2021/10/26 19:09:54
[db2inst1@localhost home]$ db2 drop database test; SQL1035N The database is currently in use. SQLSTATE=57019 [db2inst1@localhost home]$ db2 list applications --查看链接 Auth Id Application Appl. Application Id DB # of Name Handle Name Agents -------- -------------- ---------- -------------------------------------------------------------- -------- ----- DB2INST1 db2bp 2231 *LOCAL.db2inst1.170324033829 TEST 1 [db2inst1@localhost home]$ db2 force applications all --关闭链接 DB20000I The FORCE APPLICATION command completed successfully. DB21024I This command is asynchronous and may not be effective immediately. [db2inst1@localhost home]$ db2 list applications --查看链接 SQL1611W No data was returned by Database System Monitor. [db2inst1@localhost home]$ [db2inst1@localhost home]$ db2 deactivate database test --接触激活 SQL1493N The application is already connected to an active database. [db2inst1@localhost home]$ db2 terminate --退出db2 DB20000I The TERMINATE command completed successfully. [db2inst1@localhost home]$ db2 drop db test --删除数据库 DB20000I The DROP DATABASE command completed successfully.
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