How to Connect to Dynamics 365 Data from PowerBI Desktop

2022/2/24 6:23:24

本文主要是介绍How to Connect to Dynamics 365 Data from PowerBI Desktop,对大家解决编程问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的程序猿们随着小编来一起学习吧!

  1. Log in to Dynamics 365 online.

  2. Click on the "Settings" tile.

  3. Choose "Customizations.

  4. Choose "Developer Resources.

  5. Copy the url listed under "Instance Web API," and save it for entering into PowerBI Desktop

  6. With the saved url, we can point PowerBI Desktop to CRM data on Dynamics 365

  7. Start PowerBI Desktop and then select "Get Data" either from the Splash Screen or from the ribbon at the top of the screen


  8. Type CRM into the search box to locate CRM for Dynamics 365 Online. Then click on the "connect" button

  9. Enter the CRM url (saved earlier) and click "OK."

  10. In the "Access an OData feed" dialog box, select "Organizational account" and then click "Sign in."

  11. You may then need to sign in to your CRM for Dynamics 365 Online with your username and password

  12. Verify that you are signed in by making sure you see the message "You are currently signed in" in the dialog box and then click "Connect."

  13. The navigation screen will allow you to select the CRM entities whose data you want to load into PowerBI Desktop.
    Note, if you click "Load," all the data and every field in the selected entities will be loaded into PowerBI.
    Best practice would be to click "Edit" and select the columns of data you need for reporting

    With your CRM data loaded into PowerBI, you can now start building reports. After you publish them, your PowerBI Service users will be able to build their own dashboards using CRM data.

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