2021/12/31 6:09:08
亲测可以在Windows Terminal下运行。
#include <windows.h> #include <conio.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <time.h> //每个位置的状态是什么 #define Nothing 0 //空 #define Wall 1 //墙 #define Food 2 //食物 #define Head 3 //蛇头 #define Body 4 //蛇身 //方向 #define Left 5 //左移 #define Right 6 //右移 #define Up 7 //上移 #define Down 8 //下移 HANDLE consoleHandle; // 操作控制台需要的一个变量 int w, h; // 高度,宽度,对应 y 和 x int score = 0;//记录得分 int status[3000][120] = {{0}};//记录每个位置的状态是什么 int flag_death = 0;//判断是否死亡 int flag_q = 0;//判断是否退出游戏 //结构体:蛇头 struct snack_head { int len; int x; int y; int dir; //分别为蛇长(不包括蛇头),蛇头横坐标,纵坐标,方向 }snack; //结构体,蛇身 struct snack_body { int x; int y; //蛇身中一节的横坐标 }body[10086];//用二维数组是一样的 //结构体,食物 struct FOOD { int x; int y; }food; // 打印输入的一个字符 void mvaddch(int y, int x, char ch) { //y表示高度,x表示宽度 COORD co = (COORD) { .X = x, .Y = y }; SetConsoleCursorPosition(consoleHandle, co); putchar(ch); } //打印一个字符串 void mvaddstr(int y, int x, char *s) { int len = strlen(s); for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) mvaddch(y, x + i, *(s + i));//y表示高度,x表示宽 } // 清屏(全屏空格) void ClearScr() { for (int i = 1; i <= h; ++i) for (int j = 1; j <= w; ++j) mvaddch(i, j, ' '); } //开始游戏的面板 void EnterGame() { mvaddstr(12, 50, " Welcome ! "); mvaddstr(16, 50, "Press any key to start !"); } //初始化面板 void PrintBoard() {//宽为30~90 高为1~28 for (int i = 1; i <= 28; ++i) for (int j = 30; j <= 90; j++) status[i][j] = Nothing; for (int i = 30; i <= 90; ++i){ mvaddch(1, i, '-'); status[0][i] = Wall; } for (int i = 30; i <= 90; ++i) { mvaddch(28, i, '-'); status[29][i] = Wall; } for (int i = 1; i <= 28; ++i) { mvaddch(i, 29, '|'); status[i][28] = Wall; } for (int i = 1; i <= 28; ++i) { mvaddch(i, 91, '|'); status[i][92] = Wall; } mvaddstr(12,94,"press 'p' to pause"); mvaddstr(13,94, "press 'space' to continue"); } //打印得分 void PrintScore(int y,int x, int score_) { COORD co = (COORD) {.X = x, .Y = y}; SetConsoleCursorPosition(consoleHandle, co); printf("score:%d", score_); } //游戏失败时候的界面 void Game_Defeat() { flag_death = 1; PrintScore(h / 2 - 2, w / 2 - 3, score); mvaddstr(h / 2 - 1, w / 2 - 3, "Good game!"); mvaddstr(h / 2, w / 2 - 10, "Press any key to restart."); score = 0; } void InitSnack() {//初始化蛇 snack.len = 1;//蛇身初始长度为一节 snack.x = 60; snack.y = 16;//y指的蛇头高度 snack.dir = Right;//蛇头的初始横纵坐标及方向 body[0].x = 59; body[0].y = 16;//第一节蛇身的横纵坐标 } void GenerateFood() {//随机产生一个食物,注意食物的那个位置在这之前必须是空的 srand((unsigned ) time(NULL)); do { food.x = rand() % 59 + 31; food.y = rand() % 26 + 2; } while (status[food.y][food.x] != Nothing); status[food.y][food.x] = Food; mvaddch(food.y, food.x, '*'); } //判断得分和是否结束,x,y分别指左移或右移的距离,如果吃到食物根据方向做相应的处理 void judge() { if (snack.dir == Up) { if (snack.x == food.x && snack.y - 1 == food.y) { status[snack.y][snack.x] = Body; status[food.y][food.x] = Head; mvaddch(snack.y, snack.x, '#'); mvaddch(food.y, food.x, '@'); for (int i = snack.len; i >= 1; i--) body[i] = body[i - 1]; body[0].x = snack.x; body[0].y = snack.y; snack.len++; snack.y--; score++; GenerateFood(); } else if (status[snack.y - 1][snack.x] == Wall || status[snack.y - 1][snack.x] == Body || status[snack.y][snack.x - 1] == Wall || status[snack.y][snack.x+1] == Wall) { Game_Defeat(); } } else if (snack.dir == Down) { if (snack.x == food.x && snack.y + 1 == food.y) { status[snack.y][snack.x] = Body; status[food.y][food.x] = Head; mvaddch(snack.y, snack.x, '#'); mvaddch(food.y, food.x, '@'); for (int i = snack.len; i >= 1; i--) body[i] = body[i - 1]; body[0].x = snack.x; body[0].y = snack.y; snack.len++; snack.y--; score++; GenerateFood(); } else if (status[snack.y + 1][snack.x] == Wall || status[snack.y + 1][snack.x] == Body||status[snack.y][snack.x - 1] == Wall || status[snack.y][snack.x+1] == Wall) { Game_Defeat(); } } else if (snack.dir == Left) { if (snack.x - 1 == food.x && snack.y == food.y) { status[snack.y][snack.x] = Body; status[food.y][food.x] = Head; mvaddch(snack.y, snack.x, '#'); mvaddch(food.y, food.x, '@'); for (int i = snack.len; i >= 1; i--) body[i] = body[i - 1]; body[0].x = snack.x; body[0].y = snack.y; snack.len++; snack.x = snack.x - 1; score++; GenerateFood(); } else if (status[snack.y][snack.x - 1] == Wall||status[snack.y][snack.x - 1] == Body||status[snack.y+1][snack.x+1] == Wall||status[snack.y -1][snack.x]==Wall) { Game_Defeat(); } } else if (snack.dir == Right) { if (snack.x + 1 == food.x && snack.y == food.y) { status[snack.y][snack.x] = Body; status[food.y][food.x] = Head; mvaddch(snack.y, snack.x, '#'); mvaddch(food.y, food.x, '@'); for (int i = snack.len; i >= 1; i--) body[i] = body[i - 1]; body[0].x = snack.x; body[0].y = snack.y; snack.len++; snack.x = snack.x + 1; score++; GenerateFood(); } else if (status[snack.y][snack.x + 1] == Wall||status[snack.y][snack.x + 1] == Body||status[snack.y+1][snack.x+1] == Wall||status[snack.y -1][snack.x]==Wall) { Game_Defeat(); } } } void Clear_Snack() {//更新蛇之前先擦掉蛇 mvaddch(snack.y, snack.x,' '); status[snack.y][snack.x] = Nothing; for (int i = 0 ;i < snack.len; i++) { mvaddch(body[i].y, body[i].x, ' '); status[body[i].y][body[i].x] = Nothing; } } void Draw_Snack() {//画蛇 status[snack.y][snack.x] = Head; mvaddch(snack.y, snack.x, '@'); for (int i = 0; i < snack.len; i++) { status[body[i].y][body[i].x] = Body; mvaddch(body[i].y, body[i].x, '#'); } } void Dir_Change() {//根据输入调整方向 if (_kbhit()) { switch (_getch()) { case 'q': case 'Q': flag_q = 1; break; case 'W': case 'w': if (snack.dir != Down) { snack.dir = Up; break; } else { Game_Defeat(); break; } case 'S': case 's': if (snack.dir != Up) { snack.dir = Down; break; } else { Game_Defeat(); break; } case 'A': case 'a': if (snack.dir != Right) { snack.dir = Left; break; } else { Game_Defeat(); break; } case 'D': case 'd': if (snack.dir != Left) { snack.dir = Right; break; } else { Game_Defeat(); break; } case 'p': case 'P': while (1){ if (_getch() == ' ') { break; } } } } } void MoveSnack() {//改变坐标 for (int i = snack.len - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if ( i != 0) { body[i] = body[i - 1]; } else { body[i].x = snack.x; body[i].y = snack.y; } } switch (snack.dir) { case Up: snack.y--; break; case Down: snack.y++; break; case Left: snack.x = snack.x - 1; break; case Right: snack.x = snack.x + 1; break; } } int main(){ consoleHandle = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE); // 初始化这个操作器 CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO csbi; // 屏幕的信息 GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(consoleHandle, &csbi); // 获取屏幕信息 w = csbi.dwSize.X; h = csbi.dwSize.Y; // 得到宽度高度 // 游戏里面,如果一直有输入的光标,就有点不好看。我们可以让它不显示 CONSOLE_CURSOR_INFO cci; // 光标信息 cci.dwSize = 100; cci.bVisible = FALSE; // 不可见 SetConsoleCursorInfo(consoleHandle, &cci); // 将光标特性应用到控制台 // 到这里,闪烁的光标就消失了。 ClearScr(); EnterGame();//调出开始界面 getch(); ClearScr(); PrintBoard(); InitSnack(); GenerateFood(); while (1){ if (flag_q == 1) { goto end; } MoveSnack(); Draw_Snack(); if (score <= 3){ Sleep(160); } else if (score <= 7) { Sleep(190); } else if (score <= 12) { Sleep(210); } else { Sleep(250); } PrintScore(10, 94, score); Dir_Change(); if (flag_death == 1) { flag_death = 0; getch(); main(); } judge(); if (flag_death == 1) { flag_death = 0; getch(); main(); } Clear_Snack(); } end :cci.bVisible = TRUE; // 可见 SetConsoleCursorInfo(consoleHandle, &cci); // 重新设置 }
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