2021/11/10 11:10:06
<html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>上传图片</title> </head> <body> <div style="width: 100%; height: 100%;"> <form action="控制器地址" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <label for="file">文件名:</label> <input type="file" name="file" id="file"><br> <input type="submit" name="submit" value="提交"> </form> </div> </body>
<?php /** * Class Config * * Make configurations required by the sample. * Users can run RunAll.php which runs all the samples after configuring Endpoint, AccessId, and AccessKey. */ final class Config { const OSS_ACCESS_ID = 'update me'; const OSS_ACCESS_KEY = 'update me'; const OSS_ENDPOINT = 'update me'; const OSS_TEST_BUCKET = 'update me'; }
第一个填写你的阿里云AccessKey ID,第二个填写你的阿里云secret,这个咋阿里云的AccessKey 管理可以查到,第三个在oss那里可以查到
<?php if (is_file(__DIR__ . '/aliyun-php-sdk-oss/autoload.php')) { require_once __DIR__ . '/aliyun-php-sdk-oss/autoload.php'; } if (is_file(__DIR__ . '/aliyun-php-sdk-oss/vendor/autoload.php')) { require_once __DIR__ . '/aliyun-php-sdk-oss/vendor/autoload.php'; } require_once __DIR__ . '/Config.php'; use OSS\OssClient; use OSS\Core\OssException; /** * Class Common * * The Common class for 【Samples/*.php】 used to obtain OssClient instance and other common functions */ class Common { const endpoint = Config::OSS_ENDPOINT; const accessKeyId = Config::OSS_ACCESS_ID; const accessKeySecret = Config::OSS_ACCESS_KEY; const bucket = Config::OSS_TEST_BUCKET; /** * Get an OSSClient instance according to config. * * @return OssClient An OssClient instance */ public static function getOssClient() { try { $ossClient = new OssClient(self::accessKeyId, self::accessKeySecret, self::endpoint, false); } catch (OssException $e) { printf(__FUNCTION__ . "creating OssClient instance: FAILED\n"); printf($e->getMessage() . "\n"); return null; } return $ossClient; } public static function getBucketName() { return self::bucket; } /** * A tool function which creates a bucket and exists the process if there are exceptions */ public static function createBucket() { $ossClient = self::getOssClient(); if (is_null($ossClient)) exit(1); $bucket = self::getBucketName(); $acl = OssClient::OSS_ACL_TYPE_PUBLIC_READ; try { $ossClient->createBucket($bucket, $acl); } catch (OssException $e) { $message = $e->getMessage(); if (\OSS\Core\OssUtil::startsWith($message, 'http status: 403')) { echo "Please Check your AccessKeyId and AccessKeySecret" . "\n"; exit(0); } elseif (strpos($message, "BucketAlreadyExists") !== false) { echo "Bucket already exists. Please check whether the bucket belongs to you, or it was visited with correct endpoint. " . "\n"; exit(0); } printf(__FUNCTION__ . ": FAILED\n"); printf($e->getMessage() . "\n"); return; } print(__FUNCTION__ . ": OK" . "\n"); } public static function println($message) { if (!empty($message)) { echo strval($message) . "\n"; } } } # Common::createBucket();
<?php require_once __DIR__ . '/Common.php'; use OSS\OssClient; $bucketName = Common::getBucketName(); $ossClient = Common::getOssClient(); if (is_null($ossClient)) exit(1); //******************************* Simple Usage *************************************************************** //上传图片 $file=$_FILES['file']; $info = pathinfo($file["name"]); //文件后缀 $ext = $info['extension']; //生成文件名称 $file_name = date( "YmdHis" ) . time() . mt_rand(100000,999999) . ".{$ext}" ; // Upload example.jpg to the specified bucket and rename it to $object. $res=$ossClient->uploadFile($bucketName, $file_name,$file["tmp_name"]); if($res["info"]["http_code"]==200){ die("上传成功"); }else{ die("上传失败"); }
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