2022/2/19 6:14:31
decomposition n.分解,腐烂,变质;
unimodal adj.单峰的;
1000ms 65536K
A sequence of positive integers is Palindromic if it reads the same forward and backward. For example:
23 11 15 1 37 37 1 15 11 23
1 1 2 3 4 7 7 10 7 7 4 3 2 1 1
A Palindromic sequence is Unimodal Palindromic if the values do not decrease up to the middle value and then (since the sequence is palindromic) do not increase from the middle to the end For example, the first example sequence above is NOT Unimodal Palindromic while the second example is.
A Unimodal Palindromic sequence is a Unimodal Palindromic Decomposition of an integer N, if the sum of the integers in the sequence is N. For example, all of the Unimodal Palindromic Decompositions of the first few integers are given below:
1: (1)
2: (2), (1 1)
3: (3), (1 1 1)
4: (4), (1 2 1), (2 2), (1 1 1 1)
5: (5), (1 3 1), (1 1 1 1 1)
6: (6), (1 4 1), (2 2 2), (1 1 2 1 1), (3 3),
(1 2 2 1), ( 1 1 1 1 1 1)
7: (7), (1 5 1), (2 3 2), (1 1 3 1 1), (1 1 1 1 1 1 1)
8: (8), (1 6 1), (2 4 2), (1 1 4 1 1), (1 2 2 2 1),
(1 1 1 2 1 1 1), ( 4 4), (1 3 3 1), (2 2 2 2),
(1 1 2 2 1 1), (1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1)
Write a program, which computes the number of Unimodal Palindromic Decompositions of an integer.
Input consists of a sequence of positive integers, one per line ending with a 0 (zero) indicating the end. 输入由一系列正整数组成,每行一个,以0(零)表示结束。输出:
For each input value except the last, the output is a line containing the input value followed by a space, then the number of Unimodal Palindromic Decompositions of the input value. See the example on the next page. 对于除最后一个之外的每个输入值,输出是一行,包含输入值,后跟一个空格,然后是输入值的单峰回文分解数。请参见下一页的示例。样例输入:
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 23 24 131 213 92 0
2 2 3 2 4 4 5 3 6 7 7 5 8 11 10 17 23 104 24 199 131 5010688 213 1055852590 92 331143
N < 250Source: Greater New York 2002
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