2021/7/16 23:09:27
- 用数组实现栈的结构
- push方法的代码
- pop方法的代码
- 遍历栈中的元素的方法
- 测试代码
- 利用链表实现栈的结构
- 节点类信息
- push方法的代码
- pop出栈方法
- 遍历方法
- 测试代码
- 测试结果
public boolean isFull(){ //如果top指向最后,则说明栈满 return maxsize-1==top; } public void push(int value){ if(isFull()){ System.out.println("栈满,不能在添加元素"+value); return; } //每添加一个元素,指针都要向上移动 stack[++top]=value; System.out.println("数据"+value+"添加成功"); }
public boolean isEmpty(){ return top==-1; } public int pop(){ if(isEmpty()){ throw new RuntimeException("栈空"); } int value=stack[top]; //取出当前的元素之后,还要把指针后移! top--; return value; }
public void show(){ if(isEmpty()){ System.out.println("栈为空"); } //遍历时,是要从栈顶开始遍历的。 for(int i=top;i>=0;i--){ System.out.println(stack[i]+"---"+i); } }
package com.njupt.stack; /** * Creat with IntelliJ IDEA * * @Auther:倔强的加瓦 * @Date:2021/07/16/9:44 * @Description: */ public class StackDemo { public static void main(String[] args) { Stack stack = new Stack(10); for (int i = 1; i <= 8; i++) { stack.push(i); } stack.show(); for (int j = 1; j <= 9; j++) { System.out.println("第" + j + "次弹栈" + stack.pop()); } } } class Stack { public int maxsize; public int top = -1; public int[] stack; public Stack(int maxsize) { this.maxsize = maxsize; stack = new int[maxsize]; } public boolean isFull() { //如果top指向最后,则说明栈满 return maxsize - 1 == top; } public boolean isEmpty() { return top == -1; } public void push(int value) { if (isFull()) { System.out.println("栈满,不能在添加元素" + value); return; } stack[++top] = value; System.out.println("数据" + value + "添加成功"); } public int pop() { if (isEmpty()) { throw new RuntimeException("栈空"); } int value = stack[top]; top--; return value; } //显示栈中的所有元素 public void show() { if (isEmpty()) { System.out.println("栈为空"); } for (int i = top; i >= 0; i--) { System.out.println(stack[i] + "---" + i); } } }
class Node { public int no; public Node next; public Node(int no) { this.no = no; } @Override public String toString() { return "Node{" + "no=" + no + '}'; }
//判断栈已满 public boolean isFull() { return maxSize == count(); } //输出链表中有多少节点 public int count() { int num = 0; Node temp = head.next; while (temp != null) { num++; temp = temp.next; } return num; } public void push(Node node) { //如果是满的话,则不可以添加 if (isFull()) { System.out.println("栈已满,不能在加"); return; } //如果是空的话,直接加在最后即可 if (isEmpty()) { head.next = node; //这里可搞死我了,忘了加一个return,也没有写else语句。。。 return; } else { //temp指针始终指向第一个节点 Node temp = head.next; //先让node指向temp node.next = temp; //然后让头节点指向新插入的节点 head.next = node; System.out.println(node.no + "成功入栈"); } }
//判断为空的方法 public boolean isEmpty() { return head.next == null; } public void pop() { if (isEmpty()) { System.out.println("栈已空"); return; } else { Node temp = head.next; if (temp.next != null) { System.out.println(head.next.no + "出栈"); head.next = temp.next; } else { System.out.println(temp.no + "出栈"); head.next = null; } } }
public void show() { if (isEmpty()) { System.out.println("链表为空"); return; } Node temp = head.next; while (true) { System.out.println(temp); if (temp.next == null) { break; } temp = temp.next; } }
package com.njupt.stack; /** * Creat with IntelliJ IDEA * * @Auther:倔强的加瓦 * @Date:2021/07/16/18:11 * @Description:使用链表实现模拟栈的结构 */ public class ListStackDemo { public static void main(String[] args) { ListStack list = new ListStack(9); for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++) { Node node = new Node(i); list.push(node); } System.out.println("=-====="); list.show(); System.out.println("=-====="); for (int j = 1; j <= 12; j++) { list.pop(); } } } //知道啦!用链表的话,就相当于逆序输出。 class ListStack { public int maxSize; public Node head = new Node(0); public ListStack(int maxSize) { this.maxSize = maxSize; } /*public ListStack(Node node){ }*/ public boolean isEmpty() { return head.next == null; } //判断栈已满 public boolean isFull() { return maxSize == count(); } //输出链表中有多少节点 public int count() { int num = 0; Node temp = head.next; while (temp != null) { num++; temp = temp.next; } return num; } public void push(Node node) { //如果是空的话,直接加在最后即可 if (isFull()) { System.out.println("栈已满,不能在加"); return; } if (isEmpty()) { head.next = node; System.out.println(node.no+"成功入栈"); } else { //temp指针始终指向第一个节点 Node temp = head.next; //先让node指向temp node.next = temp; //然后让头节点指向新插入的节点 head.next = node; System.out.println(node.no + "成功入栈"); } } public void pop() { if (isEmpty()) { System.out.println("栈已空"); return; } else { Node temp = head.next; if (temp.next != null) { System.out.println(head.next.no + "出栈"); head.next = temp.next; } else { System.out.println(temp.no + "出栈"); head.next = null; } } } public void show() { if (isEmpty()) { System.out.println("链表为空"); return; } Node temp = head.next; while (true) { System.out.println(temp); if (temp.next == null) { break; } temp = temp.next; } } } class Node { public int no; public Node next; public Node(int no) { this.no = no; } @Override public String toString() { return "Node{" + "no=" + no + '}'; } }
1成功入栈 2成功入栈 3成功入栈 4成功入栈 5成功入栈 6成功入栈 7成功入栈 8成功入栈 9成功入栈 栈已满,不能在加 =-===== Node{no=9} Node{no=8} Node{no=7} Node{no=6} Node{no=5} Node{no=4} Node{no=3} Node{no=2} Node{no=1} =-===== 9出栈 8出栈 7出栈 6出栈 5出栈 4出栈 3出栈 2出栈 1出栈 栈已空 栈已空 栈已空 Process finished with exit code 0
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