【语音识别】基于matlab语音分帧+端点检测+pitch提取+DTW算法歌曲识别【含Matlab源码 1057期】
2021/6/26 1:27:40
本文主要是介绍【语音识别】基于matlab语音分帧+端点检测+pitch提取+DTW算法歌曲识别【含Matlab源码 1057期】,对大家解决编程问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的程序猿们随着小编来一起学习吧!
Dynamic Time Warping(DTW)诞生有一定的历史了(日本学者Itakura提出),它出现的目的也比较单纯,是一种衡量两个长度不同的时间序列的相似度的方法。应用也比较广,主要是在模板匹配中,比如说用在孤立词语音识别(识别两段语音是否表示同一个单词),手势识别,数据挖掘和信息检索等中。
1 概述
2 DTW方法原理
如上图所示,上下两条实线代表两个时间序列,时间序列之间的虚线代表两个时间序列之间的相似的点。DTW使用所有这些相似点之间的距离的和,称之为归整路径距离(Warp Path Distance)来衡量两个时间序列之间的相似性。
2 DTW计算方法:
归整路径(Warp Path)
上图为代价矩阵(Cost Matrix) D,D(i,j)表示长度为i和j的两个时间序列之间的归整路径距离。
clc; clear; close all; waveFile = sprintf('同桌的你.wav');% 同桌的你 女儿情 回梦游仙 滴答 彩虹 % 读取波形---端点检测---切音框 waveFile='同桌的你.wav'; pivFile = sprintf('同桌的你.piv'); pivFile=['mfcc' pivFile]; [y,fs]=audioread(waveFile); %读取原文件 figure subplot(221) plot(y); title('原图形'); frame = PointDetect(waveFile); %端点检测 subplot(222) plot(frame); title('端点检测'); subplot(223) pitch=wave2pitch(frame,fs); %计算音高 plot(pitch); title('音高'); function [pitch, pdf, frameEstimated, excitation]=frame2pitch(frame, opt, showPlot) % frame2acf: PDF (periodicity detection function) of a given frame (primarily for pitch tracking) % % Usage: % out=frame2pdf(frame, opt, showPlot); % frame: Given frame % opt: Options for PDF computation % opt.pdf: PDF function to be used % 'acf' for ACF % 'amdf' for AMDF % 'nsdf' for NSDF % 'acfOverAmdf' for ACF divided by AMDF % 'hps' for harmonics product sum % 'ceps' for cepstrum % opt.maxShift: no. of shift operations, which is equal to the length of the output vector % opt.method: 1 for using the whole frame for shifting % 2 for using the whole frame for shifting, but normalize the sum by it's overlap area % 3 for using frame(1:frameSize-maxShift) for shifting % opt.siftOrder: order of SIFT (0 for not using SIFT) % showPlot: 0 for no plot, 1 for plotting the frame and ACF output % out: the returned PDF vector % % Example: % waveFile='soo.wav'; % au=myAudioRead(waveFile); % frameSize=256; % frameMat=enframe(au.signal, frameSize); % frame=frameMat(:, 292); % opt=ptOptSet(au.fs, au.nbits, 1); % opt.alpha=0; % pitch=frame2pitch(frame, opt, 1); % % See also frame2acf, frame2amdf, frame2nsdf. % Roger Jang 20020404, 20041013, 20060313 if nargin<1, selfdemo; return; end if nargin<2||isempty(opt), opt=ptOptSet(8000, 16, 1); end if nargin<3, showPlot=0; end %% ====== Preprocessing %save frame frame frame=frameZeroMean(frame, opt.zeroMeanPolyOrder); %frame=frameZeroMean(frame, 0); frameEstimated=[]; excitation=[]; if opt.siftOrder>0 [frameEstimated, excitation, coef]=sift(frame, opt.siftOrder); % Simple inverse filtering tracking frame=excitation; end frameSize=length(frame); maxShift=min(frameSize, opt.maxShift); switch lower(opt.pdf) case 'acf' % pdf=frame2acf(frame, maxShift, opt.method); pdf=frame2acfMex(frame, maxShift, opt.method); % if opt.method==1 % pdfWeight=1+linspace(0, opt.alpha, length(pdf))'; % pdf=pdf.*pdfWeight; % To avoid double pitch error (esp for violin). 20110416 % end % if opt.method==2 % pdfWeight=1-linspace(0, opt.alpha, length(pdf))'; % alpha is less than 1. % pdf=pdf.*pdfWeight; % To avoid double pitch error (esp for violin). 20110416 % end pdfLen=length(pdf); pdfWeight=opt.alpha+pdfLen*(1-opt.alpha)./(pdfLen-(0:pdfLen-1)'); pdf=pdf.*pdfWeight; % alpha=0==>normalized ACF, alpha=1==>tapering ACF case 'amdf' % amdf=frame2amdf(frame, maxShift, opt.method); amdf=frame2amdfMex(frame, maxShift, opt.method); pdf=max(amdf)*(1-linspace(0,1,length(amdf))')-amdf; case 'nsdf' % pdf=frame2nsdf(frame, maxShift, opt.method); pdf=frame2nsdfMex(frame, maxShift, opt.method); case 'acfoveramdf' opt.pdf='acf'; [acfPitch, acf] =feval(mfilename, frame, opt); opt.pdf='amdf'; [amdfPitch, amdf]=feval(mfilename, frame, opt); pdf=0*acf; pdf(2:end)=acf(2:end)./amdf(2:end); case 'hps' [pdf, freq]=frame2hps(frame, opt.fs, opt.zeroPaddedFactor); case 'ceps' pdf=frame2ceps(frame, opt.fs, opt.zeroPaddedFactor); otherwise error('Unknown PDF=%s!', opt.pdf); end switch lower(opt.pdf) case {'acf', 'amdf', 'nsdf', 'amdf4pt', 'acfoveramdf', 'ceps'} n1=floor(opt.fs/opt.freqRange(2)); % pdf(1:n1) will not be used n2= ceil(opt.fs/opt.freqRange(1)); % pdf(n2:end) will not be used if n2>length(pdf), n2=length(pdf); end % Update n1 such that pdf(n1)<=pdf(n1+1) while n1<n2 & pdf(n1)>pdf(n1+1), n1=n1+1; end % Update n2 such that pdf(n2)<=pdf(n2-1) while n2>n1 & pdf(n2)>pdf(n2-1), n2=n2-1; end pdf2=pdf; pdf2(1:n1)=-inf; pdf2(n2:end)=-inf; [maxValue, maxIndex]=max(pdf2); if isinf(maxValue) || maxIndex==n1+1 || maxIndex==n2-1 pitch=0; maxIndex=nan; maxValue=nan; elseif opt.useParabolicFit deviation=optimViaParabolicFit(pdf(maxIndex-1:maxIndex+1)); maxIndex=maxIndex+deviation; pitch=freq2pitch(opt.fs/(maxIndex-1)); else pitch=freq2pitch(opt.fs/(maxIndex-1)); end case {'hps'} pdf2=pdf; pdf2(freq<opt.freqRange(1)|freq>opt.freqRange(2))=-inf; [maxValue, maxIndex]=max(pdf2); % if opt.useParabolicFit % deviation=optimViaParabolicFit(pdf(maxIndex-1:maxIndex+1)); % maxIndex=maxIndex+deviation; % end pitch=freq2pitch(freq(maxIndex)); otherwise error('Unknown PDF=%s!', opt.pdf); end if showPlot subplot(2,1,1); plot(frame, '.-'); set(gca, 'xlim', [-inf inf]); title('Input frame'); subplot(2,1,2); plot(1:length(pdf), pdf, '.-', 1:length(pdf2), pdf2, '.r'); line(maxIndex, maxValue, 'marker', '^', 'color', 'k'); set(gca, 'xlim', [-inf inf]); title(sprintf('%s vector (opt.method = %d)', opt.pdf, opt.method)); end % ====== Self demo function selfdemo mObj=mFileParse(which(mfilename)); strEval(mObj.example);
这篇关于【语音识别】基于matlab语音分帧+端点检测+pitch提取+DTW算法歌曲识别【含Matlab源码 1057期】的文章就介绍到这儿,希望我们推荐的文章对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持为之网!
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