2022/1/10 2:03:37
/* Upgrades the intset to a larger encoding and inserts the given integer. */ static intset *intsetUpgradeAndAdd(intset *is, int64_t value) { uint8_t curenc = intrev32ifbe(is->encoding); uint8_t newenc = _intsetValueEncoding(value); int length = intrev32ifbe(is->length); int prepend = value < 0 ? 1 : 0; /* First set new encoding and resize */ is->encoding = intrev32ifbe(newenc); is = intsetResize(is,intrev32ifbe(is->length)+1); /* Upgrade back-to-front so we don't overwrite values. * Note that the "prepend" variable is used to make sure we have an empty * space at either the beginning or the end of the intset. */ while(length--) _intsetSet(is,length+prepend,_intsetGetEncoded(is,length,curenc)); /* Set the value at the beginning or the end. */ if (prepend) _intsetSet(is,0,value); else _intsetSet(is,intrev32ifbe(is->length),value); is->length = intrev32ifbe(intrev32ifbe(is->length)+1); return is; } static void intsetMoveTail(intset *is, uint32_t from, uint32_t to) { void *src, *dst; uint32_t bytes = intrev32ifbe(is->length)-from; uint32_t encoding = intrev32ifbe(is->encoding); if (encoding == INTSET_ENC_INT64) { src = (int64_t*)is->contents+from; dst = (int64_t*)is->contents+to; bytes *= sizeof(int64_t); } else if (encoding == INTSET_ENC_INT32) { src = (int32_t*)is->contents+from; dst = (int32_t*)is->contents+to; bytes *= sizeof(int32_t); } else { src = (int16_t*)is->contents+from; dst = (int16_t*)is->contents+to; bytes *= sizeof(int16_t); } memmove(dst,src,bytes); } /* Insert an integer in the intset */ intset *intsetAdd(intset *is, int64_t value, uint8_t *success) { uint8_t valenc = _intsetValueEncoding(value); uint32_t pos; if (success) *success = 1; /* Upgrade encoding if necessary. If we need to upgrade, we know that * this value should be either appended (if > 0) or prepended (if < 0), * because it lies outside the range of existing values. */ if (valenc > intrev32ifbe(is->encoding)) { /* This always succeeds, so we don't need to curry *success. */ return intsetUpgradeAndAdd(is,value); } else { /* Abort if the value is already present in the set. * This call will populate "pos" with the right position to insert * the value when it cannot be found. */ if (intsetSearch(is,value,&pos)) { if (success) *success = 0; return is; } is = intsetResize(is,intrev32ifbe(is->length)+1); if (pos < intrev32ifbe(is->length)) intsetMoveTail(is,pos,pos+1); } _intsetSet(is,pos,value); is->length = intrev32ifbe(intrev32ifbe(is->length)+1); return is; } /* Delete integer from intset */ intset *intsetRemove(intset *is, int64_t value, int *success) { uint8_t valenc = _intsetValueEncoding(value); uint32_t pos; if (success) *success = 0; if (valenc <= intrev32ifbe(is->encoding) && intsetSearch(is,value,&pos)) { uint32_t len = intrev32ifbe(is->length); /* We know we can delete */ if (success) *success = 1; /* Overwrite value with tail and update length */ if (pos < (len-1)) intsetMoveTail(is,pos+1,pos); is = intsetResize(is,len-1); is->length = intrev32ifbe(len-1); } return is; } /* Determine whether a value belongs to this set */ uint8_t intsetFind(intset *is, int64_t value) { uint8_t valenc = _intsetValueEncoding(value); return valenc <= intrev32ifbe(is->encoding) && intsetSearch(is,value,NULL); } /* Return random member */ int64_t intsetRandom(intset *is) { uint32_t len = intrev32ifbe(is->length); assert(len); /* avoid division by zero on corrupt intset payload. */ return _intsetGet(is,rand()%len); } /* Get the value at the given position. When this position is * out of range the function returns 0, when in range it returns 1. */ uint8_t intsetGet(intset *is, uint32_t pos, int64_t *value) { if (pos < intrev32ifbe(is->length)) { *value = _intsetGet(is,pos); return 1; } return 0; } /* Return intset length */ uint32_t intsetLen(const intset *is) { return intrev32ifbe(is->length); } /* Return intset blob size in bytes. */ size_t intsetBlobLen(intset *is) { return sizeof(intset)+(size_t)intrev32ifbe(is->length)*intrev32ifbe(is->encoding); } /* Validate the integrity of the data structure. * when `deep` is 0, only the integrity of the header is validated. * when `deep` is 1, we make sure there are no duplicate or out of order records. */ int intsetValidateIntegrity(const unsigned char *p, size_t size, int deep) { intset *is = (intset *)p; /* check that we can actually read the header. */ if (size < sizeof(*is)) return 0; uint32_t encoding = intrev32ifbe(is->encoding); size_t record_size; if (encoding == INTSET_ENC_INT64) { record_size = INTSET_ENC_INT64; } else if (encoding == INTSET_ENC_INT32) { record_size = INTSET_ENC_INT32; } else if (encoding == INTSET_ENC_INT16){ record_size = INTSET_ENC_INT16; } else { return 0; } /* check that the size matchies (all records are inside the buffer). */ uint32_t count = intrev32ifbe(is->length); if (sizeof(*is) + count*record_size != size) return 0; /* check that the set is not empty. */ if (count==0) return 0; if (!deep) return 1; /* check that there are no dup or out of order records. */ int64_t prev = _intsetGet(is,0); for (uint32_t i=1; i<count; i++) { int64_t cur = _intsetGet(is,i); if (cur <= prev) return 0; prev = cur; } return 1; } #ifdef REDIS_TEST #include <sys/time.h> #include <time.h> #if 0 static void intsetRepr(intset *is) { for (uint32_t i = 0; i < intrev32ifbe(is->length); i++) { printf("%lld\n", (uint64_t)_intsetGet(is,i)); } printf("\n"); } static void error(char *err) { printf("%s\n", err); exit(1); } #endif static void ok(void) { printf("OK\n"); } static long long usec(void) { struct timeval tv; gettimeofday(&tv,NULL); return (((long long)tv.tv_sec)*1000000)+tv.tv_usec; } static intset *createSet(int bits, int size) { uint64_t mask = (1<<bits)-1; uint64_t value; intset *is = intsetNew(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { if (bits > 32) { value = (rand()*rand()) & mask; } else { value = rand() & mask; } is = intsetAdd(is,value,NULL); } return is; } static void checkConsistency(intset *is) { for (uint32_t i = 0; i < (intrev32ifbe(is->length)-1); i++) { uint32_t encoding = intrev32ifbe(is->encoding); if (encoding == INTSET_ENC_INT16) { int16_t *i16 = (int16_t*)is->contents; assert(i16[i] < i16[i+1]); } else if (encoding == INTSET_ENC_INT32) { int32_t *i32 = (int32_t*)is->contents; assert(i32[i] < i32[i+1]); } else { int64_t *i64 = (int64_t*)is->contents; assert(i64[i] < i64[i+1]); } } } #define UNUSED(x) (void)(x) int intsetTest(int argc, char **argv, int accurate) { uint8_t success; int i; intset *is; srand(time(NULL)); UNUSED(argc); UNUSED(argv); UNUSED(accurate); printf("Value encodings: "); { assert(_intsetValueEncoding(-32768) == INTSET_ENC_INT16); assert(_intsetValueEncoding(+32767) == INTSET_ENC_INT16); assert(_intsetValueEncoding(-32769) == INTSET_ENC_INT32); assert(_intsetValueEncoding(+32768) == INTSET_ENC_INT32); assert(_intsetValueEncoding(-2147483648) == INTSET_ENC_INT32); assert(_intsetValueEncoding(+2147483647) == INTSET_ENC_INT32); assert(_intsetValueEncoding(-2147483649) == INTSET_ENC_INT64); assert(_intsetValueEncoding(+2147483648) == INTSET_ENC_INT64); assert(_intsetValueEncoding(-9223372036854775808ull) == INTSET_ENC_INT64); assert(_intsetValueEncoding(+9223372036854775807ull) == INTSET_ENC_INT64); ok(); } printf("Basic adding: "); { is = intsetNew(); is = intsetAdd(is,5,&success); assert(success); is = intsetAdd(is,6,&success); assert(success); is = intsetAdd(is,4,&success); assert(success); is = intsetAdd(is,4,&success); assert(!success); ok(); zfree(is); } printf("Large number of random adds: "); { uint32_t inserts = 0; is = intsetNew(); for (i = 0; i < 1024; i++) { is = intsetAdd(is,rand()%0x800,&success); if (success) inserts++; } assert(intrev32ifbe(is->length) == inserts); checkConsistency(is); ok(); zfree(is); } printf("Upgrade from int16 to int32: "); { is = intsetNew(); is = intsetAdd(is,32,NULL); assert(intrev32ifbe(is->encoding) == INTSET_ENC_INT16); is = intsetAdd(is,65535,NULL); assert(intrev32ifbe(is->encoding) == INTSET_ENC_INT32); assert(intsetFind(is,32)); assert(intsetFind(is,65535)); checkConsistency(is); zfree(is); is = intsetNew(); is = intsetAdd(is,32,NULL); assert(intrev32ifbe(is->encoding) == INTSET_ENC_INT16); is = intsetAdd(is,-65535,NULL); assert(intrev32ifbe(is->encoding) == INTSET_ENC_INT32); assert(intsetFind(is,32)); assert(intsetFind(is,-65535)); checkConsistency(is); ok(); zfree(is); } printf("Upgrade from int16 to int64: "); { is = intsetNew(); is = intsetAdd(is,32,NULL); assert(intrev32ifbe(is->encoding) == INTSET_ENC_INT16); is = intsetAdd(is,4294967295,NULL); assert(intrev32ifbe(is->encoding) == INTSET_ENC_INT64); assert(intsetFind(is,32)); assert(intsetFind(is,4294967295)); checkConsistency(is); zfree(is); is = intsetNew(); is = intsetAdd(is,32,NULL); assert(intrev32ifbe(is->encoding) == INTSET_ENC_INT16); is = intsetAdd(is,-4294967295,NULL); assert(intrev32ifbe(is->encoding) == INTSET_ENC_INT64); assert(intsetFind(is,32)); assert(intsetFind(is,-4294967295)); checkConsistency(is); ok(); zfree(is); } printf("Upgrade from int32 to int64: "); { is = intsetNew(); is = intsetAdd(is,65535,NULL); assert(intrev32ifbe(is->encoding) == INTSET_ENC_INT32); is = intsetAdd(is,4294967295,NULL); assert(intrev32ifbe(is->encoding) == INTSET_ENC_INT64); assert(intsetFind(is,65535)); assert(intsetFind(is,4294967295)); checkConsistency(is); zfree(is); is = intsetNew(); is = intsetAdd(is,65535,NULL); assert(intrev32ifbe(is->encoding) == INTSET_ENC_INT32); is = intsetAdd(is,-4294967295,NULL); assert(intrev32ifbe(is->encoding) == INTSET_ENC_INT64); assert(intsetFind(is,65535)); assert(intsetFind(is,-4294967295)); checkConsistency(is); ok(); zfree(is); } printf("Stress lookups: "); { long num = 100000, size = 10000; int i, bits = 20; long long start; is = createSet(bits,size); checkConsistency(is); start = usec(); for (i = 0; i < num; i++) intsetSearch(is,rand() % ((1<<bits)-1),NULL); printf("%ld lookups, %ld element set, %lldusec\n", num,size,usec()-start); zfree(is); } printf("Stress add+delete: "); { int i, v1, v2; is = intsetNew(); for (i = 0; i < 0xffff; i++) { v1 = rand() % 0xfff; is = intsetAdd(is,v1,NULL); assert(intsetFind(is,v1)); v2 = rand() % 0xfff; is = intsetRemove(is,v2,NULL); assert(!intsetFind(is,v2)); } checkConsistency(is); ok(); zfree(is); } return 0; } #endif
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