laravel 中Predis使用手册
2022/2/8 19:16:10
本文主要是介绍laravel 中Predis使用手册,对大家解决编程问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的程序猿们随着小编来一起学习吧!
//使用autoload加载相关库,这边重点就是为了require $file; spl_autoload_register(function($class) { $file = __DIR__ . '/lib/Predis/' . $class . '.php'; if (file_exists($file)) { require $file; return true; } }); //配置连接的IP、端口、以及相应的数据库 $server = array ( 'host' => '', 'port' => 6379, 'database' => 15 ); $redis = new Client($server); //普通set/get操作 $redis->set('library', 'predis'); $retval = $redis->get('library'); echo $retval; //显示 'predis' //setex set一个存储时效 $redis->setex('str', 10, 'bar'); //表示存储有效期为10秒 //setnx/msetnx相当于add操作,不会覆盖已有值 $redis->setnx('foo', 12); //true $redis->setnx('foo', 34); //false //getset操作,set的变种,结果返回替换前的值 $redis->getset('foo', 56); //返回34 // incrby/incr/decrby/decr 对值的递增和递减 $redis->incr('foo'); //foo为57 $redis->incrby('foo', 2); //foo为59 //exists检测是否存在某值 $redis->exists('foo'); //true //del 删除 $redis->del('foo'); //true //type 类型检测,字符串返回string,列表返回 list,set表返回set/zset,hash表返回hash $redis->type('foo'); //不存在,返回none $redis->set('str', 'test'); $redis->type('str'); //字符串,返回string //append 连接到已存在字符串 $redis->append('str', '_123'); //返回累加后的字符串长度8,此进str为 'test_123' //setrange 部分替换操作 $redis->setrange('str', 0, 'abc'); //返回3,参数2为0时等同于set操作 $redis->setrange('str', 2, 'cd'); //返回4,表示从第2个字符后替换,这时'str'为'abcd' //substr 部分获取操作 $redis->substr('str', 0, 2); //表示从第0个起,取到第2个字符,共3个,返回'abc' //strlen 获取字符串长度 $redis->strlen('str'); //返回4 //setbit/getbit 位存储和获取 $redis->setbit('binary', 31, 1); //表示在第31位存入1,这边可能会有大小端问题? //不过没关系,getbit 应该不会有问题 $redis->getbit('binary', 31); //返回1 //keys 模糊查找功能,支持*号以及?号(匹配一个字符) $redis->set('foo1', 123); $redis->set('foo2', 456); $redis->keys('foo*'); //返回foo1和foo2的array $redis->keys('f?o?'); //同上 //randomkey 随机返回一个key $redis->randomkey(); //可能是返回 'foo1'或者是'foo2'及其它任何一存在redis的key //rename/renamenx 对key进行改名,所不同的是renamenx不允许改成已存在的key $redis->rename('str', 'str2'); //把原先命名为'str'的key改成了'str2' //expire 设置key-value的时效性,ttl 获取剩余有效期,persist 重新设置为永久存储 $redis->expire('foo', 1); //设置有效期为1秒 $redis->ttl('foo'); //返回有效期值1s $redis->expire('foo'); //取消expire行为 //dbsize 返回redis当前数据库的记录总数 $redis->dbsize(); /* 队列操作 */ // rpush/rpushx 有序列表操作,从队列后插入元素 // lpush/lpushx 和rpush/rpushx的区别是插入到队列的头部,同上 // 'x'含义是只对已存在的key进行操作 $redis->rpush('fooList', 'bar1'); //返回一个列表的长度1 $redis->lpush('fooList', 'bar0'); //返回一个列表的长度2 $redis->rpushx('fooList', 'bar2'); //返回3,rpushx只对已存在的队列做添加,否则返回0 //llen返回当前列表长度 $redis->llen('fooList'); //3 //lrange 返回队列中一个区间的元素 $redis->lrange('fooList', 0, 1); //返回数组包含第0个至第1个共2个元素 //返回第0个至倒数第一个,相当于返回所有元素,注意redis中很多时候会用到负数,下同 $redis->lrange('fooList', 0,- 1); //lindex 返回指定顺序位置的list元素 $redis->lindex('fooList', 1); //返回'bar1' //lset 修改队列中指定位置的value $redis->lset('fooList', 1, '123'); //修改位置1的元素,返回true //lrem 删除队列中左起指定数量的字符 $redis->lrem('fooList', 1, '_'); //删除队列中左起(右起使用-1)1个字符'_'(若有) //lpop/rpop 类似栈结构地弹出(并删除)最左或最右的一个元素 $redis->lpop('fooList'); //'bar0' $redis->rpop('fooList'); //'bar2' //ltrim 队列修改,保留左边起若干元素,其余删除 $redis->ltrim('fooList', 0, 1); //保留左边起第0个至第1个元素 //rpoplpush 从一个队列中pop出元素并push到另一个队列 $redis->rpush('list1', 'ab0'); $redis->rpush('list1', 'ab1'); $redis->rpush('list2', 'ab2'); $redis->rpush('list2', 'ab3'); //结果list1 => array('ab0'),list2 => array('ab1','ab2','ab3') $redis->rpoplpush('list1', 'list2'); //也适用于同一个队列,把最后一个元素移到头部list2 => array('ab3','ab1','ab2') $redis->rpoplpush('list2', 'list2'); //linsert 在队列的中间指定元素前或后插入元素 $redis->linsert('list2', 'before', 'ab1', '123'); //表示在元素'ab1'之前插入'123' $redis->linsert('list2', 'after', 'ab1', '456'); //表示在元素'ab1'之后插入'456' //blpop/brpop 阻塞并等待一个列队不为空时,再pop出最左或最右的一个元素 //brpoplpush 同样是阻塞并等待操作,结果同rpoplpush一样 $redis->blpop('list3', 10); //如果list3为空则一直等待,直到不为空时将第一元素弹出,10秒后超时 /** set表操作 */ //sadd 增加元素,返回true,重复返回false $redis->sadd('set1', 'ab'); $redis->sadd('set1', 'cd'); $redis->sadd('set1', 'ef'); //srem 移除指定元素 $redis->srem('set1', 'cd'); //删除'cd'元素 //spop 弹出首元素 $redis->spop('set1'); //smove 移动当前set表的指定元素到另一个set表 $redis->sadd('set2', '123'); //移动'set1'中的'ab'到'set2',返回true or false $redis->smove('set1', 'set2', 'ab'); //scard 返回当前set表元素个数 $redis->scard('set2'); //2 //sismember 判断元素是否属于当前表 $redis->sismember('set2', '123'); //true or false //smembers 返回当前表的所有元素 $redis->smembers('set2'); //array('123','ab'); //sinter/sunion/sdiff 返回两个表中元素的交集/并集/补集 $redis->sadd('set1', 'ab'); $redis->sinter('set2', 'set1'); //返回array('ab') //sinterstore/sunionstore/sdiffstore 将两个表交集/并集/补集元素copy到第三个表中 $redis->set('foo', 0); //这边等同于将'set1'的内容copy到'foo'中,并将'foo'转为set表 $redis->sinterstore('foo', 'set1'); //将'set1'和'set2'中相同的元素copy到'foo'表中,覆盖'foo'原有内容 $redis->sinterstore('foo', array('set1', 'set2')); //srandmember 返回表中一个随机元素 $redis->srandmember('set1'); /** 有序set表操作 */ //sadd 增加元素,并设置序号,返回true,重复返回false $redis->zadd('zset1', 1, 'ab'); $redis->zadd('zset1', 2, 'cd'); $redis->zadd('zset1', 3, 'ef'); //zincrby 对指定元素索引值的增减,改变元素排列次序 $redis->zincrby('zset1', 10, 'ab'); //返回11 //zrem 移除指定元素 $redis->zrem('zset1', 'ef'); //true or false //zrange 按位置次序返回表中指定区间的元素 $redis->zrange('zset1', 0, 1); //返回位置0和1之间(两个)的元素 $redis->zrange('zset1', 0,- 1); //返回位置0和倒数第一个元素之间的元素(相当于所有元素) //zrevrange 同上,返回表中指定区间的元素,按次序倒排 $redis->zrevrange('zset1', 0,- 1); //元素顺序和zrange相反 //zrangebyscore/zrevrangebyscore 按顺序/降序返回表中指定索引区间的元素 $redis->zadd('zset1', 3, 'ef'); $redis->zadd('zset1', 5, 'gh'); $redis->zrangebyscore('zset1', 2, 9); //返回索引值2-9之间的元素 array('ef','gh') //参数形式 //返回索引值2-9之间的元素并包含索引值 array(array('ef',3),array('gh',5)) $redis->zrangebyscore('zset1', 2, 9, 'withscores'); // 返回索引值2-9之间的元素,'withscores' => true表示包含索引值; // 'limit'=>array(1, 2),表示最多返回2条,结果为array(array('ef',3),array('gh',5)) $redis->zrangebyscore('zset1', 2, 9, array('withscores' => true, 'limit' => array(1, 2))); //zunionstore/zinterstore 将多个表的并集/交集存入另一个表中 //将'zset1','zset2','zset0'的并集存入'zset3' $redis->zunionstore('zset3', array('zset1', 'zset2', 'zset0')); //其它参数 //weights参数表示权重,其中表示并集后值大于5的元素排在前,大于0的排在后 $redis->zunionstore('zset3', array('zset1', 'zset2'), array('weights' => array(5, 0))); //'aggregate' => 'max'或'min'表示并集后相同的元素是取大值或是取小值 $redis->zunionstore('zset3', array('zset1', 'zset2'), array('aggregate' => 'max')); //zcount 统计一个索引区间的元素个数 $redis->zcount('zset1', 3, 5); //2 //'(3'表示索引值在3-5之间但不含3,同理也可以使用'(5'表示上限为5但不含5 $redis->zcount('zset1', '(3', 5)); //zcard 统计元素个数 $redis->zcard('zset1'); //4 //zscore 查询元素的索引 $redis->zscore('zset1', 'ef'); //3 //zremrangebyscore 删除一个索引区间的元素 $redis->zremrangebyscore('zset1', 0, 2); //删除索引在0-2之间的元素('ab','cd'),返回删除元素个数2 //zrank/zrevrank 返回元素所在表顺序/降序的位置(不是索引) $redis->zrank('zset1', 'ef'); //返回0,因为它是第一个元素;zrevrank则返回1(最后一个) //zremrangebyrank 删除表中指定位置区间的元素 $redis->zremrangebyrank('zset1', 0, 10); //删除位置为0-10的元素,返回删除的元素个数2 /** hash表操作 */ //hset/hget 存取hash表的数据 $redis->hset('hash1', 'key1', 'v1'); //将key为'key1' value为'v1'的元素存入hash1表 $redis->hset('hash1', 'key2', 'v2'); $redis->hget('hash1', 'key1'); //取出表'hash1'中的key 'key1'的值,返回'v1' //hexists 返回hash表中的指定key是否存在 $redis->hexists ('hash1', 'key1'); //true or false //hdel 删除hash表中指定key的元素 $redis->hdel('hash1', 'key2'); //true or false //hlen 返回hash表元素个数 $redis->hlen('hash1'); //1 //hsetnx 增加一个元素,但不能重复 $redis->hsetnx('hash1', 'key1', 'v2'); //false $redis->hsetnx('hash1', 'key2', 'v2'); //true //hmset/hmget 存取多个元素到hash表 $redis->hmset('hash1', array('key3' => 'v3', 'key4' => 'v4')); $redis->hmget('hash1', array('key3', 'key4')); //返回相应的值 array('v3','v4') //hincrby 对指定key进行累加 $redis->hincrby('hash1', 'key5', 3); //返回3 $redis->hincrby('hash1', 'key5', 10); //返回13 //hkeys 返回hash表中的所有key $redis->hkeys('hash1'); //返回array('key1','key2','key3','key4','key5') //hvals 返回hash表中的所有value $redis->hvals('hash1'); //返回array('v1','v2','v3','v4',13) //hgetall 返回整个hash表元素 //返回array('key1'=>'v1','key2'=>'v2','key3'=>'v3','key4'=>'v4','key5'=>13) $redis->hgetall('hash1'); /** 排序操作 */ //sort 排序 $redis->rpush('tab', 3); $redis->rpush('tab', 2); $redis->rpush('tab', 17); $redis->sort('tab'); //返回array(2,3,17) //使用参数,可组合使用 array('sort' => 'desc','limit' => array(1, 2)) $redis->sort('tab', array('sort' => 'desc')); //降序排列,返回array(17,3,2) //返回顺序位置中1的元素2个(这里的2是指个数,而不是位置),返回array(3,17) $redis->sort('tab', array('limit' => array(1, 2))); //按首字符排序返回array(17,2,3),因为17的首字符是'1'所以排首位置 $redis->sort('tab', array('limit' => array('alpha' => true))); //表示永久性排序,返回元素个数 $redis->sort('tab', array('limit' => array('store' => 'ordered'))); //使用了通配符'*'过滤元素,表示只返回以'pre_'开头的元素 $redis->sort('tab', array('limit' => array('get' => 'pre_*'))); /** redis管理操作 */ //select 指定要操作的数据库 $redis->select('mydb'); //指定为mydb,不存在则创建 //flushdb 清空当前库 $redis->flushdb(); //move 移动当库的元素到其它库 $redis->set('foo', 'bar'); $redis->move('foo', 'mydb2'); //若'mydb2'库存在 //info 显示服务当状态信息 $redis->info(); //slaveof 配置从服务器 //配置127.0.0.1端口80的服务器为从服务器 $redis->slaveof('', 80); $redis->slaveof(); //清除从服务器 //同步保存服务器数据到磁盘 $redis->save(); //异步保存服务器数据到磁盘 $redis->bgsave(); //?? $redis->bgrewriteaof(); //返回最后更新磁盘的时间 $redis->lastsave(); //set/get多个key-value $mkv = array ( 'usr:0001' => 'First user', 'usr:0002' => 'Second user', 'usr:0003' => 'Third user' ); $redis->mset($mkv); //存储多个key对应的value $retval = $redis->mget(array_keys($mkv)); //获取多个key对应的value print_r($retval); //批量操作 $replies = $redis->pipeline(function($pipe) { $pipe->ping(); $pipe->flushdb(); $pipe->incrby('counter', 10); //增量操作 $pipe->incrby('counter', 30); $pipe->exists('counter'); $pipe->get('counter'); $pipe->mget('does_not_exist', 'counter'); }); print_r($replies); //CAS,事务性操作 function zpop($client, $zsetKey) { $element = null; $options = array ( 'cas' => true, // Initialize with support for CAS operations 'watch' => $zsetKey, // Key that needs to be WATCHed to detect changes 'retry' => 3, // Number of retries on aborted transactions, after // which the client bails out with an exception. ); $txReply = $client->multiExec($options, function($tx ) use ($zsetKey, & $element) { @ list($element) = $tx->zrange($zsetKey, 0, 0); if (isset($element)) { $tx->multi(); // With CAS, MULTI *must* be explicitly invoked. $tx->zrem($zsetKey, $element); } }); return $element; } $zpopped = zpop($redis, 'zset'); echo isset($zpopped)? "ZPOPed $zpopped" : "Nothing to ZPOP!", "\n"; //对存取的key加前缀,如: 'nrk:' $redis->getProfile()->setPreprocessor(new KeyPrefixPreprocessor('nrk:')); //分布式存储的一些方法 $multiple_servers = array ( array ( 'host' => '', 'port' => 6379, 'database' => 15, 'alias' => 'first', ), array ( 'host' => '', 'port' => 6380, 'database' => 15, 'alias' => 'second', ), ); use Predis\Distribution\IDistributionStrategy; class NaiveDistributionStrategy implements IDistributionStrategy { private $_nodes, $_nodesCount; public function __constructor() { $this->_nodes = array(); $this->_nodesCount = 0; } public function add($node, $weight = null) { $this->_nodes [ ] = $node; $this->_nodesCount ++; } public function remove($node) { $this->_nodes = array_filter($this->_nodes, function($n) use($node) { return $n !== $node; }); $this->_nodesCount = count($this->_nodes); } public function get($key) { $count = $this->_nodesCount; if ($count === 0) { throw new RuntimeException('No connections'); } return $this->_nodes [ $count > 1 ? abs(crc32($key) % $count) : 0 ]; } public function generateKey($value) { return crc32($value); } } //配置键分布策略 $options = array ( 'key_distribution' => new NaiveDistributionStrategy(), ); $redis = new Predis\Client($multiple_servers, $options); for ($i = 0; $i set("key:$i", str_pad($i, 4, '0', 0)); $redis->get("key:$i"); } $server1 = $redis->getClientFor('first')-> info(); $server2 = $redis->getClientFor('second')-> info(); printf("Server '%s' has %d keys while server '%s' has %d keys.\n", 'first', $server1 [ 'db15' ] [ 'keys' ], 'second', $server2 [ 'db15' ] [ 'keys' ] );
<?php namespace Illuminate\Redis\Connections; use Closure; use Illuminate\Contracts\Redis\Connection as ConnectionContract; use Illuminate\Support\Str; use Redis; use RedisCluster; use RedisException; /** * @mixin \Redis */ class PhpRedisConnection extends Connection implements ConnectionContract { /** * The connection creation callback. * * @var callable */ protected $connector; /** * Create a new PhpRedis connection. * * @param \Redis $client * @param callable $connector * @return void */ public function __construct($client, callable $connector = null) { $this->client = $client; $this->connector = $connector; } /** * Returns the value of the given key. * * @param string $key * @return string|null */ public function get($key) { $result = $this->command('get', [$key]); return $result !== false ? $result : null; } /** * Get the values of all the given keys. * * @param array $keys * @return array */ public function mget(array $keys) { return array_map(function ($value) { return $value !== false ? $value : null; }, $this->command('mget', [$keys])); } /** * Determine if the given keys exist. * * @param mixed $keys * @return int */ public function exists(...$keys) { $keys = collect($keys)->map(function ($key) { return $this->applyPrefix($key); })->all(); return $this->executeRaw(array_merge(['exists'], $keys)); } /** * Set the string value in argument as value of the key. * * @param string $key * @param mixed $value * @param string|null $expireResolution * @param int|null $expireTTL * @param string|null $flag * @return bool */ public function set($key, $value, $expireResolution = null, $expireTTL = null, $flag = null) { return $this->command('set', [ $key, $value, $expireResolution ? [$flag, $expireResolution => $expireTTL] : null, ]); } /** * Set the given key if it doesn't exist. * * @param string $key * @param string $value * @return int */ public function setnx($key, $value) { return (int) $this->command('setnx', [$key, $value]); } /** * Get the value of the given hash fields. * * @param string $key * @param mixed $dictionary * @return array */ public function hmget($key, ...$dictionary) { if (count($dictionary) === 1) { $dictionary = $dictionary[0]; } return array_values($this->command('hmget', [$key, $dictionary])); } /** * Set the given hash fields to their respective values. * * @param string $key * @param mixed $dictionary * @return int */ public function hmset($key, ...$dictionary) { if (count($dictionary) === 1) { $dictionary = $dictionary[0]; } else { $input = collect($dictionary); $dictionary = $input->nth(2)->combine($input->nth(2, 1))->toArray(); } return $this->command('hmset', [$key, $dictionary]); } /** * Set the given hash field if it doesn't exist. * * @param string $hash * @param string $key * @param string $value * @return int */ public function hsetnx($hash, $key, $value) { return (int) $this->command('hsetnx', [$hash, $key, $value]); } /** * Removes the first count occurrences of the value element from the list. * * @param string $key * @param int $count * @param mixed $value * @return int|false */ public function lrem($key, $count, $value) { return $this->command('lrem', [$key, $value, $count]); } /** * Removes and returns the first element of the list stored at key. * * @param mixed $arguments * @return array|null */ public function blpop(...$arguments) { $result = $this->command('blpop', $arguments); return empty($result) ? null : $result; } /** * Removes and returns the last element of the list stored at key. * * @param mixed $arguments * @return array|null */ public function brpop(...$arguments) { $result = $this->command('brpop', $arguments); return empty($result) ? null : $result; } /** * Removes and returns a random element from the set value at key. * * @param string $key * @param int|null $count * @return mixed|false */ public function spop($key, $count = 1) { return $this->command('spop', [$key, $count]); } /** * Add one or more members to a sorted set or update its score if it already exists. * * @param string $key * @param mixed $dictionary * @return int */ public function zadd($key, ...$dictionary) { if (is_array(end($dictionary))) { foreach (array_pop($dictionary) as $member => $score) { $dictionary[] = $score; $dictionary[] = $member; } } $key = $this->applyPrefix($key); return $this->executeRaw(array_merge(['zadd', $key], $dictionary)); } /** * Return elements with score between $min and $max. * * @param string $key * @param mixed $min * @param mixed $max * @param array $options * @return array */ public function zrangebyscore($key, $min, $max, $options = []) { if (isset($options['limit'])) { $options['limit'] = [ $options['limit']['offset'], $options['limit']['count'], ]; } return $this->command('zRangeByScore', [$key, $min, $max, $options]); } /** * Return elements with score between $min and $max. * * @param string $key * @param mixed $min * @param mixed $max * @param array $options * @return array */ public function zrevrangebyscore($key, $min, $max, $options = []) { if (isset($options['limit'])) { $options['limit'] = [ $options['limit']['offset'], $options['limit']['count'], ]; } return $this->command('zRevRangeByScore', [$key, $min, $max, $options]); } /** * Find the intersection between sets and store in a new set. * * @param string $output * @param array $keys * @param array $options * @return int */ public function zinterstore($output, $keys, $options = []) { return $this->command('zinterstore', [$output, $keys, $options['weights'] ?? null, $options['aggregate'] ?? 'sum', ]); } /** * Find the union between sets and store in a new set. * * @param string $output * @param array $keys * @param array $options * @return int */ public function zunionstore($output, $keys, $options = []) { return $this->command('zunionstore', [$output, $keys, $options['weights'] ?? null, $options['aggregate'] ?? 'sum', ]); } /** * Execute commands in a pipeline. * * @param callable|null $callback * @return \Redis|array */ public function pipeline(callable $callback = null) { $pipeline = $this->client()->pipeline(); return is_null($callback) ? $pipeline : tap($pipeline, $callback)->exec(); } /** * Execute commands in a transaction. * * @param callable|null $callback * @return \Redis|array */ public function transaction(callable $callback = null) { $transaction = $this->client()->multi(); return is_null($callback) ? $transaction : tap($transaction, $callback)->exec(); } /** * Evaluate a LUA script serverside, from the SHA1 hash of the script instead of the script itself. * * @param string $script * @param int $numkeys * @param mixed $arguments * @return mixed */ public function evalsha($script, $numkeys, ...$arguments) { return $this->command('evalsha', [ $this->script('load', $script), $arguments, $numkeys, ]); } /** * Evaluate a script and return its result. * * @param string $script * @param int $numberOfKeys * @param dynamic $arguments * @return mixed */ public function eval($script, $numberOfKeys, ...$arguments) { return $this->command('eval', [$script, $arguments, $numberOfKeys]); } /** * Subscribe to a set of given channels for messages. * * @param array|string $channels * @param \Closure $callback * @return void */ public function subscribe($channels, Closure $callback) { $this->client->subscribe((array) $channels, function ($redis, $channel, $message) use ($callback) { $callback($message, $channel); }); } /** * Subscribe to a set of given channels with wildcards. * * @param array|string $channels * @param \Closure $callback * @return void */ public function psubscribe($channels, Closure $callback) { $this->client->psubscribe((array) $channels, function ($redis, $pattern, $channel, $message) use ($callback) { $callback($message, $channel); }); } /** * Subscribe to a set of given channels for messages. * * @param array|string $channels * @param \Closure $callback * @param string $method * @return void */ public function createSubscription($channels, Closure $callback, $method = 'subscribe') { // } /** * Flush the selected Redis database. * * @return void */ public function flushdb() { if (! $this->client instanceof RedisCluster) { return $this->command('flushdb'); } foreach ($this->client->_masters() as [$host, $port]) { tap(new Redis)->connect($host, $port)->flushDb(); } } /** * Execute a raw command. * * @param array $parameters * @return mixed */ public function executeRaw(array $parameters) { return $this->command('rawCommand', $parameters); } /** * Run a command against the Redis database. * * @param string $method * @param array $parameters * @return mixed */ public function command($method, array $parameters = []) { try { return parent::command($method, $parameters); } catch (RedisException $e) { if (Str::contains($e->getMessage(), 'went away')) { $this->client = $this->connector ? call_user_func($this->connector) : $this->client; } throw $e; } } /** * Disconnects from the Redis instance. * * @return void */ public function disconnect() { $this->client->close(); } /** * Apply prefix to the given key if necessary. * * @param string $key * @return string */ private function applyPrefix($key) { $prefix = (string) $this->client->getOption(Redis::OPT_PREFIX); return $prefix.$key; } /** * Pass other method calls down to the underlying client. * * @param string $method * @param array $parameters * @return mixed */ public function __call($method, $parameters) { return parent::__call(strtolower($method), $parameters); } }
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