2021/7/25 20:38:08
支持向量机(Support Vector Machine)是Cortes和Vapnik于1995年首先提出的,它在解决小样本、非线性及高维模式识别中表现出许多特有的优势,并能够推广应用到函数拟合等其他机器学习问题中。 1 数学部分 1.1 二维空间 2 算法部分
1) 初始化空气质点的个数和维度,定义最大迭代次数和相关的参数常量,设置搜索边界(位置和速度),设置相应的测试函数。
2) 随机初始化各个质点的初始信息(位置和速度),计算初始的压力值并根据压力值的大小升序排列。
3) 开始迭代。更新空气质点的速度和位置,计算质点压力值并以升序方式重新排列种群顺序。
4) 迭代终止。判断是否满足终止条件,如果不满足就返回步骤3),否则就终止迭代,最后搜索到的最优位置就是最优解。
tic; clear; close all; clc; format long g; delete('WDOoutput.txt'); delete('WDOpressure.txt'); delete('WDOposition.txt'); fid=fopen('WDOoutput.txt','a'); %-------------------------------------------------------------- % User defined WDO parameters: param.popsize = 20; % population size. param.npar = 5; % Dimension of the problem. param.maxit = 500; % Maximum number of iterations. param.RT = 3; % RT coefficient. param.g = 0.2; % gravitational constant. param.alp = 0.4; % constants in the update eq. param.c = 0.4; % coriolis effect. maxV = 0.3; % maximum allowed speed. dimMin = -5; % Lower dimension boundary. dimMax= 5; % Upper dimension boundary. %--------------------------------------------------------------- % Initialize WDO population, position and velocity: % Randomize population in the range of [-1, 1]: pos = 2*(rand(param.popsize,param.npar)-0.5); % Randomize velocity: vel = maxV * 2 * (rand(param.popsize,param.npar)-0.5); %--------------------------------------------------------------- % Evaluate initial population: (Sphere Function) for K=1:param.popsize, x = (dimMax - dimMin) * ((pos(K,:)+1)./2) + dimMin; pres(K,:) = sum (x.^2); end %---------------------------------------------------------------- % Finding best air parcel in the initial population : [globalpres,indx] = min(pres); globalpos = pos(indx,:); minpres(1) = min(pres); % minimum pressure %----------------------------------------------------------------- % Rank the air parcels: [sorted_pres rank_ind] = sort(pres); % Sort the air parcels: pos = pos(rank_ind,:); keepglob(1) = globalpres; %----------------------------------------------------------------- % Start iterations : iter = 1; % iteration counter for ij = 2:param.maxit, % Update the velocity: for i=1:param.popsize % choose random dimensions: a = randperm(param.npar); % choose velocity based on random dimension: velot(i,:) = vel(i,a); vel(i,:) = (1-param.alp)*vel(i,:)-(param.g*pos(i,:))+ ... abs(1-1/i)*((globalpos-pos(i,:)).*param.RT)+ ... (param.c*velot(i,:)/i); end % Check velocity: vel = min(vel, maxV); vel = max(vel, -maxV); % Update air parcel positions: pos = pos + vel; pos = min(pos, 1.0); pos = max(pos, -1.0); % Evaluate population: (Pressure) for K=1:param.popsize, x = (dimMax - dimMin) * ((pos(K,:)+1)./2) + dimMin; pres(K,:) = sum (x.^2); end %---------------------------------------------------- % Finding best particle in population [minpres,indx] = min(pres); minpos = pos(indx,:); % min location for this iteration %---------------------------------------------------- % Rank the air parcels: [sorted_pres rank_ind] = sort(pres); % Sort the air parcels position, velocity and pressure: pos = pos(rank_ind,:); vel = vel(rank_ind,:); pres = sorted_pres; % Updating the global best: better = minpres < globalpres; if better globalpres = minpres % initialize global minimum globalpos = minpos; end % Keep a record of the progress: keepglob(ij) = globalpres; save WDOposition.txt pos -ascii -tabs; end %Save values to the final file. pressure = transpose(keepglob); save WDOpressure.txt pressure -ascii -tabs; %END %-----------------------------------------------------
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