温故MySQL - 16 索引优化:索引失效的情况
2022/3/18 19:28:34
本文主要是介绍温故MySQL - 16 索引优化:索引失效的情况,对大家解决编程问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的程序猿们随着小编来一起学习吧!
- 数据准备
- 1. 全值匹配
- 2. 最佳左前缀规则
- 3. 主键插入顺序
- 4. 计算、函数、类型转换导致索引失效
- 5. 范围条件右边的列索引失效
- 6. 不等于(!= 或者<>)索引失效
- 7. is null可以使用索引,is not null无法使用索引
- 8. like以通配符%开头索引失效
- 9. OR 前后存在非索引的列,索引失效
- 10. 数据库和表的字符集统一使用utf8mb4
# 创建表class CREATE TABLE `class` ( `id` INT(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `className` VARCHAR(30) DEFAULT NULL, `address` VARCHAR(40) DEFAULT NULL, `monitor` INT NULL , PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=INNODB AUTO_INCREMENT=1 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; # 创建表student CREATE TABLE `student` ( `id` INT(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `stuno` INT NOT NULL , `name` VARCHAR(20) DEFAULT NULL, `age` INT(3) DEFAULT NULL, `classId` INT(11) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) #CONSTRAINT `fk_class_id` FOREIGN KEY (`classId`) REFERENCES `t_class` (`id`) ) ENGINE=INNODB AUTO_INCREMENT=1 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; # 允许创建函数设置 set global log_bin_trust_function_creators=1; #随机产生字符串 DELIMITER // CREATE FUNCTION rand_string(n INT) RETURNS VARCHAR(255) BEGIN DECLARE chars_str VARCHAR(100) DEFAULT 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFJHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'; DECLARE return_str VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT ''; DECLARE i INT DEFAULT 0; WHILE i < n DO SET return_str =CONCAT(return_str,SUBSTRING(chars_str,FLOOR(1+RAND()*52),1)); SET i = i + 1; END WHILE; RETURN return_str; END // DELIMITER ; #用于随机产生多少到多少的编号 DELIMITER // CREATE FUNCTION rand_num (from_num INT ,to_num INT) RETURNS INT(11) BEGIN DECLARE i INT DEFAULT 0; SET i = FLOOR(from_num +RAND()*(to_num - from_num+1)) ; RETURN i; END // DELIMITER ; #创建往stu表中插入数据的存储过程 DELIMITER // CREATE PROCEDURE insert_stu( START INT , max_num INT ) BEGIN DECLARE i INT DEFAULT 0; SET autocommit = 0; #设置手动提交事务 REPEAT #循环 SET i = i + 1; #赋值 INSERT INTO student (stuno, name ,age ,classId ) VALUES ((START+i),rand_string(6),rand_num(1,50),rand_num(1,1000)); UNTIL i = max_num END REPEAT; COMMIT; #提交事务 END // DELIMITER ; #执行存储过程,往class表添加随机数据 DELIMITER // CREATE PROCEDURE `insert_class`( max_num INT ) BEGIN DECLARE i INT DEFAULT 0; SET autocommit = 0; REPEAT SET i = i + 1; INSERT INTO class ( classname,address,monitor ) VALUES (rand_string(8),rand_string(10),rand_num(1,100000)); UNTIL i = max_num END REPEAT; COMMIT; END // DELIMITER ; # 调用存储过程 CALL insert_class(10000); CALL insert_stu(100000,500000); # 删除某表上的索引 DELIMITER // CREATE PROCEDURE `proc_drop_index`(dbname VARCHAR(200),tablename VARCHAR(200)) BEGIN DECLARE done INT DEFAULT 0; DECLARE ct INT DEFAULT 0; DECLARE _index VARCHAR(200) DEFAULT ''; DECLARE _cur CURSOR FOR SELECT index_name FROM information_schema.STATISTICS WHERE table_schema=dbname AND table_name=tablename AND seq_in_index=1 AND index_name <>'PRIMARY' ; #每个游标必须使用不同的declare continue handler for not found set done=1来控制游标的结束 DECLARE CONTINUE HANDLER FOR NOT FOUND set done=2 ; #若没有数据返回,程序继续,并将变量done设为2 OPEN _cur; FETCH _cur INTO _index; WHILE _index<>'' DO SET @str = CONCAT("drop index " , _index , " on " , tablename ); PREPARE sql_str FROM @str ; EXECUTE sql_str; DEALLOCATE PREPARE sql_str; SET _index=''; FETCH _cur INTO _index; END WHILE; CLOSE _cur; END // DELIMITER ; # 执行存储过程 # CALL proc_drop_index("dbname","tablename"); CALL proc_drop_index("atguigudb1","student");
1. 全值匹配
explain select sql_no_cache * from student where age=30 and classId=4 and name='abcd';
create index idx_age on student(age); explain select sql_no_cache * from student where age=30 and classId=4 and name='abcd';
(2)idx_age索引并不包含classId和name列,存储引擎需要根据二级索引记录执行回表操作,并将完整的用户记录返回给server层之后,再在server层判断这个条件age=30 and classId=4 and name='abcd'
是否成立,因此extra是using where。
create index idx_age_classId on student(age,classId); explain select sql_no_cache * from student where age=30 and classId=4 and name='abcd';
(2)idx_age_classId索引并不包含name列,存储引擎需要根据二级索引记录执行回表操作,并将完整的用户记录返回给server层之后,再在server层判断这个条件age=30 and classId=4 and name='abcd'
是否成立,因此extra是using where。
create index idx_age_classId_name on student(age,classId,name); explain select sql_no_cache * from student where age=30 and classId=4 and name='abcd';
2. 最佳左前缀规则
drop index idx_age on student; drop index idx_age_classId on student; drop index idx_age_classId_name on student;
create index idx_age_classId_name on student(age,classId,name); explain select sql_no_cache * from student where age=30 and name='abcd';
(2)如果在查询语句的执行过程中使用索引下推特性,在extra列中将会显示using index condition。
explain select sql_no_cache * from student where classId=1 and name='abcd';
explain select sql_no_cache * from student where classId=1 and age=30 and name='abcd';
explain select sql_no_cache * from student where classId=1 and age=30 ;
explain select sql_no_cache * from student where classId=1 ;
3. 主键插入顺序
所以我们建议:让主键具有 AUTO_INCREMENT ,让存储引擎为自己表生成主键,而不是我们手动插入。
我们自定义的主键列 id 拥有 AUTO_INCREMENT 属性,在插入记录时存储引擎会自动为我们填入自增的 主键值。这样的主键占用空间小,顺序写入,减少页分裂。
4. 计算、函数、类型转换导致索引失效
drop index idx_age_classId_name on student;
create index idx_name on student(name); explain select sql_no_cache * from student where name like 'abc%';
// 使用left函数 explain select sql_no_cache * from student where left(name,3)='abc';
create index idx_stuno on student(stuno); explain select sql_no_cache * from student where stuno=900000;
explain select sql_no_cache * from student where stuno+1=900001;
explain select sql_no_cache * from student where name="123";
explain select sql_no_cache * from student where name=123;
5. 范围条件右边的列索引失效
create index idx_age_classid_name on student(age,classid,name); explain select sql_no_cache * from student where age=30 and classId>20 and name='abc';
create index idx_age_name_classid on student(age,name,classId); explain select sql_no_cache * from student where age=30 and classId>20 and name='abc';
6. 不等于(!= 或者<>)索引失效
// 删除所有索引 CALL proc_drop_index("atguigudb1","student"); // 创建索引 create index idx_name on student(name); explain select * from student where name !='abc';
7. is null可以使用索引,is not null无法使用索引
explain select * from student where name is null;
explain select * from student where name is not null;
设计数据表的时候将字段设置为not null约束,比如将int类型的字段默认值设为0,将字符类型的默认值设置为空字符串(‘’);
8. like以通配符%开头索引失效
explain select * from student where name like "%abc";
explain select * from student where name like "a%bc";
explain select * from student where name like "abc%";
9. OR 前后存在非索引的列,索引失效
create index idx_name on student(name); explain select sql_no_cache * from student where name='abc' or classId=20;
create index idx_classId on student(classId); explain select sql_no_cache * from student where name='abc' or classId=20;
10. 数据库和表的字符集统一使用utf8mb4
这篇关于温故MySQL - 16 索引优化:索引失效的情况的文章就介绍到这儿,希望我们推荐的文章对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持为之网!
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