Oracle 11g R2 Sample Schemas 安装--转发
2021/8/4 19:08:55
本文主要是介绍Oracle 11g R2 Sample Schemas 安装--转发,对大家解决编程问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的程序猿们随着小编来一起学习吧!
- 安装准备
- 准备响应文件
- 执行静默安装
- 完成安装
- 参考
最近准备对之前学习SQL*Loader的笔记进行整理,希望通过官方文档中的示例学习(Case Studies)来进行,但是官方文档中示例学习相关的脚本文件在数据库软件安装完成之后默认并没有提供,而是整合在另外一个安装介质中,需通过安装Oracle Examples介质来获取相应的示例学习脚本。
数据库示例(Oracle Database Examples)包含了一系列的示例脚本和产品功能演示的Schema信息,在学习Oracle数据库的过程中可以通过这些示例更好的掌握数据库相关的选项和功能特性。关于Oracle的示例Schema,更详细的说明可以参考官方文档:**Database Sample Schemas
根据我的数据库版本,需要下载Oracle 11g R2对应的examples安装介质。如果数据库版本是11.2.0.1
,则可以到官网上进行下载示例安装介质:Oracle Database 11g Release 2 Examples。本文使用的数据库版本为11.2.0.4
,相应的examples安装介质可通过Oracle MOS上进行获取,根据11.2.0.4
# rz rz waiting to receive. Upload Zmodem (465.75 MB, 0:10 min = 46.57 MB/sec)
# unzip -d /tmp/ # ls /tmp/examples/ install readme.html response runInstaller stage welcome.html
# chown -R oracle.oinstall /tmp/examples/ # ls -ld /tmp/examples/ drwxr-xr-x 5 oracle oinstall 109 Aug 27 2013 /tmp/examples/
查看安装介质解压后的文件结构,Oracle Database Examples可以使用Oracle Installer软件安装器进行安装,其中安装种类可以通过图形界面或是静默安装的方式,为了更快速的完成安装,这里通过静默安装,同时需要结合response响应文件指定安装选项。
$ ls /tmp/examples/response/ demos_install.rsp
$ cat /tmp/examples/response/demos_install.rsp ############################################################################### ## Copyright(c) Oracle Corporation 1998,2013. All rights reserved. ## ## ## ## Specify values for the variables listed below to customize ## ## your installation. ## ## ## ## Each variable is associated with a comment. The comment ## ## can help to populate the variables with the appropriate ## ## values. ## ## ## ############################################################################### #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Do not change the following system generated value. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- oracle.install.responseFileVersion=/oracle/install/rspfmt_demosinstall_response_schema_v11_2_0 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # This variable holds the hostname of the system as set by the user. # It can be used to force the installation to use an alternative # hostname rather than using the first hostname found on the system # (e.g., for systems with multiple hostnames and network interfaces). #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ORACLE_HOSTNAME= #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Unix group to be set for the inventory directory. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UNIX_GROUP_NAME= #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Inventory location. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INVENTORY_LOCATION= #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Languages in which the components will be installed. # # en : English ja : Japanese # fr : French ko : Korean # ar : Arabic es : Latin American Spanish # bn : Bengali lv : Latvian # pt_BR: Brazilian Portuguese lt : Lithuanian # bg : Bulgarian ms : Malay # fr_CA: Canadian French es_MX: Mexican Spanish # ca : Catalan no : Norwegian # hr : Croatian pl : Polish # cs : Czech pt : Portuguese # da : Danish ro : Romanian # nl : Dutch ru : Russian # ar_EG: Egyptian zh_CN: Simplified Chinese # en_GB: English (Great Britain) sk : Slovak # et : Estonian sl : Slovenian # fi : Finnish es_ES: Spanish # de : German sv : Swedish # el : Greek th : Thai # iw : Hebrew zh_TW: Traditional Chinese # hu : Hungarian tr : Turkish # is : Icelandic uk : Ukrainian # in : Indonesian vi : Vietnamese # it : Italian # # all_langs : All languages # # Specify value as the following to select any of the languages. # Example : SELECTED_LANGUAGES=en,fr,ja # # Specify value as the following to select all the languages. # Example : SELECTED_LANGUAGES=all_langs #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SELECTED_LANGUAGES=en #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Complete path of the Oracle Home #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ORACLE_HOME= #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Complete path of the Oracle Base. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ORACLE_BASE= #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Specify the auto-updates option. It can be one of the following: # - MYORACLESUPPORT_DOWNLOAD # - OFFLINE_UPDATES # - SKIP_UPDATES #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ oracle.installer.autoupdates.option= #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # In case MYORACLESUPPORT_DOWNLOAD option is chosen, specify the location where # the updates are to be downloaded. # In case OFFLINE_UPDATES option is chosen, specify the location where the updates # are present. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ oracle.installer.autoupdates.downloadUpdatesLoc= #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Specify the My Oracle Support Account Username which has the patches download privileges # to be used for software updates. # Example : #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AUTOUPDATES_MYORACLESUPPORT_USERNAME= #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Specify the My Oracle Support Account Username password which has the patches download privileges # to be used for software updates. # # Example : AUTOUPDATES_MYORACLESUPPORT_PASSWORD=password #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AUTOUPDATES_MYORACLESUPPORT_PASSWORD= #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Specify the Proxy server name. Length should be greater than zero. # # Example : #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PROXY_HOST= #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Specify the proxy port number. Should be Numeric and at least 2 chars. # # Example : PROXY_PORT=25 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PROXY_PORT= #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Specify the proxy user name. Leave PROXY_USER and PROXY_PWD # blank if your proxy server requires no authentication. # # Example : PROXY_USER=username #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PROXY_USER= #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Specify the proxy password. Leave PROXY_USER and PROXY_PWD # blank if your proxy server requires no authentication. # # Example : PROXY_PWD=password #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PROXY_PWD= #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Specify the proxy realm. # # Example : PROXY_REALM=metalink #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PROXY_REALM=
可以对模版响应文件进行简化处理,去掉相应的注释内容和空行,复制生成一份响应文件dbabd_demos_install.rsp,关于响应文件中选项的设置可以参考另一篇博文关于响应文件的部分说明:CentOS 7静默安装Oracle 11g R2数据库软件
$ cat /tmp/examples/response/demos_install.rsp | grep -v '^$' | grep -v '^#' > /tmp/examples/response/dbabd_demos_install.rsp $ cat /tmp/examples/response/dbabd_demos_install.rsp oracle.install.responseFileVersion=/oracle/install/rspfmt_demosinstall_response_schema_v11_2_0 ORACLE_HOSTNAME=dbabd UNIX_GROUP_NAME=oinstall INVENTORY_LOCATION=/data/app/oraInventory SELECTED_LANGUAGES=en,zh_CN ORACLE_HOME=/data/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1 ORACLE_BASE=/data/app/oracle oracle.installer.autoupdates.option= oracle.installer.autoupdates.downloadUpdatesLoc= AUTOUPDATES_MYORACLESUPPORT_USERNAME= AUTOUPDATES_MYORACLESUPPORT_PASSWORD= PROXY_HOST= PROXY_PORT= PROXY_USER= PROXY_PWD= PROXY_REALM=回到顶部
# su - oracle $ cd /tmp/examples/ $ /tmp/examples/runInstaller -silent -force -ignorePrereq -ignoreSysPrereqs -responseFile /tmp/examples/response/dbabd_demos_install.rsp Starting Oracle Universal Installer... Checking Temp space: must be greater than 120 MB. Actual 36731 MB Passed Checking swap space: must be greater than 150 MB. Actual 5103 MB Passed Preparing to launch Oracle Universal Installer from /tmp/OraInstall2019-05-18_08-54-52PM. Please wait ... You can find the log of this install session at: /data/app/oraInventory/logs/installActions2019-05-18_08-54-52PM.log The installation of Oracle Database 11g Examples was successful. Please check '/data/app/oraInventory/logs/silentInstall2019-05-18_08-54-52PM.log' for more details. Successfully Setup Software.
至此,关于数据库示例(Oracle Database Examples)对应的安装介质就安装完成了。通过查看目录$ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/demo
$ cd $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/demo $ ls ulcase* ulcase10.ctl ulcase11.sql ulcase2.dat ulcase4.dat ulcase5.sql ulcase7.ctl ulcase8.ctl ulcase92.dat ulcase96.dat ulcase10.sql ulcase1.ctl ulcase3.ctl ulcase4.sql ulcase6.ctl ulcase7.dat ulcase8.dat ulcase93.dat ulcase9.ctl ulcase11.ctl ulcase1.sql ulcase3.sql ulcase5.ctl ulcase6.dat ulcase7e.sql ulcase8.sql ulcase94.dat ulcase9.sql ulcase11.dat ulcase2.ctl ulcase4.ctl ulcase5.dat ulcase6.sql ulcase7s.sql ulcase91.dat ulcase95.dat
$ cat #!/bin/sh # # $Header: 06-sep-2007.13:54:17 jstenois Exp $ # # # # Copyright (c) 1999, 2007, Oracle. All rights reserved. # # NAME # - run sqlldr demos # # DESCRIPTION # Shell script to run sqlldr demos. # Please append to script as more ulcase* demos are added. # # MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) # jstenois 09/06/07 - remove password from demo script # krich 01/26/04 - adding case study 11 # cmlim 07/20/99 - create shell script for running all sqlldr demos # cmlim 07/20/99 - Creation # echo " " echo "- This script runs through all of the SQL Loader demos." echo "- It uses SQLPlus to create the necessary objects and then" echo "- calls SQL Loader to load data. This script uses schema" echo "- SCOTT for all of the tests. Whenever the script executes" echo "- SQLPlus or SQL Loader utilities, it will prompt you for" echo "- password of the SCOTT user. You will need to enter this" echo "- password every time for the script to continue. The" echo "- default password for user SCOTT is TIGER." echo " " # CASE1 echo " " echo " Starting case 1" echo " Calling SQL Plus to do setup for case 1" sqlplus scott @ulcase1 echo " Calling SQL Loader to load data for case 1" sqlldr scott ulcase1.ctl # CASE2 echo " " echo " Starting case 2" echo " Calling SQL Loader to load data for case 2" sqlldr scott ulcase2 # CASE3 echo " " echo " Starting case 3" echo " Calling SQL Plus to do setup for case 3" sqlplus scott @ulcase3 echo " Calling SQL Loader to load data for case 3" sqlldr scott ulcase3 # CASE4 echo " " echo " Starting case 4" echo " Calling SQL Plus to do setup for case 4" sqlplus scott @ulcase4 echo " Calling SQL Loader to load data for case 4" sqlldr scott ulcase4 # CASE5 echo " " echo " Starting case 5" echo " Calling SQL Plus to do setup for case 5" sqlplus scott @ulcase5 echo " Calling SQL Loader to load data for case 5" sqlldr scott ulcase5 # CASE6 echo " " echo " Starting case 6" echo " Calling SQL Plus to do setup for case 6" sqlplus scott @ulcase6 echo " Calling SQL Loader to load data for case 6" sqlldr scott ulcase6 direct=true # CASE7 echo " " echo " Starting case 7" echo " Calling SQL Plus to do setup for case 7" sqlplus scott @ulcase7s echo " Calling SQL Loader to load data for case 7" sqlldr scott ulcase7 echo " Calling SQL Plus to do cleanup for case 7" sqlplus scott @ulcase7e # CASE8 echo " " echo " Starting case 8" echo " Calling SQL Plus to do setup for case 8" sqlplus scott @ulcase8 echo " Calling SQL Loader to load data for case 8" sqlldr scott ulcase8 # CASE9 echo " " echo " Starting case 9" echo " Calling SQL Plus to do setup for case 9" sqlplus scott @ulcase9 echo " Calling SQL Loader to load data for case 9" sqlldr scott ulcase9 # CASE10 echo " " echo " Starting case 10" echo " Calling SQL Plus to do setup for case 10" sqlplus scott @ulcase10 echo " Calling SQL Loader to load data for case 10" sqlldr scott ulcase10 # CASE11 echo " " echo " Starting case 11" echo " Calling SQL Plus to do setup for case 11" sqlplus scott @ulcase11 echo " Calling SQL Loader to load data for case 11" sqlldr scott ulcase11回到顶部
这篇关于Oracle 11g R2 Sample Schemas 安装--转发的文章就介绍到这儿,希望我们推荐的文章对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持为之网!
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