
2021/7/12 19:06:28


**    lzf -- an extremely fast/free compression/decompression-method 一种非常快速/免费的压缩/解压方法
**    This algorithm is believed to be patent-free.  这种算法被认为是无专利的
#define LZF_VERSION 0x0105 /* 1.5, API version */  LZF的版本,方便压缩数据之间的兼容
 * Compress in_len bytes stored at the memory block starting at
 * in_data and write the result to out_data, up to a maximum length
 * of out_len bytes.
 * If the output buffer is not large enough or any error occurs return 0,
 * otherwise return the number of bytes used, which might be considerably
 * more than in_len (but less than 104% of the original size), so it
 * makes sense to always use out_len == in_len - 1), to ensure _some_
 * compression, and store the data uncompressed otherwise (with a flag, of
 * course.
(但是会少于原大小的百分之104),所以使用out_len == in_len - 1 时有意义的,确保压缩结果,否则保存不压缩的结果,当然需要带标志

 * lzf_compress might use different algorithms on different systems and
 * even different runs, thus might result in different compressed strings
 * depending on the phase of the moon or similar factors. However, all
 * these strings are architecture-independent and will result in the
 * original data when decompressed using lzf_decompress.
 * The buffers must not be overlapping. 缓存不能重叠
 * If the option LZF_STATE_ARG is enabled, an extra argument must be
 * supplied which is not reflected in this header file. Refer to lzfP.h
 * and lzf_c.c.
如果选项LZF_STATE_ARG是有效的,一个额外参数必需提供,该参数不会反映在这个头文件,参见头文件lzfP.h 和 lzf_c.c
unsigned int
lzf_compress (const void *const in_data,  unsigned int in_len,
              void             *out_data, unsigned int out_len);

 * Decompress data compressed with some version of the lzf_compress
 * function and stored at location in_data and length in_len. The result
 * will be stored at out_data up to a maximum of out_len characters.
 * If the output buffer is not large enough to hold the decompressed
 * data, a 0 is returned and errno is set to E2BIG. Otherwise the number
 * of decompressed bytes (i.e. the original length of the data) is
 * returned.
 * If an error in the compressed data is detected, a zero is returned and
 * errno is set to EINVAL.
如果有错误在压缩的数据中发现,返回0, 错误码设置为EINVAL
 * This function is very fast, about as fast as a copying loop.

unsigned int
lzf_decompress (const void *const in_data,  unsigned int in_len,
                void             *out_data, unsigned int out_len);

#ifndef LZFP_h
#define LZFP_h

#define STANDALONE 1 /* at the moment, this is ok. */

# include "lzf.h"

 * Size of hashtable is (1 << HLOG) * sizeof (char *)  hash表的大小为  (1 << HLOG) * sizeof (char *)
 * decompression is independent of the hash table size  解压同hash表大小无关
 * the difference between 15 and 14 is very small HLOG为14和15之间的差距很小
 * for small blocks (and 14 is usually a bit faster).  对于小的块(14通常会快一点)
 * For a low-memory/faster configuration, use HLOG == 13; 对于一个低内存/高速 的配置,使用HLOG为13
 * For best compression, use 15 or 16 (or more, up to 22). 对一个最好的压缩比,使用15或者16(或者更多到22)
#ifndef HLOG
# define HLOG 16

 * Sacrifice very little compression quality in favour of compression speed.
 * This gives almost the same compression as the default code, and is
 * (very roughly) 15% faster. This is the preferred mode of operation.
#ifndef VERY_FAST
# define VERY_FAST 1

 * Sacrifice some more compression quality in favour of compression speed.
 * (roughly 1-2% worse compression for large blocks and
 * 9-10% for small, redundant, blocks and >>20% better speed in both cases)
 * In short: when in need for speed, enable this for binary data,
 * possibly disable this for text data.
#ifndef ULTRA_FAST
# define ULTRA_FAST 0

 * Unconditionally aligning does not cost very much, so do it if unsure
 无条件对齐 不会花费很多代价,所以如果不确定就这样做(即对齐)
# if !(defined(__i386) || defined (__amd64))
#  define STRICT_ALIGN 1
# else
#  define STRICT_ALIGN 0
# endif

 * You may choose to pre-set the hash table (might be faster on some
 * modern cpus and large (>>64k) blocks, and also makes compression
 * deterministic/repeatable when the configuration otherwise is the same).
#ifndef INIT_HTAB
# define INIT_HTAB 0

 * Avoid assigning values to errno variable? for some embedding purposes
 * (linux kernel for example), this is necessary. NOTE: this breaks
 * the documentation in lzf.h. Avoiding errno has no speed impact.
注意:这种情况打破了文档lzf.h中的描述。 避免错误代码不影响速度
# define AVOID_ERRNO 0

 * Whether to pass the LZF_STATE variable as argument, or allocate it
 * on the stack. For small-stack environments, define this to 1.
 * NOTE: this breaks the prototype in lzf.h.
# define LZF_STATE_ARG 0

 * Whether to add extra checks for input validity in lzf_decompress
 * and return EINVAL if the input stream has been corrupted. This
 * only shields against overflowing the input buffer and will not
 * detect most corrupted streams.
 * This check is not normally noticeable on modern hardware
 * (<1% slowdown), but might slow down older cpus considerably.
# define CHECK_INPUT 1

 * Whether to store pointers or offsets inside the hash table. On
 * 64 bit architetcures, pointers take up twice as much space,
 * and might also be slower. Default is to autodetect.
/*#define LZF_USER_OFFSETS autodetect */

/* nothing should be changed below */ 以下不允许修改

#ifdef __cplusplus
# include <cstring>
# include <climits>
using namespace std;
# include <string.h>
# include <limits.h>

# if defined (WIN32)                                      Windows平台
#  define LZF_USE_OFFSETS defined(_M_X64)    根据是否定义了_M_X64 来设定  LZF_USE_OFFSETS的值  
-- _M_X64 Defined as the integer literal value 100 for compilations that target x64 processors. Otherwise, undefined.          
# else
#  if __cplusplus > 199711L  大于这值就用c++的库
#   include <cstdint>
#  else
#   include <stdint.h>  小于就用c库
#  endif
#  define LZF_USE_OFFSETS (UINTPTR_MAX > 0xffffffffU) 是否大于0xffffffffU来设定 LZF_USE_OFFSETS的值
# endif

typedef unsigned char u8;

#if LZF_USE_OFFSETS  如果定义偏移量为1
# define LZF_HSLOT_BIAS ((const u8 *)in_data) 就从输入数据开始的点为偏移量
  typedef unsigned int LZF_HSLOT;  用整型
# define LZF_HSLOT_BIAS 0
  typedef const u8 *LZF_HSLOT;  单个字节

typedef LZF_HSLOT LZF_STATE[1 << (HLOG)]; 定义一个2^16的数组,具体大小更上面定义的变量类型有关

/* for unaligned accesses we need a 16 bit datatype. */ 对于没有对齐的访问,我们需要一个16位的数据类型
# if USHRT_MAX == 65535 如果shot的最大值为65535,那么16位使用short即可
    typedef unsigned short u16;
# elif UINT_MAX == 65535  如果int的最大值为65535,那么使用int
    typedef unsigned int u16;
# else
#  undef STRICT_ALIGN  
#  define STRICT_ALIGN 1  严格对齐为1
# endif

#if ULTRA_FAST 如果定义了超级快
# undef VERY_FAST  取消 非常快的定义



