2021/7/16 20:05:22
本文我们介绍一下Spark的Rpc网络框架,Spark框架当中很多地方都涉及网络通信,比如Spark各个组件间的消息互通、用户文件与Jar包的上传、节点间的Shuffle过程、Block数据的复制与备份等,在Spark0.x.x与Spark 1.x.x版本中组件之间的消息通信都借助于Akka,但是在Spark2.0版本中,基于Akka实现的Rpc被废弃掉,2.x和之后都使用的是Netty。本文介绍的版本是Spark2.1.1
private[spark] object RpcEnv { def create( name: String, host: String, port: Int, conf: SparkConf, securityManager: SecurityManager, clientMode: Boolean = false): RpcEnv = { create(name, host, host, port, conf, securityManager, 0, clientMode) } def create( name: String, bindAddress: String, advertiseAddress: String, port: Int, conf: SparkConf, securityManager: SecurityManager, numUsableCores: Int, clientMode: Boolean): RpcEnv = { // 用于保存RpcEnv的配置信息 val config = RpcEnvConfig(conf, name, bindAddress, advertiseAddress, port, securityManager, numUsableCores, clientMode) // 通过工厂创建NettyRpcEnv new NettyRpcEnvFactory().create(config) } }
这里RpcEnvConfig是一个样例类,然后将信息传入 create()方法,我们之间点进去看一下
private[rpc] class NettyRpcEnvFactory extends RpcEnvFactory with Logging { /** * * 创建RpcEnv */ def create(config: RpcEnvConfig): RpcEnv = { val sparkConf = config.conf // Use JavaSerializerInstance in multiple threads is safe. However, if we plan to support // KryoSerializer in future, we have to use ThreadLocal to store SerializerInstance /** * 创建javaSerializerInstance。此实例将用于RPC传输对象的序列化。 */ val javaSerializerInstance = new JavaSerializer(sparkConf).newInstance().asInstanceOf[JavaSerializerInstance] /** * 创建NettyRpcEnv。创建NettyRpcEnv其实就是对内部各个子组件TransportConf、Dispatcher、TransportContext、TransportClientFactory、TransportServer的实例化过程 */ val nettyEnv = new NettyRpcEnv(sparkConf, javaSerializerInstance, config.advertiseAddress, config.securityManager, config.numUsableCores) if (!config.clientMode) { // 启动NettyRpc环境 val startNettyRpcEnv: Int => (NettyRpcEnv, Int) = { actualPort => /** * 启动服务 * 1. dispatcher 服务启动的时候,会直接启动一个线程,不断取receivers队列里面的数据 * 2.TransportServer 数据传输服务。init初始化方法会创建一个TransportChannelHandler, * 内部的channelReader方法。最终会调用dispatcher的postRemoteMessage方法,往队列中添加数据 */ nettyEnv.startServer(config.bindAddress, actualPort) (nettyEnv, nettyEnv.address.port) } try { // startServiceOnPort实际上是调用了作为参数的偏函数startNettyRpcEnv Utils.startServiceOnPort(config.port, startNettyRpcEnv, sparkConf, } catch { case NonFatal(e) => nettyEnv.shutdown() throw e } } nettyEnv } }
private[netty] class NettyRpcEnv( val conf: SparkConf, javaSerializerInstance: JavaSerializerInstance, host: String, securityManager: SecurityManager, numUsableCores: Int) extends RpcEnv(conf) with Logging { // 创建传输上下文TransportConf private[netty] val transportConf = SparkTransportConf.fromSparkConf( conf.clone.set("", "1"), "rpc", // netty传输线程数 conf.getInt("", 0)) private val dispatcher: Dispatcher = new Dispatcher(this, numUsableCores) private val streamManager = new NettyStreamManager(this) private val transportContext = new TransportContext(transportConf, new NettyRpcHandler(dispatcher, this, streamManager)) private def createClientBootstraps(): java.util.List[TransportClientBootstrap] = { if (securityManager.isAuthenticationEnabled()) { java.util.Arrays.asList(new AuthClientBootstrap(transportConf, securityManager.getSaslUser(), securityManager)) } else { java.util.Collections.emptyList[TransportClientBootstrap] } } private val clientFactory = transportContext.createClientFactory(createClientBootstraps()) @volatile private var fileDownloadFactory: TransportClientFactory = _ val timeoutScheduler = ThreadUtils.newDaemonSingleThreadScheduledExecutor("netty-rpc-env-timeout") private[netty] val clientConnectionExecutor = ThreadUtils.newDaemonCachedThreadPool( "netty-rpc-connection", conf.getInt("spark.rpc.connect.threads", 64)) @volatile private var server: TransportServer = _ private val stopped = new AtomicBoolean(false) private val outboxes = new ConcurrentHashMap[RpcAddress, Outbox]()
* 传递的三个参数分别为SparkConf、模块名module及可用的内核数num-UsableCores。 * 如果numUsableCores小于等于0,那么线程数是系统可用处理器的数量,不过分配给网络传输的内核数量最多限制在8个。 * 最终确定的线程数将用于设置客户端传输线程数(spark.$属性)和 * 服务端传输线程数(spark.$属性) * from-SparkConf的get的实现是SparkConf的get方法 */ def fromSparkConf(_conf: SparkConf, module: String, numUsableCores: Int = 0): TransportConf = { val conf = _conf.clone // Specify thread configuration based on our JVM's allocation of cores (rather than necessarily // assuming we have all the machine's cores). // NB: Only set if serverThreads/clientThreads not already set. val numThreads = defaultNumThreads(numUsableCores) conf.setIfMissing(s"spark.$", numThreads.toString) conf.setIfMissing(s"spark.$", numThreads.toString) new TransportConf(module, new ConfigProvider { override def get(name: String): String = conf.get(name) override def get(name: String, defaultValue: String): String = conf.get(name, defaultValue) override def getAll(): java.lang.Iterable[java.util.Map.Entry[String, String]] = { conf.getAll.toMap.asJava.entrySet() } }) }
private[netty] class Dispatcher(nettyEnv: NettyRpcEnv, numUsableCores: Int) extends Logging { /** * RPC端点数据,它包括了RpcEndpoint、NettyRpcEndpointRef及Inbox等属于同一个端点的实例。 * Inbox与RpcEndpoint、NettyRpcEndpointRef通过此EndpointData相关联。 * @param name * @param endpoint * @param ref */ private class EndpointData( val name: String, val endpoint: RpcEndpoint, val ref: NettyRpcEndpointRef) { val inbox = new Inbox(ref, endpoint) } /** * 端点实例名称与端点数据EndpointData之间映射关系的缓存。 * 有了这个缓存,就可以使用端点名称从中快速获取或删除EndpointData了。 */ private val endpoints: ConcurrentMap[String, EndpointData] = new ConcurrentHashMap[String, EndpointData] /** * 端点实例RpcEndpoint与端点实例引用RpcEndpointRef之间映射关系的缓存。 * 有了这个缓存,就可以使用端点实例从中快速获取或删除端点实例引用了。 */ private val endpointRefs: ConcurrentMap[RpcEndpoint, RpcEndpointRef] = new ConcurrentHashMap[RpcEndpoint, RpcEndpointRef] // Track the receivers whose inboxes may contain messages. /** * 存储端点数据EndpointData的阻塞队列。只有Inbox中有消息的EndpointData才会被放入此阻塞队列。 */ private val receivers = new LinkedBlockingQueue[EndpointData] /** * True if the dispatcher has been stopped. Once stopped, all messages posted will be bounced * immediately. * * Dispatcher是否停止的状态。 */ @GuardedBy("this") private var stopped = false ...... /** Thread pool used for dispatching messages. */ /** * 用于对消息进行调度的线程池。此线程池运行的任务都是MessageLoop * 1. 获取此线程池的大小numThreads。此线程池的大小默认为2与当前系统可用处理器数量之间的最大值,也可以使用spark.rpc.netty.dispatcher.numThreads属性配置。 * 2 .创建线程池。此线程池是固定大小的线程池,并且启动的线程都以后台线程方式运行,且线程名以dispatcher-event-loop为前缀。 * 3. 启动多个运行MessageLoop任务的线程,这些线程的数量与threadpool线程池的大小相同。 * 4. 返回此线程池的引用。 * * */ private val threadpool: ThreadPoolExecutor = { val availableCores = if (numUsableCores > 0) numUsableCores else Runtime.getRuntime.availableProcessors() val numThreads = nettyEnv.conf.getInt("spark.rpc.netty.dispatcher.numThreads", math.max(2, availableCores)) val pool = ThreadUtils.newDaemonFixedThreadPool(numThreads, "dispatcher-event-loop") for (i <- 0 until numThreads) { pool.execute(new MessageLoop) } pool } /** Message loop used for dispatching messages. */ /** * 不断循环处理消息 * 1. 从receivers中获取EndpointData。receivers中的EndpointData,其Inbox的messages列表中肯定有了新的消息。 * 换言之,只有Inbox的messages列表中有了新的消息,此EndpointData才会被放入receivers中。 * 由于receivers是个阻塞队列,所以当receivers中没有EndpointData时,MessageLoop线程会被阻塞。 * 2. 如果取到的EndpointData是“毒药”(PoisonPill),那么此MessageLoop线程将退出(通过return语句), * 并且会再次将PoisonPill放到队列里面,以达到所有MessageLoop线程都结束的效果。 * 3. 如果取到的EndpointData不是“毒药”,那么调用EndpointData中Inbox的process方法对消息进行处理。 */ private class MessageLoop extends Runnable { override def run(): Unit = { try { while (true) { try { // val data = receivers.take() // 如果数据为毒药 if (data == PoisonPill) { // Put PoisonPill back so that other MessageLoops can see it. receivers.offer(PoisonPill) return } // 对消息做处理 data.inbox.process(Dispatcher.this) } catch { case NonFatal(e) => logError(e.getMessage, e) } } } catch { case _: InterruptedException => // exit case t: Throwable => try { // Re-submit a MessageLoop so that Dispatcher will still work if // UncaughtExceptionHandler decides to not kill JVM. threadpool.execute(new MessageLoop) } finally { throw t } } } } /** A poison endpoint that indicates MessageLoop should exit its message loop. */ private val PoisonPill = new EndpointData(null, null, null) }
/** * An inbox that stores messages for an [[RpcEndpoint]] and posts messages to it thread-safely. * * 端点内的盒子。每个RpcEndpoint都有一个对应的盒子,这个盒子里有个存储InboxMessage消息的列表messages。 * 所有的消息将缓存在messages列表里面,并由RpcEndpoint异步处理这些消息 */ private[netty] class Inbox( val endpointRef: NettyRpcEndpointRef, val endpoint: RpcEndpoint) extends Logging { inbox => // Give this an alias so we can use it more clearly in closures. /** * 消息列表。用于缓存需要由对应RpcEndpoint处理的消息,即与Inbox在同一EndpointData中的RpcEndpoint * 非线程安全,进行并发操作需要加锁控制 */ @GuardedBy("this") protected val messages = new java.util.LinkedList[InboxMessage]() /** True if the inbox (and its associated endpoint) is stopped. */ /** * Inbox的停止状态。 */ @GuardedBy("this") private var stopped = false /** Allow multiple threads to process messages at the same time. */ /** * 是否允许多个线程同时处理messages中的消息。 */ @GuardedBy("this") private var enableConcurrent = false /** The number of threads processing messages for this inbox. */ /** * 激活线程的数量,即正在处理messages中消息的线程数量。 */ @GuardedBy("this") private var numActiveThreads = 0 // OnStart should be the first message to process inbox.synchronized { messages.add(OnStart) } ...... }
/** * Process stored messages. * 处理消息 * 1. 进行线程并发检查。具体是,如果不允许多个线程同时处理messages中的消息(enableConcurrent为false), * 并且当前激活线程数(numActiveThreads)不为0,这说明已经有线程在处理消息,所以当前线程不允许再去处理消息(使用return返回)。 * 2. 从messages中获取消息。如果有消息未处理,则当前线程需要处理此消息,因而算是一个新的激活线程(需要将numActiveThreads加1)。如果messages中没有消息了(一般发生在多线程情况下),则直接返回。 * 3.根据消息类型进行匹配,并执行对应的逻辑 * 4. 对激活线程数量进行控制。当第3步对消息处理完毕后,当前线程作为之前已经激活的线程是否还有存在的必要呢? * 这里有两个判断: * 1. 如果不允许多个线程同时处理messages中的消息并且当前激活的线程数多于1个,那么需要当前线程退出并将numActiveThreads减1; * 2. 如果messages已经没有消息要处理了,这说明当前线程无论如何也该返回并将numActiveThreads减1。 */ def process(dispatcher: Dispatcher): Unit = { var message: InboxMessage = null inbox.synchronized { if (!enableConcurrent && numActiveThreads != 0) { return } message = messages.poll() if (message != null) { numActiveThreads += 1 } else { return } } while (true) { /** * 根据消息类型进行匹配,并执行对应的逻辑 */ safelyCall(endpoint) { message match { // rpc请求的话,直接调用endpoint的receiveAndReply case RpcMessage(_sender, content, context) => try { endpoint.receiveAndReply(context).applyOrElse[Any, Unit](content, { msg => throw new SparkException(s"Unsupported message $message from ${_sender}") }) } catch { case e: Throwable => context.sendFailure(e) // Throw the exception -- this exception will be caught by the safelyCall function. // The endpoint's one rror function will be called. throw e } case OneWayMessage(_sender, content) => endpoint.receive.applyOrElse[Any, Unit](content, { msg => throw new SparkException(s"Unsupported message $message from ${_sender}") }) case OnStart => endpoint.onStart() if (!endpoint.isInstanceOf[ThreadSafeRpcEndpoint]) { inbox.synchronized { if (!stopped) { enableConcurrent = true } } } case OnStop => val activeThreads = inbox.synchronized { inbox.numActiveThreads } assert(activeThreads == 1, s"There should be only a single active thread but found $activeThreads threads.") // 删除endpointRef和endpoint的引用关系 dispatcher.removeRpcEndpointRef(endpoint) endpoint.onStop() assert(isEmpty, "OnStop should be the last message") case RemoteProcessConnected(remoteAddress) => endpoint.onConnected(remoteAddress) case RemoteProcessDisconnected(remoteAddress) => endpoint.onDisconnected(remoteAddress) case RemoteProcessConnectionError(cause, remoteAddress) => endpoint.onNetworkError(cause, remoteAddress) } } inbox.synchronized { // "enableConcurrent" will be set to false after `onStop` is called, so we should check it // every time. if (!enableConcurrent && numActiveThreads != 1) { // If we are not the only one worker, exit numActiveThreads -= 1 return } message = messages.poll() if (message == null) { numActiveThreads -= 1 return } } } }
这里操作messages是在Inbox的锁保护之下,是因为messages是普通的java.util.LinkedList, LinkedList本身不是线程安全的,所以为了增加并发安全性,需要通过同步保护
private[netty] class NettyStreamManager(rpcEnv: NettyRpcEnv) extends StreamManager with RpcEnvFileServer { private val files = new ConcurrentHashMap[String, File]() private val jars = new ConcurrentHashMap[String, File]() private val dirs = new ConcurrentHashMap[String, File]() override def getChunk(streamId: Long, chunkIndex: Int): ManagedBuffer = { throw new UnsupportedOperationException() } /** * 由于NettyStreamManager只实现了Stream Manager的openStream方法,根据TransportRequestHandler的handle方法和process StreamRequest方法, * 知道NettyStreamManager将只提供对StreamRequest类型消息的处理。 * 各个Executor节点就可以使用Driver节点的RpcEnv提供的NettyStreamManager,从Driver将Jar包或文件下载到Executor节点上供任务执行。 * @param streamId id of a stream that has been previously registered with the StreamManager. * */ override def openStream(streamId: String): ManagedBuffer = { val Array(ftype, fname) = streamId.stripPrefix("/").split("/", 2) val file = ftype match { case "files" => files.get(fname) case "jars" => jars.get(fname) case other => val dir = dirs.get(ftype) require(dir != null, s"Invalid stream URI: $ftype not found.") new File(dir, fname) } if (file != null && file.isFile()) { new FileSegmentManagedBuffer(rpcEnv.transportConf, file, 0, file.length()) } else { null } } override def addFile(file: File): String = { val existingPath = files.putIfAbsent(file.getName, file) require(existingPath == null || existingPath == file, s"File ${file.getName} was already registered with a different path " + s"(old path = $existingPath, new path = $file") s"${rpcEnv.address.toSparkURL}/files/${Utils.encodeFileNameToURIRawPath(file.getName())}" } override def addJar(file: File): String = { val existingPath = jars.putIfAbsent(file.getName, file) require(existingPath == null || existingPath == file, s"File ${file.getName} was already registered with a different path " + s"(old path = $existingPath, new path = $file") s"${rpcEnv.address.toSparkURL}/jars/${Utils.encodeFileNameToURIRawPath(file.getName())}" } override def addDirectory(baseUri: String, path: File): String = { val fixedBaseUri = validateDirectoryUri(baseUri) require(dirs.putIfAbsent(fixedBaseUri.stripPrefix("/"), path) == null, s"URI '$fixedBaseUri' already registered.") s"${rpcEnv.address.toSparkURL}$fixedBaseUri" } }
* NettyRpcHandler除实现了RpcHandler的两个receive方法,还实现了exception-Caught、channelActive与channelInactive等。exceptionCaught方法将会向Inbox中投递Remote ProcessConnectionError消 息。channelActive将 会 向Inbox中投 递RemoteProcess-Connected。 * * channelInactive将会向Inbox中投递RemoteProcessDisconnected消息。这几个方法的处理都与receive方法类似 * */ private[netty] class NettyRpcHandler( dispatcher: Dispatcher, nettyEnv: NettyRpcEnv, streamManager: StreamManager) extends RpcHandler with Logging { // A variable to track the remote RpcEnv addresses of all clients private val remoteAddresses = new ConcurrentHashMap[RpcAddress, RpcAddress]() /** * 1. 调用internalReceive方法将ByteBuffer类型的message转换为RequestMessage。 * 2. 调用Dispatcher的postRemoteMessage方法将消息转换为RpcMessage后放入Inbox的消息列表。 * MessageLoop将调用RpcEnd-Point实现类的receiveAndReply方法,即RpcEndPoint处理完消息后会向客户端进行回复 * * @param client A channel client which enables the handler to make requests back to the sender * of this RPC. This will always be the exact same object for a particular channel. * @param message The serialized bytes of the RPC. * @param callback Callback which should be invoked exactly once upon success or failure of the * RPC. * */ override def receive( client: TransportClient, message: ByteBuffer, callback: RpcResponseCallback): Unit = { // 将ByteBuffer类型的message转换为RequestMessage。 val messageToDispatch = internalReceive(client, message) dispatcher.postRemoteMessage(messageToDispatch, callback) } /** * * @param client A channel client which enables the handler to make requests back to the sender * of this RPC. This will always be the exact same object for a particular channel. * @param message The serialized bytes of the RPC. * * 此方法不会对客户端进行回复。此方法也调用了internalReceive方法,但是最后向EndpointData的Inbox投递消息使用了postOneWayMessage方法 * * 只接收TransportClient和ByteBuffer两个参数,RpcResponse-Callback为默认的ONE_WAY_CALLBACK, */ override def receive( client: TransportClient, message: ByteBuffer): Unit = { val messageToDispatch = internalReceive(client, message) dispatcher.postOneWayMessage(messageToDispatch) } /** * 1. 从TransportClient中获取远端地址RpcAddress。 * 2. 调用NettyRpcEnv的deserialize方法对客户端发送的序列化后的消息(即ByteBuffer类型的消息)进行反序列化,根据deserialize的实现, * 反序列化实际使用了javaSerializerInstance。javaSerializerInstance是通过NettyRpcEnv的构造参数传入的对象,类型 * * 3.如果反序列化得到的请求消息requestMessage中没有发送者的地址信息,则使用从TransportClient中获取的远端地址RpcAddress、 * requestMessage的接收者(即RpcEndpoint)、requestMessage的内容,以构造新的RequestMessage * 4. 如果反序列化得到的请求消息requestMessage中含有发送者的地址信息,则将从TransportClient中获取的远端地址RpcAddress与requestMessage中的发送者地址信息之间的映射关系放入缓存remoteAddresses * 。还将调用Dispatcher的postToAll方法,向endpoints缓存的所有EndpointData的Inbox中放入RemoteProcessConnected消息。最后将返回requestMessage * @param client * @param message * @return */ private def internalReceive(client: TransportClient, message: ByteBuffer): RequestMessage = { // 从TransportClient中获取远端地址RpcAddress。 val addr = client.getChannel().remoteAddress().asInstanceOf[InetSocketAddress] assert(addr != null) val clientAddr = RpcAddress(addr.getHostString, addr.getPort) val requestMessage = RequestMessage(nettyEnv, client, message) if (requestMessage.senderAddress == null) { // Create a new message with the socket address of the client as the sender. new RequestMessage(clientAddr, requestMessage.receiver, requestMessage.content) } else { // The remote RpcEnv listens to some port, we should also fire a RemoteProcessConnected for // the listening address val remoteEnvAddress = requestMessage.senderAddress if (remoteAddresses.putIfAbsent(clientAddr, remoteEnvAddress) == null) { dispatcher.postToAll(RemoteProcessConnected(remoteEnvAddress)) } requestMessage } } ...... }
/* TransportContext: 传输服务的上下文对象 * TransportClientFactory: RPC客户端的工厂类 * TransportServer: RPC服务端的实现 */ public class TransportContext { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(TransportContext.class); // 传输上下文的配置对象(创建TransportClientFactory和TransportServer时都需要的) private final TransportConf conf; // 对客户端请求消息进行处理(只用于创建TransportServer 服务端对象) private final RpcHandler rpcHandler; private final boolean closeIdleConnections; /** * Force to create MessageEncoder and MessageDecoder so that we can make sure they will be created * before switching the current context class loader to ExecutorClassLoader. * * Netty's MessageToMessageEncoder uses Javassist to generate a matcher class and the * implementation calls "Class.forName" to check if this calls is already generated. If the * following two objects are created in "ExecutorClassLoader.findClass", it will cause * "ClassCircularityError". This is because loading this Netty generated class will call * "ExecutorClassLoader.findClass" to search this class, and "ExecutorClassLoader" will try to use * RPC to load it and cause to load the non-exist matcher class again. JVM will report * `ClassCircularityError` to prevent such infinite recursion. (See SPARK-17714) */ // 在消息放到channel前,先对消息内容进行编码,防止管道另一端读取时粘包和解析错误(提前定义传输协议) private static final MessageEncoder ENCODER = MessageEncoder.INSTANCE; // 对从channel中读取的ByteBuf进行拆包,防止粘包和解析错误 private static final MessageDecoder DECODER = MessageDecoder.INSTANCE; public TransportContext(TransportConf conf, RpcHandler rpcHandler) { this(conf, rpcHandler, false); } public TransportContext( TransportConf conf, RpcHandler rpcHandler, boolean closeIdleConnections) { this.conf = conf; this.rpcHandler = rpcHandler; this.closeIdleConnections = closeIdleConnections; } ...... }
/ * 传输服务的客户端的工厂对象 */ public class TransportClientFactory implements Closeable { /** A simple data structure to track the pool of clients between two peer nodes. */ /** * ClientPool实际是由TransportClient的数组构成,通过对每个TransportClient分别采用不同的锁,降低并发情况下线程间对锁的争用,进而减少阻塞,提高并发度。 */ private static class ClientPool { TransportClient[] clients; Object[] locks; ClientPool(int size) { clients = new TransportClient[size]; locks = new Object[size]; // 每个object与client按照数组索引一一对应 for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { locks[i] = new Object(); } } } private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(TransportClientFactory.class); private final TransportContext context; private final TransportConf conf; // 客户端的引导程序列表 private final List<TransportClientBootstrap> clientBootstraps; // 针对每个socket地址的连接池ClientPool private final ConcurrentHashMap<SocketAddress, ClientPool> connectionPool; /** Random number generator for picking connections between peers. */ private final Random rand; private final int numConnectionsPerPeer; private final Class<? extends Channel> socketChannelClass; private EventLoopGroup workerGroup; private PooledByteBufAllocator pooledAllocator; private final NettyMemoryMetrics metrics; public TransportClientFactory( TransportContext context, List<TransportClientBootstrap> clientBootstraps) { this.context = Preconditions.checkNotNull(context); // 这里通过调用TransportContext的getConf获取。 this.conf = context.getConf(); // 参数传递的TransportClientBootstrap列表 this.clientBootstraps = Lists.newArrayList(Preconditions.checkNotNull(clientBootstraps)); // 针对每个socket地址的连接池ClientPool的缓存 this.connectionPool = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); // 从TransportConf获 取 的key为“spark.+模 块名”的属性 // Spark的很多组件都利用RPC框架构建,它们之间按照模块名区分,例如,RPC模块的key为“ ConnectionsPerPeer”。 this.numConnectionsPerPeer = conf.numConnectionsPerPeer(); // 对Socket地址对应的连接池ClientPool中缓存的TransportClient进行随机选择,对每个连接做负载均衡 this.rand = new Random(); // IO模式,即从TransportConf获取key为“spark.+模块名”的属性值。默认值为NIO, Spark还支持EPOLL。 IOMode ioMode = IOMode.valueOf(conf.ioMode()); // 客户端Channel被创建时使用的类,通过ioMode来匹配,默认为NioSocketChannel, Spark还支持EpollEventLoopGroup。 this.socketChannelClass = NettyUtils.getClientChannelClass(ioMode); // 根据Netty的规范,客户端只有worker组,所以此处创建worker-Group。workerGroup的实际类型是NioEventLoopGroup。 this.workerGroup = NettyUtils.createEventLoop( ioMode, conf.clientThreads(), conf.getModuleName() + "-client"); this.pooledAllocator = NettyUtils.createPooledByteBufAllocator( conf.preferDirectBufs(), false /* allowCache */, conf.clientThreads()); this.metrics = new NettyMemoryMetrics( this.pooledAllocator, conf.getModuleName() + "-client", conf); } ...... }
需要下载文件的RpcEnv会调用downloadClient方法创建TransportClientFactory, 并用此TransportClientFactory创建下载所需的传输客户端TransportClient。
/** * 当TransportClient发出请求之后,会等待获取服务端的回复,这就涉及超时问题。另外由于TransportClientFactory.createClient方法是阻塞式调用,所以需要一个异步的处理 * * 用于处理请求超时的调度器。timeoutScheduler的类型实际是ScheduledExecutorService, * 比起使用Timer组件,ScheduledExecutorService将比Timer更加稳定, * 比如线程挂掉后,ScheduledExecutorService会重启一个新的线程定时检查请求是否超时 * * 在NettyRpcEnv.ask()方法时使用到 */ val timeoutScheduler = ThreadUtils.newDaemonSingleThreadScheduledExecutor("netty-rpc-env-timeout")
/** * 一个用于异步处理TransportClientFactory.createClient方法调用的线程池。这个线程池的大小默认为64,可以使用spark.rpc.connect.threads属性进行配置 * 在Outbox.launchConnectTask()中有使用 */ private[netty] val clientConnectionExecutor = ThreadUtils.newDaemonCachedThreadPool( "netty-rpc-connection", conf.getInt("spark.rpc.connect.threads", 64))
/** * NettyRpcEnv不应该只具有向远端服务发起请求并接收响应的能力,也应当对外提供接收请求、处理请求、回复客户端的服务。 */ @volatile private var server: TransportServer = _
private val stopped = new AtomicBoolean(false) /** * A map for [[RpcAddress]] and [[Outbox]]. When we are connecting to a remote [[RpcAddress]], * we just put messages to its [[Outbox]] to implement a non-blocking `send` method. * * RpcAddress与Outbox的映射关系的缓存。每次向远端发送请求时,此请求消息首先放入此远端地址对应的Outbox,然后使用线程异步发送。 */ private val outboxes = new ConcurrentHashMap[RpcAddress, Outbox]()
/** * 创建NettyRpcEnv。创建NettyRpcEnv其实就是对内部各个子组件TransportConf、Dispatcher、TransportContext、TransportClientFactory、TransportServer的实例化过程 */ val nettyEnv = new NettyRpcEnv(sparkConf, javaSerializerInstance, config.advertiseAddress, config.securityManager, config.numUsableCores) if (!config.clientMode) { // 启动NettyRpc环境 val startNettyRpcEnv: Int => (NettyRpcEnv, Int) = { actualPort => /** * 启动服务 * 1. dispatcher 服务启动的时候,会直接启动一个线程,不断取receivers队列里面的数据 * 2.TransportServer 数据传输服务。init初始化方法会创建一个TransportChannelHandler, * 内部的channelReader方法。最终会调用dispatcher的postRemoteMessage方法,往队列中添加数据 */ nettyEnv.startServer(config.bindAddress, actualPort) (nettyEnv, nettyEnv.address.port) } try { // startServiceOnPort实际上是调用了作为参数的偏函数startNettyRpcEnv Utils.startServiceOnPort(config.port, startNettyRpcEnv, sparkConf, } catch { case NonFatal(e) => nettyEnv.shutdown() throw e } } nettyEnv }
/** * 1. 创建TransportServer。这里使用了TransportContext的createServer方法 * 2. 向Dispatcher注册RpcEndpointVerifier。RpcEndpointVerifier用于校验指定名称的RpcEndpoint是否存在。 * RpcEndpointVerifier在Dispatcher中的注册名为endpoint-verifier * 3. TransportServer初始化并且启动后,就可以利用NettyRpcHandler和NettyStreamManager对外提供服务了 * @param bindAddress * @param port */ def startServer(bindAddress: String, port: Int): Unit = { val bootstraps: java.util.List[TransportServerBootstrap] = if (securityManager.isAuthenticationEnabled()) { java.util.Arrays.asList(new AuthServerBootstrap(transportConf, securityManager)) } else { java.util.Collections.emptyList() } // 创建传输服务 server = transportContext.createServer(bindAddress, port, bootstraps) // 注册RPC端点服务 dispatcher.registerRpcEndpoint( RpcEndpointVerifier.NAME, new RpcEndpointVerifier(this, dispatcher)) }
// 创建服务端对象 public TransportServer createServer( String host, int port, List<TransportServerBootstrap> bootstraps) { return new TransportServer(this, host, port, rpcHandler, bootstraps); }
/** * Server for the efficient, low-level streaming service. * * netty Socket实例 * 传输服务的服务端对象 * * 一个 RPC 端点一个 TransportServer,接受远程消息后调用 Dispatcher 分发消息至对应收发件箱。 */ public class TransportServer implements Closeable { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(TransportServer.class); private final TransportContext context; private final TransportConf conf; private final RpcHandler appRpcHandler; private final List<TransportServerBootstrap> bootstraps; private ServerBootstrap bootstrap; private ChannelFuture channelFuture; private int port = -1; private NettyMemoryMetrics metrics; /** * Creates a TransportServer that binds to the given host and the given port, or to any available * if 0. If you don't want to bind to any special host, set "hostToBind" to null. * */ public TransportServer( TransportContext context, String hostToBind, int portToBind, RpcHandler appRpcHandler, List<TransportServerBootstrap> bootstraps) { this.context = context; this.conf = context.getConf(); // RPC请求处理器RpcHandler。 this.appRpcHandler = appRpcHandler; // 参数传递的TransportServerBootstrap列表。 this.bootstraps = Lists.newArrayList(Preconditions.checkNotNull(bootstraps)); try { // 对TransportServer进行初始化 init(hostToBind, portToBind); } catch (RuntimeException e) { JavaUtils.closeQuietly(this); throw e; } } public int getPort() { if (port == -1) { throw new IllegalStateException("Server not initialized"); } return port; } /** * 初始化Server * 1. 创建bossGroup和workerGroup。 * 2. 创建一个分配器 * 3. 调用Netty的API创建Netty的服务端根引导程序并对其进行配置。 * 4. 为根引导程序设置channel初始化回调函数,此回调函数首先设置TransportServer-Bootstrap到根引导程序中,然后调用TransportContext的initializePipeline方法初始化Channel的pipeline * 5. 给根引导程序绑定Socket的监听端口,最后返回监听的端口。 * @param hostToBind * @param portToBind */ private void init(String hostToBind, int portToBind) { IOMode ioMode = IOMode.valueOf(conf.ioMode()); // Netty服务端需要同时创建bossGroup和workerGroup EventLoopGroup bossGroup = NettyUtils.createEventLoop(ioMode, conf.serverThreads(), conf.getModuleName() + "-server"); EventLoopGroup workerGroup = bossGroup; PooledByteBufAllocator allocator = NettyUtils.createPooledByteBufAllocator( conf.preferDirectBufs(), true /* allowCache */, conf.serverThreads()); // 创建Netty的服务端根引导程序并对其进行配置 bootstrap = new ServerBootstrap() .group(bossGroup, workerGroup) .channel(NettyUtils.getServerChannelClass(ioMode)) .option(ChannelOption.ALLOCATOR, allocator) .childOption(ChannelOption.ALLOCATOR, allocator); this.metrics = new NettyMemoryMetrics( allocator, conf.getModuleName() + "-server", conf); if (conf.backLog() > 0) { bootstrap.option(ChannelOption.SO_BACKLOG, conf.backLog()); } if (conf.receiveBuf() > 0) { bootstrap.childOption(ChannelOption.SO_RCVBUF, conf.receiveBuf()); } if (conf.sendBuf() > 0) { bootstrap.childOption(ChannelOption.SO_SNDBUF, conf.sendBuf()); } // 为根引导程序设置channel初始化回调函数 bootstrap.childHandler(new ChannelInitializer<SocketChannel>() { @Override protected void initChannel(SocketChannel ch) { RpcHandler rpcHandler = appRpcHandler; for (TransportServerBootstrap bootstrap : bootstraps) { rpcHandler = bootstrap.doBootstrap(ch, rpcHandler); } context.initializePipeline(ch, rpcHandler); } }); // 给根引导程序绑定socket的监听端口 InetSocketAddress address = hostToBind == null ? new InetSocketAddress(portToBind): new InetSocketAddress(hostToBind, portToBind); // 绑定端口 channelFuture = bootstrap.bind(address); channelFuture.syncUninterruptibly(); port = ((InetSocketAddress); logger.debug("Shuffle server started on port: {}", port); }
* * 初始化TransportChannelHandler * 创建TransportClient和TransportServer初始化的实现中,都在channel初始化回调函数中调用了TransportContext的initializePipeline方法, * */ public TransportChannelHandler initializePipeline( SocketChannel channel, RpcHandler channelRpcHandler) { try { // createChannelHandler(),真正创建TransportClient是在这个方法里面 // Netty框架使用工作链模式来对每个ChannelInboundHandler的实现类的channelRead方法进行链式调用 TransportChannelHandler channelHandler = createChannelHandler(channel, channelRpcHandler); channel.pipeline() // 编码 .addLast("encoder", ENCODER) // TransportFrameDecoder 对从channel中读取的ByteBuf按照数据帧进行解析 // .addLast(TransportFrameDecoder.HANDLER_NAME, NettyUtils.createFrameDecoder()) // 解码 .addLast("decoder", DECODER) .addLast("idleStateHandler", new IdleStateHandler(0, 0, conf.connectionTimeoutMs() / 1000)) // NOTE: Chunks are currently guaranteed to be returned in the order of request, but this // would require more logic to guarantee if this were not part of the same event loop. // 添加处理handler,核心处理方法 channelReader .addLast("handler", channelHandler); return channelHandler; } catch (RuntimeException e) { logger.error("Error while initializing Netty pipeline", e); throw e; } }
/* * 创建channelHandler */ private TransportChannelHandler createChannelHandler(Channel channel, RpcHandler rpcHandler) { // 用于处理服务端的响应,并且对发出请求的客户端进行响应的处理程序。 TransportResponseHandler responseHandler = new TransportResponseHandler(channel); // 直接new创建 根据 OutBox 消息的 receiver 信息,请求对应远程 TransportServer TransportClient client = new TransportClient(channel, responseHandler); TransportRequestHandler requestHandler = new TransportRequestHandler(channel, client, rpcHandler, conf.maxChunksBeingTransferred()); /** * Transport-Client只使用了TransportResponseHandler。 * TransportChannelHandler在服务端将代理Transport-RequestHandler对请求消息进行处理,并在客户端代理TransportResponseHandler对响应消息进行处理。 */ return new TransportChannelHandler(client, responseHandler, requestHandler, conf.connectionTimeoutMs(), closeIdleConnections); }
// 在消息放到channel前,先对消息内容进行编码,防止管道另一端读取时粘包和解析错误(提前定义传输协议) private static final MessageEncoder ENCODER = MessageEncoder.INSTANCE; // 对从channel中读取的ByteBuf进行拆包,防止粘包和解析错误 private static final MessageDecoder DECODER = MessageDecoder.INSTANCE;
线程模型采用Multi-Reactors + mailbox的异步方式来处理,
Schema Declaration和序列化方面,Spark RPC默认采用Java native serialization方案,主要从兼容性和JVM平台内部组件通信,以及scala语言的融合考虑,所以不具备跨语言通信的能力,性能上也不是追求极致,目前还没有使用Kyro等更好序列化性能和数据大小的方案。
协议结构,Spark RPC采用私有的wire format如下,采用headr+payload的组织方式,header中包括整个frame的长度,message的类型,请求UUID。为解决TCP粘包和半包问题,以及组织成完整的Message的逻辑都在中。
/* * 粘包和拆包 * * * * Spark RPC采用私有的wire format如下,采用headr+payload的组织方式,header中包括整个frame的长度,message的类型,请求UUID。为解决TCP粘包和半包问题,以及组织成完整的Message的逻辑都在这里 * (业界常用的方式,固定消息协议,固定字节大小) * */ @ChannelHandler.Sharable public final class MessageEncoder extends MessageToMessageEncoder<Message> { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MessageEncoder.class); public static final MessageEncoder INSTANCE = new MessageEncoder(); private MessageEncoder() {} /*** * Encodes a Message by invoking its encode() method. For non-data messages, we will add one * ByteBuf to 'out' containing the total frame length, the message type, and the message itself. * In the case of a ChunkFetchSuccess, we will also add the ManagedBuffer corresponding to the * data to 'out', in order to enable zero-copy transfer. */ @Override public void encode(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, Message in, List<Object> out) throws Exception { Object body = null; long bodyLength = 0; boolean isBodyInFrame = false; // If the message has a body, take it out to enable zero-copy transfer for the payload. if (in.body() != null) { try { bodyLength = in.body().size(); body = in.body().convertToNetty(); isBodyInFrame = in.isBodyInFrame(); } catch (Exception e) { in.body().release(); if (in instanceof AbstractResponseMessage) { AbstractResponseMessage resp = (AbstractResponseMessage) in; // Re-encode this message as a failure response. String error = e.getMessage() != null ? e.getMessage() : "null"; logger.error(String.format("Error processing %s for client %s", in,, e); encode(ctx, resp.createFailureResponse(error), out); } else { throw e; } return; } } Message.Type msgType = in.type(); // All messages have the frame length, message type, and message itself. The frame length // may optionally include the length of the body data, depending on what message is being // sent. // 头长度 int headerLength = 8 + msgType.encodedLength() + in.encodedLength(); // 总共写多少个字节长度 long frameLength = headerLength + (isBodyInFrame ? bodyLength : 0); // 根据头的大小分配Header的大小 ByteBuf header = ctx.alloc().heapBuffer(headerLength); header.writeLong(frameLength); msgType.encode(header); // 调用每个不同请求的不同encode in.encode(header); assert header.writableBytes() == 0; if (body != null) { // We transfer ownership of the reference on in.body() to MessageWithHeader. // This reference will be freed when MessageWithHeader.deallocate() is called. out.add(new MessageWithHeader(in.body(), header, body, bodyLength)); } else { out.add(header); } } }
@ChannelHandler.Sharable public final class MessageDecoder extends MessageToMessageDecoder<ByteBuf> { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MessageDecoder.class); public static final MessageDecoder INSTANCE = new MessageDecoder(); private MessageDecoder() {} @Override public void decode(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, ByteBuf in, List<Object> out) { Message.Type msgType = Message.Type.decode(in); Message decoded = decode(msgType, in); assert decoded.type() == msgType; logger.trace("Received message {}: {}", msgType, decoded); out.add(decoded); } private Message decode(Message.Type msgType, ByteBuf in) { switch (msgType) { case ChunkFetchRequest: return ChunkFetchRequest.decode(in); case ChunkFetchSuccess: return ChunkFetchSuccess.decode(in); case ChunkFetchFailure: return ChunkFetchFailure.decode(in); case RpcRequest: return RpcRequest.decode(in); case RpcResponse: return RpcResponse.decode(in); case RpcFailure: return RpcFailure.decode(in); case OneWayMessage: return OneWayMessage.decode(in); case StreamRequest: return StreamRequest.decode(in); case StreamResponse: return StreamResponse.decode(in); case StreamFailure: return StreamFailure.decode(in); default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unexpected message type: " + msgType); } } }
/** * 实现Encodable接口的类将可以转换到一个ByteBuf中,多个对象将被存储到预先分配的单个ByteBuf,所以这里的encodedLength用于返回转换的对象数量 */ public interface Message extends Encodable { /** Used to identify this request type. */ // 返回消息的类型。 Type type(); /** An optional body for the message. */ // 消息中可选的内容体 ManagedBuffer body(); /** Whether to include the body of the message in the same frame as the message. */ // 用于判断消息的主体是否包含在消息的同一帧中 boolean isBodyInFrame(); /** Preceding every serialized Message is its type, which allows us to deserialize it. */ enum Type implements Encodable { ChunkFetchRequest(0), ChunkFetchSuccess(1), ChunkFetchFailure(2), RpcRequest(3), RpcResponse(4), RpcFailure(5), StreamRequest(6), StreamResponse(7), StreamFailure(8), OneWayMessage(9), User(-1); private final byte id; Type(int id) { assert id < 128 : "Cannot have more than 128 message types"; = (byte) id; } public byte id() { return id; } @Override public int encodedLength() { return 1; } @Override public void encode(ByteBuf buf) { buf.writeByte(id); } public static Type decode(ByteBuf buf) { byte id = buf.readByte(); switch (id) { case 0: return ChunkFetchRequest; case 1: return ChunkFetchSuccess; case 2: return ChunkFetchFailure; case 3: return RpcRequest; case 4: return RpcResponse; case 5: return RpcFailure; case 6: return StreamRequest; case 7: return StreamResponse; case 8: return StreamFailure; case 9: return OneWayMessage; case -1: throw new IllegalArgumentException("User type messages cannot be decoded."); default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown message type: " + id); } } } }
看一个RPC请求,客户端调用分两个TCP Segment传输,这是因为Spark使用netty的时候header和body分别writeAndFlush出去。
下图是第一个TCP segment
00 00 00 00 00 00 05 d2 // 十进制1490,是整个frame的长度
4b ac a6 9f 83 5d 17 a9 // 8个字节是UUID
05 bd // 十进制1469,payload长度
具体的Payload就长下面这个样子,可以看出使用Java native serialization,一个简单的Echo请求就有1469个字节,还是很大的,序列化的效率不高。但是Spark RPC定位内部通信,不是一个通用的RPC框架,并且使用的量非常小,所以这点消耗也就可以忽略了,还有Spark Structured Streaming使用该序列化方式,其性能还是可以满足要求的。
总结一下 初始化server 大概5步
- 创建bossGroup和workerGroup
- 创建一个分配器
- 调用Netty的API创建Netty的服务端根引导程序并对其进行配置
- 为根引导程序设置channel初始化回调函数,此回调函数首先设置TransportServer-Bootstrap到根引导程序中,然后调用TransportContext的initializePipeline方法初始化Channel的pipeline
- 给根引导程序绑定Socket的监听端口,最后返回监听的端口。
/** * 注册rpc端点,这个方法则可以将EndpointData放入receivers * 1. 使用当前RpcEndpoint所在NettyRpcEnv的地址和RpcEndpoint的名称创建RpcEndpointAddress对象。 * 2. 创建RpcEndpoint的引用对象——NettyRpcEndpointRef。 * 3. 创建EndpointData,并放入endpoints缓存。 * 4. 将RpcEndpoint与NettyRpcEndpointRef的映射关系放入endpointRefs缓存。 * 5. 将EndpointData放入阻塞队列receivers的队尾。MessageLoop线程异步获取到此EndpointData,并处理其Inbox中刚刚放入的OnStart消息, * 最终调用RpcEndpoint的OnStart方法在RpcEndpoint开始处理消息之前做一些准备工作 * 6. 返回NettyRpcEndpointRef。 * 对RpcEndpoint注册 * @param name * @param endpoint * @return */ def registerRpcEndpoint(name: String, endpoint: RpcEndpoint): NettyRpcEndpointRef = { val addr = RpcEndpointAddress(nettyEnv.address, name) // 创建RpcEndpoint的引用对象 val endpointRef = new NettyRpcEndpointRef(nettyEnv.conf, addr, nettyEnv) synchronized { if (stopped) { throw new IllegalStateException("RpcEnv has been stopped") } if (endpoints.putIfAbsent(name, new EndpointData(name, endpoint, endpointRef)) != null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"There is already an RpcEndpoint called $name") } val data = endpoints.get(name) endpointRefs.put(data.endpoint, data.ref) receivers.offer(data) // for the OnStart message } endpointRef }
private[netty] class NettyRpcEndpointRef( @transient private val conf: SparkConf, // 远端RpcEndpoint的地址RpcEndpointAddress。 private val endpointAddress: RpcEndpointAddress, @transient @volatile private var nettyEnv: NettyRpcEnv) extends RpcEndpointRef(conf) { /** * 类型为TransportClient(TransportClient)。 * Netty-RpcEndpointRef将利用此TransportClient向远端的RpcEndpoint发送请求。 */ @transient @volatile var client: TransportClient = _ /** * 返回_address属性的值,或返回null。 * @return */ override def address: RpcAddress = if (endpointAddress.rpcAddress != null) endpointAddress.rpcAddress else null private def readObject(in: ObjectInputStream): Unit = { in.defaultReadObject() nettyEnv = NettyRpcEnv.currentEnv.value client = NettyRpcEnv.currentClient.value } private def writeObject(out: ObjectOutputStream): Unit = { out.defaultWriteObject() } // 返回_name属性的值。 override def name: String = /** * 首先将message封装为Request Message,然后调用NettyRpcEnv的ask方法。 * @param message * @param timeout * @tparam T * @return */ override def ask[T: ClassTag](message: Any, timeout: RpcTimeout): Future[T] = { nettyEnv.ask(new RequestMessage(nettyEnv.address, this, message), timeout) } /** * 首先将message封装为RequestMessage,然后调用NettyRpcEnv的send方法。 * @param message */ override def send(message: Any): Unit = { require(message != null, "Message is null") nettyEnv.send(new RequestMessage(nettyEnv.address, this, message)) } override def toString: String = s"NettyRpcEndpointRef(${endpointAddress})" final override def equals(that: Any): Boolean = that match { case other: NettyRpcEndpointRef => endpointAddress == other.endpointAddress case _ => false } final override def hashCode(): Int = if (endpointAddress == null) 0 else endpointAddress.hashCode() }
然后我们继续往下走,直接往 端点实例名称与端点数据EndpointData之间映射关系的缓存,添加进了这个注册的端点的名称数据,然后将数据放入 端点实例RpcEndpoint与端点实例引用RpcEndpointRef之间映射关系的缓存中。 最后往 存储端点数据EndpointData的阻塞队列中添加消息,最后将引用返回。整个注册流程大概是
- 使用当前RpcEndpoint所在NettyRpcEnv的地址和RpcEndpoint的名称创建RpcEndpointAddress对象。
- 创建RpcEndpoint的引用对象——NettyRpcEndpointRef。
- 创建EndpointData,并放入endpoints缓存。
- 将RpcEndpoint与NettyRpcEndpointRef的映射关系放入endpointRefs缓存。
- 将EndpointData放入阻塞队列receivers的队尾。MessageLoop线程异步获取到此EndpointData,并处理其Inbox中刚刚放入的OnStart消息, 最终调用RpcEndpoint的OnStart方法在RpcEndpoint开始处理消息之前做一些准备工作
- 返回NettyRpcEndpointRef。
完成 对RpcEndpoint注册
private[netty] class RpcEndpointVerifier(override val rpcEnv: RpcEnv, dispatcher: Dispatcher) extends RpcEndpoint { /** * 1. 接收CheckExistence类型的消息,匹配出name参数,此参数代表要查询的Rpc-Endpoint的具体名称。 * 2. 调用Dispatcher的verify方法。verify用于校验Dispatcher的endpoints缓存中是否存在名为name的RpcEndpoint * 3. 调用RpcCallContext的reply方法回复客户端,true或false * @param context * @return */ override def receiveAndReply(context: RpcCallContext): PartialFunction[Any, Unit] = { case RpcEndpointVerifier.CheckExistence(name) => context.reply(dispatcher.verify(name)) } } private[netty] object RpcEndpointVerifier { val NAME = "endpoint-verifier" /** A message used to ask the remote [[RpcEndpointVerifier]] if an `RpcEndpoint` exists. */ case class CheckExistence(name: String) }
/** Message loop used for dispatching messages. */ /** * 不断循环处理消息 * 1. 从receivers中获取EndpointData。receivers中的EndpointData,其Inbox的messages列表中肯定有了新的消息。 * 换言之,只有Inbox的messages列表中有了新的消息,此EndpointData才会被放入receivers中。 * 由于receivers是个阻塞队列,所以当receivers中没有EndpointData时,MessageLoop线程会被阻塞。 * 2. 如果取到的EndpointData是“毒药”(PoisonPill),那么此MessageLoop线程将退出(通过return语句), * 并且会再次将PoisonPill放到队列里面,以达到所有MessageLoop线程都结束的效果。 * 3. 如果取到的EndpointData不是“毒药”,那么调用EndpointData中Inbox的process方法对消息进行处理。 */ private class MessageLoop extends Runnable { override def run(): Unit = { try { while (true) { try { // val data = receivers.take() // 如果数据为毒药 if (data == PoisonPill) { // Put PoisonPill back so that other MessageLoops can see it. receivers.offer(PoisonPill) return } // 对消息做处理 data.inbox.process(Dispatcher.this) } catch { case NonFatal(e) => logError(e.getMessage, e) } } } catch { case _: InterruptedException => // exit case t: Throwable => try { // Re-submit a MessageLoop so that Dispatcher will still work if // UncaughtExceptionHandler decides to not kill JVM. threadpool.execute(new MessageLoop) } finally { throw t } } } }
/** * Process stored messages. * 处理消息 * 1. 进行线程并发检查。具体是,如果不允许多个线程同时处理messages中的消息(enableConcurrent为false), * 并且当前激活线程数(numActiveThreads)不为0,这说明已经有线程在处理消息,所以当前线程不允许再去处理消息(使用return返回)。 * 2. 从messages中获取消息。如果有消息未处理,则当前线程需要处理此消息,因而算是一个新的激活线程(需要将numActiveThreads加1)。如果messages中没有消息了(一般发生在多线程情况下),则直接返回。 * 3.根据消息类型进行匹配,并执行对应的逻辑 * 4. 对激活线程数量进行控制。当第3步对消息处理完毕后,当前线程作为之前已经激活的线程是否还有存在的必要呢? * 这里有两个判断: * 1. 如果不允许多个线程同时处理messages中的消息并且当前激活的线程数多于1个,那么需要当前线程退出并将numActiveThreads减1; * 2. 如果messages已经没有消息要处理了,这说明当前线程无论如何也该返回并将numActiveThreads减1。 */ def process(dispatcher: Dispatcher): Unit = { var message: InboxMessage = null inbox.synchronized { if (!enableConcurrent && numActiveThreads != 0) { return } message = messages.poll() if (message != null) { numActiveThreads += 1 } else { return } } while (true) { /** * 根据消息类型进行匹配,并执行对应的逻辑 */ safelyCall(endpoint) { message match { // rpc请求的话,直接调用endpoint的receiveAndReply case RpcMessage(_sender, content, context) => try { endpoint.receiveAndReply(context).applyOrElse[Any, Unit](content, { msg => throw new SparkException(s"Unsupported message $message from ${_sender}") }) } catch { case e: Throwable => context.sendFailure(e) // Throw the exception -- this exception will be caught by the safelyCall function. // The endpoint's one rror function will be called. throw e } case OneWayMessage(_sender, content) => endpoint.receive.applyOrElse[Any, Unit](content, { msg => throw new SparkException(s"Unsupported message $message from ${_sender}") }) case OnStart => endpoint.onStart() if (!endpoint.isInstanceOf[ThreadSafeRpcEndpoint]) { inbox.synchronized { if (!stopped) { enableConcurrent = true } } } case OnStop => val activeThreads = inbox.synchronized { inbox.numActiveThreads } assert(activeThreads == 1, s"There should be only a single active thread but found $activeThreads threads.") // 删除endpointRef和endpoint的引用关系 dispatcher.removeRpcEndpointRef(endpoint) endpoint.onStop() assert(isEmpty, "OnStop should be the last message") case RemoteProcessConnected(remoteAddress) => endpoint.onConnected(remoteAddress) case RemoteProcessDisconnected(remoteAddress) => endpoint.onDisconnected(remoteAddress) case RemoteProcessConnectionError(cause, remoteAddress) => endpoint.onNetworkError(cause, remoteAddress) } } inbox.synchronized { // "enableConcurrent" will be set to false after `onStop` is called, so we should check it // every time. if (!enableConcurrent && numActiveThreads != 1) { // If we are not the only one worker, exit numActiveThreads -= 1 return } message = messages.poll() if (message == null) { numActiveThreads -= 1 return } } } }
/* * 获取RpcEndpoint相关联的RpcEndpointRef。从代码实现看到 * ,其实现实际调用了RpcEnv的endpointRef方法。由于RpcEnv并未实现此方法,所以需要RpcEnv的子类来实现。 * */ final def self: RpcEndpointRef = { require(rpcEnv != null, "rpcEnv has not been initialized") rpcEnv.endpointRef(this) }
/** * 首先将message封装为RequestMessage,然后调用NettyRpcEnv的send方法。 * @param message */ override def send(message: Any): Unit = { require(message != null, "Message is null") nettyEnv.send(new RequestMessage(nettyEnv.address, this, message)) }
/** * 1. 如果请求消息的接收者的地址与当前NettyRpcEnv的地址相同。那么新建Promise对象,并且给Promise的future(类型为Future)设置完成时的回调函数(成功时调用onSuccess方法,失败时调用onFailure方法)。 * 发送消息最终通过调用本地Dispatcher的postOneWayMessage方法 * 2. 如果请求消息的接收者的地址与当前NettyRpcEnv的地址不同,那么将message序列化,并与onFailure、onSuccess方法一道封装为RpcOutboxMessage类型的消息。 * 最后调用postToOutbox方法将消息投递出去 * @param message */ private[netty] def send(message: RequestMessage): Unit = { val remoteAddr = message.receiver.address if (remoteAddr == address) { // Message to a local RPC endpoint. try { dispatcher.postOneWayMessage(message) } catch { case e: RpcEnvStoppedException => logDebug(e.getMessage) } } else { // Message to a remote RPC endpoint. postToOutbox(message.receiver, OneWayOutboxMessage(message.serialize(this))) } }
/** * Posts a message to a specific endpoint. * 将消息提交给指定的RpcEndpoint * * 1. 根据端点名称endpointName从缓存endpoints中获取EndpointData。 * 2. 如果当前Dispatcher没有停止并且缓存endpoints中确实存在名为endpointName的EndpointData, * 那么将调用EndpointData对应Inbox的post方法将消息加入Inbox的消息列表中,因此还需要将EndpointData推入receivers, * 以便MessageLoop处理此Inbox中的消息。Inbox的post方法的实现其逻辑为Inbox未停止时向messages列表加入消息。 * * * @param endpointName name of the endpoint. * @param message the message to post * @param callbackIfStopped callback function if the endpoint is stopped. */ private def postMessage( endpointName: String, message: InboxMessage, callbackIfStopped: (Exception) => Unit): Unit = { val error = synchronized { val data = endpoints.get(endpointName) if (stopped) { Some(new RpcEnvStoppedException()) } else if (data == null) { Some(new SparkException(s"Could not find $endpointName.")) } else { receivers.offer(data) None } } // We don't need to call `onStop` in the `synchronized` block error.foreach(callbackIfStopped) }
/** * postToOutbox用于向远端节点上的RpcEndpoint发送消息 * 1. 如果NettyRpcEndpointRef中的TransportClient不为空,则直接调用OutboxMessage的sendWith方法 * 2. 获取NettyRpcEndpointRef的远端RpcEndpoint地址所对应的Outbox。 * 首先从outboxes缓存中获取Outbox。如果outboxes中没有相应的Outbox,则需要新建Outbox并放入outboxes缓存中。 * 3. 如果当前NettyRpcEnv已经处于停止状态,则将第2步得到的Outbox从outboxes中移除,并且调用Outbox的stop方法停止Outbox。 * 如果当前NettyRpcEnv还未停止,则调用第2)步得到的Outbox的send方法发送消息。 * * * @param receiver * @param message */ private def postToOutbox(receiver: NettyRpcEndpointRef, message: OutboxMessage): Unit = { if (receiver.client != null) { message.sendWith(receiver.client) } else { require(receiver.address != null, "Cannot send message to client endpoint with no listen address.") val targetOutbox = { val outbox = outboxes.get(receiver.address) if (outbox == null) { // 直接新建一个Outbox val newOutbox = new Outbox(this, receiver.address) // 放入缓存 val oldOutbox = outboxes.putIfAbsent(receiver.address, newOutbox) if (oldOutbox == null) { newOutbox } else { oldOutbox } } else { outbox } } if (stopped.get) { // It's possible that we put `targetOutbox` after stopping. So we need to clean it. outboxes.remove(receiver.address) targetOutbox.stop() } else { targetOutbox.send(message) } } }
/** * Send a message. If there is no active connection, cache it and launch a new connection. If * [[Outbox]] is stopped, the sender will be notified with a [[SparkException]]. * 1. 判断当前Outbox的状态是否已经停止。 * 2. 如果Outbox已经停止,则向发送者发送SparkException异常。 * 如果Outbox还未停止,则将OutboxMessage添加到messages列表中,并且调用drainOutbox方法处理messages中的消息。drainOutbox是一个私有方法 * * */ def send(message: OutboxMessage): Unit = { val dropped = synchronized { if (stopped) { true } else { messages.add(message) false } } if (dropped) { message.onFailure(new SparkException("Message is dropped because Outbox is stopped")) } else { drainOutbox() } }
先将消息添加到 其他远端NettyRpcEnv上的所有RpcEndpoint发送的消息列表messages中, 然后调用drainOutbox()去处理messages中的消息
/** * Drain the message queue. If there is other draining thread, just exit. If the connection has * not been established, launch a task in the `nettyEnv.clientConnectionExecutor` to setup the * connection. * * 处理消息 * * 1. 如果当前Outbox已经停止或者正在连接远端服务,则返回。 * 2. 如果Outbox中的TransportClient为null,这说明还未连接远端服务。此时需要调用launchConnectTask方法运行连接远端服务的任务,然后返回 * 3. 如果正有线程在处理(即发送)messages列表中的消息,则返回。 * 4. 如果messages列表中没有消息要处理,则返回。否则取出其中的一条消息,并将draining状态置为true * 5. 循环处理messages列表中的消息,即不断从messages列表中取出消息并调用OutboxMessage的sendWith方法发送消息。 */ private def drainOutbox(): Unit = { var message: OutboxMessage = null synchronized { if (stopped) { return } if (connectFuture != null) { // We are connecting to the remote address, so just exit return } if (client == null) { // There is no connect task but client is null, so we need to launch the connect task. launchConnectTask() return } if (draining) { // There is some thread draining, so just exit return } message = messages.poll() if (message == null) { return } draining = true } while (true) { try { val _client = synchronized { client } if (_client != null) { message.sendWith(_client) } else { assert(stopped == true) } } catch { case NonFatal(e) => handleNetworkFailure(e) return } synchronized { if (stopped) { return } message = messages.poll() if (message == null) { draining = false return } } } }
/** * 运行连接远端服务的任务 * * 1. 构造Callable的匿名内部类,此匿名类将调用NettyRpcEnv的createClient方法创建TransportClient, * 然后调用drainOutbox方法处理Outbox中的消息。 * 2. 使用NettyRpcEnv中的clientConnectionExecutor提交Callable的匿名内部类。 */ private def launchConnectTask(): Unit = { connectFuture = nettyEnv.clientConnectionExecutor.submit(new Callable[Unit] { override def call(): Unit = { try { val _client = nettyEnv.createClient(address) outbox.synchronized { client = _client if (stopped) { closeClient() } } } catch { case ie: InterruptedException => // exit return case NonFatal(e) => outbox.synchronized { connectFuture = null } handleNetworkFailure(e) return } outbox.synchronized { connectFuture = null } // It's possible that no thread is draining now. If we don't drain here, we cannot send the // messages until the next message arrives. drainOutbox() } }) }
private[netty] def createClient(address: RpcAddress): TransportClient = { clientFactory.createClient(, address.port) }
/ * * 每个TransportClient实例只能和一个远端的RPC服务通信,所以Spark中的组件如果想要和多个RPC服务通信,就需要持有多个TransportClient实例, * 实际是从缓存中获取TransportClient,如果缓存中没有,在创建 * * 虚假的创建步骤 * 1. 调用InetSocketAddress的静态方法createUnresolved构建InetSocketAddress * 然后从connectionPool中获取与此地址对应的ClientPool,如果没有,则需要新建ClientPool,并放入缓存connectionPool中 * 2. 根据numConnectionsPerPeer的大小(使用“spark.+模块名”属性配置),从ClientPool中随机选择一个TransportClient * 3. 如果ClientPool的clients数组中在随机产生的索引位置不存在TransportClient或者TransportClient没有激活,则进入第5步,否则对此TransportClient进行第4步的检查 * 4. 更新TransportClient的channel中配置的TransportChannelHandler的最后一次使用时间,确保channel没有超时,然后检查TransportClient是否是激活状态,最后返回此TransportClient给调用方。 * 5. 由于缓存中没有TransportClient可用,于是调用InetSocketAddress的构造器创建InetSocketAddress对象 * 在这一步骤多个线程可能会产生竞争条件(由于没有同步处理,所以多个线程极有可能同时执行到此处,都发现缓存中没有TransportClient可用,于是都使用InetSocketAddress的构造器创建InetSocketAddress),会创建多个。 * 6. 按照随机产生的数组索引,locks数组中的锁对象可以对clients数组中的TransportClient一对一进行同步。 * 即便之前产生了竞争条件,但是在这一步只能有一个线程进入。先进入的线程调用重载的createClient方法创建TransportClient对象并放入ClientPool的clients数组中。当率先进入的线程退出后,其他线程才能进入, * 此时发现ClientPool的clients数组中已经存在了TransportClient对象,那么将不再创建TransportClient,直接获取 * */ public TransportClient createClient(String remoteHost, int remotePort) throws IOException, InterruptedException { // Get connection from the connection pool first. // If it is not found or not active, create a new one. // Use unresolved address here to avoid DNS resolution each time we creates a client. // 创建InetSocketAddress,传入主机和端口 final InetSocketAddress unresolvedAddress = InetSocketAddress.createUnresolved(remoteHost, remotePort); // Create the ClientPool if we don't have it yet. ClientPool clientPool = connectionPool.get(unresolvedAddress); if (clientPool == null) { connectionPool.putIfAbsent(unresolvedAddress, new ClientPool(numConnectionsPerPeer)); clientPool = connectionPool.get(unresolvedAddress); } // 随机选择一个TransportClient int clientIndex = rand.nextInt(numConnectionsPerPeer); TransportClient cachedClient = clientPool.clients[clientIndex]; // 进行判空和激活检查 if (cachedClient != null && cachedClient.isActive()) { // Make sure that the channel will not timeout by updating the last use time of the // handler. Then check that the client is still alive, in case it timed out before // this code was able to update things. TransportChannelHandler handler = cachedClient.getChannel().pipeline() .get(TransportChannelHandler.class); synchronized (handler) { // 确保channel没有超时 handler.getResponseHandler().updateTimeOfLastRequest(); } // 获取并返回激活的 if (cachedClient.isActive()) { logger.trace("Returning cached connection to {}: {}", cachedClient.getSocketAddress(), cachedClient); return cachedClient; } } // If we reach here, we don't have an existing connection open. Let's create a new one. // Multiple threads might race here to create new connections. Keep only one of them active. final long preResolveHost = System.nanoTime(); final InetSocketAddress resolvedAddress = new InetSocketAddress(remoteHost, remotePort); final long hostResolveTimeMs = (System.nanoTime() - preResolveHost) / 1000000; if (hostResolveTimeMs > 2000) { logger.warn("DNS resolution for {} took {} ms", resolvedAddress, hostResolveTimeMs); } else { logger.trace("DNS resolution for {} took {} ms", resolvedAddress, hostResolveTimeMs); } // 锁控制 synchronized (clientPool.locks[clientIndex]) { cachedClient = clientPool.clients[clientIndex]; // 如果已有,并且是激活的,那么直接获取 if (cachedClient != null) { if (cachedClient.isActive()) { logger.trace("Returning cached connection to {}: {}", resolvedAddress, cachedClient); return cachedClient; } else {"Found inactive connection to {}, creating a new one.", resolvedAddress); } } // 创建TransportClient(会激活) clientPool.clients[clientIndex] = createClient(resolvedAddress); // 直接返回 return clientPool.clients[clientIndex]; } }
/** Create a completely new {@link TransportClient} to the remote address. */ /** * 每个TransportClient实例只能和一个远端的RPC服务通信,所以Spark中的组件如果想要和多个RPC服务通信,就需要持有多个TransportClient实例 * * 真正的创建步骤 * 1. 创建根引导程序Bootstrap并对其进行配置。 * 2. 为根引导程序设置管道初始化回调函数,此回调函数将调用TransportContext的initializePipeline方法初始化Channel的pipeline。 * 3. 使用根引导程序连接远程服务器,当连接成功对管道初始化时会回调初始化回调函数,将TransportClient和Channel对象分别设置到原子引用clientRef与channelRef中。 * 4. 给TransportClient设置客户端引导程序,即设置TransportClientFactory中的Transport-ClientBootstrap列表。 * 5. 返回此TransportClient对象。 * * @param address * @return * @throws IOException * @throws InterruptedException */ private TransportClient createClient(InetSocketAddress address) throws IOException, InterruptedException { logger.debug("Creating new connection to {}", address); // 创建根引导程序Bootstrap并对其进行配置 Bootstrap bootstrap = new Bootstrap(); .channel(socketChannelClass) // Disable Nagle's Algorithm since we don't want packets to wait .option(ChannelOption.TCP_NODELAY, true) .option(ChannelOption.SO_KEEPALIVE, true) .option(ChannelOption.CONNECT_TIMEOUT_MILLIS, conf.connectionTimeoutMs()) .option(ChannelOption.ALLOCATOR, pooledAllocator); if (conf.receiveBuf() > 0) { bootstrap.option(ChannelOption.SO_RCVBUF, conf.receiveBuf()); } if (conf.sendBuf() > 0) { bootstrap.option(ChannelOption.SO_SNDBUF, conf.sendBuf()); } final AtomicReference<TransportClient> clientRef = new AtomicReference<>(); final AtomicReference<Channel> channelRef = new AtomicReference<>(); // 为跟引导程序设置channel初始化回调函数 bootstrap.handler(new ChannelInitializer<SocketChannel>() { @Override public void initChannel(SocketChannel ch) { TransportChannelHandler clientHandler = context.initializePipeline(ch); // 将TransportClient和Channel对象分别设置到clientRef与channelRef中。 clientRef.set(clientHandler.getClient()); channelRef.set(ch); } }); // Connect to the remote server long preConnect = System.nanoTime(); // 使用根引导程序连接远程服务器 ChannelFuture cf = bootstrap.connect(address); if (!cf.await(conf.connectionTimeoutMs())) { throw new IOException( String.format("Connecting to %s timed out (%s ms)", address, conf.connectionTimeoutMs())); } else if (cf.cause() != null) { throw new IOException(String.format("Failed to connect to %s", address), cf.cause()); } TransportClient client = clientRef.get(); Channel channel = channelRef.get(); assert client != null : "Channel future completed successfully with null client"; // Execute any client bootstraps synchronously before marking the Client as successful. long preBootstrap = System.nanoTime(); logger.debug("Connection to {} successful, running bootstraps...", address); try { for (TransportClientBootstrap clientBootstrap : clientBootstraps) { // 设置客户端引导程序 clientBootstrap.doBootstrap(client, channel); } } catch (Exception e) { // catch non-RuntimeExceptions too as bootstrap may be written in Scala long bootstrapTimeMs = (System.nanoTime() - preBootstrap) / 1000000; logger.error("Exception while bootstrapping client after " + bootstrapTimeMs + " ms", e); client.close(); throw Throwables.propagate(e); } long postBootstrap = System.nanoTime();"Successfully created connection to {} after {} ms ({} ms spent in bootstraps)", address, (postBootstrap - preConnect) / 1000000, (postBootstrap - preBootstrap) / 1000000); // 直接返回对象 return client; }
这里为跟引导程序设置channel初始化回调函数的方法中,initializePipeline方法和服务端执行的是一致的,上文已经分析过,也是绑定一些处理器,然后执行完initializePipeline方法之后, 又将TransportClient和Channel对象分别设置到clientRef与channelRef中。
* * 处理消息 * * 1. 如果当前Outbox已经停止或者正在连接远端服务,则返回。 * 2. 如果Outbox中的TransportClient为null,这说明还未连接远端服务。此时需要调用launchConnectTask方法运行连接远端服务的任务,然后返回 * 3. 如果正有线程在处理(即发送)messages列表中的消息,则返回。 * 4. 如果messages列表中没有消息要处理,则返回。否则取出其中的一条消息,并将draining状态置为true * 5. 循环处理messages列表中的消息,即不断从messages列表中取出消息并调用OutboxMessage的sendWith方法发送消息。 */ private def drainOutbox(): Unit = { var message: OutboxMessage = null synchronized { if (stopped) { return } if (connectFuture != null) { // We are connecting to the remote address, so just exit return } if (client == null) { // There is no connect task but client is null, so we need to launch the connect task. launchConnectTask() return } if (draining) { // There is some thread draining, so just exit return } message = messages.poll() if (message == null) { return } draining = true } while (true) { try { val _client = synchronized { client } if (_client != null) { message.sendWith(_client) } else { assert(stopped == true) } } catch { case NonFatal(e) => handleNetworkFailure(e) return } synchronized { if (stopped) { return } message = messages.poll() if (message == null) { draining = false return } } } }
* 向服务端发送RPC的请求,通过At least Once Delivery原则保证请求不会丢失。 * * 1. 使用UUID生成请求主键requestId * 2. 调用addRpcRequest向handler添加requestId与回调类RpcResponseCallback的引用之间的关系。TransportResponseHandler的addRpcRequest方法 * 3. 调用Channel的writeAndFlush方法将RPC请求发送出去,这和在服务端调用的respond方法响应客户端的一样,都是使用channel的writeAndFlush方法 */ public long sendRpc(ByteBuffer message, RpcResponseCallback callback) { long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) { logger.trace("Sending RPC to {}", getRemoteAddress(channel)); } // 使用UUID生成请求主键requestId long requestId = Math.abs(UUID.randomUUID().getLeastSignificantBits()); // 添加requestId与RpcResponseCallback的引用关系 handler.addRpcRequest(requestId, callback); // 发送RPC请求 channel.writeAndFlush(new RpcRequest(requestId, new NioManagedBuffer(message))) .addListener(future -> { // 如果发送成功,打印requestId,远端地址以及花费的时间 if (future.isSuccess()) { long timeTaken = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime; if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) { logger.trace("Sending request {} to {} took {} ms", requestId, getRemoteAddress(channel), timeTaken); } } else { // 如果发送失败,除了打印错误日志外,还要调用TransportResponseHandler的removeRpcRequest方法。将此次请求从outstandingRpcs缓存中移除。 String errorMsg = String.format("Failed to send RPC %s to %s: %s", requestId, getRemoteAddress(channel), future.cause()); logger.error(errorMsg, future.cause()); handler.removeRpcRequest(requestId); channel.close(); try { callback.onFailure(new IOException(errorMsg, future.cause())); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Uncaught exception in RPC response callback handler!", e); } } }); return requestId; }
/** * 核心方法,实现ChannelInboundHandler的类都要实现这个方法 * @param ctx * @param request * @throws Exception */ @Override public void channelRead(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, Object request) throws Exception { // 如果请求是RequestMessage,则将此消息的处理进一步交给TransportRequestHandler, if (request instanceof RequestMessage) { requestHandler.handle((RequestMessage) request); // 当读取的request是ResponseMessage时,则将此消息的处理进一步交给TransportResponseHandler } else if (request instanceof ResponseMessage) { responseHandler.handle((ResponseMessage) request); } else { ctx.fireChannelRead(request); } }
/** * 除了processOneWayMessage消息外 * 其他的消息都是最终调用respond方法响应客户端 * @param request */ @Override public void handle(RequestMessage request) { if (request instanceof ChunkFetchRequest) { // 处理块儿请求 processFetchRequest((ChunkFetchRequest) request); } else if (request instanceof RpcRequest) { // 处理RPC请求 processRpcRequest((RpcRequest) request); } else if (request instanceof OneWayMessage) { // 处理无需回复的RPC请求 processOneWayMessage((OneWayMessage) request); } else if (request instanceof StreamRequest) { // 处理流请求 processStreamRequest((StreamRequest) request); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown request type: " + request); } }
private void processRpcRequest(final RpcRequest req) { try { //将RpcRequest消息的发送消息的客户端,内容体、及一个RpcResponseCallback类型的匿名内部类作为参数传递给了RpcHandler的receive方法 // 真正用于处理RpcRequest消息的是RpcHandler rpcHandler.receive(reverseClient, req.body().nioByteBuffer(), new RpcResponseCallback() { @Override public void onSuccess(ByteBuffer response) { respond(new RpcResponse(req.requestId, new NioManagedBuffer(response))); } @Override public void onFailure(Throwable e) { respond(new RpcFailure(req.requestId, Throwables.getStackTraceAsString(e))); } }); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error while invoking RpcHandler#receive() on RPC id " + req.requestId, e); respond(new RpcFailure(req.requestId, Throwables.getStackTraceAsString(e))); } finally { req.body().release(); } }
/** * 1. 调用internalReceive方法将ByteBuffer类型的message转换为RequestMessage。 * 2. 调用Dispatcher的postRemoteMessage方法将消息转换为RpcMessage后放入Inbox的消息列表。 * MessageLoop将调用RpcEnd-Point实现类的receiveAndReply方法,即RpcEndPoint处理完消息后会向客户端进行回复 * * @param client A channel client which enables the handler to make requests back to the sender * of this RPC. This will always be the exact same object for a particular channel. * @param message The serialized bytes of the RPC. * @param callback Callback which should be invoked exactly once upon success or failure of the * RPC. * */ override def receive( client: TransportClient, message: ByteBuffer, callback: RpcResponseCallback): Unit = { // 将ByteBuffer类型的message转换为RequestMessage。 val messageToDispatch = internalReceive(client, message) dispatcher.postRemoteMessage(messageToDispatch, callback) }
/** * 1. 从TransportClient中获取远端地址RpcAddress。 * 2. 调用NettyRpcEnv的deserialize方法对客户端发送的序列化后的消息(即ByteBuffer类型的消息)进行反序列化,根据deserialize的实现, * 反序列化实际使用了javaSerializerInstance。javaSerializerInstance是通过NettyRpcEnv的构造参数传入的对象,类型 * * 3.如果反序列化得到的请求消息requestMessage中没有发送者的地址信息,则使用从TransportClient中获取的远端地址RpcAddress、 * requestMessage的接收者(即RpcEndpoint)、requestMessage的内容,以构造新的RequestMessage * 4. 如果反序列化得到的请求消息requestMessage中含有发送者的地址信息,则将从TransportClient中获取的远端地址RpcAddress与requestMessage中的发送者地址信息之间的映射关系放入缓存remoteAddresses * 。还将调用Dispatcher的postToAll方法,向endpoints缓存的所有EndpointData的Inbox中放入RemoteProcessConnected消息。最后将返回requestMessage * @param client * @param message * @return */ private def internalReceive(client: TransportClient, message: ByteBuffer): RequestMessage = { // 从TransportClient中获取远端地址RpcAddress。 val addr = client.getChannel().remoteAddress().asInstanceOf[InetSocketAddress] assert(addr != null) val clientAddr = RpcAddress(addr.getHostString, addr.getPort) val requestMessage = RequestMessage(nettyEnv, client, message) if (requestMessage.senderAddress == null) { // Create a new message with the socket address of the client as the sender. new RequestMessage(clientAddr, requestMessage.receiver, requestMessage.content) } else { // The remote RpcEnv listens to some port, we should also fire a RemoteProcessConnected for // the listening address val remoteEnvAddress = requestMessage.senderAddress if (remoteAddresses.putIfAbsent(clientAddr, remoteEnvAddress) == null) { dispatcher.postToAll(RemoteProcessConnected(remoteEnvAddress)) } requestMessage } }
/** Posts a message sent by a remote endpoint. */ def postRemoteMessage(message: RequestMessage, callback: RpcResponseCallback): Unit = { /** * RpcCallContext是用于回调客户端的上下文 */ val rpcCallContext = new RemoteNettyRpcCallContext(nettyEnv, callback, message.senderAddress) val rpcMessage = RpcMessage(message.senderAddress, message.content, rpcCallContext) postMessage(, rpcMessage, (e) => callback.onFailure(e)) }
/** * Posts a message to a specific endpoint. * 将消息提交给指定的RpcEndpoint * * 1. 根据端点名称endpointName从缓存endpoints中获取EndpointData。 * 2. 如果当前Dispatcher没有停止并且缓存endpoints中确实存在名为endpointName的EndpointData, * 那么将调用EndpointData对应Inbox的post方法将消息加入Inbox的消息列表中,因此还需要将EndpointData推入receivers, * 以便MessageLoop处理此Inbox中的消息。Inbox的post方法的实现其逻辑为Inbox未停止时向messages列表加入消息。 * * * @param endpointName name of the endpoint. * @param message the message to post * @param callbackIfStopped callback function if the endpoint is stopped. */ private def postMessage( endpointName: String, message: InboxMessage, callbackIfStopped: (Exception) => Unit): Unit = { val error = synchronized { val data = endpoints.get(endpointName) if (stopped) { Some(new RpcEnvStoppedException()) } else if (data == null) { Some(new SparkException(s"Could not find $endpointName.")) } else { receivers.offer(data) None } } // We don't need to call `onStop` in the `synchronized` block error.foreach(callbackIfStopped) }
private void processRpcRequest(final RpcRequest req) { try { //将RpcRequest消息的发送消息的客户端,内容体、及一个RpcResponseCallback类型的匿名内部类作为参数传递给了RpcHandler的receive方法 // 真正用于处理RpcRequest消息的是RpcHandler rpcHandler.receive(reverseClient, req.body().nioByteBuffer(), new RpcResponseCallback() { @Override public void onSuccess(ByteBuffer response) { respond(new RpcResponse(req.requestId, new NioManagedBuffer(response))); } @Override public void onFailure(Throwable e) { respond(new RpcFailure(req.requestId, Throwables.getStackTraceAsString(e))); } }); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error while invoking RpcHandler#receive() on RPC id " + req.requestId, e); respond(new RpcFailure(req.requestId, Throwables.getStackTraceAsString(e))); } finally { req.body().release(); } }
/** * Responds to a single message with some Encodable object. If a failure occurs while sending, * it will be logged and the channel closed. * * respond方法中实际调用了Channel的writeAndFlush方法响应客户端 */ private ChannelFuture respond(Encodable result) { SocketAddress remoteAddress = channel.remoteAddress(); return channel.writeAndFlush(result).addListener(future -> { if (future.isSuccess()) { logger.trace("Sent result {} to client {}", result, remoteAddress); } else { logger.error(String.format("Error sending result %s to %s; closing connection", result, remoteAddress), future.cause()); channel.close(); } }); }
Endpoint 启动过程图
Endpoint 启动后,默认会向 Inbox 中添加 OnStart 消息,不同的端点(Master/Worker/Client)消费 OnStart 指令时,进行相关端点的启动额外处理。
Endpoint 启动时,会默认启动 TransportServer,且启动结束后会进行一次同步测试 rpc 可用性(askSync-BoundPortsRequest)。
Dispatcher 作为一个分发器,内部存放了 Inbox,Outbox 的等相关句柄和存放了相关处理状态数据,结构大致如下:
Endpoint Send&Ask 流程图
Endpoint 根据业务需要存入两个维度的消息组合:send/ask 某个消息,receiver 是自身与非自身
•1 OneWayMessage:send + 自身,直接存入收件箱
•2 OneWayOutboxMessage:send + 非自身,存入发件箱并直接发送
•3 RpcMessage:ask + 自身,直接存入收件箱,另外还需要存入 LocalNettyRpcCallContext,需要回调后再返回
•4 RpcOutboxMessage:ask + 非自身,存入发件箱并直接发送,需要回调后再返回
Endpoint Receive 流程图
Endpoint Inbox 处理流程图
Spark 在 Endpoint 的设计上核心设计即为 Inbox 与 Outbox,其中 Inbox 核心要点为:
•1 内部的处理流程拆分为多个消息指令(InboxMessage)存放入 Inbox。
•2 当 Dispatcher 启动最后,会启动一个名为【dispatcher-event-loop】的线程扫描 Inbox 待处理 InboxMessage,并调用 Endpoint 根据 InboxMessage 类型做相应处理
•3 当 Dispatcher 启动最后,默认会向 Inbox 存入 OnStart 类型的 InboxMessage,Endpoint 在根据 OnStart 指令做相关的额外启动工作,三端启动后所有的工作都是对 OnStart 指令处理衍生出来的,因此可以说 OnStart 指令是相互通信的源头。
•1 OnStart/OnStop
•2 RpcMessage/OneWayMessage
•3 RemoteProcessDisconnected/RemoteProcessConnected/RemoteProcessConnectionError
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