
2021/4/30 22:25:25




/* ---------------------- HMM Sets ----------------------------- */

typedef struct _HMMSet{
   MemHeap *hmem;          /* memory heap for this HMM Set */   
   Boolean *firstElem;     /* first element added to hmem during MakeHMMSet*/
   char *hmmSetId;         /* identifier for the hmm set */
   MILink mmfNames;        /* List of external file names */
   int numLogHMM;          /* Num of logical HMM's */
   int numPhyHMM;          /* Num of distinct physical HMM's */
   int numFiles;           /* total number of ext files */
   int numMacros;          /* num macros used in this set */
   MLink * mtab;           /* Array[0..MACHASHSIZE-1]OF MLink */
   PtrMap ** pmap;         /* Array[0..PTRHASHSIZE-1]OF PtrMap* */
   Boolean allowTMods;     /* true if HMMs can have Tee Models */
   Boolean optSet;         /* true if global options have been set */
   short vecSize;          /* dimension of observation vectors */
   short swidth[SMAX];     /* [0]=num streams,[i]=width of stream i */
   ParmKind pkind;         /* kind of obs vector components */
   DurKind dkind;          /* kind of duration model (model or state) */
   CovKind ckind;          /* cov kind - only global in V1.X */
   HSetKind hsKind;        /* kind of HMM set */
   TMixRec tmRecs[SMAX];   /* array[1..S]of tied mixture record */
   int numStates;          /* Number of states in HMMSet */
   int numSharedStates;    /* Number of shared states in HMMSet */
   int numMix;             /* Number of mixture components in HMMSet */
   int numSharedMix;       /* Number of shared mixtures in HMMSet */
   int numTransP;          /* Number of distinct transition matrices */
   int ckUsage[NUMCKIND];  /* Number of components using given ckind */
   InputXForm *xf;         /* Input transform of HMMSet */
   AdaptXForm *semiTied;   /* SemiTied transform associated with model set */
   short projSize;         /* dimension of vector to update */

   /* Adaptation information accumulates */
   Boolean attRegAccs;   /* have the set of accumulates been attached */
   Boolean attXFormInfo; /* have the set of adapt info been attached */
   Boolean attMInfo;     /* have the set of adapt info been attached */
   AdaptXForm *curXForm;
   AdaptXForm *parentXForm;
   /* Added to support LogWgts */
   Boolean logWt;       /* Component weights are stored as Logs */

   /* Added to support delayed loading of the semi-tied transform */
   char *semiTiedMacro;  /* macroname of semi-tied transform */

} HMMSet;



在HCompV工具中,调试时直接跳到函数InitShell处。它调用SaveCommandLine函数,它的功能在静态变量char* saveCommandLine中保持命令行参数,后续解析会用到。

static char *savedCommandLine;
/* SaveCommandLine: Stores all command line arguments in 1 string */
static void SaveCommandLine(int argc, char **argv)
   int i, len=0;

   for (i=0;i<argc;i++)
   savedCommandLine = (char *) malloc(len);
   strcat(savedCommandLine, argv[0]);
   for (i=1;i<argc;i++)
      sprintf(savedCommandLine,"%s %s", savedCommandLine, argv[i]);

现在它的内容是“D:\\vscode\\source\\repos\\HTK\\HCompV\\Debug\\HCompV.exe -C .\\src\\config\\config1 -f 0.01 -m -S .\\src\\train.scp -M .\\src\\hmms\\hmm0 .\\src\\proto” 一共11个参数,即argc值为11.

接下来的循环处理-A -C -S -V -D标志,并保存相应的参数:



    函数 ReadConfigFile读取配置文件,并解析,构造confList,它是一个链表,节点是ConfigEntry。

typedef struct _ConfigEntry{
   ConfParam param;
   struct _ConfigEntry *next;

typedef struct {     /* Configuration Parameter */
   char *user;          /* name of module/tool to use this param */
   char *name;          /* name of param - upper case always */
   ConfKind kind;       /* kind of config param value */
   ConfVal val;         /* value */
   Boolean seen;        /* set true when read by any module */
} ConfParam;


-S指定文件列表文件,后面是文件的具体位置。通过 SetScriptFile函数计算包含多少个文件。





另外,非常重要的一点是,它还包含一个hashtable;而且这个hashtable的位置就在CreateHMMSet函数的第二个参数MemHeap* heap指向的内存块上。


#define MACHASHSIZE 250007   /* Size of each HMM Set macro hash table */

待会儿会看到如何创建这个hashtable,以及如何给这个table添加第一个hmm对象。下面的代码是CreateHMMSet函数,前面都是初值设定,没有什么难的。重点是看到中间那部分,调用一个特征重要的函数MakeHashTab(hset, MACHASHSIZE)。

/* EXPORT->CreateHMMSet: create the basic HMMSet structure */
void CreateHMMSet(HMMSet *hset, MemHeap *heap, Boolean allowTMods)
   int s;

   /* set default values in hset structure */
   hset->hmem = heap;
   hset->hmmSetId = NULL;
   hset->mmfNames = NULL; hset->numFiles = 0;
   hset->allowTMods = allowTMods;  hset->optSet = FALSE;
   hset->vecSize = 0; hset->swidth[0] = 0;
   hset->dkind = NULLD; hset->ckind = NULLC; hset->pkind = 0;
   hset->numPhyHMM = hset->numLogHMM = hset->numMacros = 0;
   hset->xf = NULL; hset->logWt = FALSE;
   for (s=1; s<SMAX; s++) {
      hset->tmRecs[s].nMix = 0; hset->tmRecs[s].mixId = NULL;
      hset->tmRecs[s].probs = NULL; hset->tmRecs[s].mixes = NULL;
   /* initialise the hash tables */
   hset->mtab = (MLink *)MakeHashTab(hset,MACHASHSIZE);
   hset->pmap = NULL;
   /* initialise adaptation information */
   hset->attRegAccs = FALSE;
   hset->attXFormInfo = FALSE;
   hset->attMInfo = FALSE;
   hset->curXForm = NULL;
   hset->parentXForm = NULL;
   hset->semiTiedMacro = NULL;
   hset->semiTied = NULL;
   hset->projSize = 0;

下面可以看出函数MakeHashTab(hset, MACHASHSIZE)在创建一个哈希表。

/* MakeHashTab: make a macro hash table and initialise it */
void ** MakeHashTab(HMMSet *hset, int size)
   void **p;
   int i;
   p = (void **) New(hset->hmem,sizeof(void *)*size);
   for (i=0; i<size; i++)
      p[i] = NULL;
   return p;


typedef struct _MacroDef *MLink;

typedef struct _MacroDef{
   MLink next;             /* next cell in hash table */
   char type;              /* type of macro [hluvixdtmps*] */
   short fidx;             /* idx of MMF file (0 = SMF) */
   LabId id;               /* name of macro */
   Ptr structure;          /* -> shared structure or HMM Def */
} MacroDef;

这个MacroDef是描述了HMM更上层的结构,它的Ptr structure会指向具体的hmm对象。





