Redis源码分析--Sentinel(4)实例处理的Acting half
2022/2/6 19:12:51
本文主要是介绍Redis源码分析--Sentinel(4)实例处理的Acting half,对大家解决编程问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的程序猿们随着小编来一起学习吧!
Acting half:
void sentinelHandleRedisInstance(sentinelRedisInstance *ri) { // ... // ... /* ============== ACTING HALF ============= */ /* We don't proceed with the acting half if we are in TILT mode. * TILT happens when we find something odd with the time, like a * sudden change in the clock. */ if (sentinel.tilt) { if (mstime()-sentinel.tilt_start_time < SENTINEL_TILT_PERIOD) return; /* 如果30秒内一切正常,退出Tilt模式 */ sentinel.tilt = 0; sentinelEvent(REDIS_WARNING,"-tilt",NULL,"#tilt mode exited"); } /* Every kind of instance */ sentinelCheckSubjectivelyDown(ri); /* Masters and slaves */ if (ri->flags & (SRI_MASTER|SRI_SLAVE)) { /* Nothing so far. */ } /* Only masters */ if (ri->flags & SRI_MASTER) { /* 由于消息的收发都是异步的,所以这里不一定可以直接判断出结果, * 所以本sentinel会在一次次定时器调用中判断是否需要客观下线 */ sentinelCheckObjectivelyDown(ri); /* 判断是否进行故障转移,如果进行故障转移,master->failover_state的变化将触发一次命令的发送 * 即本机sentinel要求其他sentinel选举本机为leader*/ if (sentinelStartFailoverIfNeeded(ri)) /* 这里的调用是本机要求选举自己做领头Sentinel,这里只会触发一次 */ sentinelAskMasterStateToOtherSentinels(ri,SENTINEL_ASK_FORCED); sentinelFailoverStateMachine(ri); /* 这里发送的消息应该不固定,可能是询问客观下线状态, * 也可能是要求选举(如果初始选举没有产生leader, * 这一行会不断触发,直至产生leader) */ sentinelAskMasterStateToOtherSentinels(ri,SENTINEL_NO_FLAGS); } }
- L16:检测主观下线状态;
- L27:检测客观下线状态,注意 L24: Only masters;
- L32、L37: 第二节分析 sentinelAskMasterStateToOtherSentinels;
- L30:第三节分析进入故障转移阶段的条件;
- L33:进入故障转移阶段,下一篇文章分析故障转移状态机;
二、发送命令 sentinelAskMasterStateToOtherSentinels:
SENTINEL IS-MASTER-DOWN-BY-ADDR <ip> <port> <current_epoch> <runid>
- 第一个功能:runid为'*'。本机sentinel认为当前master已主观下线,需要询问其他sentinels是否认为该master下线(可能主观,也可能客观,因为不同Sentinel判定标准不同 //todo分析);
- 第二个功能:runid为本机sentinel的runid。本机sentinel已经认定当前master客观下线,要求其他sentinels选举自己为领头Sentinel;
void sentinelAskMasterStateToOtherSentinels(sentinelRedisInstance *master, int flags) { dictIterator *di; dictEntry *de; di = dictGetIterator(master->sentinels); while((de = dictNext(di)) != NULL) { sentinelRedisInstance *ri = dictGetVal(de); mstime_t elapsed = mstime() - ri->last_master_down_reply_time; char port[32]; int retval; /* If the master state from other sentinel is too old, we clear it. */ if (elapsed > SENTINEL_ASK_PERIOD*5) { ri->flags &= ~SRI_MASTER_DOWN; sdsfree(ri->leader); ri->leader = NULL; } /* Only ask if master is down to other sentinels if: * * 1) We believe it is down, or there is a failover in progress. * 2) Sentinel is connected. * 3) We did not received the info within SENTINEL_ASK_PERIOD ms. */ if ((master->flags & SRI_S_DOWN) == 0) continue; if (ri->flags & SRI_DISCONNECTED) continue; if (!(flags & SENTINEL_ASK_FORCED) && mstime() - ri->last_master_down_reply_time < SENTINEL_ASK_PERIOD) continue; /* Ask */ ll2string(port,sizeof(port),master->addr->port); retval = redisAsyncCommand(ri->cc, /**/ sentinelReceiveIsMasterDownReply, NULL, "SENTINEL is-master-down-by-addr %s %s %llu %s", master->addr->ip, port, sentinel.current_epoch, /* 根据master当前failover_state判断这是sentinel在进行判断是否客观下线还是要选举该sentinel为leader */ (master->failover_state > SENTINEL_FAILOVER_STATE_NONE) ? server.runid : "*"); if (retval == REDIS_OK) ri->pending_commands++; } dictReleaseIterator(di); }
If we think the master is down, we start sending SENTINEL IS-MASTER-DOWN-BY-ADDR requests(1) to other sentinels in order to get the replies(2) that allow to reach the quorum needed to mark(3) the master in ODOWN state and trigger(4) a failover
- (2):L34: 回调函数sentinelReceiveIsMasterDownReply接收回复,根据回复会设置ri->flags & SRI_MASTER_DOWN;
- (3):ri->flags & SRI_MASTER_DOWN会在sentinelCheckObjectivelyDown函数中使quorum++;
- (4):如果客观下线要求达到,那么第一节的sentinelStartFailoverIfNeeded会进入故障转移阶段,即trigger a failover;
L34:第三节分析发送SENTINEL is-master-down-by-addr命令的回调函数sentinelReceiveIsMasterDownReply;
int sentinelStartFailoverIfNeeded(sentinelRedisInstance *master) { /* We can't failover if the master is not in O_DOWN state. */ if (!(master->flags & SRI_O_DOWN)) return 0; /* Failover already in progress? */ if (master->flags & SRI_FAILOVER_IN_PROGRESS) return 0; /* Last failover attempt started too little time ago? */ if (mstime() - master->failover_start_time < master->failover_timeout*2) return 0; /* 进行故障转移 */ sentinelStartFailover(master); return 1; }
- L3:主服务器必须已经被判定客观下线才会进入故障转移;
- L6:主服务器不能已经在故障转移状态中;
- L12: 进行故障转移,下面继续分析源码:
void sentinelStartFailover(sentinelRedisInstance *master) { redisAssert(master->flags & SRI_MASTER); /* 设置FAILOVER_STATE_WAIT_START状态,该状态会在 * sentinelAskMasterStateToOtherSentinels 方法中 * 允许本sentinel要求其他Sentinel选举自己为leader */ master->failover_state = SENTINEL_FAILOVER_STATE_WAIT_START; master->flags |= SRI_FAILOVER_IN_PROGRESS; /* 回合数++ */ master->failover_epoch = ++sentinel.current_epoch; sentinelEvent(REDIS_WARNING,"+new-epoch",master,"%llu", (unsigned long long) sentinel.current_epoch); sentinelEvent(REDIS_WARNING,"+try-failover",master,"%@"); /* 维护time信息 */ master->failover_start_time = mstime(); master->failover_state_change_time = mstime(); }
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