|Boids|鸟群模型|鸟群算法|学习笔记 - 论文学习

2021/10/11 14:44:19

本文主要是介绍|Boids|鸟群模型|鸟群算法|学习笔记 - 论文学习,对大家解决编程问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的程序猿们随着小编来一起学习吧!

本文基于Craig Reynolds于1986年发布的《Flocks, Herds, and Schools: A Distributed Behavioral Model》进行学习和总结





The aggregate motion of a flock of birds, a herd of land animals, or a
school of fish is a beautiful and familiar part of the natural world.
But this type of complex motion is rarely seen in computer animation.
This paper explores an approach based on simulation as an alternative
to scripting the paths of each bird individually. The simulated flock
is an elaboration of a particle system, with the simulated birds being
the particles. The aggregate motion of the simulated flock is created
by a distributed behavioral model much like that at work in a natural
flock; the birds choose their own course. Each simulated bird is
implemented as an independent actor that navigates according to its
local perception of the dynamic environment, the laws of simulated
physics that rule its motion, and a set of behaviors programmed into
it by the “animator.” The aggregate motion of the simulated flock is
the result of the dense interaction of the relatively simple behaviors
of the individual simulated birds.

首先作者为我们介绍了,在自然界之中,无论是鸟群、鱼群还是陆地生物群落,它们的群体性运动都是非常壮观的,然而在动画领域(当时)却极少的出现。因此这篇论文提出了一种基于模拟的方法,用它来模拟每个独立个体的运动路径。这个模拟出来的模型跟自然中的鸟群运动模型十分相似,每个小鸟都是一个独立的角色。通过对动态环境的感知,物理定律来模拟运动,以及绘图程序这三部分,来实现这样一个运动感知模型 。


The motion of a flock of birds is one of nature’s delights. Flocks and related synchronized group behaviors such as schools of fish or herds of land animals are both beautiful to watch and intriguing to contemplate. A flock* exhibits many contrasts. It is made up of discrete birds yet overall motion seems fluid; it is simple in concept yet is so visually complex, Permission to copy without fee all or part of this material is granted provided that the copies are not made or distributed for direct it seems randomly arrayed and yet is magnificently synchronized. Perhaps most puzzling is the strong impression of intentional, centralized control. Yet all evidence indicates that flock motion must be merely the aggregate result of the actions of individual animals, each acting solely on the basis of its own local perception of the world.


One area of interest within computer animation is the description and control of all types of motion. Computer animators seek both to invent wholly new types of abstract motion and to duplicate (or make variations on) the motions found in the real world. At first glance, producing an animated, computer graphic portrayal of a flock of birds presents significant difficulties. Scripting the path of a large number of individual objects using traditional computer animation techniques would be tedious. Given the complex paths that birds follow, it is doubtful this specification could be made without error. Even if a reasonable number of suitable paths could be described, it is unlikely that the constraints of flock motion could be maintained (for example, preventing collisions between all birds at each frame). Finally, a flock scripted in this manner would be hard to edit (for example, to alter the course of all birds for a portion of the animation). It is not impossible to script flock motion, but a better approach is needed for efficient, robust, and believable animation of flocks and related group motions.


This paper describes one such approach. This approach assumes a flock is simply the result of the interaction between the behaviors of individual birds. To simulate a flock we simulate the behavior of an individual bird (or at least that portion of the bird’s behavior that allows it to participate in a flock). To support this behavioral “control structure” we must also simulate portions of the bird’s perceptual mechanisms and aspects of the physics of aerodynamic flight. If this simulated bird model has the correct flock-member behavior, all that should be required to create a simulated flock is to create some instances of the simulated bird model and allow them to interact.


Some experiments with this sort of simulated flock are described in more detail in the remainder of this paper. The suc-cess and validity of these simulations is difficult to measure objectively. They do seem to agree well with certain criteria [25] and some statistical properties [23] of natural flocks and schools which have been reported by the zoological and behavioral sciences. Perhaps more significantly, many people who view these animated flocks immediately recognize them as a representation of a natural flock, and find them similarly delightful to watch.




That animation was produced using a technique completely unlike the one described in this paper and apparently not specifically intended for flock modeling. But the underlying concept is useful and interesting in its own right. The following overview is based on unpublished communications [3]. The software is informally called “the force field animation sys- tem.” Force fields are defined by a 3 x 3 matrix operator that transform from a point in space (where an object is located) to an acceleration vector; the birds trace paths along the “phase portrait” of the force field. There are “rejection forces” around each bird and around static objects. The force field associated with each object has a bounding box, so object interactions can be culled according to bounding box tests. An incremental, linear time algorithm finds bounding box intersections. The “animator” defines the space field(s) and sets the initial positions, orientations, and velocities of objects. The rest of the simulation is automatic.



Underlying the bold flock model is a slight generalization of particle systems. In what might be called a “subobject sys- tem,” Reeves’s dot-like particles are replaced by an entire geometrical object consisting of a full local coordinate system and a reference tO a geometrical shape model. The use of shapes instead of dots is visually significant, but the more fundamental difference is that individual subobjects have a more complex geometrical state: they now have orientation.

Another difference between bold flocks and particle systems is not as well defined. The behavior of boids is generally more complex than the behaviors for particles as described in the literature. The present bold behavior model might be about one or two orders of magnitude more complex than typical particle behavior. However this is a difference of degree, not of kind. And neither simulated behavior is nearly as complex as that of a real bird.


在Boids群体模型之下,是对粒子系统的一种概括。 在所谓的“子对象系统”中,点状粒子被一个由完整的局部坐标系统和一个几何形状模型的参考组成的整个几何对象所取代。使用形状而不是圆点在视觉上很重要,但更根本的区别在于单个子对象有更复杂的几何状态:它们现在有了方向。



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