2021/9/14 19:04:47
select * from (select re.recruit_name, re.emp_no, re.psDeptname, re.branch_name2, re.branch_name3, re.branch_name4, to_char(ci.check_time, 'yyyy/mm/dd hh24:mi') check_time, re.checkin_name, decode(ci.checked, null, '未打卡', 'N', '未打卡', 'Y','已打卡', 'R', '代打卡') checked, ci.checked checkin_state, ci.remark, ci.operator from (select r.recruit_name, '' psDeptname, tt.emp_no, decode(br.branch_code2, null, decode(r.branch_code, '86', '总公司', null), br.branch_name2) branch_name2, br.branch_name3, br.branch_name4, cr.checkin_name, cr.rule_no, cr.start_time from checkin_rule cr, train_trainee tt, recruit r, branch_relation br where cr.is_valid = 'Y' and tt.is_valid = 'Y' and r.is_valid = 'Y' and cr.train_no = #{marketCheckInBO.trainNo} <if test="marketCheckInBO.ruleNo != null and marketCheckInBO.ruleNo != ''"> and cr.rule_no = #{marketCheckInBO.ruleNo} </if> <if test="marketCheckInBO.checkinSeqList != null and marketCheckInBO.checkinSeqList.size > 0"> and cr.checkin_seq in <foreach collection="marketCheckInBO.checkinSeqList" item="seq" open="(" close=")" separator=","> #{seq} </foreach> </if> and tt.trainee_type = 3 <if test="marketCheckInBO.branchCode != null and marketCheckInBO.branchCode != ''"> and exists (select 1 from branch_info bi where r.branch_code = bi.branch_code start with bi.branch_code = #{marketCheckInBO.branchCode} connect by prior bi.branch_code = bi.parent_branch) </if> <if test="marketCheckInBO.recruitName != null and marketCheckInBO.recruitName != ''"> and r.recruit_name like '%'||#{marketCheckInBO.recruitName}||'%' </if> <if test="marketCheckInBO.empNo != null and marketCheckInBO.empNo != ''"> and r.id_no = #{marketCheckInBO.empNo} </if> and tt.train_no = cr.train_no and r.id_no = tt.emp_no and br.branch_code = r.branch_code) re, check_in ci where ci.is_valid(+) = 'Y' and ci.rule_no(+) = re.rule_no and ci.emp_no(+) = re.emp_no order by re.start_time desc, ci.checked asc, ci.check_time desc, re.branch_name4 asc, re.recruit_name asc ) t union select * from (select re.recruit_name, re.emp_no, re.psDeptname, re.branch_name2, re.branch_name3, re.branch_name4, to_char(ci.check_time, 'yyyy/mm/dd hh24:mi') check_time, re.checkin_name, decode(ci.checked, null, '未打卡', 'N', '未打卡', 'Y','已打卡', 'R', '代打卡') checked, ci.checked checkin_state, ci.remark, ci.operator from (select st.emp_name recruit_name, '' psDeptname, tt.emp_no, br.branch_name2, br.branch_name3, br.branch_name4, cr.checkin_name, cr.rule_no, cr.start_time from checkin_rule cr,train_trainee tt,staff_info st left join dept_info di on st.department_no = di.dept_no left join branch_relation br on di.branch_code = br.branch_code where cr.is_valid = 'Y' and tt.is_valid = 'Y' and st.is_valid = 'Y' and cr.train_no = #{marketCheckInBO.trainNo} <if test="marketCheckInBO.branchCode != null and marketCheckInBO.branchCode != ''"> AND br.branch_code IN (SELECT bi.branch_code FROM branch_info bi START WITH bi.branch_code = #{marketCheckInBO.branchCode} CONNECT BY PRIOR bi.branch_code = bi.parent_branch) </if> <if test="marketCheckInBO.recruitName != null and marketCheckInBO.recruitName != ''"> AND st.EMP_NAME LIKE '%'||#{marketCheckInBO.recruitName}||'%' </if> <if test="marketCheckInBO.empNo != null and marketCheckInBO.empNo != ''"> AND tt.EMP_NO = #{marketCheckInBO.empNo} </if> <if test="marketCheckInBO.ruleNo != null and marketCheckInBO.ruleNo != ''"> and cr.rule_no = #{marketCheckInBO.ruleNo} </if> and tt.trainee_type =1 and tt.train_no = cr.train_no and tt.emp_no = st.emp_no ) re, check_in ci where ci.is_valid(+) = 'Y' and ci.rule_no(+) = re.rule_no and ci.emp_no(+) = re.emp_no order by re.start_time desc, ci.checked asc, ci.check_time desc, re.branch_name4 asc, re.recruit_name asc )t union select * from ( select re.recruit_name, re.emp_no, re.psDeptname, re.branch_name2, re.branch_name3, re.branch_name4, to_char(ci.check_time, 'yyyy/mm/dd hh24:mi') check_time, re.checkin_name, decode(ci.checked, null, '未打卡', 'N', '未打卡', 'Y','已打卡', 'R', '代打卡') checked, ci.checked checkin_state, ci.remark, ci.operator from (select TEMP.recruit_name, TEMP.emp_no, TEMP.psDeptname, '' branch_name2, '' branch_name3, '' branch_name4, cr.checkin_name, cr.rule_no, cr.start_time from checkin_rule cr, (select * from ( SELECT EMPO.*, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY EMPO.EMP_NO ORDER BY EMPO.CREATED_DATE ASC) RN FROM ( select tt.EMP_NO, tt.CREATED_DATE, te.name recruit_name, te.psDeptname psDeptname, tt.train_no from TRAIN_TRAINEE tt, (select distinct psop.emplid emplId, psop.name_display name, pod.ps_deptname psDeptname from ps_oa_personaldata psop, ps_oa_job poa, ps_oa_dept pod, ps_oa_ad_user poau where psop.emplid = poa.emplid and poa.deptid = pod.deptid and psop.emplid = poau.emplid and psop.is_valid_flag = 'Y' and poa.is_valid = 'Y' and pod.is_valid = 'Y' and poa.EMPL_RCD = '0' and psop.business_unit = 'SINOL' ) te where tt.IS_VALID = 'Y' and tt.trainee_type = '2' and te.emplid(+) = tt.emp_no <if test="marketCheckInBO.recruitName != null and marketCheckInBO.recruitName != ''"> AND te.name LIKE '%'||#{marketCheckInBO.recruitName}||'%' </if> <if test="marketCheckInBO.empNo != null and marketCheckInBO.empNo != ''"> AND tt.emp_no = #{marketCheckInBO.empNo} </if> <if test="marketCheckInBO.psDeptname != null and marketCheckInBO.psDeptname != ''"> AND te.psDeptname LIKE '%'||#{marketCheckInBO.psDeptname}||'%' </if> AND tt.TRAIN_NO = #{marketCheckInBO.trainNo} order by tt.CREATED_DATE ) EMPO) PO WHERE RN = 1) TEMP where cr.is_valid = 'Y' and TEMP.train_no = cr.train_no and cr.train_no = #{marketCheckInBO.trainNo} <if test="marketCheckInBO.ruleNo != null and marketCheckInBO.ruleNo != ''"> and cr.rule_no = #{marketCheckInBO.ruleNo} </if> ) re, check_in ci where ci.is_valid(+) = 'Y' and ci.rule_no(+) = re.rule_no and ci.emp_no(+) = re.emp_no order by re.start_time desc, ci.checked asc, ci.check_time desc, re.branch_name4 asc, re.recruit_name asc )t
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