2021/6/11 7:27:56
热度 2,618 度 Published 2020年8月29日 by kiccleaf装了新的CentOS8,才发现有很多原来使用的工具在新版本中已经被其他工具替代,今天把常规的系统时间同步问题解决一下,CentOS7及以下的都是采用NTP来解决,《linux中rc.local设置开机自启没有生效解决方案》。
[root@kiccleaf home]# yum install -y chrony Installed: chrony-3.5-1.el8.x86_64 timedatex-0.5-3.el8.x86_64 Complete! 安装好工具,先启动 [root@kiccleaf home]# systemctl start chronyd 设为系统自动启动 [root@kiccleaf home]# systemctl enable chronyd 编辑一下配置文件 [root@kiccleaf home]# vim /etc/chrony.conf
# Use public servers from the pool.ntp.org project. # Please consider joining the pool (http://www.pool.ntp.org/join.html). #pool 2.centos.pool.ntp.org iburst (这一行注释掉,增加以下两行) server ntp.aliyun.com iburst server cn.ntp.org.cn iburst
重新加载配置 [root@kiccleaf home]# systemctl restart chronyd.service [root@kiccleaf home]# chronyc sources -v 210 Number of sources = 2 .-- Source mode '^' = server, '=' = peer, '#' = local clock. / .- Source state '*' = current synced, '+' = combined , '-' = not combined, | / '?' = unreachable, 'x' = time may be in error, '~' = time too variable. || .- xxxx [ yyyy ] +/- zzzz || Reachability register (octal) -. | xxxx = adjusted offset, || Log2(Polling interval) --. | | yyyy = measured offset, || \ | | zzzz = estimated error. || | | \ MS Name/IP address Stratum Poll Reach LastRx Last sample =============================================================================== ^* 2 6 7 2 -188us[+6871us] +/- 24ms ^- 3 6 17 19 +663us[ +663us] +/- 97ms [root@kiccleaf home]# date Sat Aug 29 16:26:08 CST 2020
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