,0,0,16},{},0,{"船桨","oar","棍","用来划船的船桨"},{},{} }, }, {}, {}, {}, {"west","east"}, {32,29}, {}, {}, {}, false }, //道路 { "道路", "road", "不远处可以看见一个木屋", { { "黑熊","bear","一头黑熊,准备发起进攻",20000,20000,1000,100,1000,1000,1000,1000,{"拳头","fist","拳","这是一个拳头",0,0,0,0,0,0,0,16},{},0,{},{},{"熊胆","gall","一种上好的药材,能卖个好价钱",10000} }, { "黑熊","bear","一头黑熊,准备发起进攻",20000,20000,1000,100,1000,1000,1000,1000,{"拳头","fist","拳","这是一个拳头",0,0,0,0,0,0,0,16},{},0,{},{},{"熊胆","gall","一种上好的药材,能卖个好价钱",10000} }, }, {}, {}, {}, {"north","west","east"}, {30,28,31}, {}, {}, {}, false }, //木屋 { "木屋", "house", "一个温馨的木屋,中间站着胡斐", { { "胡斐","HuFei","胡家刀法使用最好者胡一刀的儿子,有胡家刀法秘籍",75000,75000,6500,500,5000,5000,5000,5000,weap["blade"],{{"「闯王刀法」", "e挥舞q,使出一招「5气破金汤s」,上劈下撩,左挡右开,齐齐罩向你", "chuangwang-blade", 15000, 100, "刀", 10, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 4, 1,true}},0,{"闯王刀法秘籍","chuangwang-bladebook",{"「闯王刀法」", "e挥舞q,使出一招「5气破金汤s」,上劈下撩,左挡右开,齐齐罩向你", "chuangwang-blade", 3, 100, "刀", 10, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 20, 1,true},0,{"「基本刀法」"},{50},"这是一本记载着闯王刀法的书",200000},{},{"宝库钥匙","key","宝库的钥匙,听说里面藏着闯王宝刀...",0}}, }, {}, {}, { { "那个阎基真的是可恶,自从抢了我们家胡家刀法两页,法力大涨,竟成了一个绿林大盗!","胡斐","胡斐:那个阎基真的是可恶,自从抢了我们家胡家刀法两页,法力大涨,竟成了一个绿林大盗!",0 }, { "少侠能否帮我一臂之力,除掉那个阎基。","胡斐","胡斐:少侠能否帮我一臂之力,除掉那个阎基。",0 }, }, {"south"}, {29}, {}, {}, {}, false }, //宝库 { "宝库", "house", "你发现在宝库中间,躺着传说的闯王宝刀...", {}, {{ "闯王宝刀","chuangwang-blade","刀","这是传说中失传的闯王宝刀",100000,2000,5400,1000,500,100,100,6 }}, {}, {}, {"west"}, {29}, {}, {}, {}, false }, //江面1 { "江面", "river", "波涛汹涌的江面", {}, {}, {}, {{"渡船","boat","这是一艘渡船",0}}, {"west","east"}, {33,28}, {}, {}, {}, false }, //江面2 { "江面", "river", "波涛汹涌的江面", {}, {}, {}, {{"渡船","boat","这是一艘渡船",0}}, {"west","east"}, {34,32}, {}, {}, {}, false }, //江岸2 { "江岸", "riverbank", "旁边的江面波涛汹涌", { { "船夫","boatman","一位负责撑船的船夫",1000,1000,100,10,100,100,100,100,{"拳头","fist","拳","这是一个拳头",0,0,0,0,0,0,0,16},{},0,{"船桨","oar","棍","用来划船的船桨"},{},{} }, }, {}, {}, {}, {"west","east"}, {35,33}, {}, {}, {}, false }, //雪地1 { "雪地", "snowfield", "白茫茫一片,你迷失了方向...", {}, {}, {}, {}, {"south","east","north","west"}, {36,34,35,35}, {}, {}, {}, false }, //雪地2 { "雪地", "snowfield", "白茫茫一片,你迷失了方向...", {}, {}, {}, {}, {"south","north","east","west"}, {37,35,36,36}, {}, {}, {}, false }, //雪地3 { "雪地", "snowfield", "白茫茫一片,你迷失了方向...", {}, {}, {}, {}, {"south","north","east","west"}, {38,36,37,37}, {}, {}, {}, false }, //雪地4 { "雪地", "snowfield", "在雪地里,你竟发现了胡斐的仇人阎基!!!", { { "阎基","YanJi","胡斐的仇人,拿有胡家刀法秘籍中的三页",50000,50000,2000,200,2000,2000,2000,2000,weap["longblade"],{{"「胡家刀法」", "e蓦的使一招「1八方藏刀s」,顿时剑光中无数朵刀花从四面八方涌向你", "hujia-blade", 5000, 50, "刀", 10, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 15, 1,true}},0,{"胡家刀法秘籍","hujia-bladebook",{"「胡家刀法」", "你蓦的使一招「1八方藏刀s」,顿时剑光中无数朵刀花从四面八方涌向e", "hujia-blade", 2, 1, "刀", 10, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5, 20, 1,true},0,{"「基本刀法」"},{50},"这是一本记载着胡家刀法的书",100000},{},{}}, }, {}, {}, {}, {"north","out"}, {37,0}, {}, {}, {}, false }, }; ro instancesroom4[1] = { //练习室 { "练习室", "fightingroom", "武生们都在这里练习武功", { {"野狗","dog","这是一只野狗",3000,3000,150,70,100,100,110,200,{"抓","claw","抓","这是一个抓",0,0,0,0,0,0,0,16},{},0}, {"野狗","dog","这是一只野狗",3000,3000,150,70,100,100,110,200,{"抓","claw","抓","这是一个抓",0,0,0,0,0,0,0,16},{},0}, {"野狗","dog","这是一只野狗",3000,3000,150,70,100,100,110,200,{"抓","claw","抓","这是一个抓",0,0,0,0,0,0,0,16},{},0}, {"野狗","dog","这是一只野狗",3000,3000,150,70,100,100,110,200,{"抓","claw","抓","这是一个抓",0,0,0,0,0,0,0,16},{},0}, {"野狗","dog","这是一只野狗",3000,3000,150,70,100,100,110,200,{"抓","claw","抓","这是一个抓",0,0,0,0,0,0,0,16},{},0}, {"野狗","dog","这是一只野狗",3000,3000,150,70,100,100,110,200,{"抓","claw","抓","这是一个抓",0,0,0,0,0,0,0,16},{},0}, {"野狗","dog","这是一只野狗",3000,3000,150,70,100,100,110,200,{"抓","claw","抓","这是一个抓",0,0,0,0,0,0,0,16},{},0}, {"野狗","dog","这是一只野狗",3000,3000,150,70,100,100,110,200,{"抓","claw","抓","这是一个抓",0,0,0,0,0,0,0,16},{},0}, {"野狗","dog","这是一只野狗",3000,3000,150,70,100,100,110,200,{"抓","claw","抓","这是一个抓",0,0,0,0,0,0,0,16},{},0}, {"野狗","dog","这是一只野狗",3000,3000,150,70,100,100,110,200,{"抓","claw","抓","这是一个抓",0,0,0,0,0,0,0,16},{},0}, {"野狗","dog","这是一只野狗",3000,3000,150,70,100,100,110,200,{"抓","claw","抓","这是一个抓",0,0,0,0,0,0,0,16},{},0}, {"野狗","dog","这是一只野狗",3000,3000,150,70,100,100,110,200,{"抓","claw","抓","这是一个抓",0,0,0,0,0,0,0,16},{},0}, {"野狗","dog","这是一只野狗",3000,3000,150,70,100,100,110,200,{"抓","claw","抓","这是一个抓",0,0,0,0,0,0,0,16},{},0}, {"野狗","dog","这是一只野狗",3000,3000,150,70,100,100,110,200,{"抓","claw","抓","这是一个抓",0,0,0,0,0,0,0,16},{},0}, }, {}, {}, {}, {"out"}, {0}, {}, {}, {}, false }, }; sk myskill[100]; sk mybasicskill[9] = { {"「基本剑法」", "", "sword", 0, 0, "剑", 0, 0, 5, 0, 2, 0, 0}, {"「基本刀法」", "", "blade", 0, 0, "刀", 0, 0, 5, 0, 2, 0, 0}, {"「基本鞭法」", "", "whip", 0, 0, "鞭", 0, 0, 5, 0, 2, 0, 0}, {"「基本棍法」", "", "club", 0, 0, "棍", 0, 0, 5, 2, 0, 0, 0}, {"「基本拳法」", "", "fist", 0, 0, "拳", 0, 0, 5, 0, 2, 0, 0}, {"「基本掌法」", "", "plam", 0, 0, "无", 0, 0, 5, 0, 2, 0, 0}, {"「基本拳脚」", "", "unarmed", 0, 0, "无", 0, 0, 5, 1, 1, 0, 0}, {"「基本轻功」", "", "dodge", 0, 0, "无", 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0}, {"「基本内功」", "", "force", 0, 0, "无", 10, 5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, }; int myskilli = 0; ro inroom; we bag[200]; bo bag2[200]; th bag3[200]; th minebag[20] = { { "铁矿","iron","",0 }, { "煤矿","coal","",0 }, { "金矿","gold","",0 }, { "钢矿","steel","",0 }, { "铜矿","copper","",0 }, { "黑曜石","obsidian","",0 }, { "精铁矿","refinediron","",0 }, { "钻石","diamond","",0 }, { "银矿","silver","",0 }, { "钛矿","titanium","",0 }, { "钢合金","steel_alloy","",0 }, { "钛合金","titanium_alloy","",0 }, { "钻石合金","diamond_alloy","",0 }, }; int mixed[20][20]; pe x[100]; int y[100], allskilllevel = 0; sk nowdodgeskill; we nweapon = { "拳","fist","拳","这是一个拳",0,0,0,0,0,0,0,16 }; int outroom() { cout << "\t" << inroom.name << "("; color(9); cout << inroom.Englishname; color(16); cout << ")" << endl; cout << inroom.tell << endl; cout << endl; if (inroom.dir[0] == "") { cout << "这里没有任何明显出口"; } else { cout << "这里明显的出口有:"; cout << inroom.dir[0]; for (int i = 1; i < 100; i++) { if (inroom.dir[i] != "") { cout << "," << inroom.dir[i]; } } } cout << endl << endl; for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { if (inroom.people[i].name != "") { cout << inroom.people[i].name << "("; color(3); cout << inroom.people[i].Englishname; color(16); cout << ")"; cout << "["; if (inroom.people[i].health > inroom.people[i].maxhealth / 6 * 5) color(10); else if (inroom.people[i].health > inroom.people[i].maxhealth / 6 * 4) color( 14); else if (inroom.people[i].health > inroom.people[i].maxhealth / 6 * 3) color( 14); else if (inroom.people[i].health > inroom.people[i].maxhealth / 6 * 2) color( 12); else if (inroom.people[i].health > inroom.people[i].maxhealth / 6) color(12); else color(4); cout << inroom.people[i].health; color(16); cout << "/"; color(10); cout << inroom.people[i].maxhealth; color(16); cout << "]" << endl; } } for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { if (inroom.weapon[i].name != "") { color(inroom.weapon[i].lv); cout << inroom.weapon[i].name; color(16); cout << "("; color(3); cout << inroom.weapon[i].Englishname; color(16); cout << ")" << endl; } } for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { if (inroom.book[i].name != "") { cout << inroom.book[i].name << "("; color(3); cout << inroom.book[i].Englishname; color(16); cout << ")" << endl; } } for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { if (inroom.thing[i].name != "") { cout << inroom.thing[i].name << "("; color(3); cout << inroom.thing[i].Englishname; color(16); cout << ")" << endl; } } return 0; } int conversion() { if (coin >= 100) { silver += coin / 100; coin %= 100; } if (silver >= 100) { gold += silver / 100; silver %= 100; } return 0; } int make_corpse(pe people, we weapon) { th corpse = { people.name + "的尸体","corpse","这是" + people.name + "的尸体",10 }; we weap = weapon; weap.name = people.name + "的" + weapon.name; weap.tell = weapon.tell + ",它原来是" + people.name + "的,但" + people.name + "已经被杀了,这个" + weapon.type + "就传到你手中了"; for (int j = 0; j < 100; j++) { if (inroom.people[j].name == people.name) { inroom.people[j] = {}; room[nowroomi].people[j] = {}; break; } } for (int j = 0; j < 100; j++) { if (inroom.thing[j].name == "") { inroom.thing[j] = corpse; room[nowroomi].thing[j] = corpse; break; } } for (int j = 0; j < 100; j++) { if (inroom.weapon[j].name == "") { inroom.weapon[j] = weap; room[nowroomi].weapon[j] = weap; break; } } return 0; } int killall(pe people[100], int peoplenum, int peoplei[100]) { bool cm[100]; for (int i = 0; i < peoplenum; i++) { cm[i] = inroom.people[peoplei[i]].canmove; room[nowroomi].people[peoplei[i]].canmove = false; inroom.people[peoplei[i]].canmove = false; } int yell = rand() % 3; int lastpeople = peoplenum; bool die[100]; pe me = { myname,myEnglishname,"",0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,nweapon,{},0,{},{},{} }; for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { die[i] = false; } if (yell == 0) { cout << "你大叫一声:「"; color(12); cout << "死鬼子!每年的今天,就是你的忌日!"; color(16); cout << "」" << endl; } else if (yell == 1) { cout << "你大喝一声:「"; color(12); cout << "今天不是你死,就是我活!"; color(16); cout << "」" << endl; } else if (yell == 2) { cout << "你大叫一声:「"; color(12); cout << "小子!你的坟墓就定在着了!"; color(16); cout << "」" << endl; } color(12); for (int i = 0; i < peoplenum; i++) { cout << people[i].name << "看起来想要杀死你!" << endl; } color(16); int cooldown[100]; int hcooldown[100]; experience += rand() % 3; potential += rand() % 6; for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { cooldown[i] = 0; hcooldown[i] = 0; } while (1) { for (int i = 0; i < peoplenum; i++) { if (!die[i]) { cout << people[i].Englishname << "[" << people[i].health << "/" << people[i].maxhealth << "]" << endl; } } cout << "请输入攻击者:"; string who; cin >> who; int attackwho = 0; for (int i = 0; i < peoplenum; i++) { if (!die[i]) { attackwho = i; break; } } for (int i = 0; i < peoplenum; i++) { if (people[i].Englishname == who && !die[i]) { attackwho = i; break; } } cout << "-1,普攻 技能:名字<冷却>[内力使用]" << endl; for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { if ((nweapon.type == myskill[i].weapon || myskill[i].weapon == "无") && myskill[i].isattack == true) { cout << i << "," << myskill[i].name << "<" << cooldown[i] << ">[" << myskill[i].forceneed << "] "; } } int which; cin >> which; if (which == -1) { for (int i = 0; i < GeneralAttack[nweapon.type].size(); i++) { if (GeneralAttack[nweapon.type][i] == 'a') { cout << "你"; } else if (GeneralAttack[nweapon.type][i] == 'x') { color(nweapon.lv); cout << nweapon.name; color(16); } else if (GeneralAttack[nweapon.type][i] == 'b') { cout << people[attackwho].name; } else { cout << GeneralAttack[nweapon.type][i]; } } cout << endl << endl; if (rand() % 10000 < people[attackwho].dodge - hit) { cout << people[attackwho].name << "轻轻一跳,躲过了着一招" << endl; } else { int ran = rand() % 40 - 20; if (nweapon.type == "拳") { if (damage + ran - people[attackwho].defense < 0) { cout << "你在对方身上照成了一块於,造成0点伤害!" << endl; } else { cout << "你在对方身上照成了一块於,造成" << damage + ran - people[attackwho].defense << "点伤害!" << endl; people[attackwho].health -= damage + ran - people[attackwho].defense; inroom.people[peoplei[attackwho]].health -= damage + ran - people[attackwho].defense; room[nowroomi].people[peoplei[attackwho]].health -= damage + ran - people[attackwho].defense; } } else { if (damage + ran - people[attackwho].defense < 0) { cout << "你手中"; color(nweapon.lv); cout << nweapon.name; color(16); cout << "击中对方手部,造成0点伤害!" << endl; } else { cout << "你手中"; color(nweapon.lv); cout << nweapon.name; color(16); cout << "击中对方手部,造成" << damage + ran - people[attackwho].defense << "点伤害!" << endl; people[attackwho].health -= damage + ran - people[attackwho].defense; inroom.people[peoplei[attackwho]].health -= damage + ran - people[attackwho].defense; room[nowroomi].people[peoplei[attackwho]].health -= damage + ran - people[attackwho].defense; } } if (people[attackwho].health > people[attackwho].maxhealth / 6 * 5) { cout << "("; color(10); cout << people[attackwho].name << "看起来一点也不累,充满了活力"; color(16); cout << ")" << endl; } else if (people[attackwho].health > people[attackwho].maxhealth / 6 * 4) { cout << "("; color(14); cout << people[attackwho].name << "看上去受了一点小伤,但并不碍事"; color(16); cout << ")" << endl; } else if (people[attackwho].health > people[attackwho].maxhealth / 6 * 3) { cout << "("; color(14); cout << people[attackwho].name << "气喘吁吁,有点累了"; color(16); cout << ")" << endl; } else if (people[attackwho].health > people[attackwho].maxhealth / 6 * 2) { cout << "("; color(12); cout << people[attackwho].name << "摇头晃脑,但还能支撑一会"; color(16); cout << ")" << endl; } else if (people[attackwho].health > people[attackwho].maxhealth / 6) { cout << "("; color(12); cout << people[attackwho].name << "已经力不从心,随时都可能倒下"; color(16); cout << ")" << endl; } else { cout << "("; color(4); cout << people[attackwho].name << "已如风中残烛,生命危在旦夕"; color(16); cout << ")" << endl; } if (people[attackwho].health <= 0) { cout << people[attackwho].name << "大叫一声,倒在地上,死了!" << endl; killnum++; make_corpse(people[attackwho], people[attackwho].weapon); for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { if (inroom.weapon[i].name == "") { inroom.weapon[i] = people[attackwho].dropweapon; room[nowroomi].weapon[i] = people[attackwho].dropweapon; break; } } for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { if (inroom.thing[i].name == "") { inroom.thing[i] = people[attackwho].dropthing; room[nowroomi].thing[i] = people[attackwho].dropthing; break; } } for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { if (inroom.book[i].name == "") { inroom.book[i] = people[attackwho].dropbook; room[nowroomi].book[i] = people[attackwho].dropbook; break; } } die[attackwho] = true; lastpeople--; if (lastpeople == 0) { for (int i = 0; i < peoplenum; i++) { room[nowroomi].people[peoplei[i]].canmove = cm[i]; inroom.people[peoplei[i]].canmove = cm[i]; } return 0; } } } } else if (cooldown[which] == 0 && myskill[which].weapon == nweapon.type && myskill[which].forceneed <= force) { force -= myskill[which].forceneed; cooldown[which] = myskill[which].cooldown; for (int i = 0; i < myskill[which].use.size(); i++) { if (myskill[which].use[i] == 'w') { color(nweapon.lv); cout << nweapon.name; color(16); } else if (myskill[which].use[i] == 'e') { cout << people[attackwho].name; } else if (myskill[which].use[i] == 'q') { color(people[attackwho].weapon.lv); cout << people[attackwho].weapon.name; color(16); } else if (myskill[which].use[i] == '1') { color(1); } else if (myskill[which].use[i] == '2') { color(2); } else if (myskill[which].use[i] == '3') { color(3); } else if (myskill[which].use[i] == '4') { color(4); } else if (myskill[which].use[i] == '5') { color(5); } else if (myskill[which].use[i] == '6') { color(6); } else if (myskill[which].use[i] == '7') { color(7); } else if (myskill[which].use[i] == '8') { color(8); } else if (myskill[which].use[i] == '9') { color(9); } else if (myskill[which].use[i] == 's') { color(16); } else { cout << myskill[which].use[i]; } } cout << endl; cout << "使用了"; color(1); cout << myskill[which].forceneed; color(16); cout << "点内力,剩余"; color(6); cout << force; color(16); cout << "点"; cout << endl; for (int i = 0; i < myskill[which].attacknum; i++) { if (rand() % 10000 < people[attackwho].dodge - hit) { cout << "对方轻轻一跳,躲过了着一招" << endl; } else { int ran = rand() % 40 - 20; if (nweapon.type == "拳") { if (myskill[which].damage + ran - people[attackwho].defense < 0) { cout << "你在对方身上照成了一块於,造成0点伤害!" << endl; } else { cout << "你在对方身上照成了一块於,造成" << myskill[which].damage + ran - people[attackwho].defense << "点伤害!" << endl; people[attackwho].health -= myskill[which].damage + ran - people[attackwho].defense; inroom.people[peoplei[attackwho]].health -= damage + ran - people[attackwho].defense; room[nowroomi].people[peoplei[attackwho]].health -= damage + ran - people[attackwho].defense; } } else { if (myskill[which].damage + ran - people[attackwho].defense < 0) { cout << "你手中"; color(nweapon.lv); cout << nweapon.name; color(16); cout << "击中对方手部,造成0点伤害!" << endl; } else { cout << "你手中"; color(nweapon.lv); cout << nweapon.name; color(16); cout << "击中对方手部,造成" << myskill[which].damage + ran - people[attackwho].defense << "点伤害!" << endl; people[attackwho].health -= myskill[which].damage + ran - people[attackwho].defense; inroom.people[peoplei[attackwho]].health -= damage + ran - people[attackwho].defense; room[nowroomi].people[peoplei[attackwho]].health -= damage + ran - people[attackwho].defense; } } if (people[attackwho].health > people[attackwho].maxhealth / 6 * 5) { cout << "("; color(10); cout << people[attackwho].name << "看起来一点也不累,充满了活力"; color(16); cout << ")" << endl; } else if (people[attackwho].health > people[attackwho].maxhealth / 6 * 4) { cout << "("; color(14); cout << people[attackwho].name << "看上去受了一点小伤,但并不碍事"; color(16); cout << ")" << endl; } else if (people[attackwho].health > people[attackwho].maxhealth / 6 * 3) { cout << "("; color(14); cout << people[attackwho].name << "气喘吁吁,有点累了"; color(16); cout << ")" << endl; } else if (people[attackwho].health > people[attackwho].maxhealth / 6 * 2) { cout << "("; color(12); cout << people[attackwho].name << "摇头晃脑,但还能支撑一会"; color(16); cout << ")" << endl; } else if (people[attackwho].health > people[attackwho].maxhealth / 6) { cout << "("; color(12); cout << people[attackwho].name << "已经力不从心,随时都可能倒下"; color(16); cout << ")" << endl; } else { cout << "("; color(4); cout << people[attackwho].name << "已如风中残烛,生命危在旦夕"; color(16); cout << ")" << endl; } if (people[attackwho].health <= 0) { cout << people[attackwho].name << "大叫一声,倒在地上,死了!" << endl; make_corpse(people[attackwho], people[attackwho].weapon); killnum++; for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { if (inroom.weapon[i].name == "") { inroom.weapon[i] = people[attackwho].dropweapon; room[nowroomi].weapon[i] = people[attackwho].dropweapon; break; } } for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { if (inroom.thing[i].name == "") { inroom.thing[i] = people[attackwho].dropthing; room[nowroomi].thing[i] = people[attackwho].dropthing; break; } } for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { if (inroom.book[i].name == "") { inroom.book[i] = people[attackwho].dropbook; room[nowroomi].book[i] = people[attackwho].dropbook; break; } } die[attackwho] = true; lastpeople--; if (lastpeople == 0) { for (int i = 0; i < peoplenum; i++) { room[nowroomi].people[peoplei[i]].canmove = cm[i]; inroom.people[peoplei[i]].canmove = cm[i]; } return 0; } break; } } } } else { for (int i = 0; i < GeneralAttack[nweapon.type].size(); i++) { if (GeneralAttack[nweapon.type][i] == 'a') { cout << "你"; } else if (GeneralAttack[nweapon.type][i] == 'x') { color(nweapon.lv); cout << nweapon.name; color(16); } else if (GeneralAttack[nweapon.type][i] == 'b') { cout << people[attackwho].name; } else { cout << GeneralAttack[nweapon.type][i]; } } cout << endl << endl; if (rand() % 10000 < people[attackwho].dodge - hit) { cout << people[attackwho].name << "轻轻一跳,躲过了着一招" << endl; } else { int ran = rand() % 40 - 20; if (nweapon.type == "拳") { if (damage + ran - people[attackwho].defense < 0) { cout << "你在对方身上照成了一块於,造成0点伤害!" << endl; } else { cout << "你在对方身上照成了一块於,造成" << damage + ran - people[attackwho].defense << "点伤害!" << endl; people[attackwho].health -= damage + ran - people[attackwho].defense; inroom.people[peoplei[attackwho]].health -= damage + ran - people[attackwho].defense; room[nowroomi].people[peoplei[attackwho]].health -= damage + ran - people[attackwho].defense; } } else { if (damage + ran - people[attackwho].defense < 0) { cout << "你手中"; color(nweapon.lv); cout << nweapon.name; color(16); cout << "击中对方手部,造成0点伤害!" << endl; } else { cout << "你手中"; color(nweapon.lv); cout << nweapon.name; color(16); cout << "击中对方手部,造成" << damage + ran - people[attackwho].defense << "点伤害!" << endl; people[attackwho].health -= damage + ran - people[attackwho].defense; inroom.people[peoplei[attackwho]].health -= damage + ran - people[attackwho].defense; room[nowroomi].people[peoplei[attackwho]].health -= damage + ran - people[attackwho].defense; } } if (people[attackwho].health > people[attackwho].maxhealth / 6 * 5) { cout << "("; color(10); cout << people[attackwho].name << "看起来一点也不累,充满了活力"; color(16); cout << ")" << endl; } else if (people[attackwho].health > people[attackwho].maxhealth / 6 * 4) { cout << "("; color(14); cout << people[attackwho].name << "看上去受了一点小伤,但并不碍事"; color(16); cout << ")" << endl; } else if (people[attackwho].health > people[attackwho].maxhealth / 6 * 3) { cout << "("; color(14); cout << people[attackwho].name << "气喘吁吁,有点累了"; color(16); cout << ")" << endl; } else if (people[attackwho].health > people[attackwho].maxhealth / 6 * 2) { cout << "("; color(12); cout << people[attackwho].name << "摇头晃脑,但还能支撑一会"; color(16); cout << ")" << endl; } else if (people[attackwho].health > people[attackwho].maxhealth / 6) { cout << "("; color(12); cout << people[attackwho].name << "已经力不从心,随时都可能倒下"; color(16); cout << ")" << endl; } else { cout << "("; color(4); cout << people[attackwho].name << "已如风中残烛,生命危在旦夕"; color(16); cout << ")" << endl; } if (people[attackwho].health <= 0) { cout << people[attackwho].name << "大叫一声,倒在地上,死了!" << endl; make_corpse(people[attackwho], people[attackwho].weapon); killnum++; for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { if (inroom.weapon[i].name == "") { inroom.weapon[i] = people[attackwho].dropweapon; room[nowroomi].weapon[i] = people[attackwho].dropweapon; break; } } for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { if (inroom.thing[i].name == "") { inroom.thing[i] = people[attackwho].dropthing; room[nowroomi].thing[i] = people[attackwho].dropthing; break; } } for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { if (inroom.book[i].name == "") { inroom.book[i] = people[attackwho].dropbook; room[nowroomi].book[i] = people[attackwho].dropbook; break; } } die[attackwho] = true; lastpeople--; if (lastpeople == 0) { for (int i = 0; i < peoplenum; i++) { room[nowroomi].people[peoplei[i]].canmove = cm[i]; inroom.people[peoplei[i]].canmove = cm[i]; } return 0; } } } } bool canuse = false; int i; for (i = 0; i < people[attackwho].skillsnum; i++) { if (hcooldown[i] == 0) { canuse = true; break; } } cout << endl; for (int x = 0; x < peoplenum; x++) { if (!die[x]) { if (canuse) { hcooldown[i] = people[x].skills[i].cooldown; for (int j = 0; j < people[x].skills[i].use.size(); j++) { if (people[x].skills[i].use[j] == 'w') { color(nweapon.lv); cout << nweapon.name; color(16); } else if (people[x].skills[i].use[j] == 'e') { cout << people[x].name; } else if (people[x].skills[i].use[j] == 'q') { color(people[x].weapon.lv); cout << people[x].weapon.name; color(16); } else if (people[x].skills[i].use[j] == '1') { color(1); } else if (people[x].skills[i].use[j] == '2') { color(2); } else if (people[x].skills[i].use[j] == '3') { color(3); } else if (people[x].skills[i].use[j] == '4') { color(4); } else if (people[x].skills[i].use[j] == '5') { color(5); } else if (people[x].skills[i].use[j] == '6') { color(6); } else if (people[x].skills[i].use[j] == '7') { color(7); } else if (people[x].skills[i].use[j] == '8') { color(8); } else if (people[x].skills[i].use[j] == '9') { color(9); } else if (people[x].skills[i].use[j] == 's') { color(16); } else { cout << people[x].skills[i].use[j]; } } cout << endl; for (int j = 0; j < people[x].skills[i].attacknum; j++) { if (rand() % 10000 < dodge - people[x].hit) { if (nowdodgeskill.name != "") { for (int k = 0; k < nowdodgeskill.use.size(); k++) { if (nowdodgeskill.use[k] == 'w') { color(nweapon.lv); cout << nweapon.name; color(16); } else if (nowdodgeskill.use[k] == 'e') { cout << people[x].name; } else if (nowdodgeskill.use[k] == 'q') { color(people[x].weapon.lv); cout << people[x].weapon.name; color(16); } else if (nowdodgeskill.use[k] == '1') { color(1); } else if (nowdodgeskill.use[k] == '2') { color(2); } else if (nowdodgeskill.use[k] == '3') { color(3); } else if (nowdodgeskill.use[k] == '4') { color(4); } else if (nowdodgeskill.use[k] == '5') { color(5); } else if (nowdodgeskill.use[k] == '6') { color(6); } else if (nowdodgeskill.use[k] == '7') { color(7); } else if (nowdodgeskill.use[k] == '8') { color(8); } else if (nowdodgeskill.use[k] == '9') { color(9); } else if (nowdodgeskill.use[k] == 's') { color(16); } else { cout << nowdodgeskill.use[k]; } } cout << endl; } else { cout << " 你轻轻一跳,躲过了着一招" << endl; } } else { int ran = rand() % 40 - 20; if (people[x].weapon.type == "拳") { if (people[x].skills[i].damage + ran - defense < 0) { cout << people[x].name << "在你身上照成了一块於,造成0点伤害!" << endl; } else { cout << people[x].name << "在你身上照成了一块於,造成" << people[x].skills[i].damage + ran - defense << "点伤害!" << endl; health -= people[x].skills[i].damage + ran - defense; } } else { if (people[x].skills[i].damage + ran - defense < 0) { cout << people[x].name << "手中"; color(people[x].weapon.lv); cout << people[x].weapon.name; color(16); cout << "击中对方手部,造成0点伤害!" << endl; } else { cout << people[x].name << "手中"; color(people[x].weapon.lv); cout << people[x].weapon.name; color(16); cout << "击中对方手部,造成" << people[x].skills[i].damage + ran - defense << "点伤害!" << endl; health -= people[x].skills[i].damage + ran - defense; } } if (health > maxhealth / 6 * 5) { cout << "("; color(10); cout << "你看起来一点也不累,充满了活力"; color(16); cout << ")" << endl; } else if (health > maxhealth / 6 * 4) { cout << "("; color(14); cout << "你看上去受了一点小伤,但并不碍事"; color(16); cout << ")" << endl; } else if (health > maxhealth / 6 * 3) { cout << "("; color(14); cout << "你气喘吁吁,有点累了"; color(16); cout << ")" << endl; } else if (health > maxhealth / 6 * 2) { cout << "("; color(12); cout << "你摇头晃脑,但还能支撑一会"; color(16); cout << ")" << endl; } else if (health > maxhealth / 6) { cout << "("; color(12); cout << "你已经力不从心,随时都可能倒下"; color(16); cout << ")" << endl; } else { cout << "("; color(4); cout << "你已如风中残烛,生命危在旦夕"; color(16); cout << ")" << endl; } if (health <= 0) { cout << "你大叫一声,倒在地上,死了!" << endl; make_corpse(me, nweapon); for (int i = 0; i < peoplenum; i++) { room[nowroomi].people[peoplei[i]].canmove = cm[i]; inroom.people[peoplei[i]].canmove = cm[i]; } return 1; } else if (isrebound) { int att = people[x].skills[i].damage * reboundnum / 1000 + ran - people[x].defense; if (att < 0) { att = 0; } cout << "你抽出"; color(nweapon.lv); cout << nweapon.name; color(16); cout << "一挡,对方手中"; color(people[x].weapon.lv); cout << people[x].weapon.name; color(16); cout << "往后一弹,把伤害打到了自己身上,造成" << att << "点伤害!" << endl; people[x].health -= att; inroom.people[peoplei[x]].health -= att; room[nowroomi].people[peoplei[x]].health -= att; if (people[x].health > people[x].maxhealth / 6 * 5) { cout << "("; color(10); cout << people[x].name << "看起来一点也不累,充满了活力"; color(16); cout << ")" << endl; } else if (people[x].health > people[x].maxhealth / 6 * 4) { cout << "("; color(14); cout << people[x].name << "看上去受了一点小伤,但并不碍事"; color(16); cout << ")" << endl; } else if (people[x].health > people[x].maxhealth / 6 * 3) { cout << "("; color(14); cout << people[x].name << "气喘吁吁,有点累了"; color(16); cout << ")" << endl; } else if (people[x].health > people[x].maxhealth / 6 * 2) { cout << "("; color(12); cout << people[x].name << "摇头晃脑,但还能支撑一会"; color(16); cout << ")" << endl; } else if (people[x].health > people[x].maxhealth / 6) { cout << "("; color(12); cout << people[x].name << "已经力不从心,随时都可能倒下"; color(16); cout << ")" << endl; } else { cout << "("; color(4); cout << people[x].name << "已如风中残烛,生命危在旦夕"; color(16); cout << ")" << endl; } if (people[x].health <= 0) { cout << people[x].name << "大叫一声,倒在地上,死了!" << endl; killnum++; make_corpse(people[x], people[x].weapon); for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { if (inroom.weapon[i].name == "") { inroom.weapon[i] = people[x].dropweapon; room[nowroomi].weapon[i] = people[x].dropweapon; break; } } for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { if (inroom.thing[i].name == "") { inroom.thing[i] = people[x].dropthing; room[nowroomi].thing[i] = people[x].dropthing; break; } } for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { if (inroom.book[i].name == "") { inroom.book[i] = people[x].dropbook; room[nowroomi].book[i] = people[x].dropbook; break; } } die[x] = true; lastpeople--; if (lastpeople == 0) { for (int i = 0; i < peoplenum; i++) { room[nowroomi].people[peoplei[i]].canmove = cm[i]; inroom.people[peoplei[i]].canmove = cm[i]; } return 0; } } } } } } else { for (int j = 0; j < GeneralAttack[people[x].weapon.type].size(); j++) { if (GeneralAttack[people[x].weapon.type][j] == 'a') { cout << people[x].name; } else if (GeneralAttack[people[x].weapon.type][j] == 'x') { color(people[x].weapon.lv); cout << people[x].weapon.name; color(16); } else if (GeneralAttack[people[x].weapon.type][j] == 'b') { cout << "你"; } else { cout << GeneralAttack[people[x].weapon.type][j]; } } cout << endl << endl; if (rand() % 10000 < dodge - people[x].hit) { if (nowdodgeskill.name != "") { for (int k = 0; k < nowdodgeskill.use.size(); k++) { if (nowdodgeskill.use[k] == 'w') { color(nweapon.lv); cout << nweapon.name; color(16); } else if (nowdodgeskill.use[k] == 'e') { cout << people[x].name; } else if (nowdodgeskill.use[k] == 'q') { color(people[x].weapon.lv); cout << people[x].weapon.name; color(16); } else if (nowdodgeskill.use[k] == '1') { color(1); } else if (nowdodgeskill.use[k] == '2') { color(2); } else if (nowdodgeskill.use[k] == '3') { color(3); } else if (nowdodgeskill.use[k] == '4') { color(4); } else if (nowdodgeskill.use[k] == '5') { color(5); } else if (nowdodgeskill.use[k] == '6') { color(6); } else if (nowdodgeskill.use[k] == '7') { color(7); } else if (nowdodgeskill.use[k] == '8') { color(8); } else if (nowdodgeskill.use[k] == '9') { color(9); } else if (nowdodgeskill.use[k] == 's') { color(16); } else { cout << nowdodgeskill.use[k]; } } cout << endl; } else { cout << " 你轻轻一跳,躲过了着一招" << endl; } } else { int ran = rand() % 40 - 20; if (people[x].weapon.type == "拳") { if (people[x].damage + ran - defense < 0) { cout << people[x].name << "在你身上照成了一块於,造成0点伤害!" << endl; } else { cout << people[x].name << "在你身上照成了一块於,造成" << people[x].damage + ran - defense << "点伤害!" << endl; health -= people[x].damage + ran - defense; } } else { if (people[x].damage + ran - defense < 0) { cout << people[x].name << "手中"; color(people[x].weapon.lv); cout << people[x].weapon.name; color(16); cout << "击中对方手部,造成0点伤害!" << endl; } else { cout << people[x].name << "手中"; color(people[x].weapon.lv); cout << people[x].weapon.name; color(16); cout << "击中对方手部,造成" << people[x].damage + ran - defense << "点伤害!" << endl; health -= people[x].damage + ran - defense; } } if (health > maxhealth / 6 * 5) { cout << "("; color(10); cout << "你看起来一点也不累,充满了活力"; color(16); cout << ")" << endl; } else if (health > maxhealth / 6 * 4) { cout << "("; color(14); cout << "你看上去受了一点小伤,但并不碍事"; color(16); cout << ")" << endl; } else if (health > maxhealth / 6 * 3) { cout << "("; color(14); cout << "你气喘吁吁,有点累了"; color(16); cout << ")" << endl; } else if (health > maxhealth / 6 * 2) { cout << "("; color(12); cout << "你摇头晃脑,但还能支撑一会"; color(16); cout << ")" << endl; } else if (health > maxhealth / 6) { cout << "("; color(12); cout << "你已经力不从心,随时都可能倒下"; color(16); cout << ")" << endl; } else { cout << "("; color(4); cout << "你已如风中残烛,生命危在旦夕"; color(16); cout << ")" << endl; } if (health <= 0) { cout << "你大叫一声,倒在地上,死了!" << endl; make_corpse(me, nweapon); for (int i = 0; i < peoplenum; i++) { room[nowroomi].people[peoplei[i]].canmove = cm[i]; inroom.people[peoplei[i]].canmove = cm[i]; } return 1; } else if (isrebound) { int att = people[x].damage * reboundnum / 1000 + ran - people[x].defense; if (att < 0) { att = 0; } cout << "你抽出"; color(nweapon.lv); cout << nweapon.name; color(16); cout << "一挡,对方手中"; color(people[x].weapon.lv); cout << people[x].weapon.name; color(16); cout << "往后一弹,把伤害打到了自己身上,造成" << att << "点伤害!" << endl; people[x].health -= att; inroom.people[peoplei[x]].health -= att; room[nowroomi].people[peoplei[x]].health -= att; if (people[x].health > people[x].maxhealth / 6 * 5) { cout << "("; color(10); cout << people[x].name << "看起来一点也不累,充满了活力"; color(16); cout << ")" << endl; } else if (people[x].health > people[x].maxhealth / 6 * 4) { cout << "("; color(14); cout << people[x].name << "看上去受了一点小伤,但并不碍事"; color(16); cout << ")" << endl; } else if (people[x].health > people[x].maxhealth / 6 * 3) { cout << "("; color(14); cout << people[x].name << "气喘吁吁,有点累了"; color(16); cout << ")" << endl; } else if (people[x].health > people[x].maxhealth / 6 * 2) { cout << "("; color(12); cout << people[x].name << "摇头晃脑,但还能支撑一会"; color(16); cout << ")" << endl; } else if (people[x].health > people[x].maxhealth / 6) { cout << "("; color(12); cout << people[x].name << "已经力不从心,随时都可能倒下"; color(16); cout << ")" << endl; } else { cout << "("; color(4); cout << people[x].name << "已如风中残烛,生命危在旦夕"; color(16); cout << ")" << endl; } if (people[x].health <= 0) { cout << people[x].name << "大叫一声,倒在地上,死了!" << endl; killnum++; make_corpse(people[x], people[x].weapon); for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { if (inroom.weapon[i].name == "") { inroom.weapon[i] = people[x].dropweapon; room[nowroomi].weapon[i] = people[x].dropweapon; break; } } for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { if (inroom.thing[i].name == "") { inroom.thing[i] = people[x].dropthing; room[nowroomi].thing[i] = people[x].dropthing; break; } } for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { if (inroom.book[i].name == "") { inroom.book[i] = people[x].dropbook; room[nowroomi].book[i] = people[x].dropbook; break; } } die[x] = true; lastpeople--; if (lastpeople == 0) { for (int i = 0; i < peoplenum; i++) { room[nowroomi].people[peoplei[i]].canmove = cm[i]; inroom.people[peoplei[i]].canmove = cm[i]; } return 0; } } } } } } } for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { if (cooldown[i] != 0) { cooldown[i] -= 1; } if (hcooldown[i] != 0) { hcooldown[i] -= 1; } } } return 0; } int fightall(pe people[100], int peoplenum, int peoplei[100]) { bool cm[100]; for (int i = 0; i < peoplenum; i++) { cm[i] = inroom.people[peoplei[i]].canmove; room[nowroomi].people[peoplei[i]].canmove = false; inroom.people[peoplei[i]].canmove = false; } int yell = rand() % 3; int lastpeople = peoplenum; bool die[100]; for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { die[i] = false; } cout << "你说:「"; color(12); cout << "在下" << myname << ",敢问大侠是否愿意跟我比试一下?"; color(16); cout << "」" << endl; int cooldown[100]; int hcooldown[100]; experience += rand() % 3; potential += rand() % 6; for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { cooldown[i] = 0; hcooldown[i] = 0; } while (1) { for (int i = 0; i < peoplenum; i++) { if (!die[i]) { cout << people[i].Englishname << "[" << people[i].health << "/" << people[i].maxhealth << "]" << endl; } } cout << "请输入攻击者:"; string who; cin >> who; int attackwho; for (int i = 0; i < peoplenum; i++) { if (!die[i]) { attackwho = i; break; } } for (int i = 0; i < peoplenum; i++) { if (people[i].Englishname == who && !die[i]) { attackwho = i; break; } } cout << "-1,普攻 技能:名字<冷却>[内力使用]" << endl; for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { if ((nweapon.type == myskill[i].weapon || myskill[i].weapon == "无") && myskill[i].isattack == true) { cout << i << "," << myskill[i].name << "<" << cooldown[i] << ">[" << myskill[i].forceneed << "] "; } } int which; cin >> which; if (which == -1) { for (int i = 0; i < GeneralAttack[nweapon.type].size(); i++) { if (GeneralAttack[nweapon.type][i] == 'a') { cout << "你"; } else if (GeneralAttack[nweapon.type][i] == 'x') { color(nweapon.lv); cout << nweapon.name; color(16); } else if (GeneralAttack[nweapon.type][i] == 'b') { cout << people[attackwho].name; } else { cout << GeneralAttack[nweapon.type][i]; } } cout << endl << endl; if (rand() % 10000 < people[attackwho].dodge - hit) { cout << people[attackwho].name << "轻轻一跳,躲过了着一招" << endl; } else { int ran = rand() % 40 - 20; if (nweapon.type == "拳") { if (damage + ran - people[attackwho].defense < 0) { cout << "你在对方身上照成了一块於,造成0点伤害!" << endl; } else { cout << "你在对方身上照成了一块於,造成" << damage + ran - people[attackwho].defense << "点伤害!" << endl; people[attackwho].health -= damage + ran - people[attackwho].defense; inroom.people[peoplei[attackwho]].health -= damage + ran - people[attackwho].defense; room[nowroomi].people[peoplei[attackwho]].health -= damage + ran - people[attackwho].defense; } } else { if (damage + ran - people[attackwho].defense < 0) { cout << "你手中"; color(nweapon.lv); cout << nweapon.name; color(16); cout << "击中对方手部,造成0点伤害!" << endl; } else { cout << "你手中"; color(nweapon.lv); cout << nweapon.name; color(16); cout << "击中对方手部,造成" << damage + ran - people[attackwho].defense << "点伤害!" << endl; people[attackwho].health -= damage + ran - people[attackwho].defense; inroom.people[peoplei[attackwho]].health -= damage + ran - people[attackwho].defense; room[nowroomi].people[peoplei[attackwho]].health -= damage + ran - people[attackwho].defense; } } if (people[attackwho].health > people[attackwho].maxhealth / 6 * 5) { cout << "("; color(10); cout << people[attackwho].name << "看起来一点也不累,充满了活力"; color(16); cout << ")" << endl; } else if (people[attackwho].health > people[attackwho].maxhealth / 6 * 4) { cout << "("; color(14); cout << people[attackwho].name << "看上去受了一点小伤,但并不碍事"; color(16); cout << ")" << endl; } else if (people[attackwho].health > people[attackwho].maxhealth / 6 * 3) { cout << "("; color(14); cout << people[attackwho].name << "气喘吁吁,有点累了"; color(16); cout << ")" << endl; } else if (people[attackwho].health > people[attackwho].maxhealth / 6 * 2) { cout << "("; color(12); cout << people[attackwho].name << "摇头晃脑,但还能支撑一会"; color(16); cout << ")" << endl; } else if (people[attackwho].health > people[attackwho].maxhealth / 6) { cout << "("; color(12); cout << people[attackwho].name << "已经力不从心,随时都可能倒下"; color(16); cout << ")" << endl; } else { cout << "("; color(4); cout << people[attackwho].name << "已如风中残烛,生命危在旦夕"; color(16); cout << ")" << endl; } if (people[attackwho].health <= 0) { cout << people[attackwho].name << "说:在下武艺实在不如大侠!" << endl; inroom.people[peoplei[attackwho]].health = inroom.people[peoplei[attackwho]].maxhealth / 2; room[nowroomi].people[peoplei[attackwho]].health = inroom.people[peoplei[attackwho]].health; lastpeople--; die[attackwho] = true; if (lastpeople == 0) { for (int i = 0; i < peoplenum; i++) { room[nowroomi].people[peoplei[i]].canmove = cm[i]; inroom.people[peoplei[i]].canmove = cm[i]; } return 0; } } } } else if (cooldown[which] == 0 && myskill[which].weapon == nweapon.type && myskill[which].forceneed <= force) { force -= myskill[which].forceneed; cooldown[which] = myskill[which].cooldown; for (int i = 0; i < myskill[which].use.size(); i++) { if (myskill[which].use[i] == 'w') { color(nweapon.lv); cout << nweapon.name; color(16); } else if (myskill[which].use[i] == 'e') { cout << people[attackwho].name; } else if (myskill[which].use[i] == 'q') { color(people[attackwho].weapon.lv); cout << people[attackwho].weapon.name; color(16); } else if (myskill[which].use[i] == '1') { color(1); } else if (myskill[which].use[i] == '2') { color(2); } else if (myskill[which].use[i] == '3') { color(3); } else if (myskill[which].use[i] == '4') { color(4); } else if (myskill[which].use[i] == '5') { color(5); } else if (myskill[which].use[i] == '6') { color(6); } else if (myskill[which].use[i] == '7') { color(7); } else if (myskill[which].use[i] == '8') { color(8); } else if (myskill[which].use[i] == '9') { color(9); } else if (myskill[which].use[i] == 's') { color(16); } else { cout << myskill[which].use[i]; } } cout << endl; cout << "使用了"; color(1); cout << myskill[which].forceneed; color(16); cout << "点内力,剩余"; color(6); cout << force; color(16); cout << "点"; cout << endl; for (int i = 0; i < myskill[which].attacknum; i++) { if (rand() % 10000 < people[attackwho].dodge - hit) { cout << "对方轻轻一跳,躲过了着一招" << endl; } else { int ran = rand() % 40 - 20; if (nweapon.type == "拳") { if (myskill[which].damage + ran - people[attackwho].defense < 0) { cout << "你在对方身上照成了一块於,造成0点伤害!" << endl; } else { cout << "你在对方身上照成了一块於,造成" << myskill[which].damage + ran - people[attackwho].defense << "点伤害!" << endl; people[attackwho].health -= myskill[which].damage + ran - people[attackwho].defense; inroom.people[peoplei[attackwho]].health -= damage + ran - people[attackwho].defense; room[nowroomi].people[peoplei[attackwho]].health -= damage + ran - people[attackwho].defense; } } else { if (myskill[which].damage + ran - people[attackwho].defense < 0) { cout << "你手中"; color(nweapon.lv); cout << nweapon.name; color(16); cout << "击中对方手部,造成0点伤害!" << endl; } else { cout << "你手中"; color(nweapon.lv); cout << nweapon.name; color(16); cout << nweapon.name << "击中对方手部,造成" << myskill[which].damage + ran - people[attackwho].defense << "点伤害!" << endl; people[attackwho].health -= myskill[which].damage + ran - people[attackwho].defense; inroom.people[peoplei[attackwho]].health -= damage + ran - people[attackwho].defense; room[nowroomi].people[peoplei[attackwho]].health -= damage + ran - people[attackwho].defense; } } if (people[attackwho].health > people[attackwho].maxhealth / 6 * 5) { cout << "("; color(10); cout << people[attackwho].name << "看起来一点也不累,充满了活力"; color(16); cout << ")" << endl; } else if (people[attackwho].health > people[attackwho].maxhealth / 6 * 4) { cout << "("; color(14); cout << people[attackwho].name << "看上去受了一点小伤,但并不碍事"; color(16); cout << ")" << endl; } else if (people[attackwho].health > people[attackwho].maxhealth / 6 * 3) { cout << "("; color(14); cout << people[attackwho].name << "气喘吁吁,有点累了"; color(16); cout << ")" << endl; } else if (people[attackwho].health > people[attackwho].maxhealth / 6 * 2) { cout << "("; color(12); cout << people[attackwho].name << "摇头晃脑,但还能支撑一会"; color(16); cout << ")" << endl; } else if (people[attackwho].health > people[attackwho].maxhealth / 6) { cout << "("; color(12); cout << people[attackwho].name << "已经力不从心,随时都可能倒下"; color(16); cout << ")" << endl; } else { cout << "("; color(4); cout << people[attackwho].name << "已如风中残烛,生命危在旦夕"; color(16); cout << ")" << endl; } if (people[attackwho].health <= 0) { cout << people[attackwho].name << "说:在下武艺实在不如大侠!" << endl; inroom.people[peoplei[attackwho]].health = inroom.people[peoplei[attackwho]].maxhealth / 2; room[nowroomi].people[peoplei[attackwho]].health = inroom.people[peoplei[attackwho]].health; lastpeople--; die[attackwho] = true; if (lastpeople == 0) { for (int i = 0; i < peoplenum; i++) { room[nowroomi].people[peoplei[i]].canmove = cm[i]; inroom.people[peoplei[i]].canmove = cm[i]; } return 0; } break; } } } } else { for (int i = 0; i < GeneralAttack[nweapon.type].size(); i++) { if (GeneralAttack[nweapon.type][i] == 'a') { cout << "你"; } else if (GeneralAttack[nweapon.type][i] == 'x') { color(nweapon.lv); cout << nweapon.name; color(16); } else if (GeneralAttack[nweapon.type][i] == 'b') { cout << people[attackwho].name; } else { cout << GeneralAttack[nweapon.type][i]; } } cout << endl << endl; if (rand() % 10000 < people[attackwho].dodge - hit) { cout << people[attackwho].name << "轻轻一跳,躲过了着一招" << endl; } else { int ran = rand() % 40 - 20; if (nweapon.type == "拳") { if (damage + ran - people[attackwho].defense < 0) { cout << "你在对方身上照成了一块於,造成0点伤害!" << endl; } else { cout << "你在对方身上照成了一块於,造成" << damage + ran - people[attackwho].defense << "点伤害!" << endl; people[attackwho].health -= damage + ran - people[attackwho].defense; inroom.people[peoplei[attackwho]].health -= damage + ran - people[attackwho].defense; room[nowroomi].people[peoplei[attackwho]].health -= damage + ran - people[attackwho].defense; } } else { if (damage + ran - people[attackwho].defense < 0) { cout << "你手中"; color(nweapon.lv); cout << nweapon.name; color(16); cout << "击中对方手部,造成0点伤害!" << endl; } else { cout << "你手中"; color(nweapon.lv); cout << nweapon.name; color(16); cout << "击中对方手部,造成" << damage + ran - people[attackwho].defense << "点伤害!" << endl; people[attackwho].health -= damage + ran - people[attackwho].defense; inroom.people[peoplei[attackwho]].health -= damage + ran - people[attackwho].defense; room[nowroomi].people[peoplei[attackwho]].health -= damage + ran - people[attackwho].defense; } } if (people[attackwho].health > people[attackwho].maxhealth / 6 * 5) { cout << "("; color(10); cout << people[attackwho].name << "看起来一点也不累,充满了活力"; color(16); cout << ")" << endl; } else if (people[attackwho].health > people[attackwho].maxhealth / 6 * 4) { cout << "("; color(14); cout << people[attackwho].name << "看上去受了一点小伤,但并不碍事"; color(16); cout << ")" << endl; } else if (people[attackwho].health > people[attackwho].maxhealth / 6 * 3) { cout << "("; color(14); cout << people[attackwho].name << "气喘吁吁,有点累了"; color(16); cout << ")" << endl; } else if (people[attackwho].health > people[attackwho].maxhealth / 6 * 2) { cout << "("; color(12); cout << people[attackwho].name << "摇头晃脑,但还能支撑一会"; color(16); cout << ")" << endl; } else if (people[attackwho].health > people[attackwho].maxhealth / 6) { cout << "("; color(12); cout << people[attackwho].name << "已经力不从心,随时都可能倒下"; color(16); cout << ")" << endl; } else { cout << "("; color(4); cout << people[attackwho].name << "已如风中残烛,生命危在旦夕"; color(16); cout << ")" << endl; } if (people[attackwho].health <= 0) { cout << people[attackwho].name << "说:在下武艺实在不如大侠!" << endl; inroom.people[peoplei[attackwho]].health = inroom.people[peoplei[attackwho]].maxhealth / 2; room[nowroomi].people[peoplei[attackwho]].health = inroom.people[peoplei[attackwho]].health; lastpeople--; die[attackwho] = true; if (lastpeople == 0) { for (int i = 0; i < peoplenum; i++) { room[nowroomi].people[peoplei[i]].canmove = cm[i]; inroom.people[peoplei[i]].canmove = cm[i]; } return 0; } } } } bool canuse = false; int i; for (i = 0; i < people[attackwho].skillsnum; i++) { if (hcooldown[i] == 0) { canuse = true; break; } } cout << endl; for (int x = 0; x < peoplenum; x++) { if (!die[x]) { if (canuse) { hcooldown[i] = people[x].skills[i].cooldown; for (int j = 0; j < people[x].skills[i].use.size(); j++) { if (people[x].skills[i].use[j] == 'w') { color(nweapon.lv); cout << nweapon.name; color(16); } else if (people[x].skills[i].use[j] == 'e') { cout << people[x].name; } else if (people[x].skills[i].use[j] == 'q') { color(people[x].weapon.lv); cout << people[x].weapon.name; color(16); } else if (people[x].skills[i].use[j] == '1') { color(1); } else if (people[x].skills[i].use[j] == '2') { color(2); } else if (people[x].skills[i].use[j] == '3') { color(3); } else if (people[x].skills[i].use[j] == '4') { color(4); } else if (people[x].skills[i].use[j] == '5') { color(5); } else if (people[x].skills[i].use[j] == '6') { color(6); } else if (people[x].skills[i].use[j] == '7') { color(7); } else if (people[x].skills[i].use[j] == '8') { color(8); } else if (people[x].skills[i].use[j] == '9') { color(9); } else if (people[x].skills[i].use[j] == 's') { color(16); } else { cout << people[x].skills[i].use[j]; } } cout << endl; for (int j = 0; j < people[x].skills[i].attacknum; j++) { if (rand() % 10000 < dodge - people[x].hit) { if (nowdodgeskill.name != "") { for (int k = 0; k < nowdodgeskill.use.size(); k++) { if (nowdodgeskill.use[k] == 'w') { color(nweapon.lv); cout << nweapon.name; color(16); } else if (nowdodgeskill.use[k] == 'e') { cout << people[x].name; } else if (nowdodgeskill.use[k] == 'q') { color(people[x].weapon.lv); cout << people[x].weapon.name; color(16); } else if (nowdodgeskill.use[k] == '1') { color(1); } else if (nowdodgeskill.use[k] == '2') { color(2); } else if (nowdodgeskill.use[k] == '3') { color(3); } else if (nowdodgeskill.use[k] == '4') { color(4); } else if (nowdodgeskill.use[k] == '5') { color(5); } else if (nowdodgeskill.use[k] == '6') { color(6); } else if (nowdodgeskill.use[k] == '7') { color(7); } else if (nowdodgeskill.use[k] == '8') { color(8); } else if (nowdodgeskill.use[k] == '9') { color(9); } else if (nowdodgeskill.use[k] == 's') { color(16); } else { cout << nowdodgeskill.use[k]; } } cout << endl; } else { cout << " 你轻轻一跳,躲过了着一招" << endl; } } else { int ran = rand() % 40 - 20; if (people[x].weapon.type == "拳") { if (people[x].skills[i].damage + ran - defense < 0) { cout << people[x].name << "在你身上照成了一块於,造成0点伤害!" << endl; } else { cout << people[x].name << "在你身上照成了一块於,造成" << people[x].skills[i].damage + ran - defense << "点伤害!" << endl; health -= people[x].skills[i].damage + ran - defense; } } else { if (people[x].skills[i].damage + ran - defense < 0) { cout << people[x].name << "手中"; color(people[x].weapon.lv); cout << people[x].weapon.name; color(16); cout << "击中对方手部,造成0点伤害!" << endl; } else { cout << people[x].name << "手中"; color(people[x].weapon.lv); cout << people[x].weapon.name; color(16); cout << "击中对方手部,造成" << people[x].skills[i].damage + ran - defense << "点伤害!" << endl; health -= people[x].skills[i].damage + ran - defense; } } if (health > maxhealth / 6 * 5) { cout << "("; color(10); cout << "你看起来一点也不累,充满了活力"; color(16); cout << ")" << endl; } else if (health > maxhealth / 6 * 4) { cout << "("; color(14); cout << "你看上去受了一点小伤,但并不碍事"; color(16); cout << ")" << endl; } else if (health > maxhealth / 6 * 3) { cout << "("; color(14); cout << "你气喘吁吁,有点累了"; color(16); cout << ")" << endl; } else if (health > maxhealth / 6 * 2) { cout << "("; color(12); cout << "你摇头晃脑,但还能支撑一会"; color(16); cout << ")" << endl; } else if (health > maxhealth / 6) { cout << "("; color(12); cout << "你已经力不从心,随时都可能倒下"; color(16); cout << ")" << endl; } else { cout << "("; color(4); cout << "你已如风中残烛,生命危在旦夕"; color(16); cout << ")" << endl; } if (health <= 0) { cout << "你说:在下实力实在不如大侠!" << endl; health = maxhealth / 2; for (int i = 0; i < peoplenum; i++) { room[nowroomi].people[peoplei[i]].canmove = cm[i]; inroom.people[peoplei[i]].canmove = cm[i]; } return 1; } else if (isrebound) { int att = people[x].skills[i].damage * reboundnum / 1000 + ran - people[x].defense; if (att < 0) { att = 0; } cout << "你抽出"; color(nweapon.lv); cout << nweapon.name; color(16); cout << "一挡,对方手中"; color(people[x].weapon.lv); cout << people[x].weapon.name; color(16); cout << "往后一弹,把伤害打到了自己身上,造成" << att << "点伤害!" << endl; people[x].health -= att; inroom.people[peoplei[x]].health -= att; room[nowroomi].people[peoplei[x]].health -= att; if (people[x].health > people[x].maxhealth / 6 * 5) { cout << "("; color(10); cout << people[x].name << "看起来一点也不累,充满了活力"; color(16); cout << ")" << endl; } else if (people[x].health > people[x].maxhealth / 6 * 4) { cout << "("; color(14); cout << people[x].name << "看上去受了一点小伤,但并不碍事"; color(16); cout << ")" << endl; } else if (people[x].health > people[x].maxhealth / 6 * 3) { cout << "("; color(14); cout << people[x].name << "气喘吁吁,有点累了"; color(16); cout << ")" << endl; } else if (people[x].health > people[x].maxhealth / 6 * 2) { cout << "("; color(12); cout << people[x].name << "摇头晃脑,但还能支撑一会"; color(16); cout << ")" << endl; } else if (people[x].health > people[x].maxhealth / 6) { cout << "("; color(12); cout << people[x].name << "已经力不从心,随时都可能倒下"; color(16); cout << ")" << endl; } else { cout << "("; color(4); cout << people[x].name << "已如风中残烛,生命危在旦夕"; color(16); cout << ")" << endl; } if (people[x].health <= 0) { cout << people[x].name << "说:在下实力实在不如大侠!" << endl; inroom.people[x].health = inroom.people[x].maxhealth; room[nowroomi].people[x] = inroom.people[x]; die[x] = true; lastpeople--; if (lastpeople == 0) { for (int i = 0; i < peoplenum; i++) { room[nowroomi].people[peoplei[i]].canmove = cm[i]; inroom.people[peoplei[i]].canmove = cm[i]; } return 0; } } } } } } else { for (int j = 0; j < GeneralAttack[people[x].weapon.type].size(); j++) { if (GeneralAttack[people[x].weapon.type][j] == 'a') { cout << people[x].name; } else if (GeneralAttack[people[x].weapon.type][j] == 'x') { color(people[x].weapon.lv); cout << people[x].weapon.name; color(16); } else if (GeneralAttack[people[x].weapon.type][j] == 'b') { cout << "你"; } else { cout << GeneralAttack[people[x].weapon.type][j]; } } cout << endl << endl; if (rand() % 10000 < dodge - people[x].hit) { if (nowdodgeskill.name != "") { for (int k = 0; k < nowdodgeskill.use.size(); k++) { if (nowdodgeskill.use[k] == 'w') { color(nweapon.lv); cout << nweapon.name; color(16); } else if (nowdodgeskill.use[k] == 'e') { cout << people[x].name; } else if (nowdodgeskill.use[k] == 'q') { color(people[x].weapon.lv); cout << people[x].weapon.name; color(16); } else if (nowdodgeskill.use[k] == '1') { color(1); } else if (nowdodgeskill.use[k] == '2') { color(2); } else if (nowdodgeskill.use[k] == '3') { color(3); } else if (nowdodgeskill.use[k] == '4') { color(4); } else if (nowdodgeskill.use[k] == '5') { color(5); } else if (nowdodgeskill.use[k] == '6') { color(6); } else if (nowdodgeskill.use[k] == '7') { color(7); } else if (nowdodgeskill.use[k] == '8') { color(8); } else if (nowdodgeskill.use[k] == '9') { color(9); } else if (nowdodgeskill.use[k] == 's') { color(16); } else { cout << nowdodgeskill.use[k]; } } cout << endl; } else { cout << " 你轻轻一跳,躲过了这一招" << endl; } } else { int ran = rand() % 40 - 20; if (people[x].weapon.type == "拳") { if (people[x].damage + ran - defense < 0) { cout << people[x].name << "在你身上照成了一块於,造成0点伤害!" << endl; } else { cout << people[x].name << "在你身上照成了一块於,造成" << people[x].damage + ran - defense << "点伤害!" << endl; health -= people[x].damage + ran - defense; } } else { if (people[x].damage + ran - defense < 0) { cout << people[x].name << "手中"; color(people[x].weapon.lv); cout << people[x].weapon.name; color(16); cout << "击中对方手部,造成0点伤害!" << endl; } else { cout << people[x].name << "手中"; color(people[x].weapon.lv); cout << people[x].weapon.name; color(16); cout << "击中对方手部,造成" << people[x].damage + ran - defense << "点伤害!" << endl; health -= people[x].damage + ran - defense; } } if (health > maxhealth / 6 * 5) { cout << "("; color(10); cout << "你看起来一点也不累,充满了活力"; color(16); cout << ")" << endl; } else if (health > maxhealth / 6 * 4) { cout << "("; color(14); cout << "你看上去受了一点小伤,但并不碍事"; color(16); cout << ")" << endl; } else if (health > maxhealth / 6 * 3) { cout << "("; color(14); cout << "你气喘吁吁,有点累了"; color(16); cout << ")" << endl; } else if (health > maxhealth / 6 * 2) { cout << "("; color(12); cout << "你摇头晃脑,但还能支撑一会"; color(16); cout << ")" << endl; } else if (health > maxhealth / 6) { cout << "("; color(12); cout << "你已经力不从心,随时都可能倒下"; color(16); cout << ")" << endl; } else { cout << "("; color(4); cout << "你已如风中残烛,生命危在旦夕"; color(16); cout << ")" << endl; } if (health <= 0) { cout << "你说:在下实力实在不如大侠!" << endl; health = maxhealth / 2; for (int i = 0; i < peoplenum; i++) { room[nowroomi].people[peoplei[i]].canmove = cm[i]; inroom.people[peoplei[i]].canmove = cm[i]; } return 1; } else if (isrebound) { int att = people[x].skills[i].damage * reboundnum / 1000 + ran - people[x].defense; if (att < 0) { att = 0; } cout << "你抽出"; color(nweapon.lv); cout << nweapon.name; color(16); cout << "一挡,对方手中"; color(people[x].weapon.lv); cout << people[x].weapon.name; color(16); cout << "往后一弹,把伤害打到了自己身上,造成" << att << "点伤害!" << endl; people[x].health -= att; inroom.people[peoplei[x]].health -= att; room[nowroomi].people[peoplei[x]].health -= att; if (people[x].health > people[x].maxhealth / 6 * 5) { cout << "("; color(10); cout << people[x].name << "看起来一点也不累,充满了活力"; color(16); cout << ")" << endl; } else if (people[x].health > people[x].maxhealth / 6 * 4) { cout << "("; color(14); cout << people[x].name << "看上去受了一点小伤,但并不碍事"; color(16); cout << ")" << endl; } else if (people[x].health > people[x].maxhealth / 6 * 3) { cout << "("; color(14); cout << people[x].name << "气喘吁吁,有点累了"; color(16); cout << ")" << endl; } else if (people[x].health > people[x].maxhealth / 6 * 2) { cout << "("; color(12); cout << people[x].name << "摇头晃脑,但还能支撑一会"; color(16); cout << ")" << endl; } else if (people[x].health > people[x].maxhealth / 6) { cout << "("; color(12); cout << people[x].name << "已经力不从心,随时都可能倒下"; color(16); cout << ")" << endl; } else { cout << "("; color(4); cout << people[x].name << "已如风中残烛,生命危在旦夕"; color(16); cout << ")" << endl; } if (people[x].health <= 0) { cout << people[x].name << "说:在下实力实在不如大侠!" << endl; inroom.people[x].health = inroom.people[x].maxhealth; room[nowroomi].people[x] = inroom.people[x]; die[x] = true; lastpeople--; if (lastpeople == 0) { for (int i = 0; i < peoplenum; i++) { room[nowroomi].people[peoplei[i]].canmove = cm[i]; inroom.people[peoplei[i]].canmove = cm[i]; } return 0; } } } } } } } for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { if (cooldown[i] != 0) { cooldown[i] -= 1; } if (hcooldown[i] != 0) { hcooldown[i] -= 1; } } } return 0; } int choose() { int a, b, c, d, e; cout << "请重新选择你的属性:<"; color(10); cout << "生命"; color(16); cout << "> <"; color(4); cout << "攻击"; color(16); cout << "> <"; color(14); cout << "防御"; color(16); cout << "> <"; color(11); cout << "躲避"; color(16); cout << "> <"; color(13); cout << "命中"; color(16); cout << "> 加起来等于"; color(4); cout << "100"; color(16); cout << ",选择后你的属性为" << endl; cout << "生命 = 你选择的生命×50" << endl; cout << "攻击 = 你选择的×5" << endl; cout << "防御 = 你选择的防御" << endl; cout << "躲避 = 你选择的躲避×5" << endl; cout << "命中 = 你选择的命中×5" << endl; cout << "现在,请选择:"; cin >> a >> b >> c >> d >> e; if (a + b + c + d + e == 100) { cout << "选择完毕..." << endl; health = a * 50; maxhealth = a * 50; damage = b * 5; defense = c; dodge = d * 5; hit = e * 5; } else { cout << "你选择的数的和不等于100" << endl; choose(); } return 0; } int walk() { while (1) { for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 100; j++) { if (room[i].people[j].canmove && rand() % 10000 == 0 && rand() % 100 == 0) { int dirnum = 0; for (int k = 0; room[i].dir[k] != ""; k++) { dirnum++; } int wh = rand() % dirnum; for (int k = 0; k < 100; k++) { if (room[room[i].cango[wh]].people[k].name == "") { if (room[i].cango[wh] == nowroomi) { color(11); cout << room[i].people[j].name << "走了过来。" << endl; inroom.people[k] = room[i].people[j]; color(16); } if (i == nowroomi) { color(11); cout << room[i].people[j].name << "向" << room[i].dir[wh] << "离去。" << endl; color(16); inroom.people[j] = {}; } room[room[i].cango[wh]].people[k] = room[i].people[j]; room[i].people[j] = {}; break; } } } } } } } int main() { int a, b, c, d, e; srand((unsigned)time(NULL)); cout << "初始值加载完成(12951324/12951324)" << endl; ofstream outdata("update.txt", ios::binary | ios::app | ios::in | ios::out); ifstream fin("update.txt"); string od; fin >> od; if (od != edition) { cout << "发现新版本,是否更新?(y/n)" << endl; cin >> od; if (od == "y" || od == "yes" || od == "Y") { ofstream clear("update.txt", ios::trunc); outdata << edition; outdata.close(); for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { system("cls"); cout << "更新中(" << edition << ")...[" << i << "/100]" << endl; Sleep(rand() % 100); } } else { return 0; } } inroom = room[0]; for (int i = 0; i <= 146; i++) { system("cls"); cout << "初始值加载完成(12951324/12951324)" << endl; cout << "加载数据中...("; cout << i; cout << "/146)" << endl; Sleep(rand() % 50); } system("cls"); cout << "初始值加载完成(12951324/12951324)" << endl; cout << "加载数据完成...(146/146)" << endl; system("pause"); system("cls"); color(11); cout << edition << "无存档游玩版 " << endl; color(6); cout << " " << endl; cout << " 4&( " << endl; cout << " ' ~&&\\yM#1 " << endl; cout << " ,_'Q!!NMW& "; color(16); color(14); cout << "龙 的 传 人" << endl; color(6); cout << " WCb 7N@4D Q%,, "; color(4); cout << "Legend of the Dragon" << endl; color(6); cout << " PM'*MDk#M0p, " << endl; cout << " J@J0&e~~4r' ,bQEQ " << endl; cout << " F8I&#' _&B$$bW#&$ " << endl; cout << " &0A1 L#DE&E~!QEQ, " << endl; cout << " _=, ,#ORN1 _T@O$' ZN$Q. grNq5 " << endl; cout << " ^ 'd ,OKOpK^ g*QOg' #Q4p&,/g9X*&#,_/ (q " << endl; cout << " TA1 ,sDQWh4^ x&NMO' _ #FQ#K#fA# '*K#XWP~-" << endl; cout << " ^&p,wNMMOqD: /HE#EN' ..#g)~'@NGOQx, '=X* " << endl; cout << " ' '43$'hEk##mOD04f_g ~^ ~ '-OO**O " << endl; cout << " ''=0#0Nq2WOBF^#, _ P,, " << endl; cout << " . ^,,~ ~b'' **R3' " << endl; cout << " ow,F +#F~' " << endl; cout << " /-9! ' \\ " << endl; color(10); cout << "by Evan_song"; color(6); cout << " R " << endl; color(16); _getch(); cout << "请输入你的英文名:"; cin >> myEnglishname; cout << "请输入你的中文名:"; cin >> myname; cout << "请选择你的属性:<"; color(10); cout << "生命"; color(16); cout << "> <"; color(4); cout << "攻击"; color(16); cout << "> <"; color(14); cout << "防御"; color(16); cout << "> <"; color(11); cout << "躲避"; color(16); cout << "> <"; color(13); cout << "命中"; color(16); cout << "> 加起来等于"; color(4); cout << "100"; color(16); cout << ",选择后你的属性为" << endl; cout << "生命 = 你选择的生命×50" << endl; cout << "攻击 = 你选择的×5" << endl; cout << "防御 = 你选择的防御" << endl; cout << "躲避 = 你选择的躲避×5" << endl; cout << "命中 = 你选择的命中×5" << endl; cout << "现在,请选择:"; cin >> a >> b >> c >> d >> e; if (a + b + c + d + e == 100) { cout << "选择完毕..." << endl; health = a * 50; maxhealth = a * 50; damage = b * 5; defense = c; dodge = d * 5; hit = e * 5; } else { cout << "你选择的数的和不等于100" << endl; choose(); } cout << endl << endl; color(4); cout << "______.-=+:/'"; color(11); cout << "游戏公告"; color(4); cout << "'\\:+=-.______" << endl; color(10); cout << "一,游戏更新v" << edition << endl; cout << " 1,减少代码长度" << endl; cout << " 2,修复武道塔BUG" << endl; cout << " 3,新增镶嵌宝石" << endl; cout << " 3,新增任务(task),可在任务地点或店小二那里接任务" << endl; color(16); cout << endl << endl; outroom(); string po = ">"; thread thread_walk(walk); while (1) { if (!baishi) { color(4); cout << "作者建议你迅速拜师,用menpai来查询门派" << endl; color(16); } if (health <= 0) { color(4); cout << "你眼前一黑,就什么也不知道了..." << endl; color(16); dienum++; Sleep(1000); nowroomi = 4; inroom = room[4]; outroom(); health = maxhealth; } cout << po; string ins1; color(15); cin >> ins1; color(16); if (ins1 == "l" || ins1 == "look") { string name; cin >> name; if (name == "room") { outroom(); } else { bool is = false; for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { if (inroom.people[i].Englishname == name || inroom.people[i].name == name) { color(12); cout << inroom.people[i].name << endl; color(16); cout << inroom.people[i].tell << endl; is = true; break; } } for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { if (inroom.weapon[i].Englishname == name || inroom.weapon[i].name == name) { color(inroom.weapon[i].lv); cout << inroom.weapon[i].name << endl; color(16); if (inroom.weapon[i].type == "剑") { color(6); cout << " ◢" << endl; cout << " █" << endl; cout << "⊙█████"; color(15); cout << "〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓>" << endl; color(6); cout << " █" << endl; cout << " ◥" << endl; color(16); } if (inroom.weapon[i].type == "刀") { color(6); cout << " ▲ " << endl; cout << "◇████"; color(8); cout << "〓〓〓〓〓〓〓◤" << endl; color(6); cout << " ▼ " << endl; color(16); } if (inroom.weapon[i].type == "鞭") { color(6); cout << "〓〓〓"; color(8); cout << "=========---------" << endl; color(16); } cout << inroom.weapon[i].tell << endl; cout << "武器属性:" << endl; cout << "攻击:" << inroom.weapon[i].plusdamage << endl; cout << "防御:" << inroom.weapon[i].plusdefense << endl; cout << "躲闪:" << inroom.weapon[i].plusdodge << endl; cout << "内力:" << inroom.weapon[i].plusforce << endl; cout << "生命:" << inroom.weapon[i].plushealth << endl; cout << "命中:" << inroom.weapon[i].plushit << endl; cout << "镶嵌宝石:" << endl; if (inroom.weapon[i].inlaynum == 0) { cout << "此武器无镶嵌空" << endl; } else { for (int j = 0; j < inroom.weapon[i].inlaynum; j++) { if (inroom.weapon[i].inlaything[j].name == "") { cout << "◇" << endl; } else { cout << "◆" << inroom.weapon[i].inlaything[j].name << inroom.weapon[i].inlaything[j].coin << endl; } } } is = true; break; } } for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { if (inroom.book[i].Englishname == name || inroom.book[i].name == name) { color(12); cout << inroom.book[i].name << endl; color(16); cout << inroom.book[i].tell << endl; is = true; break; } } for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { if (inroom.thing[i].Englishname == name || inroom.thing[i].name == name) { color(12); cout << inroom.thing[i].name << endl; color(16); cout << inroom.thing[i].tell << endl; is = true; break; } } if (!is) { cout << "你要看什么?" << endl; } } } else if (ins1 == "kill" || ins1 == "k") { string name; cin >> name; bool is = false; for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { if (inroom.people[i].name == name || inroom.people[i].Englishname == name) { x[0] = inroom.people[i]; y[0] = i; killall(x, 1, y); is = true; break; } } if (!is) { cout << "你要击杀谁?" << endl; cout << "指令格式:kill <某人>" << endl; } } else if (ins1 == "killall") { string name; int many; cin >> many; int num = 0; bool is = false; for (int i = 0; i < many; i++) { cin >> name; for (int j = 0; j < 100; j++) { if (inroom.people[j].name == name || inroom.people[j].Englishname == name) { x[num] = inroom.people[j]; y[num] = j; num++; is = true; break; } } } if (!is) { cout << "你要击杀谁?" << endl; cout << "指令格式:kill <某人>" << endl; } else { killall(x, num, y); } } else if (ins1 == "i") { color(titlecolor); cout << title; if (title2 != "") { cout << " " << title2; } cout << " " << myname << endl; color(16); cout << "你的功夫看起来"; if (allskilllevel == 0) { color(8); cout << "一无所知" << endl; color(16); } else if (allskilllevel < 500) { color(2); cout << "初学乍练" << endl; color(16); } else if (allskilllevel < 1000) { color(2); cout << "不知所以" << endl; color(16); } else if (allskilllevel < 1500) { color(2); cout << "略知一二" << endl; color(16); } else if (allskilllevel < 2000) { color(2); cout << "出入武林" << endl; color(16); } else if (allskilllevel < 2500) { color(9); cout << "半生不熟" << endl; color(16); } else if (allskilllevel < 3000) { color(9); cout << "渐入高深" << endl; color(16); } else if (allskilllevel < 3500) { color(9); cout << "平淡无奇" << endl; color(16); } else if (allskilllevel < 4000) { color(9); cout << "似有所悟" << endl; color(16); } else if (allskilllevel < 4500) { color(9); cout << "心神领会" << endl; color(16); } else if (allskilllevel < 5000) { color(9); cout << "运用自如" << endl; color(16); } else if (allskilllevel < 5500) { color(14); cout << "熟能生巧" << endl; color(16); } else if (allskilllevel < 6000) { color(14); cout << "驾轻就熟" << endl; color(16); } else if (allskilllevel < 6500) { color(14); cout << "高深莫测" << endl; color(16); } else if (allskilllevel < 7000) { color(14); cout << "万人之上" << endl; color(16); } else if (allskilllevel < 7500) { color(14); cout << "出神入化" << endl; color(16); } else if (allskilllevel < 8000) { color(14); cout << "惊天动地" << endl; color(16); } else if (allskilllevel < 8500) { color(12); cout << "旷古绝伦" << endl; color(16); } else if (allskilllevel < 9000) { color(12); cout << "举世无双" << endl; color(16); } else if (allskilllevel < 9500) { color(12); cout << "绝世高深" << endl; color(16); } else if (allskilllevel < 10000) { color(12); cout << "万年不朽" << endl; color(16); } else { color(12); cout << "返璞归真" << endl; color(16); } cout << "你装备着:" << endl; cout << "·"; color(nweapon.lv); cout << nweapon.name << endl; color(16); cout << "你有"; color(14); cout << gold; color(16); cout << "金 "; color(7); cout << silver; color(16); cout << "银 "; color(6); cout << coin; color(16); cout << "文" << endl; cout << "你身上有:" << endl; for (int i = 0; i < 200; i++) { if (bag[i].name != "") { color(bag[i].lv); cout << bag[i].name; color(16); cout << "("; color(3); cout << bag[i].Englishname; color(16); cout << ")" << endl; } } for (int i = 0; i < 200; i++) { if (bag2[i].name != "") { cout << bag2[i].name << "("; color(3); cout << bag2[i].Englishname; color(16); cout << ")" << endl; } } for (int i = 0; i < 200; i++) { if (bag3[i].name != "") { cout << bag3[i].name << "("; color(3); cout << bag3[i].Englishname; color(16); cout << ")" << endl; } } } else if (ins1 == "move" || ins1 == "m") { string dir; bool is = false; cin >> dir; for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { if (inroom.dir[i] == dir) { if (inroom.name == "财主家入口" && dir == "east") { bool iskey = false; for (int i = 0; i < 200; i++) { if (bag3[i].Englishname == "key") { iskey = true; break; } } if (iskey) { nowroomi = inroom.cango[i]; inroom = room[inroom.cango[i]]; outroom(); } else { color(11); cout << "你试图打开大门,但发现大门被人上了锁..." << endl; color(16); } } else if (inroom.name == "道路" && dir == "east") { bool iskey = false; for (int i = 0; i < 200; i++) { if (bag3[i].Englishname == "key") { iskey = true; break; } } if (iskey) { nowroomi = inroom.cango[i]; inroom = room[inroom.cango[i]]; outroom(); } else { color(11); cout << "你试图打开宝库的大门,但发现大门被人上了锁..." << endl; color(16); } } else if (inroom.name == "客栈" && dir == "up") { if (mymenpai == "武当") { inroom = room[26]; nowroomi = 26; outroom(); } else if (mymenpai == "丐帮") { inroom = room[27]; nowroomi = 27; outroom(); } else if (mymenpai == "铸剑山庄") { inroom = room[41]; nowroomi = 41; outroom(); } else if (mymenpai == "道家") { inroom = room[43]; nowroomi = 43; outroom(); } else { color(6); cout << "这个入口是门派入口,你还没有拜入门派..." << endl; color(16); } } else if (inroom.name == "武道塔" && dir == "up") { if (inroom.people[0].name == "") { wudaotalevel++; color(4); cout << ">>>成功进入武道塔第" << wudaotalevel << "层" << endl; cout << ">>>增加1.5银," << wudaotalevel - 1 << "点潜能" << endl; color(16); silver += 1; potential += wudaotalevel - 1; experience += (wudaotalevel - 1) / 2; inroom.tell = "你现在处于" + to_string(wudaotalevel) + "层"; inroom.people[0] = lvpeople[wudaotalevel]; room[nowroomi].tell = "你现在处于" + to_string(wudaotalevel) + "层"; room[nowroomi].people[0] = lvpeople[wudaotalevel]; ta[1] = true; outroom(); } else { color(6); cout << inroom.people[0].name << "飞快的拦在了你的面前,说「打败我,就可以上去!」" << endl; color(16); } } else { nowroomi = inroom.cango[i]; inroom = room[inroom.cango[i]]; outroom(); } is = true; break; } } if (!is) { cout << "你要去哪里?" << endl; cout << "指令格式:move <方向>" << endl; } } else if (ins1 == "get" || ins1 == "g") { string type; string thing; cin >> type; cin >> thing; bool is = false; for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { if (type == "weapon") { if ((inroom.weapon[i].name == thing || inroom.weapon[i].Englishname == thing || thing == "all") && inroom.weapon[i].name != "") { for (int j = 0; j < 1000; j++) { if (bag[j].name == "") { bag[j] = inroom.weapon[i]; break; } } cout << "你捡起一个"; color(inroom.weapon[i].lv); cout << inroom.weapon[i].name << endl; color(16); inroom.weapon[i] = {}; room[nowroomi].weapon[i] = {}; is = true; if (thing != "all") { break; } } } else if (type == "book") { if ((inroom.book[i].name == thing || inroom.book[i].Englishname == thing || thing == "all") && inroom.book[i].name != "") { bool isspace = false; for (int j = 0; j < 1000; j++) { if (bag2[j].name == "") { bag2[j] = inroom.book[i]; isspace = true; break; } } cout << "你捡起一本" << inroom.book[i].name << endl; inroom.book[i] = {}; room[nowroomi].book[i] = {}; is = true; if (thing != "all") { break; } } } else if (type == "thing") { if (inroom.thing[i].name == thing || inroom.thing[i].Englishname == thing || thing == "all") { is = true; if (inroom.thing[i].name == "富人家副本[建议经验1000时进入]") { cout << myname << "进入富人家副本成功..." << endl; cout << endl << endl; cout << "这村子的财主这几夜来突然变得疯疯癫癫,不像人样,然而后几天突然就没了人影,你打算去调查一番" << endl; cout << "你来到了财主家..." << endl; cout << endl; for (int j = 0; j < 12; j++) { room[j + 8] = instancesroom1[j]; } inroom = room[8]; nowroomi = 8; outroom(); } else if (inroom.thing[i].name == "森林副本[建议经验500时进入]") { cout << myname << "进入森林副本成功..." << endl; cout << endl << endl; cout << "最近村子里的猎手越来越少,基本上一去树林就回不来了,村里人让你去树林里查看一下" << endl; cout << "你来到了树林..." << endl; cout << endl; for (int j = 0; j < 6; j++) { room[j + 20] = instancesroom2[j]; } inroom = room[20]; nowroomi = 20; outroom(); } else if (inroom.thing[i].name == "胡斐副本[建议经验2500时进入]") { cout << myname << "进入胡斐副本成功..." << endl; cout << endl << endl; cout << "你来到了胡斐居住地点..." << endl; cout << endl; for (int j = 0; j < 11; j++) { room[j + 28] = instancesroom3[j]; } inroom = room[28]; nowroomi = 28; outroom(); } else if (inroom.thing[i].name == "练习室[无条件即可进入]") { cout << myname << "进入练习室成功..." << endl; cout << endl; room[42] = instancesroom4[0]; inroom = room[42]; nowroomi = 42; outroom(); } else if (inroom.thing[i].name != "") { bool isspace = false; for (int j = 0; j < 1000; j++) { if (bag3[j].name == "") { bag3[j] = inroom.thing[i]; isspace = true; break; } } cout << "你捡起一个" << inroom.thing[i].name << endl; inroom.thing[i] = {}; room[nowroomi].thing[i] = {}; if (thing != "all") { break; } } } } } if (!is) { cout << "你要拿什么?" << endl; cout << "指令格式:get <型号> <某物>" << endl; } } else if (ins1 == "drop") { string type; string thing; cin >> type; cin >> thing; bool is = false; if (type == "weapon") { for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { if (bag[i].name == thing || bag[i].Englishname == thing) { for (int j = 0; j < 100; j++) { if (inroom.weapon[j].name == "") { inroom.weapon[j] = bag[i]; room[nowroomi].weapon[j] = bag[i]; break; } } cout << "你丢掉一个"; color(bag[i].lv); cout << bag[i].name << endl; color(16); bag[i] = {}; is = true; break; } } } else if (type == "book") { for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { if (bag2[i].name == thing || bag2[i].Englishname == thing) { for (int j = 0; j < 100; j++) { if (inroom.book[j].name == "") { inroom.book[j] = bag2[i]; room[nowroomi].book[j] = bag2[i]; break; } } cout << "你丢掉一个" << bag2[i].name << endl; bag2[i] = {}; is = true; break; } } } else if (type == "thing") { for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { if (bag3[i].name == thing || bag3[i].Englishname == thing) { for (int j = 0; j < 100; j++) { if (inroom.thing[j].name == "") { inroom.thing[j] = bag3[i]; room[nowroomi].thing[j] = bag3[i]; break; } } cout << "你丢掉一个" << bag3[i].name << endl; bag3[i] = {}; is = true; break; } } } if (!is) { cout << "你要丢什么?" << endl; cout << "指令格式:drop <型号> <某物>" << endl; } } else if (ins1 == "help") { cout << "所有指令都可使用" << endl; cout << "指令个数:50" << endl; cout << " _____________战斗指令_____________" << endl; cout << "|跟某人比试: fight <某人> |" << endl; cout << "|击杀某人: kill <某人> |" << endl; cout << "|跟群人比试: fightall <人数><人名> |" << endl; cout << "|击杀群人: killall <人数><人名> |" << endl; cout << "|使用技能: <数字> |" << endl; cout << "|__________________________________|" << endl; cout << " _____________装备指令_____________" << endl; cout << "|装备武器: wield <某武器> |" << endl; cout << "|卸下武器: unwield <某武器> |" << endl; cout << "|精炼武器: refine <装备武器> |" << endl; cout << "|打造武器: build <某武器> |" << endl; cout << "|自造武器: makesword(铸剑山庄可用) |" << endl; cout << "|__________________________________|" << endl; cout << " _____________冒险指令_____________" << endl; cout << "|捡东西: get <型号> <某物> |" << endl; cout << "|丢掉东西: drop <型号> <某物> |" << endl; cout << "|询问某人: ask <某人> about <某事> |" << endl; cout << "|移动: move <方向> |" << endl; cout << "|用东西砸人: throw <某物> to <某人>|" << endl; cout << "|查看状态: hp |" << endl; cout << "|看: l/look <...> |" << endl; cout << "|查看自己的东西: i |" << endl; cout << "|查看自己的技能: skills |" << endl; cout << "|买东西: buy <某物> |" << endl; cout << "|卖东西: sell <某物> |" << endl; cout << "|查看所卖物品: list |" << endl; cout << "|查看矿石: minebag |" << endl; cout << "|合成矿石: blend <两个材料> |" << endl; cout << "|拜师: baishi <某人> |" << endl; cout << "|查看师父技能: masterskill |" << endl; cout << "|提升境界: uplv |" << endl; cout << "|进入武道塔: wudaota |" << endl; cout << "|__________________________________|" << endl; cout << " _____________武功指令_____________" << endl; cout << "|研读: study <某书> <次数> |" << endl; cout << "|学习: learn <技能> <次数> |" << endl; cout << "|使用: enable <轻功技能> |" << endl; cout << "|打坐: dazuo <次数> |" << endl; cout << "|疗伤: liaoshang <次数> |" << endl; cout << "|__________________________________|" << endl; cout << " _____________聊天指令_____________" << endl; cout << "|说话: say <...> |" << endl; cout << "|大喊: yell <...> |" << endl; cout << "|__________________________________|" << endl; cout << " _____________其他指令_____________" << endl; cout << "|埋葬尸体: bury corpse/allcorpse |" << endl; cout << "|帮助: help |" << endl; cout << "|设置: set <...> to <...> |" << endl; cout << "|关于游戏: AboutGame |" << endl; cout << "|保存: save |" << endl; cout << "|提升至X级巫师: UTW-X |" << endl; cout << "|副本攻略: introduction |" << endl; cout << "|__________________________________|" << endl; if (IDEN == "wizard-1") { cout << " ____________小巫师指令____________" << endl; cout << "|去: goto <某地> |" << endl; cout << "|__________________________________|" << endl; } if (IDEN == "wizard-2") { cout << " ____________中巫师指令____________" << endl; cout << "|去: goto <某地> |" << endl; cout << "|雷劈: smash <某人> |" << endl; cout << "|复制东西: clone <某物> |" << endl; cout << "|查看某物值: score <某物> |" << endl; cout << "|变出东西: conjure <某物> |" << endl; cout << "|查看变出物品: ls |" << endl; cout << "|创造武器: make_weapon |" << endl; cout << "|__________________________________|" << endl; } if (IDEN == "wizard-3") { cout << " ____________大巫师指令____________" << endl; cout << "|去: goto <某地> |" << endl; cout << "|雷劈: smash <某人> |" << endl; cout << "|复制东西: clone <某物> |" << endl; cout << "|查看某物值: score <某物> |" << endl; cout << "|变出东西: conjure <某物> |" << endl; cout << "|查看变出物品: ls |" << endl; cout << "|创造武器: make_weapon |" << endl; cout << "|更改值: call<某人><set+东西><值> |" << endl; cout << "|__________________________________|" << endl; } } else if (ins1 == "hp") { cout << "__________________________" << endl; cout << "==========================" << endl; cout << "|气血:" << health << "/" << maxhealth << endl; cout << "|内力:" << force << "/" << maxforce << endl; cout << "|经验:" << experience << endl; cout << "|潜能:" << potential << endl; cout << "|攻击:" << damage << endl; cout << "|防御:" << defense << endl; cout << "|躲避:" << dodge << endl; cout << "|命中:" << hit << endl; cout << "|文化:" << literate << endl; cout << "|杀人" << killnum << "次" << endl; cout << "|死亡" << dienum << "次" << endl; cout << "|门派:" << mymenpai << endl; cout << "|师父:" << myshifu << endl; cout << "|身份:"; if (IDEN == "wizard-1") cout << "小巫师" << endl; else if (IDEN == "wizard-2") cout << "中巫师" << endl; else if (IDEN == "wizard-3") cout << "大巫师" << endl; else if (IDEN == "wizard-4") cout << "天神" << endl; else if (IDEN == "wizard-5") cout << "创世主" << endl; else cout << "平民" << endl; cout << "==========================" << endl; cout << "**************************" << endl; } else if (ins1 == "skills") { cout << "你学会了以下技能:" << endl; for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) { cout << mybasicskill[i].name; for (int j = 0; j < (20 - mybasicskill[i].name.size()); j++) { cout << " "; } cout << mybasicskill[i].level; if (mybasicskill[i].level == 0) { color(8); cout << " 一无所知" << endl; color(16); } else if (mybasicskill[i].level < 100) { color(2); cout << " 初学乍练" << endl; color(16); } else if (mybasicskill[i].level < 200) { color(2); cout << " 略知一二" << endl; color(16); } else if (mybasicskill[i].level < 300) { color(9); cout << " 半生不熟" << endl; color(16); } else if (mybasicskill[i].level < 400) { color(9); cout << " 平淡无奇" << endl; color(16); } else if (mybasicskill[i].level < 500) { color(9); cout << " 心神领会" << endl; color(16); } else if (mybasicskill[i].level < 600) { color(14); cout << " 熟能生巧" << endl; color(16); } else if (mybasicskill[i].level < 700) { color(14); cout << " 高深莫测" << endl; color(16); } else if (mybasicskill[i].level < 800) { color(14); cout << " 出神入化" << endl; color(16); } else if (mybasicskill[i].level < 900) { color(12); cout << " 旷古绝伦" << endl; color(16); } else if (mybasicskill[i].level < 1000) { color(12); cout << " 绝世高深" << endl; color(16); } else { color(12); cout << " 返璞归真" << endl; color(16); } } for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { if (myskill[i].name == "") { break; } cout << myskill[i].name; for (int j = 0; j < (20 - myskill[i].name.size()); j++) { cout << " "; } cout << myskill[i].level; if (myskill[i].level < 100) { color(2); cout << " 初学乍练" << endl; color(16); } else if (myskill[i].level < 200) { color(2); cout << " 略知一二" << endl; color(16); } else if (myskill[i].level < 300) { color(9); cout << " 半生不熟" << endl; color(16); } else if (myskill[i].level < 400) { color(9); cout << " 平淡无奇" << endl; color(16); } else if (myskill[i].level < 500) { color(9); cout << " 心神领会" << endl; color(16); } else if (myskill[i].level < 600) { color(14); cout << " 熟能生巧" << endl; color(16); } else if (myskill[i].level < 700) { color(14); cout << " 高深莫测" << endl; color(16); } else if (myskill[i].level < 800) { color(14); cout << " 出神入化" << endl; color(16); } else if (myskill[i].level < 900) { color(12); cout << " 旷古绝伦" << endl; color(16); } else if (myskill[i].level < 1000) { color(12); cout << " 绝世高深" << endl; color(16); } else { color(12); cout << " 返璞归真" << endl; color(16); } } } else if (ins1 == "wield" || ins1 == "w") { string weapon; cin >> weapon; bool isweapon = false; if (nweapon.name == "拳") { for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { if (bag[i].name == weapon || bag[i].Englishname == weapon) { isweapon = true; cout << "你「刷」的抽出一把"; color(bag[i].lv); cout << bag[i].name; color(16); cout << "拿在手上" << endl; nweapon = bag[i]; health += bag[i].plushealth; maxhealth += bag[i].plushealth; damage += bag[i].plusdamage; defense += bag[i].plusdefense; force += bag[i].plusforce; maxforce += bag[i].plusforce; dodge += bag[i].plusdodge; hit += bag[i].plushit; break; } } if (!isweapon) { cout << "你没有这个武器。" << endl; } } else { cout << "你已经装备着" << nweapon.type << "了" << endl; } } else if (ins1 == "unwield" || ins1 == "uw") { string weapon; cin >> weapon; if (nweapon.name != "拳") { if (nweapon.name == weapon || nweapon.Englishname == weapon) { cout << "你把"; color(nweapon.lv); cout << nweapon.name; color(16); cout << "放回背包" << endl; health -= nweapon.plushealth; maxhealth -= nweapon.plushealth; damage -= nweapon.plusdamage; defense -= nweapon.plusdefense; force -= nweapon.plusforce; maxforce -= nweapon.plusforce; dodge -= nweapon.plusdodge; hit -= nweapon.plushit; nweapon = { "拳","fist","拳","这是一个拳",0,0,0,0,0,0,16 }; } else { cout << "你没有装备着" << weapon << "啊" << endl; } } else { cout << "你没有装备着任何武器啊" << endl; } } else if (ins1 == "study") { string book; int time; cin >> book; cin >> time; bool is = false; for (int i = 0; i < 200; i++) { if (bag2[i].name == book || bag2[i].Englishname == book) { if (bag2[i].literate_need > literate) { cout << "你看着书上那些文字,发现自己一点也读不懂" << endl; break; } if (bag2[i].name[0] == -69 && bag2[i].name[1] == -7) { for (int j = 0; j < 9; j++) { if (bag2[i].skill.name == mybasicskill[j].name) { for (int k = 0; k < time; k++) { if (potential >= mybasicskill[j].level / 2) { potential -= mybasicskill[j].level / 2; mybasicskill[j].level++; damage += mybasicskill[j].plusattack; dodge += mybasicskill[j].plusdodge; hit += mybasicskill[j].plushit; maxhealth += mybasicskill[j].plushealth; health += mybasicskill[j].plushealth; force += mybasicskill[j].plusforce; maxforce += mybasicskill[j].plusforce; cout << "你"; color(4); cout << mybasicskill[j].name; color(16); cout << "的等级提升了!" << endl; allskilllevel++; } else { cout << "可能是你缺乏实战经验,你实在理解不了" << bag2[i].name << "上所讲的东西" << endl; break; } } } } is = true; break; } else { for (int j = 0; j < time; j++) { bool have = false; bool canstudy = true; for (int k = 0; k < myskilli; k++) { if (bag2[i].skill.name == myskill[k].name) { canstudy = (potential >= myskill[k].level); for (int a = 0; a < 100; a++) { if (bag2[i].needskill[a] == "") { break; } else { bool ishave = false; for (int b = 0; b < 100; b++) { if (bag2[i].needskill[a] == myskill[b].name) { ishave = true; canstudy &= (bag2[i].needlevel[a] <= myskill[b].level); break; } } for (int b = 0; b < 100; b++) { if (bag2[i].needskill[a] == mybasicskill[b].name) { ishave = true; canstudy &= (bag2[i].needlevel[a] <= mybasicskill[b].level); break; } } canstudy &= ishave; } } if (canstudy) { potential -= myskill[k].level; myskill[k].level++; damage += myskill[k].plusattack; dodge += myskill[k].plusdodge; hit += myskill[k].plushit; maxhealth += myskill[k].plushealth; health += myskill[k].plushealth; maxforce += myskill[k].plusforce; force += myskill[k].plusforce; cout << "你"; color(4); cout << myskill[k].name; color(16); cout << "的等级提升了!" << endl; allskilllevel++; if (bag2[i].skill.name == "「反弹剑法」") { reboundnum += 1; } } else { cout << "可能是缺乏实战经验,你实在理解不了" << bag2[i].name << "上所讲的东西" << endl; } have = true; break; } } if (!canstudy) { break; } if (!have) { myskill[myskilli++] = bag2[i].skill; if (bag2[i].skill.name == "「反弹剑法」") { isrebound = true; reboundnum = 10; } cout << "你"; color(4); cout << bag2[i].skill.name; color(16); cout << "的等级提升了!" << endl; allskilllevel++; } } is = true; break; } } } if (!is) { cout << "你要读什么书?" << endl; cout << "指令格式:study <书> <次数>" << endl; } } else if (ins1 == "say") { string say; cin >> say; cout << "你说:“"; color(8); cout << say; color(16); cout << "”" << endl; } else if (ins1 == "yell") { string yell; cin >> yell; cout << "你大喊:“"; color(4); cout << yell; color(16); cout << "”" << endl; if (yell == "我太难了!" || yell == "我太难了。" || yell == "我太难了") { Sleep(1000); color(6); cout << "天下掉下来一本武功秘籍..." << endl; color(16); color(6); cout << "【东拉西扯】某人:听说有一本武功秘籍掉在了" << inroom.name << "" << endl; color(16); for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { if (inroom.book[i].name == "") { inroom.book[i] = { "绝世武功秘籍","book",{"绝世武功","你拿起手中w胡乱舞几招,再一看,e已经死了...","kongfu",2000000000,1,"剑",0,0,0,10000000,0,1,0,0,true,0},0,{},{},"神:现在不难了吧...",0 }; break; } } } if (yell == "我想死!" || yell == "我想死。" || yell == "我想死") { color(6); cout << "天上传来一个沉闷的声音:“那就死吧!”" << endl; color(16); health = 0; } } else if (ins1 == "bury") { string a; cin >> a; if (a == "allcorpse") { bool ishave = false; for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { if (inroom.thing[i].Englishname == "corpse") { cout << "你埋葬了" << inroom.thing[i].name << endl; inroom.thing[i] = {}; room[nowroomi].thing[i] = {}; ishave = true; } } if (!ishave) { cout << "这里没有尸体啊?"; } } else if (a == "corpse") { bool ishave = false; for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { if (inroom.thing[i].Englishname == "corpse") { cout << "你埋葬了" << inroom.thing[i].name << endl; inroom.thing[i] = {}; room[nowroomi].thing[i] = {}; ishave = true; break; } } if (!ishave) { cout << "这里没有尸体啊?"; } } else { cout << "什么?" << endl; cout << "如果你不知道指令,请输入 help 查询" << endl; } } else if (ins1 == "set") { string which; string what; cin >> which; if (which == "?") { cout << "set <...> to <...>" << endl; cout << "现在可以设置指针(pointer)就是这个:" << endl; cout << "↓" << endl; cout << ">set ?" << endl; } else { cin >> what >> what; if (which == "pointer") { po = what; color(6); cout << "设置成功..." << endl; color(16); } } } else if (ins1 == "sell") { string thing; cin >> thing; bool issell = false; if (inroom.isshop == true) { for (int i = 0; i < 200; i++) { if (bag[i].Englishname == thing || bag[i].name == thing) { cout << "你买掉了"; color(8); cout << bag[i].name; color(16); cout << ",获得了"; color(6); cout << bag[i].coin / 2; color(16); cout << "个铜钱" << endl; coin += bag[i].coin / 2; bag[i] = {}; issell = true; break; } } if (!issell) { for (int i = 0; i < 200; i++) { if (bag2[i].Englishname == thing || bag2[i].name == thing) { cout << "你买掉了"; color(8); cout << bag2[i].name; color(16); cout << ",获得了"; color(6); cout << bag2[i].coin / 2; color(16); cout << "个铜钱" << endl; coin += bag2[i].coin / 2; bag2[i] = {}; issell = true; break; } } } if (!issell) { for (int i = 0; i < 200; i++) { if (bag3[i].Englishname == thing || bag3[i].name == thing) { cout << "你买掉了"; color(8); cout << bag3[i].name; color(16); cout << ",获得了"; color(6); cout << bag3[i].coin / 2; color(16); cout << "个铜钱" << endl; coin += bag3[i].coin / 2; bag3[i] = {}; issell = true; break; } } } if (!issell) { cout << "你没有这东西啊" << endl; } } else { cout << "这里不是商店啊?" << endl; } } else if (ins1 == "list") { if (inroom.isshop == false) { cout << "这里没有任何摆摊的商人" << endl; } else { cout << "这里现在出售以下物品:" << endl; cout << "_________________________" << endl; for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { if (inroom.booksell[i].name != "") { cout << inroom.booksell[i].name << "("; color(3); cout << inroom.booksell[i].Englishname; color(16); cout << ")"; for (int j = 0; j < 28 - inroom.booksell[i].name.size() - inroom.booksell[i].Englishname.size(); j++) { cout << " "; } color(6); cout << inroom.booksell[i].coin; color(16); cout << "文" << endl; } } for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { if (inroom.thingsell[i].name != "") { cout << inroom.thingsell[i].name << "("; color(3); cout << inroom.thingsell[i].Englishname; color(16); cout << ")"; for (int j = 0; j < 28 - inroom.thingsell[i].name.size() - inroom.thingsell[i].Englishname.size(); j++) { cout << " "; } color(6); cout << inroom.thingsell[i].coin; color(16); cout << "文" << endl; } } for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { if (inroom.weaponsell[i].name != "") { cout << inroom.weaponsell[i].name << "("; color(3); cout << inroom.weaponsell[i].Englishname; color(16); cout << ")"; for (int j = 0; j < 28 - inroom.weaponsell[i].name.size() - inroom.weaponsell[i].Englishname.size(); j++) { cout << " "; } color(6); cout << inroom.weaponsell[i].coin; color(16); cout << "文" << endl; } } cout << "_________________________" << endl; } } else if (ins1 == "buy") { string thing; cin >> thing; bool isfind = false; for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { if (thing == inroom.weaponsell[i].Englishname || thing == inroom.weaponsell[i].name) { if (gold * 10000 + silver * 100 + coin < inroom.weaponsell[i].coin) { cout << "你的钱不够" << endl; } else { cout << "你买下了" << inroom.weaponsell[i].name << endl; coin = gold * 10000 + silver * 100 + coin; gold = 0; silver = 0; coin -= inroom.weaponsell[i].coin; for (int j = 0; j < 200; j++) { if (bag[j].name == "") { bag[j] = inroom.weaponsell[i]; break; } } } isfind = true; break; } } for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { if (thing == inroom.booksell[i].Englishname || thing == inroom.booksell[i].name) { if (gold * 10000 + silver * 100 + coin < inroom.booksell[i].coin) { cout << "你的钱不够" << endl; } else { cout << "你买下了" << inroom.booksell[i].name << endl; coin = gold * 10000 + silver * 100 + coin; gold = 0; silver = 0; coin -= inroom.booksell[i].coin; for (int j = 0; j < 200; j++) { if (bag2[j].name == "") { bag2[j] = inroom.booksell[i]; break; } } } isfind = true; break; } } for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { if (thing == inroom.thingsell[i].Englishname || thing == inroom.thingsell[i].name) { if (gold * 10000 + silver * 100 + coin < inroom.thingsell[i].coin) { cout << "你的钱不够" << endl; } else { cout << "你买下了" << inroom.thingsell[i].name << endl; coin = gold * 10000 + silver * 100 + coin; gold = 0; silver = 0; coin -= inroom.thingsell[i].coin; for (int j = 0; j < 200; j++) { if (bag3[j].name == "") { bag3[j] = inroom.thingsell[i]; break; } } } isfind = true; break; } } if (!isfind) { cout << "这里不卖这样东西" << endl; } } else if (ins1 == "fight" || ins1 == "f") { string name; cin >> name; bool is = false; for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { if (inroom.people[i].name == name || inroom.people[i].Englishname == name) { x[0] = inroom.people[i]; y[0] = i; fightall(x, 1, y); is = true; break; } } if (!is) { cout << "你要击杀谁?" << endl; cout << "指令格式:kill <某人>" << endl; } } else if (ins1 == "fightall") { string name; int many; cin >> many; int num = 0; bool is = false; for (int i = 0; i < many; i++) { cin >> name; for (int j = 0; j < 100; j++) { if (inroom.people[j].name == name || inroom.people[j].Englishname == name) { x[num] = inroom.people[j]; y[num] = j; num++; is = true; break; } } } if (!is) { cout << "你要击杀谁?" << endl; cout << "指令格式:kill <某人>" << endl; } else { fightall(x, num, y); } } else if (ins1 == "AboutGame") { color(4); cout << "-========================================================" << endl; color(16); cout << "|版本:" << edition << "无存档" << endl; cout << "|作者:Evan_song" << endl; cout << "|游戏特色:模仿武林,可以创建各门派,拜师学武" << endl; cout << "|本版本修复了战斗BUG,新增人物自动走动" << endl; cout << "|本游戏正处于游玩版中" << endl; color(4); cout << "-========================================================" << endl; color(16); } else if (ins1 == "save") { cout << "本版本是无存档游玩版..." << endl; } else if (ins1 == "UpToWizard-1" || ins1 == "UTW-1" || ins1 == "wizard-1") { int pass; cout << "请输入密码:"; int realpass = rand(); ofstream outdata("data2.txt", ios::binary | ios::app | ios::in | ios::out); outdata << realpass << endl; cin >> pass; if (pass == realpass) { IDEN = "wizard-1"; cout << "您成功提升为"; color(2); cout << "小巫师" << endl; color(16); } } else if (ins1 == "UpToWizard-2" || ins1 == "UTW-2" || ins1 == "wizard-2") { int pass; cout << "请输入密码:"; int realpass = rand(); ofstream outdata("data2.txt", ios::binary | ios::app | ios::in | ios::out); outdata << realpass << endl; cin >> pass; if (pass == realpass) { IDEN = "wizard-2"; cout << "您成功提升为"; color(1); cout << "中巫师" << endl; color(16); } } else if (ins1 == "UpToWizard-3" || ins1 == "UTW-3" || ins1 == "wizard-3") { int pass; cout << "请输入密码:"; int realpass = rand(); ofstream outdata("data2.txt", ios::binary | ios::app | ios::in | ios::out); outdata << realpass << endl; cin >> pass; if (pass == realpass) { IDEN = "wizard-3"; cout << "您成功提升为"; color(5); cout << "大巫师" << endl; color(16); } } else if (ins1 == "UpToWizard-4" || ins1 == "UTW-4" || ins1 == "wizard-4") { int pass; cout << "请输入密码:"; int realpass = rand(); ofstream outdata("data2.txt", ios::binary | ios::app | ios::in | ios::out); outdata << realpass << endl; cin >> pass; if (pass == realpass) { IDEN = "wizard-4"; cout << "您成功提升为"; color(6); cout << "天神" << endl; color(16); } } else if (ins1 == "UpToWizard-5" || ins1 == "UTW-5" || ins1 == "wizard-5") { int pass; cout << "请输入密码:"; int realpass = rand(); ofstream outdata("data2.txt", ios::binary | ios::app | ios::in | ios::out); outdata << realpass << endl; cin >> pass; if (pass == realpass) { IDEN = "wizard-5"; cout << "您成功提升为"; color(4); cout << "创世主" << endl; color(16); } } else if (ins1 == "goto") { if (IDEN == "wizard-1" || IDEN == "wizard-2" || IDEN == "wizard-3" || IDEN == "wizard-4" || IDEN == "wizard-5") { string w; bool is = false; cin >> w; for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { if (room[i].Englishname == w) { color(6); cout << "你化作长虹而去" << endl; color(16); nowroomi = i; inroom = room[i]; outroom(); color(6); cout << "你见到了地方,收起金光,稳稳地站在了地上" << endl; color(16); is = true; break; } } if (!is) { cout << "你要去哪里?" << endl; cout << "指令格式:goto <某地>" << endl; } } else { cout << "什么?" << endl; } } else if (ins1 == "smash") { if (IDEN == "wizard-2" || IDEN == "wizard-3" || IDEN == "wizard-4" || IDEN == "wizard-5") { string w; bool is = false; cin >> w; for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { if (inroom.people[i].Englishname == w) { color(4); cout << "突然,乌云密布,天空中劈下一道闪电..." << endl; cout << "正中"; color(6); cout << inroom.people[i].name << endl << inroom.people[i].name; color(4); cout << "大叫一声,口吐鲜血,倒在地上,死了!" << endl; color(16); make_corpse(inroom.people[i], inroom.people[i].weapon); break; } } if (!is) { cout << "你要劈谁?" << endl; cout << "指令格式:smash <某人>" << endl; } } else { cout << "什么?" << endl; } } else if (ins1 == "ls") { if (IDEN == "wizard-2" || IDEN == "wizard-3" || IDEN == "wizard-4" || IDEN == "wizard-5") { cout << "屠龙刀(tulongdao) 倚天剑(yitianjian) 射日弓(sherigong)" << endl; cout << "战神弓(zhanshengong) 战神剑(zhanshengjian) 战神甲(zhanshenjia) 战神靴(zhanshenjian) 战神刀(zhanshendao)" << endl; cout << "战神棍(zhanshengun) 战神鞭(zhanshenbian)" << endl; cout << "钢刀(blade) 剑(sword) 长剑(longsword) 凝碧剑(greensword) 斩铁刀(zhantiedao)" << endl; cout << "齐眉棍(qimeigun) 打狗棍(dagougun)" << endl; } else { cout << "什么?" << endl; } } else if (ins1 == "make_weapon") { if (IDEN == "wizard-2" || IDEN == "wizard-3" || IDEN == "wizard-4" || IDEN == "wizard-5") { int i; for (i = 0; i < 100; i++) { if (inroom.thing[i].name == "") { break; } } cout << "武器类型有:{剑,刀,鞭,棍,拳}" << endl; cout << "格式: make<名字><英文名><武器类型><武器描述><价格><攻击><增加生命><增加内力><增加防御><增加轻功><增加命中>" << endl; cin >> inroom.weapon[i].name >> inroom.weapon[i].Englishname >> inroom.weapon[i].type >> inroom.weapon[i].tell >> inroom.weapon[i].coin >> inroom.weapon[i].plusdamage >> inroom.weapon[i].plushealth >> inroom.weapon[i].plusforce >> inroom.weapon[i].plusdefense >> inroom.weapon[i].plusdodge >> inroom.weapon[i].plushit; inroom.weapon[i].lv = 16; room[nowroomi].weapon[i] = inroom.weapon[i]; color(6); cout << "创造成功。" << endl; color(16); } else { cout << "什么?" << endl; } } else if (ins1 == "make_thing") { if (IDEN == "wizard-2" || IDEN == "wizard-3" || IDEN == "wizard-4" || IDEN == "wizard-5") { int i; for (i = 0; i < 100; i++) { if (inroom.thing[i].name == "") { break; } } cout << "格式: make<名字><英文名><物品描述><价格>" << endl; cin >> inroom.thing[i].name >> inroom.thing[i].Englishname >> inroom.thing[i].tell >> inroom.thing[i].coin; room[nowroomi].thing[i] = inroom.thing[i]; color(6); cout << "创造成功。" << endl; color(16); } else { cout << "什么?" << endl; } } else if (ins1 == "make_book") { if (IDEN == "wizard-2" || IDEN == "wizard-3" || IDEN == "wizard-4" || IDEN == "wizard-5") { color(4); cout << "暂不支持创造书" << endl; color(16); } else { cout << "什么?" << endl; } } else if (ins1 == "call") { if (IDEN == "wizard-3" || IDEN == "wizard-4" || IDEN == "wizard-5") { string who; int value; string setwhat; cin >> who >> setwhat >> value; if (myEnglishname == who) { if (setwhat == "sethealth") { health = value; if (health > maxhealth) { maxhealth = health; } color(4); cout << "设置成功" << endl; color(16); } else if (setwhat == "setdamage") { damage = value; color(4); cout << "设置成功" << endl; color(16); } else if (setwhat == "setforce") { force = value; if (force > maxforce) { maxforce = force; } color(4); cout << "设置成功" << endl; color(16); } else if (setwhat == "setdefense") { defense = value; color(4); cout << "设置成功" << endl; color(16); } else if (setwhat == "setdodge") { dodge = value; color(4); cout << "设置成功" << endl; color(16); } else if (setwhat == "sethit") { hit = value; color(4); cout << "设置成功" << endl; color(16); } else if (setwhat == "setpotential") { potential = value; color(4); cout << "设置成功" << endl; color(16); } else { cout << "输入错误"; } } else { bool isfind = false; for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { if (inroom.people[i].name == who) { isfind = true; if (setwhat == "sethealth") { inroom.people[i].health = value; room[nowroomi].people[i].health = value; if (inroom.people[i].health > inroom.people[i].maxhealth) { inroom.people[i].maxhealth = inroom.people[i].health; room[nowroomi].people[i].maxhealth = room[nowroomi].people[i].health; } color(4); cout << "设置成功" << endl; color(16); } else if (setwhat == "setdamage") { inroom.people[i].damage = value; room[nowroomi].people[i].damage = value; color(4); cout << "设置成功" << endl; color(16); } else if (setwhat == "setforce") { inroom.people[i].force = value; room[nowroomi].people[i].force = value; if (inroom.people[i].force > inroom.people[i].maxforce) { inroom.people[i].maxforce = inroom.people[i].force; room[nowroomi].people[i].force = room[nowroomi].people[i].force; } color(4); cout << "设置成功" << endl; color(16); } else if (setwhat == "setdefense") { inroom.people[i].defense = value; room[nowroomi].people[i].defense = value; color(4); cout << "设置成功" << endl; color(16); } else if (setwhat == "setdodge") { inroom.people[i].dodge = value; room[nowroomi].people[i].dodge = value; color(4); cout << "设置成功" << endl; color(16); } else if (setwhat == "sethit") { inroom.people[i].hit = value; room[nowroomi].people[i].hit = value; color(4); cout << "设置成功" << endl; color(16); } else { cout << "输入错误"; } break; } } if (!isfind) { cout << "你要设谁?" << endl; } } } else { cout << "什么?" << endl; } } else if (ins1 == "clone") { if (IDEN == "wizard-2" || IDEN == "wizard-3" || IDEN == "wizard-4" || IDEN == "wizard-5") { string what; cin >> what; bool isfind = false; for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { if (inroom.weapon[i].Englishname == what) { isfind = true; for (int j = 0; j < 100; j++) { if (inroom.weapon[j].name == "") { inroom.weapon[j] = inroom.weapon[i]; room[nowroomi].weapon[j] = inroom.weapon[i]; color(6); cout << inroom.weapon[j].name << "克隆成功!" << endl; color(16); break; } } break; } } if (!isfind) { for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { if (inroom.thing[i].Englishname == what) { isfind = true; for (int j = 0; j < 100; j++) { if (inroom.thing[j].name == "") { inroom.thing[j] = inroom.thing[i]; room[nowroomi].thing[j] = inroom.thing[i]; color(6); cout << inroom.thing[j].name << "克隆成功!" << endl; color(16); break; } } break; } } } if (!isfind) { for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { if (inroom.book[i].Englishname == what) { isfind = true; for (int j = 0; j < 100; j++) { if (inroom.book[j].name == "") { inroom.book[j] = inroom.book[i]; room[nowroomi].book[j] = inroom.book[i]; color(6); cout << inroom.book[j].name << "克隆成功!" << endl; color(16); break; } } break; } } } if (!isfind) { for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { if (inroom.people[i].Englishname == what) { isfind = true; for (int j = 0; j < 100; j++) { if (inroom.people[j].name == "") { inroom.people[j] = inroom.people[i]; room[nowroomi].people[j] = inroom.people[i]; color(6); cout << inroom.people[j].name << "克隆成功!" << endl; color(16); break; } } break; } } } if (!isfind) { cout << "没有这样东西" << endl; } } else { cout << "什么?" << endl; } } else if (ins1 == "throw") { string thing; cin >> thing; string who; cin >> who >> who; bool isthing = false, ispeople = false; for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { if (bag3[i].Englishname == thing) { isthing = true; for (int j = 0; j < 100; j++) { if (inroom.people[j].Englishname == who) { ispeople = true; if (rand() % 10000 >= inroom.people[j].dodge - hit) { cout << "你的" << bag3[i].name << "正中" << inroom.people[j].name << "的头!" << endl; inroom.people[j].health -= rand() % 1000 + 200; room[nowroomi].people[j].health = inroom.people[j].health; if (inroom.people[j].health < 1) { cout << inroom.people[j].name << "大叫一声,倒在地上,死了" << endl; make_corpse(inroom.people[j], inroom.people[j].weapon); } else { cout << inroom.people[j].name << "看起来想要杀了你!" << endl; x[0] = inroom.people[j]; y[0] = j; killall(x, 1, y); } } else { cout << "对方轻轻一跳,躲了过去" << endl; cout << inroom.people[j].name << "看起来想要杀了你!" << endl; x[0] = inroom.people[j]; y[0] = j; killall(x, 1, y); } break; } } break; } } if (!isthing) { cout << "没有这个东西" << endl; } else if (!ispeople) { cout << "没有这个人" << endl; } } else if (ins1 == "conjure") { string which; cin >> which; map<string, we>::iterator it = weap.find(which); if (it != weap.end()) { for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { if (inroom.weapon[i].name == "") { inroom.weapon[i] = it->second; color(6); cout << "只见" << myname << "挥手一指,凭空变出一个" << it->second.name << endl; color(16); break; } } } else { cout << "没有这个武器" << endl; } } else if (ins1 == "enable") { string whichskill; cin >> whichskill; bool isfind = false; for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { if (myskill[i].Englishname == whichskill) { isfind = true; if (myskill[i].isattack == true) { cout << "你要enable的技能不是轻功技能" << endl; } else { cout << "你打算使用" << myskill[i].name << "作为战斗时使用的轻功" << endl; nowdodgeskill = myskill[i]; } } } if (!isfind) { cout << "没有这种技能" << endl; } } else if (ins1 == "score") { if (IDEN == "wizard-2" || IDEN == "wizard-3" || IDEN == "wizard-4" || IDEN == "wizard-5") { string who; cin >> who; bool isfind = false; for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { if (inroom.people[i].Englishname == who) { isfind = true; cout << "攻击:"; color(4); cout << inroom.people[i].damage << endl; color(16); cout << "防御:"; color(14); cout << inroom.people[i].defense << endl; color(16); cout << "生命:"; if (inroom.people[i].health > inroom.people[i].maxhealth / 6 * 5) color(10); else if (inroom.people[i].health > inroom.people[i].maxhealth / 6 * 4) color( 14); else if (inroom.people[i].health > inroom.people[i].maxhealth / 6 * 3) color( 14); else if (inroom.people[i].health > inroom.people[i].maxhealth / 6 * 2) color( 12); else if (inroom.people[i].health > inroom.people[i].maxhealth / 6) color(12); else color(4); cout << inroom.people[i].health; color(16); cout << "/"; color(10); cout << inroom.people[i].maxhealth << endl; color(16); cout << "内功:"; if (inroom.people[i].force > inroom.people[i].maxforce / 6 * 5) color(10); else if (inroom.people[i].force > inroom.people[i].maxforce / 6 * 4) color(14); else if (inroom.people[i].force > inroom.people[i].maxforce / 6 * 3) color(14); else if (inroom.people[i].force > inroom.people[i].maxforce / 6 * 2) color(12); else if (inroom.people[i].force > inroom.people[i].maxforce / 6) color(12); else color(4); cout << inroom.people[i].force; color(16); cout << "/"; color(10); cout << inroom.people[i].maxforce << endl; color(16); cout << "命中:"; cout << inroom.people[i].hit << endl; color(16); cout << "躲避:"; color(10); cout << inroom.people[i].dodge << endl; color(16); break; } } if (!isfind) { cout << "没有这个人" << endl; } } } else if (ins1 == "menpai") { color(4); cout << "正派"; color(16); cout << ":"; color(8); cout << "武当,丐帮,少林" << endl; color(1); cout << "中立"; color(16); cout << ":"; color(8); cout << "道家,铸剑山庄,空桑派,小学生帮,初中会,大学派" << endl; color(5); cout << "邪教"; color(16); cout << ":"; color(8); cout << "古墓,灵鹫宫,神龙教" << endl; color(11); cout << "要拜师,请输入:bai<门派中文名>" << endl; color(16); } else if (ins1 == "bai") { string men; cin >> men; if (men != "武当" && men != "丐帮" && men != "少林" && men != "道家" && men != "铸剑山庄" && men != "空桑派" && men != "古墓" && men != "灵鹫宫" && men != "神龙教") { cout << "没有这个门派" << endl << endl; color(4); cout << "正派"; color(16); cout << ":"; color(8); cout << "武当,丐帮,少林" << endl << endl; color(1); cout << "中立"; color(16); cout << ":"; color(8); cout << "道家,铸剑山庄,空桑派" << endl << endl; color(5); cout << "邪教"; color(16); cout << ":"; color(8); cout << "古墓,灵鹫宫,神龙教" << endl; } else if (!baishi) { cout << men << ":嗯,欢迎你加入。" << endl; cout << "你成功拜入" << men << endl; mymenpai = men; if (mymenpai == "武当") { inroom = room[26]; nowroomi = 26; outroom(); } if (mymenpai == "丐帮") { inroom = room[27]; nowroomi = 27; outroom(); } if (mymenpai == "铸剑山庄") { inroom = room[41]; nowroomi = 41; outroom(); } if (mymenpai == "道家") { inroom = room[43]; nowroomi = 43; outroom(); } baishi = true; } else { cout << "你已经是" << mymenpai << "的学生了" << endl; } } else if (ins1 == "dazuo") { int time; cin >> time; color(8); cout << "你盘腿坐下,静下心来,开始打坐..." << endl; color(16); for (int i = 0; i < time; i++) { Sleep(3000); if (force < maxforce) { if (force + 100 > maxforce) { cout << "你的内力补充了"; color(10); cout << maxforce - force; color(16); cout << "点" << endl; force = maxforce; color(1); cout << "内力补充完毕" << endl; color(16); } else { cout << "你的内力补充了"; color(10); cout << "100"; color(16); cout << "点" << endl; force += 100; } } else { cout << "你的最大内力提升了"; color(6); cout << "10"; color(16); cout << "点" << endl; cout << "你的内力提升了"; color(6); cout << "10"; color(16); cout << "点" << endl; maxforce += 10; force += 10; } } color(8); cout << "你站了起来,准备去别的地方。" << endl; color(16); } else if (ins1 == "liaoshang") { color(8); cout << "你盘腿坐下,开始医疗伤口..." << endl; color(16); while (1) { Sleep(3000); if (health + 100 > maxhealth) { cout << "你的气血恢复了"; color(10); cout << maxhealth - health; color(16); cout << "点" << endl; health = maxhealth; color(1); cout << "气血恢复完毕" << endl; color(16); break; } else { cout << "你的气血恢复了"; color(10); cout << "100"; color(16); cout << "点" << endl; health += 100; } } color(8); cout << "你站了起来,准备去别的地方。" << endl; color(16); } else if (ins1 == "home") { int a; cin >> a; if (((((a % 2) * 3) / 2) * 9816) % 102 == 0) { inroom = room[39]; nowroomi = 39; outroom(); } } else if (ins1 == "mine") { if (inroom.name == "矿洞") { int time; cin >> time; color(8); cout << "你拿起矿镐,走进矿洞深处,开始挖矿..." << endl; color(16); for (int i = 0; i < time; i++) { Sleep(10000); int ran = rand() % 44 + 1; switch (ran) { case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: case 5: case 6: case 7: case 8: cout << "你挖到了煤矿..."; minebag[1].coin++; break; case 9: case 10: case 11: case 12: case 13: case 14: case 15: case 16: cout << "你挖到了铜矿..."; minebag[4].coin++; break; case 17: case 18: case 19: case 20: case 21: case 22: cout << "你挖到了铁矿..."; minebag[0].coin++; break; case 23: case 24: case 25: case 26: case 27: case 28: cout << "你挖到了金矿..."; minebag[2].coin++; break; case 29: case 30: case 31: cout << "你挖到了黑曜石..."; minebag[5].coin++; break; case 32: case 33: case 34: case 35: cout << "你挖到了精铁矿..."; minebag[6].coin++; break; case 36: cout << "你挖到了钻石..."; minebag[7].coin++; break; case 37: case 38: case 39: case 40: cout << "你挖到了银矿..."; minebag[8].coin++; break; case 41: case 42: case 43: cout << "你挖到了钢矿..."; minebag[3].coin++; break; case 44: cout << "你挖到了钛矿..."; minebag[9].coin++; break; default: break; } cout << endl; ran = rand() % 5 + 5; cout << "增加" << ran << "点潜能," << ran / 2 << "点经验!!!" << endl; potential += ran; experience += ran / 2; } color(8); cout << "你挖完了矿,准备去别的地方。" << endl; color(16); } else { cout << "什么?" << endl; } } else if (ins1 == "minebag") { cout << "你有以下矿石:" << endl; for (int i = 0; i < 13; i++) { cout << minebag[i].name; for (int j = 0; j < 20 - minebag[i].name.size(); j++) { cout << " "; } cout << minebag[i].coin << "个" << endl; } } else if (ins1 == "blend") { string a, b; cin >> a >> b; for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) { if (a == minebag[i].Englishname) { } } } else if (ins1 == "makesword") { if (mymenpai == "铸剑山庄") { cout << "[1级]弱铁剑 [2级]铁剑 [3级]精铁剑 [4级]钢剑 [5级]强之剑 [6级]精之剑 [7级]钻之剑 [8级]昂之剑 [9级]神之剑 [10级]倚天剑" << endl; cout << "造剑等级:" << buildlevel << endl; cout << "你要造几级剑:" << endl; int level; cin >> level; if (level > buildlevel) { color(12); cout << "你的造剑等级不足!" << endl; color(16); } else { switch (level) { case 1: if (minebag[0].coin < 10 || minebag[1].coin < 10 || minebag[4].coin < 10) { cout << "造弱铁剑需要10x铁,10x煤,还有10x铜" << endl; } else { cout << "制造成功,使用了10x铁,10x煤,还有10x铜" << endl; buildexp += 75; cout << "你的造剑经验增加了"; color(4); cout << "75" << endl; color(16); minebag[0].coin -= 10; minebag[1].coin -= 10; minebag[4].coin -= 10; for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { if (bag[i].name == "") { bag[i] = { "弱铁剑","weakiron_sword","剑","用铁铸成的剑,比铁剑稍微弱一点",30,30,0,0,0,-5,5 }; break; } } } if (buildexp > buildlevel * 500 + 1000) { cout << "你的"; color(4); cout << "造剑技能"; color(16); cout << "等级提升了" << endl; buildlevel++; buildexp = 0; } break; case 2: if (minebag[0].coin < 20 || minebag[1].coin < 20 || minebag[4].coin < 15 || minebag[2].coin < 10) { cout << "造铁剑需要20x铁,20x煤,15x铜,还有10x金" << endl; } else { cout << "制造成功,使用了20x铁,20x煤,15x铜,还有10x金" << endl; minebag[0].coin -= 20; minebag[1].coin -= 20; minebag[4].coin -= 15; minebag[2].coin -= 10; buildexp += 150; cout << "你的造剑经验增加了"; color(4); cout << "150" << endl; color(16); for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { if (bag[i].name == "") { bag[i] = { "铁剑","iron_sword","剑","用铁铸成的剑",50,50,0,0,0,-6,8 }; break; } } } if (buildexp > buildlevel * 500 + 1000) { cout << "你的"; color(4); cout << "造剑技能"; color(16); cout << "等级提升了" << endl; buildlevel++; buildexp = 0; } break; case 3: if (minebag[0].coin < 35 || minebag[1].coin < 35 || minebag[4].coin < 25 || minebag[2].coin < 20) { cout << "造精铁剑需要35x铁,35x煤,25x铜,还有20x金" << endl; } else { cout << "制造成功,使用了35x铁,35x煤,25x铜,还有20x金" << endl; minebag[0].coin -= 35; minebag[1].coin -= 35; minebag[4].coin -= 25; minebag[2].coin -= 20; buildexp += 250; cout << "你的造剑经验增加了"; color(4); cout << "250" << endl; color(16); for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { if (bag[i].name == "") { bag[i] = { "精铁剑","iron_sword","剑","用精铁铸成的剑,很坚硬",100,100,0,0,0,-10,10 }; break; } } } if (buildexp > buildlevel * 500 + 1000) { cout << "你的"; color(4); cout << "造剑技能"; color(16); cout << "等级提升了" << endl; buildlevel++; buildexp = 0; } break; } } } } else if (ins1 == "baishi") { string name; cin >> name; for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { if (inroom.people[i].Englishname == name) { if (inroom.people[i].canbai) { cout << inroom.people[i].name << ":好,我就收你这个徒弟!" << endl; cout << "你向" << inroom.people[i].name << "恭恭敬敬地磕了三下头,并喊出声来:师父,师父!" << endl; myshifu = inroom.people[i].name; } else { cout << inroom.people[i].name << ":拜师?不敢当不敢当" << endl; } break; } } } else if (ins1 == "masterskill") { if (myshifu != "你还未拜师...") { for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { if (inroom.people[i].name == myshifu) { cout << inroom.people[i].name << "学会了以下技能:" << endl; for (int j = 0; inroom.people[i].skills[j].name != ""; j++) { cout << inroom.people[i].skills[j].name << "("; color(3); cout << inroom.people[i].skills[j].Englishname; color(16); cout << ") "; cout << inroom.people[i].skills[j].level; if (inroom.people[i].skills[j].level < 100) { color(2); cout << " 初学乍练" << endl; color(16); } else if (inroom.people[i].skills[j].level < 200) { color(2); cout << " 略知一二" << endl; color(16); } else if (inroom.people[i].skills[j].level < 300) { color(9); cout << " 半生不熟" << endl; color(16); } else if (inroom.people[i].skills[j].level < 400) { color(9); cout << " 平淡无奇" << endl; color(16); } else if (inroom.people[i].skills[j].level < 500) { color(9); cout << " 心神领会" << endl; color(16); } else if (inroom.people[i].skills[j].level < 600) { color(14); cout << " 熟能生巧" << endl; color(16); } else if (inroom.people[i].skills[j].level < 700) { color(14); cout << " 高深莫测" << endl; color(16); } else if (inroom.people[i].skills[j].level < 800) { color(14); cout << " 出神入化" << endl; color(16); } else if (inroom.people[i].skills[j].level < 900) { color(12); cout << " 旷古绝伦" << endl; color(16); } else if (inroom.people[i].skills[j].level < 1000) { color(12); cout << " 绝世高深" << endl; color(16); } else { color(12); cout << " 返璞归真" << endl; color(16); } } break; } } } else { cout << "你还未拜师..." << endl; } } else if (ins1 == "learn") { string ski; int num; cin >> ski >> num; if (myshifu == "你还未拜师...") { cout << myshifu << endl; } else { bool ishere = false; for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { if (inroom.people[i].name == myshifu) { ishere = true; bool isskill = false; for (int j = 0; inroom.people[i].skills[j].name != ""; j++) { if (inroom.people[i].skills[j].Englishname == ski) { isskill = true; for (int k = 0; k < num; k++) { bool have = false; for (int l = 0; l < myskilli; l++) { if (inroom.people[i].skills[j].name == myskill[l].name) { if (potential >= myskill[l].level) { if (inroom.people[i].skills[j].level <= myskill[l].level) { cout << "你这项技能等级已经不输你的师父了!!" << endl; } else { potential -= myskill[l].level; myskill[l].level++; damage += myskill[l].plusattack; dodge += myskill[l].plusdodge; hit += myskill[l].plushit; maxhealth += myskill[l].plushealth; health += myskill[l].plushealth; maxforce += myskill[l].plusforce; force += myskill[l].plusforce; cout << "你"; color(4); cout << myskill[l].name; color(16); cout << "的等级提升了!" << endl; allskilllevel++; if (inroom.people[i].skills[j].name == "「反弹剑法」") { reboundnum += 1; } } } else { cout << "可能是缺乏实战经验,你实在理解不了" << inroom.people[i].name << "所讲的东西" << endl; } have = true; break; } } if (!have) { myskill[myskilli] = inroom.people[i].skills[j]; myskill[myskilli].damage = damage * inroom.people[i].skills[j].timedamage; myskill[myskilli++].level = 1; if (inroom.people[i].skills[j].name == "「反弹剑法」") { isrebound = true; reboundnum = 10; } cout << "你"; color(4); cout << inroom.people[i].skills[j].name; color(16); cout << "的等级提升了!" << endl; allskilllevel++; } } break; } } if (!isskill) { cout << "这项技能你可能要找别人学了..." << endl; } break; } } if (!ishere) { cout << "你的师父不在这啊..." << endl; } } } else if (ins1 == "introduction") { system("start https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/nDK6hkY4xJ/"); cout << "开启副本攻略成功" << endl; } else if (ins1 == "uplv") { if (nowroomi == 3) { cout << "你恭恭敬敬地问武神:「贫僧武功境界如何?」" << endl; Sleep(1000); if (title == "普通百姓") { cout << "武神说:「贫僧武功正式武士之境界。继续努力即可到达武师境界」" << endl; title = "武士"; titlecolor = 10; } else if (title == "武士") { if (allskilllevel >= 2000 && maxforce >= 2000) { cout << "武神说:「贫僧武功正式武师之境界。继续努力即可到达宗师境界」" << endl; title = "武师"; titlecolor = 9; } else { cout << "武神说:「要到达武师境界,需要所有技能的等级之和到达2000和最大内力到达2000」" << endl; } } } else { cout << "武神不在这" << endl; } } else if (ins1 == "wudaota") { cout << "进入武道塔成功!"; inroom = room[44]; nowroomi = 44; outroom(); } else if (ins1 == "build") { bool ishave = false; for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { if (inroom.people[i].name == "师傅") { ishave = true; } } if (ishave) { cout << "类型:剑,刀,鞭(注意:拂尘也算鞭),拳,棍" << endl; cout << "输入武器类型:"; we makeweapon; cin >> makeweapon.type; cout << "起好名:断空剑,斩铁刀,随缘鞭,千年尘,凝碧刀,斩人无血,无双棍,阴阳棍,七煞刀,月无影,嗜血鞭" << endl; cout << "输入武器名字:"; cin >> makeweapon.name; cout << "输入武器英文名:"; cin >> makeweapon.Englishname; makeweapon.tell = "这是" + myname + "的专属武器,名叫" + makeweapon.name + "。"; makeweapon.plusdamage = 100; makeweapon.plusdefense = 50; makeweapon.plusdodge = 100; makeweapon.plusforce = 100; makeweapon.plushealth = 100; makeweapon.plushit = 100; makeweapon.lv = 4; makeweapon.inlaynum = 10; makeweapon.inlaything[0] = {}; makeweapon.inlaything[1] = {}; makeweapon.inlaything[2] = {}; makeweapon.inlaything[3] = {}; makeweapon.inlaything[4] = {}; makeweapon.inlaything[5] = {}; makeweapon.inlaything[6] = {}; makeweapon.inlaything[7] = {}; makeweapon.inlaything[8] = {}; makeweapon.inlaything[9] = {}; cout << "需要10*铁矿,10*煤,10*金矿,10*铜矿,10*钢矿,10*黑曜石去打造" << endl; if (minebag[0].coin < 10 || minebag[1].coin < 10 || minebag[2].coin < 10 || minebag[3].coin < 10 || minebag[4].coin < 10 || minebag[5].coin < 10) { cout << "材料不足" << endl; } else { cout << "制造成功" << endl; minebag[0].coin -= 10; minebag[1].coin -= 10; minebag[2].coin -= 10; minebag[3].coin -= 10; minebag[4].coin -= 10; minebag[5].coin -= 10; for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { if (bag[i].name == "") { bag[i] = makeweapon; break; } } } } else { cout << "这里没有可以帮你打造武器的人啊!" << endl; } } else if (ins1 == "refine") { bool ishave = false; for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { if (inroom.people[i].name == "师傅") { ishave = true; } } if (ishave) { cout << "精炼需要3*黑曜石" << endl; if (minebag[5].coin >= 3) { color(nweapon.lv); cout << nweapon.name; color(16); cout << "精炼至"; for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { if (bag[i].name == nweapon.name) { if (bag[i].name[bag[i].name.size() - 2] == -95 && bag[i].name[bag[i].name.size() - 1] == -13) { bag[i].name[bag[i].name.size() - 1] = -12; nweapon.name[nweapon.name.size() - 1] = -12; } else { bag[i].name += "◇"; nweapon.name += "◇"; } nweapon.plusdamage += 20; nweapon.plusdefense += 10; nweapon.plusdodge += 20; nweapon.plusforce += 20; nweapon.plushealth += 100; nweapon.plushit += 20; damage += 20; defense += 10; dodge += 20; force += 20; maxforce += 20; health += 100; maxhealth += 100; hit += 20; bag[i].plusdamage += 20; bag[i].plusdefense += 10; bag[i].plusdodge += 20; bag[i].plusforce += 20; bag[i].plushealth += 100; bag[i].plushit += 20; break; } } color(nweapon.lv); cout << nweapon.name << endl; color(16); bag[5].coin -= 3; } else { color(4); cout << "黑曜石不足!" << endl; color(16); } } else { cout << "这里没有可以帮你精炼武器的人啊!" << endl; } } else if (ins1 == "inlay") { bool ishave = false; for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { if (inroom.people[i].name == "师傅") { ishave = true; } } if (ishave) { int inlayplace; for (inlayplace = 0; inlayplace < nweapon.inlaynum; inlayplace++) { if (nweapon.inlaything[inlayplace].name == "") { break; } } if (inlayplace == nweapon.inlaynum) { color(6); cout << "此武器已经没有可以镶嵌宝石的地方了" << endl; color(16); } else { cout << "请问你要镶嵌什么宝石在"; color(nweapon.lv); cout << nweapon.name; color(16); cout << "上" << endl; for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { if (bag3[i].tell == "这是一个宝石") { cout << bag3[i].name << "(" << bag3[i].Englishname << ")" << endl; } } string name; cin >> name; ishave = false; for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { if (bag3[i].tell == "这是一个宝石" && bag3[i].Englishname == name) { ishave = true; nweapon.inlaything[inlayplace] = bag3[i]; nweapon.plusdamage += bag3[i].coin * 10; nweapon.plusdefense += bag3[i].coin * 5; nweapon.plusdodge += bag3[i].coin * 10; nweapon.plusforce += bag3[i].coin * 10; nweapon.plushealth += bag3[i].coin * 100; nweapon.plushit += bag3[i].coin * 10; damage += bag3[i].coin * 10; defense += bag3[i].coin * 5; dodge += bag3[i].coin * 10; force += bag3[i].coin * 10; maxforce += bag3[i].coin * 10; health += bag3[i].coin * 100; maxhealth += bag3[i].coin * 100; hit += bag3[i].coin * 10; for (int j = 0; j < 100; j++) { if (bag[j].Englishname == nweapon.Englishname) { bag[j].inlaything[inlayplace] = bag3[i]; bag[j].plusdamage += bag3[i].coin * 10; bag[j].plusdefense += bag3[i].coin * 5; bag[j].plusdodge += bag3[i].coin * 10; bag[j].plusforce += bag3[i].coin * 10; bag[j].plushealth += bag3[i].coin * 100; bag[j].plushit += bag3[i].coin * 10; break; } } bag3[i] = {}; break; } } if (!ishave) { color(6); cout << "没有这个宝石" << endl; color(16); } else { color(4); cout << "镶嵌成功" << endl; color(16); } } } else { cout << "这里没有可以帮强化武器的人啊!" << endl; } } else if (ins1 == "pray") { if (nowroomi == 0) { int ran = rand() % 10; if (ran == 0) { color(4); cout << "天上突然打下一道雷,正中"; color(11); cout << myname << endl; color(4); cout << "你眼前一黑,晕了过去..." << endl; color(16); Sleep(10000); color(6); cout << "慢慢地,你有了知觉..." << endl; color(16); } else if (ran == 9) { color(6); cout << "祈祷完了,你感觉自己全身闪着金光..." << endl; color(8); cout << "(金色传说!!!)" << endl; color(16); } else { color(8); cout << "祈祷完了,你感觉什么都没发生..." << endl; color(16); } } else { cout << "这里不是客栈..." << endl; } } else if (ins1 == "task") { string someone; cin >> someone; if (someone == "XiaoEr" && !ta[0] && nowroomi == 0) { if (task == "XiaoEr") { for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { if (bag3[i].name == "野狗的尸体") { color(6); cout << "店小二跟你说:大侠,多谢你的帮助" << endl; cout << "店小二给你了100文钱" << endl; ta[0] = true; coin += 100; color(16); break; } } } if (!ta[0]) { color(6); cout << "店小二跟你说:大侠,您可以去杀些野狗,为民除害吗?" << endl; color(16); task = "XiaoEr"; } } if (someone == "notice1" && !ta[1] && nowroomi == 46) { if (task == "notice1") { if (!ta[1]) { color(6); cout << "你看了看告示,再次决定要去闯武道塔" << endl; color(16); task = "notice1"; } else { color(6); cout << "士兵:你去了武道塔,皇帝叫我赏你5银" << endl; cout << "士兵给你了5银" << endl; color(16); coin += 500; } } else if (!ta[1]) { color(6); cout << "你撕下了告示,准备去闯闯武道塔" << endl; color(16); task = "notice1"; } else { color(6); cout << "士兵:你去了武道塔,皇帝叫我赏你1银" << endl; cout << "士兵给你了100文钱" << endl; color(16); ta[1] = true; coin += 100; } } } else if (ins1 == "gift") { if (nowroomi == 47) { if (gift[0] == false) { cout << "你领取了登录礼包,获得了1银" << endl; coin += 100; gift[0] = true; } if (gift[1] == false) { cout << "你领取了夏日礼包,获得了"; color(4); cout << "钟馗道剑" << endl; color(16); color(4); cout << "钟馗道剑" << endl; color(16); cout << "品质【"; color(4); cout << "红"; color(16); cout << "】" << endl; cout << "镶嵌槽: ◇◇◇◇◇" << endl; gift[1] = true; for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { if (bag[i].name == "") { bag[i] = zhongkui; break; } } } } else { cout << "什么?" << endl; cout << "如果你不知道指令,请输入 help 查询" << endl; } } else { cout << "什么?" << endl; cout << "如果你不知道指令,请输入 help 查询" << endl; } conversion(); for (int i = 0; i < myskilli; i++) { if (myskill[i].name != "绝世武功") { myskill[i].damage = myskill[i].timedamage * damage; } } } return 0; }
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