2021/8/16 7:07:37
1 windows 安装openssh
2 打开cmd,运行命令行 ssh-keygen -t rsa
3 进入用户名/.ssh文件夹
4 使用ptyhon 同步 公钥 id_rsa.pub至linux服务器
python -i :c:/users/{根换自己当前登录用户}/.ssh/ root@
5 按提示要求输入linux密码2次就可以完成windows授权,再次使用 ssh root@192.xx.xx.xx 就可以直接登录了
ps:如果直接 python root@ 会提示找不到公钥文件
"""ssh-copy-id for Windows. Example usage: python ceilfors@my-remote-machine This script is dependent on msysgit by default as it requires scp and ssh. For convenience you can also try that comes """ import argparse, os from subprocess import call def winToPosix(win): """Converts the specified windows path as a POSIX path in msysgit. Example: win: C:\\home\\user posix: /c/home/user """ posix = win.replace('\\', '/') return "/" + posix.replace(':', '', 1) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("-i", "--identity_file", help="identity file, default to ~\\.ssh\\", default=os.environ['HOME'] + "\\.ssh\\") parser.add_argument("-d", "--dry", help="run in the dry run mode and display the running commands.", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("remote", metavar="user@machine") args = parser.parse_args() local_key = winToPosix(args.identity_file) remote_key = "~/" # Copy the public key over to the remote temporarily scp_command = "scp {} {}:{}".format(local_key, args.remote, remote_key) print(scp_command) if not args.dry: call(scp_command) # Append the temporary copied public key to authorized_key file and then remove the temporary public key ssh_command = ("ssh {} " "mkdir ~/.ssh;" "touch ~/.ssh/authorized_keys;" "cat {} >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys;" "rm {};").format(args.remote, remote_key, remote_key) print(ssh_command) if not args.dry: call(ssh_command)
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