2022/1/14 19:03:54
- DQL-基本查询
Navicat Premium查询时,快速复制 一行sql语句 | CTRL +d |
-- 一、数据准备 -- 1.创建数据库 create database if not exists MyTestdb; use MyTestdb; -- 2、创建商品表: create table product( pid int primary key auto_increment, -- 商品编号 pname varchar(20) not null , -- 商品名字 price double, -- 商品价格 category_id varchar(20) -- 商品所属分类 ); -- 3、添加数据 insert into product values(null,'海尔洗衣机',5000,'c001'); insert into product values(null,'美的冰箱',3000,'c001'); insert into product values(null,'格力空调',5000,'c001'); insert into product values(null,'九阳电饭煲',200,'c001'); insert into product values(null,'啄木鸟衬衣',300,'c002'); insert into product values(null,'恒源祥西裤',800,'c002'); insert into product values(null,'花花公子夹克',440,'c002'); insert into product values(null,'劲霸休闲裤',266,'c002'); insert into product values(null,'海澜之家卫衣',180,'c002'); insert into product values(null,'杰克琼斯运动裤',430,'c002'); insert into product values(null,'兰蔻面霜',300,'c003'); insert into product values(null,'雅诗兰黛精华水',200,'c003'); insert into product values(null,'香奈儿香水',350,'c003'); insert into product values(null,'SK-II神仙水',350,'c003'); insert into product values(null,'资生堂粉底液',180,'c003'); insert into product values(null,'老北京方便面',56,'c004'); insert into product values(null,'良品铺子海带丝',17,'c004'); insert into product values(null,'三只松鼠坚果',88,null); -- 二、简单查询 -- 1.查询所有的商品. select * from product; -- 2.查询商品名和商品价格. select pname,price from product; -- 3.别名查询.使用的关键字是as(as可以省略的). -- 3.1表别名: select * from product as p; select * from product p; -- 3.2列别名: select pname as '商品名',price '商品价格' from product; -- 4.去掉重复值-distinct select distinct price from product; -- 5.查询结果是表达式(运算查询):将所有商品的价格+10元进行显示. select pname,price+10 new_price from product; -- 运算符 use MyTestdb; -- 将所有商品价格上调10% select pname,price * 1.1 new_price from product; -- 查询商品名称为“海尔洗衣机”的商品所有信息: select * from product where pname='海尔洗衣机'; -- 查询价格为800商品 select * from product where price = 800; -- 查询价格不是800的所有商品 select * from product where price != 800; select * from product where price <> 800; select * from product where not(price = 800); -- 查询商品价格大于等于60元的所有商品信息 select * from product where price >= 60; -- 查询商品价格在200到1000之间所有商品 select * from product where price between 200 and 1000; select * from product where price >=200 and price <=1000; select * from product where price >=200 && price <=1000; -- 查询商品价格是200或800的所有商品 select * from product where price in(200,800); select * from product where price=200 or price =800; select * from product where price=200 || price =800; -- 查询含有'裤'字的所有商品 select * from product where pname like '%裤%'; -- %用来匹配任意字符 -- 查询以'海'开头的所有商品 select * from product where pname like '海%'; -- 查询第二个字为'蔻'的所有商品 select * from product where pname like '_蔻%'; -- 下划线匹配单个字符 -- 查询商品所属分类(category_id)为null的商品 select * from product where category_id is null; -- 查询商品所属分类(category_id)不为null分类的商品 select * from product where category_id is not null; -- 使用least求最小值 select least(10, 20, 30); -- 10 select least(10, null , 30); -- 如果求最小值时,有个值为null,则不会进行比较,结果直接为null -- 使用greatest求最大值 select greatest(10, 20, 30); select greatest(10, null, 30); -- 如果求最大值时,有个值为null,则不会进行比较,结果直接为null -- 排序查询_asc(默认-升序);desc(降序) -- 1.使用价格排序(降序) select * from product order by price desc; -- 2.在价格排序(降序)的基础上,以分类排序(降序) select * from product order by price desc,category_id desc; -- 3.显示商品的价格(去重复),并排序(降序) select distinct price from product order by price desc; -- 聚合函数 -- 1 查询商品的总条数 select count(pid) from product; select count(*) from product; -- 2 查询价格大于200商品的总条数 select count(pid) from product where price>200; -- 3 查询分类为'c001'的所有商品的总和 select sum(price) from product where category_id='c001'; -- 4 查询商品的最大价格 select max(price) from product; -- 5 查询商品的最小价格 select min(price) from product; -- 6 查询分类为'c002'所有商品的平均价格 select avg(price) from product where category_id='c002'; -- 分组查询 -- 1 统计各个分类商品的个数
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