2021/11/28 20:40:01
- 黑书作者的异常头文件
// exception classes for various error types #ifndef myExceptions_ #define myExceptions_ #include <string> #include<iostream> using namespace std; // illegal parameter value class illegalParameterValue { public: illegalParameterValue(string theMessage = "Illegal parameter value") { message = theMessage; } void outputMessage() { cout << message << endl; } private: string message; }; // illegal input data class illegalInputData { public: illegalInputData(string theMessage = "Illegal data input") { message = theMessage; } void outputMessage() { cout << message << endl; } private: string message; }; // illegal index class illegalIndex { public: illegalIndex(string theMessage = "Illegal index") { message = theMessage; } void outputMessage() { cout << message << endl; } private: string message; }; // matrix index out of bounds class matrixIndexOutOfBounds { public: matrixIndexOutOfBounds (string theMessage = "Matrix index out of bounds") { message = theMessage; } void outputMessage() { cout << message << endl; } private: string message; }; // matrix size mismatch class matrixSizeMismatch { public: matrixSizeMismatch(string theMessage = "The size of the two matrics doesn't match") { message = theMessage; } void outputMessage() { cout << message << endl; } private: string message; }; // stack is empty class stackEmpty { public: stackEmpty(string theMessage = "Invalid operation on empty stack") { message = theMessage; } void outputMessage() { cout << message << endl; } private: string message; }; // queue is empty class queueEmpty { public: queueEmpty(string theMessage = "Invalid operation on empty queue") { message = theMessage; } void outputMessage() { cout << message << endl; } private: string message; }; // hash table is full class hashTableFull { public: hashTableFull(string theMessage = "The hash table is full") { message = theMessage; } void outputMessage() { cout << message << endl; } private: string message; }; // edge weight undefined class undefinedEdgeWeight { public: undefinedEdgeWeight(string theMessage = "No edge weights defined") { message = theMessage; } void outputMessage() { cout << message << endl; } private: string message; }; // method undefined class undefinedMethod { public: undefinedMethod(string theMessage = "This method is undefined") { message = theMessage; } void outputMessage() { cout << message << endl; } private: string message; }; #endif
- 虚基类以及派生类
#pragma once #include<iostream> #include "myexception.h" #include <sstream> using std::ostringstream; template<class T> class stack { public: virtual ~stack(){} virtual bool empty()const = 0; virtual int size()const = 0; virtual T& top() = 0; virtual void pop() = 0; virtual void push(const T &) = 0; }; template<class T> class arraystack : public stack<T> { public: arraystack(int initialcapacity = 10); ~arraystack() { delete[] stack; } bool empty()const { return stacktop == -1; } int size()const { return stacktop + 1; } T& top() { if (stacktop == -1) throw stackEmpty(); return stack[stacktop]; } void pop() { if (stacktop == -1) throw stackEmpty(); stack[stacktop--].~T(); } void push(const T& theelement); private: int stacktop; int arraylength; T * stack; }; template<class T> arraystack<T>::arraystack(int initialcapacity) { if (initialcapacity < 1) { ostringstream s; s << "Initial capacity" << initialcapacity << "must be > 0"; throw illegalParameterValue(s.str()); } arraylength = initialcapacity; stack = new T[arraylength]; stacktop = -1; } template<class T> void arraystack<T>::push(const T&theelement) { stack[++stacktop] = theelement; } template<class T> struct chainnode { T element; chainnode<T> * next; chainnode() {} chainnode(const T &theelement) { this->element = theelement; } chainnode(const T &theelement, chainnode<T> * next) { this->element = theelement; this->next = next; } }; template<class T> class linkedstack : public stack<T> { private: int stacksize; chainnode<T> * stacktop; public: linkedstack() { stacksize = 0; stacktop = NULL; } ~linkedstack(); bool empty() const { return stacksize == 0; } int size()const { return stacksize; } T& top() { if (stacksize == 0) throw stackEmpty(); return stacktop->element; } void pop(); void push(const T& theelement) { stacktop = new chainnode<T>(theelement, stacktop); stacksize++; } }; template<class T> linkedstack<T>::~linkedstack() { while (stacktop != NULL) { chainnode<T> * nextnode = stacktop->next; delete stacktop; stacktop = nextnode; } } template<class T> void linkedstack<T>:: pop() { if (stacksize == 0) throw stackEmpty(); chainnode<T>* nextnode = stacktop->next; delete stacktop; stacktop = nextnode; stacksize--; }
- 测试文件,没写全…
#include <iostream> #include"mystack.h" int main() { std::cout << "Hello World!\n"; arraystack<int> j (5) ; j.push(2); j.top(); linkedstack<int>a; a.push(6); a.pop(); std::cout<<a.top(); }
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