【C++ Primer Plus】编程练习答案——第12章
2021/9/26 14:10:52
本文主要是介绍【C++ Primer Plus】编程练习答案——第12章,对大家解决编程问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的程序猿们随着小编来一起学习吧!
1 // chapter12_1_cow.h 2 3 4 #ifndef LEARN_CPP_CHAPTER12_1_COW_H 5 #define LEARN_CPP_CHAPTER12_1_COW_H 6 7 class Cow { 8 private: 9 char name_[20]; 10 char * hobby_; 11 double weight_; 12 public: 13 Cow(); 14 Cow(const char * name, const char * hobby, double weight); 15 Cow(const Cow & c); 16 ~Cow(); 17 Cow & operator=(const Cow & c); 18 void showcow() const; 19 }; 20 21 22 #endif //LEARN_CPP_CHAPTER12_1_COW_H 23 24 25 // chapter12_1_cow.cpp 26 27 #include "chapter12_1_cow.h" 28 #include <cstring> 29 #include <iostream> 30 31 Cow::Cow() { 32 name_[0] = '\0'; 33 hobby_ = nullptr; 34 weight_ = 0; 35 } 36 37 Cow::Cow(const char * name, const char * hobby, double weight) { 38 strcpy(name_, name); 39 hobby_ = new char[strlen(hobby)]; 40 strcpy(hobby_, hobby); 41 weight_ = weight; 42 } 43 44 Cow::Cow(const Cow &c) { 45 strcpy(name_, c.name_); 46 if (!hobby_) delete [] hobby_; 47 hobby_ = new char[strlen(c.hobby_)]; 48 strcpy(hobby_, c.hobby_); 49 weight_ = c.weight_; 50 } 51 52 Cow::~Cow() { 53 delete [] hobby_; 54 } 55 56 Cow & Cow::operator=(const Cow & c) { 57 strcpy(name_, c.name_); 58 if (!hobby_) delete [] hobby_; 59 hobby_ = new char[strlen(c.hobby_)]; 60 strcpy(hobby_, c.hobby_); 61 weight_ = c.weight_; 62 return *this; 63 } 64 65 void Cow::showcow() const { 66 using namespace std; 67 cout << "name: " << name_ << endl 68 << "hobby: " << hobby_ << endl 69 << "weight: " << weight_ << endl; 70 } 71 72 // run 73 74 void ch12_1() { 75 Cow a("nma", "tennis", 70); 76 Cow b("nmb", "football", 65); 77 a.showcow(); 78 b.showcow(); 79 b = a; 80 b.showcow(); 81 Cow c(a); 82 c.showcow(); 83 }
// chapter12_2_string2.h #ifndef LEARN_CPP_CHAPTER12_2_STRING2_H #define LEARN_CPP_CHAPTER12_2_STRING2_H #include <iostream> using std::istream; using std::ostream; class string2 { private: char * str; int len; static int num_strings; static const int CINLIM = 80; public: string2(); string2(const string2 & s); string2(const char * s); ~string2(); int length() const {return len;} int charnum(char ch) const; // d string2 & stringlow(); // b string2 & stringup(); // c string2 & operator=(const string2 & s); string2 & operator=(const char * s); char & operator[](int i); const char & operator[](int i) const; friend bool operator<(const string2 & s1, const string2 & s2); friend bool operator>(const string2 & s1, const string2 & s2); friend bool operator==(const string2 & s1, const string2 & s2); friend ostream & operator<<(ostream & os, const string2 & s); friend istream & operator>>(istream & is, string2 & s); friend string2 & operator+(string2 & s1, const string2 & s2); // a static int howmany(); }; #endif //LEARN_CPP_CHAPTER12_2_STRING2_H // chapter12_2_string2.cpp #include "chapter12_2_string2.h" #include <cstring> #include <cctype> int string2::num_strings = 0; string2::string2() { len = 4; str = new char[1]; str[0] = '\0'; ++ num_strings; } string2::string2(const string2 &s) { len = s.length(); str = new char[len + 1]; std::strcpy(str, s.str); ++ num_strings; } string2::string2(const char *s) { len = std::strlen(s); str = new char[len + 1]; std::strcpy(str, s); ++ num_strings; } string2::~string2() { delete [] str; -- num_strings; } string2 &string2::operator=(const string2 &s) { if (this == &s) return *this; delete [] str; len = s.length(); str = new char[len + 1]; std::strcpy(str, s.str); return *this; } string2 &string2::operator=(const char *s) { delete [] str; len = std::strlen(s); str = new char[len + 1]; std::strcpy(str, s); return *this; } char &string2::operator[](int i) { return str[i]; } const char &string2::operator[](int i) const { return str[i]; } int string2::howmany() { return num_strings; } bool operator<(const string2 & s1, const string2 & s2) { return (std::strcmp(s1.str, s2.str) < 0); } bool operator>(const string2 & s1, const string2 & s2) { return s2 < s1; } bool operator==(const string2 & s1, const string2 & s2) { return (std::strcmp(s1.str, s2.str) == 0); } ostream & operator<<(ostream & os, const string2 & s) { os << s.str; return os; } istream & operator>>(istream & is, string2 & s) { char temp[string2::CINLIM]; is.get(temp, string2::CINLIM); if (is) s = temp; while (is && is.get() != '\n') continue; return is; } int string2::charnum(char ch) const { int i = 0, num = 0; while (str[i] != '\0') { if (str[i] == ch) ++ num; ++ i; } return num; } string2 &string2::stringlow() { int i = 0; while (str[i] != '\0') { if (std::isalpha(str[i])) str[i] = std::toupper(str[i]); ++ i; } return *this; } string2 &string2::stringup() { int i = 0; while (str[i] != '\0') { if (std::isalpha(str[i])) str[i] = std::tolower(str[i]); ++ i; } return *this; } string2 & operator+(string2 & s1, const string2 & s2) { char * temp = new char[s1.len]; std::strcpy(temp, s1.str); delete [] s1.str; s1.str = new char[s1.len + s2.len + 1]; s1.len += s2.len; std::strcpy(s1.str, temp); std::strcat(s1.str, s2.str); return s1; } // run void ch12_2() { using namespace std; string2 s1(" and I am a C++ student."); string2 s2 = "Please enter your name: "; string2 s3; cout << s2; cin >> s3; string2 t("My name is "); s2 = t + s3; cout << s2 << ".\n"; s2 = s2 + s1; s2.stringup(); cout << "The string\n" << s2 << "\ncontains " << s2.charnum('A') << " 'A' characters in it.\n"; s1 = "red"; string2 rgb[3] = {string2(s1), string2("green"), string2("blue")}; cout << "Enter the name of a primary color for mixing light: "; string2 ans; bool success = false; while (cin >> ans) { ans.stringlow(); for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++ i) { if (ans == rgb[i]) { cout << "That's right!\n"; success = true; break; } } if (success) break; else cout << "Try again!\n"; } cout << "Bye\n"; }
1 // chapter12_3_stock.h 2 3 4 void ch12_2() { 5 using namespace std; 6 string2 s1(" and I am a C++ student."); 7 string2 s2 = "Please enter your name: "; 8 string2 s3; 9 cout << s2; 10 cin >> s3; 11 string2 t("My name is "); 12 s2 = t + s3; 13 cout << s2 << ".\n"; 14 s2 = s2 + s1; 15 s2.stringup(); 16 cout << "The string\n" << s2 << "\ncontains " << s2.charnum('A') 17 << " 'A' characters in it.\n"; 18 s1 = "red"; 19 string2 rgb[3] = {string2(s1), string2("green"), string2("blue")}; 20 cout << "Enter the name of a primary color for mixing light: "; 21 string2 ans; 22 bool success = false; 23 while (cin >> ans) { 24 ans.stringlow(); 25 for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++ i) { 26 if (ans == rgb[i]) { 27 cout << "That's right!\n"; 28 success = true; 29 break; 30 } 31 } 32 if (success) 33 break; 34 else 35 cout << "Try again!\n"; 36 } 37 cout << "Bye\n"; 38 } 39 40 41 // chapter12_3_stock.cpp 42 43 #include "chapter12_3_stock.h" 44 45 #include <iostream> 46 #include <cstring> 47 48 stock::stock() { 49 company = new char[8]; 50 len = 7; 51 strcpy(company, "no name"); 52 shares = 0; 53 share_val = 0.0; 54 total_val = 0.0; 55 } 56 57 stock::stock(const char * co, long n, double pr) { 58 len = strlen(co); 59 company = new char[len + 1]; 60 strcpy(company, co); 61 if (n < 0) { 62 std::cout << "Number of shares can't be negative; " 63 << company << " shares set to 0.\n"; 64 shares = 0; 65 } 66 else 67 shares = n; 68 share_val = pr; 69 set_tot(); 70 } 71 72 stock::~stock() { 73 delete [] company; 74 } 75 76 void stock::buy(long num, double price) { 77 if (num < 0) { 78 std::cout << "Number of shares purchased can't be nagetive. " 79 << "Transaction is aborted.\n"; 80 } 81 else { 82 shares += num; 83 share_val = price; 84 set_tot(); 85 } 86 } 87 88 void stock::sell(long num, double price) { 89 using std::cout; 90 if (num < 0) { 91 cout << "Number of shares sold can't be negative. " 92 << "Transaction is aborted.\n"; 93 } 94 else { 95 shares -= num; 96 share_val = price; 97 set_tot(); 98 } 99 } 100 101 void stock::update(double price) { 102 share_val = price; 103 set_tot(); 104 } 105 106 void stock::show() const { 107 using std::cout; 108 using std::ios_base; 109 ios_base::fmtflags orig = cout.setf(ios_base::fixed, ios_base::floatfield); 110 std::streamsize prec = cout.precision(3); 111 cout << "Company: " << company 112 << " Shares: " << shares << '\n'; 113 cout << "Shares Prices: $" << share_val << '\n'; 114 cout.precision(2); 115 cout << "Total Worth: $" << total_val << '\n'; 116 cout.setf(orig, ios_base::floatfield); 117 cout.precision(prec); 118 } 119 120 const stock &stock::topval(const stock &s) const { 121 if (s.total_val > total_val) 122 return s; 123 return *this; 124 } 125 126 std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream & os, const stock & s) { 127 os << "Company: " << s.company 128 << " Shares: " << s.shares << '\n'; 129 os << "Shares Prices: $" << s.share_val << '\n'; 130 os.precision(2); 131 os << "Total Worth: $" << s.total_val << '\n'; 132 } 133 134 135 // run 136 137 138 139 void ch12_3() { 140 using namespace std; 141 const int STKS = 4; 142 stock ss[STKS] = { 143 stock("NanoSmart", 12, 20.0), 144 stock("Boffo Objects", 200, 2.0), 145 stock("Monolithic Obelisks", 130, 3.25), 146 stock("Fleep Enterprises", 60, 6.5) 147 }; 148 cout << "Stock holdings: \n"; 149 int st; 150 for (st = 0; st < STKS; ++ st) 151 cout << ss[st]; 152 const stock * top = &ss[0]; 153 for (st = 1; st < STKS; ++ st) 154 top = &top -> topval(ss[st]); 155 cout << "\nMost valuable holding:\n"; 156 cout << *top; 157 }
1 // chapter12_4_stack.h 2 3 4 #ifndef LEARN_CPP_CHAPTER12_4_STACK_H 5 #define LEARN_CPP_CHAPTER12_4_STACK_H 6 7 typedef unsigned long Item; 8 9 class Stack { 10 private: 11 enum {MAX = 10}; 12 Item * pitems; 13 int size; 14 int top; 15 public: 16 Stack(int n = MAX); 17 Stack(const Stack & st); 18 ~Stack(); 19 bool isempty() const; 20 bool isfull() const; 21 bool push(const Item & item); 22 bool pop(Item & item); 23 void show() const; 24 Stack & operator=(const Stack & st); 25 }; 26 27 28 29 30 #endif //LEARN_CPP_CHAPTER12_4_STACK_H 31 32 // chapter12_4_stack.cpp 33 34 #include "chapter12_4_stack.h" 35 #include <iostream> 36 37 Stack::Stack(int n) { 38 pitems = new Item[n]; 39 size = n; 40 top = 0; 41 } 42 43 Stack::Stack(const Stack &st) { 44 pitems = new Item[st.size]; 45 size = st.size; 46 top = st.top; 47 for (int i = 0; i < st.top; ++ i) 48 pitems[i] = st.pitems[i]; 49 } 50 51 Stack::~Stack() { 52 delete [] pitems; 53 } 54 55 bool Stack::isempty() const { 56 if (top == 0) 57 return true; 58 return false; 59 } 60 61 bool Stack::isfull() const { 62 if (top == size) 63 return true; 64 return false; 65 } 66 67 bool Stack::push(const Item &item) { 68 if (isfull()) 69 return false; 70 pitems[top ++] = item; 71 return true; 72 } 73 74 bool Stack::pop(Item &item) { 75 if (isempty()) 76 return false; 77 item = pitems[-- top]; 78 return true; 79 } 80 81 Stack &Stack::operator=(const Stack &st) { 82 if (this == &st) 83 return *this; 84 if (pitems) 85 delete [] pitems; 86 pitems = new Item[st.size]; 87 size = st.size; 88 top = st.top; 89 for (int i = 0; i < st.top; ++ i) 90 pitems[i] = st.pitems[i]; 91 return *this; 92 } 93 94 void Stack::show() const { 95 using namespace std; 96 cout << "Stack: "; 97 for (int i = 0; i < top; ++ i) 98 cout << pitems[i] << " "; 99 cout << endl; 100 } 101 102 // run 103 104 void ch12_4() { 105 Stack s1(15); 106 s1.show(); 107 s1.push(1234);s1.push(123);s1.push(12); 108 s1.show(); 109 Item t = 0; 110 s1.pop(t); 111 s1.show(); 112 113 Stack s2(s1); 114 s2.show(); 115 s2.push(12345); 116 s2.show(); 117 118 Stack s3 = s1; 119 s3.show(); 120 s3.pop(t); 121 s3.show(); 122 }
// ch12_5&5 // 待更新
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