考研英语长难句(刘晓燕)笔记 第六课 唱着歌去考研——英语的特殊结构

2021/7/20 6:07:34

本文主要是介绍考研英语长难句(刘晓燕)笔记 第六课 唱着歌去考研——英语的特殊结构,对大家解决编程问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的程序猿们随着小编来一起学习吧!

  • 强调句型
    • 1. 构成 It is ... that .../ It is ... who ...
      • 举例
        • 我昨天在街上遇到了我的旧情人。 (dreamboat梦中情人)
        • I met my old flame in the street yesterday.
        • 改为强调句: 和过去式关系就写成 It was ... that ...(强调谁就套住谁,把它拉到句首) 强调句型的it is 什么语都没有做,只是为了强调。(只有it is和it was)
        • It was I that met my old flame in the street yesterday.
        • It was yesterday that I met my old flame in the street.
        • It was my old flame that I met in the street yesterday.
        • ★强调句型可以强调句子中所有的成分,唯一不能强调谓语。
      • 练习
        • 为了实现我的梦想,我一直在思考我应不应该和男朋友分手。
        • It is to realize my dream that I'm considering whether I should depart with my boyfriend.
        • 有很多的原因可以解释这种现象。
        • 自己写:There a multitude of reasons can explain this phenomenon.
        • There remain abundant elements to account for the issue.
        • It is abundant elements that there remain to account for the issue.
        • It is to account for the issue that there remain abundant elements.
    • 2. 考点分析
    • 1)写作中的应用 (写作中所有的句子都可以写成强调句型)去掉 it is...that...句子还是完整的
      • 练习
        • 你至今仍然没有意识到就是因为你交友不慎,你才没有考上心目中理想的大学。
        • So far you have never realized that because you had unfavorable(不利的;相反的) friends, you failed to go to your dreamful university.
        • So far you have never realized that it is because you have the unfavorable friends that you failed to go to your dreamful university.
        • 就是在我的女儿出生以后,我才意识到母亲的伟大。
        • After my daughter was born, I realized the greatness of mothers.
        • It was after my daughter was born that I realized the greatness of mothers.
    • 2)长难句分析
      • 练习
        • But it is the arrival of new satellite channels—funded partly by advertising and partly by viewers’ subscriptions—that will bring about the biggest changes in the long term.
        • 就是部分由广告、部分由观众订购费用所资助的新卫星频道的到来,将会带来长期内重大的变化。
        • Perhaps it is humankind’s long suffering at the mercy of flood and drought that makes the idea of forcing the waters to do our bidding so fascinating. ( do one's feeling服从sb.)
        • 或许就是人类在洪水和灾害支配之下长期的痛苦使得水被人类服从是很神奇。
        • It is obviously that I love you.(强调句型)
        • It is obvious that I love you.(主语从句)
  • 倒装
    • 1. 什么是倒装? (倒装就是把一句话写成一般疑问句的形式,也就是给一句话加个助动词或把be动词放在句首)
      • 举例
        • 你爱我吗?
        • Do you love me?
        • 你去过欧洲吗?
        • Have you ever been to Europe?
        • 你爸爸是个老师吗?
        • Is your father a teacher?
    • 2. 倒装的具体用法
    • 1)否定词放在句首用倒装
      • 举例
        • 我几乎不会说日语。
        • Hardly can I speak Japanese.(情态动词相当于be动词)
        • 我绝对不会爱上你。
        • By no means do I love you.
        • 玩手机不但影响年轻人的身心健康,而且浪费了他们的时间。
        • Playing phones not only influences the physical and mental health of youngsters but also wastes their precious time.
        • Not only does playing phones influence the physical and mental health of youngsters but also wastes their precious time.(Not only...but also...是两句话,只需要把not only提前把第1句话写成一般疑问句,but also后面一个字都不要动)★否定词放在句首要倒装(not only)
        • 在任何情况下我们绝不能忽略保护环境的重要性。
        • Under no circumstances can we keep a blind eye to the issue of environmental protection.
    • 2)so, nor/neither 位于句首,表明承前句子的肯定或否定时用倒装 (nor和neither是一样的)so表示肯定,nor/neither表示否定
      • 举例(很少见)
        • 我会做饭,我也会。
        • I can cook. So can I.
        • 我不会做饭,我也不会。
        • I cannot cook. Nor can I.
    • 3)含有 so… that… 结构的句子将 so 引导的部分置于句首时用倒装
      • 举例
        • 我是如此的高兴以至于整夜失眠。
        • I feel so rejoiced that I lose my sleep for the whole night.
        • So rejoiced do I feel that I lose my sleep for the whole night.
        • He is having class so forcefully(激烈地) that everyone present is convinced.
        • So forcefully is he having class that everyone present is convinced.
        • She looks so gorgeous that she can catch the eyes of everyone.
        • So gorgeous does she look that she can catch the eyes of everyone.
    • 4)only 引出的状语位于句首时用倒装
      • only加状语放在句首用倒装
      • 举例
        • I love you deeply.
        • Only deeply do I love you.
        • His girlfriend called his name only once.
        • Only once did his girlfriend call his name.
        • My dearest mother always lives only in my deep heart.
        • Only in my deep heart does my dearest mother always live.
        • You will call your mother only when you need living expenses.
        • Only when you need a living expenses will you call your mother.
        • When romance comes, I will hold his hands.
        • Only when romance comes, will I hold his hands.
        • 只有通过采取这些行动,我们才能解决这个问题。
        • Only through adopting these actions can the issue be handled as soon as possible.
    • 5)as 引导让步状语从句,从句的表语可以放在句首构成倒装 (前面已经讲过)
    • 6)省略 if 的虚拟语气用倒装
    • 3. 倒装的考点分析
    • 1) 写作中的应用
      • 举例
        • 文化交流不但能促进我们国家经济的发展,而且还能开阔个人的眼界。
        • Not only can cultural exchange promote economic advance but also make our eyesight broad.
        • 我累得浑身都没有劲了。
        • I'm so exhausted that I have no energy throughout.
        • So exhausted am I that I have no energy throughout.
        • 当外面下雨的时候,只有在自己的家里,我才感到安全和放松。
        • Only at home do I feel safe and relaxed.
    • 2) 长难句分析(还原倒装部分后再做翻译)
      • 练习
        • Television is one of the means by which these feelings are created and conveyed—and perhaps never before has it served so much to connect different peoples(people加s表示民族) and nations as is the recent events in Europe.
        • it has never before served
        • 电视是一种我们创造和表达情感的一种手段——或许以前电视就像在欧洲最近的事件中那样,从来没有提供如此多的作用去联系不同的民族和国家。
        • Only gradually was the by-product of the institution noted, and only more gradually still was this effect considered as a directive factor in the conduct of the institution.
        • The by-product of the institution was noted gradually this effect was considered as a directive factor in the conduct of the institution only more gradually.
        • 这个机构的副产品是逐渐被意识到的,这种影响也是逐渐被认为是这个机构行为中的指导性因素。
        • For example, they do not compensate for gross social inequality, and thus do not tell how able an underprivileged youngster might have been had he grown(if he had grown up) up under more favorable circumstances.
        • 比如说,考试并不能弥补明显的社会不公平,所以也不能分辨如果一个没有地位的年轻人在更好的环境下长大,这个年轻人将会多么能干。(可能小时候条件很好,也不一定很能干)
  • 虚拟语气
    • 1. 什么是虚拟语气?(虚拟语气表示与事实相反,或者是语气委婉)
    • 2. 一般用法(两种用法)
      • 1. if 引导的条件状语从句变虚拟语气(只需把已经写好的原版句子的时态变成它的过去式就OK,并且在虚拟语气中be动词的过去式只有were)could=would=might
      • 举例
        • 如果你是我眼中的一滴泪,我永远不会把它流出来。
        • If you are a tear in my eyes, I will never shed it.
        • If you were a tear in my eyes, I would never shed it.
        • 如果昨天晚上我是一条狗,我就可以和你们睡在床上了。
        • If I was a dog, I could sleep with you in bed.
        • If I had been a dog, I could have slept with you in bed. (could是情态动词不能在退时态了)
      • 练习
        • 如果下辈子我还记得你,我们死都要在一起。
        • If I remembered you in my next life, we would never separate with each other.
        • = Did you remember me in my next life we would never separate with each other.
        • 如果当初你听我的话,你就能顺利地通过这次考试。
        • If you had obeyed my instruction at the outset, you could have pass the examination.
        • = Had you obeyed my instruction at the outset, you could have pass the examination.
        • 如果每个人都养宠物的话,我们的环境将会受到严重的破坏。
        • If every citizen raised a pet in his family, the environment would be destroyed.
    • 3. 特殊用法
      • 1)以下情况从句用“should + v.”表示虚拟,并且 should 可以省略。
      • 以防 in case, lest(以免), for fear that(生怕)
      • 命 order, direct, command
      • 贱(建议) advice, suggest, propose
      • 要求 ask, request, demand, require
      • 用虚拟
      • 是必要的 It is necessary/vital that...
      • 举例
        • 以防得传染病,你最好呆在家里。
        • In case that you should develop for fatal infections, you had better stay at home.
        • 我应该参加更多的活动是非常重要的。
        • It seems crucial that more activities should be attended to show myself.(It is crucial that...)
        • 老师要求我们交研究报告。
        • The teacher asks us that we should hand in our research report.
      • 2) 以下情况从句用一般过去时表示虚拟
      • 常见的有两个:would rather 和 It is high time that…
      • 举例
        • 是时候培养孩子的独立性了。
        • It is high time that the independence of kids should be(错) cultivated by senior citizens.
        • It is high time that the independence of kids were cultivated by senior citizens.
      • 3)以下情况要区别对待
      • 把本来的时态变成相应的过去时就行了。
      • 常见的词有:wish(与事实相反); if only; but for; or/otherwise(否则); as if/as though(好像;似乎) 等
      • 举例
        • 如果我是你的孩子该多好啊。
        • If only I were your child.
        • If only I had been your child.(如果去年我是你的孩子该多好)
    • 4. 考点分析
    • 1) 写作
      • 举例
        • 对于普通市民来说,保护小区环境,不乱丢垃圾是非常必要的。
        • It is necessary that the community environment should be protected and rubbish (should) be never dumped for the common.
    • 2)长难句分析
      • 虚拟语气和非虚拟语气,都可以直接翻译
      • 练习
        • If that happened, passionate consumers would try to persuade others to boycott products, putting the reputation of the target company at risk.
        • 如果这件事情发生的话,激情的消费者会说服其他人来抵制这种产品,让公司处于危险中。
        • The millions of calculations involved(过去分词作定语,放在名词后面), had they been done by hand, would have lost all practical value by the time they were finished.
        • 如果用手工进行运算的话,等到他们结束的时候,成千上万所涉及到的计算将会失去他们的价值。
        • It was inevitable that this primacy should have narrowed as other countries grew richer. Just as inevitably, the retreat from predominance proved painful.
  • 补充:情态动词的用法
    • 1. 什么是情态动词? 表明说话人主观态度的词汇,而不是动作,所以不能做谓语,情态动词后面加动词原形,情态动词就相当于助动词。
    • 2. 用法
    • 1)情态动词表示对现在和将来的推测 (情态动词加动词原形)
      • I must be wealthy in the future.
      • You must be wealthy.
      • It can be a boy. (他是个男孩吧?)
    • 2)情态动词表示对过去的推测
      • 举例
        • 他大学的时候一定很自卑吧。
        • He must be self-biased in his university.
        • 你本没必要以这种方式向我表达爱。
        • You needn't have shown your love in this way.
        • 我本能够成为一名优秀的诗人。
        • I could have become a prominent poet.
        • 如果有机会的话,我们本应该结婚了。
        • We should have got married if there exists a chance.
        • must have done一定做过某事
        • must的否定是can't
        • needn't have done本没必要做某事,但是做了
        • could have done本能做某事,但却没有做,表示遗憾
        • should have done我应该做某事,但却没有做,没有遗憾
  • 插入语
    • 1. 含义
      • 通常是定语、状语或同位语,放在句子的主谓之间,用破折号或逗号隔开。
    • 2. 常用插入语
    • 3. 考点分析
    • 1) 写作
    • 2)长难句分析(直接翻译,用小括号隔开)

这篇关于考研英语长难句(刘晓燕)笔记 第六课 唱着歌去考研——英语的特殊结构的文章就介绍到这儿,希望我们推荐的文章对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持为之网!
