2022/3/19 19:30:25
project: DQL Date: 2021/12/7 Author: yrdm
select 字段 from 表名 where 条件 group by 分组字段 having 分组之后的操作 order by 排序 limit 分页限定
-- 方便起见先创建一张表 CREATE TABLE student ( id int, -- 编号 name varchar(20), -- 姓名 age int, -- 年龄 sex varchar(5), -- 性别 address varchar(100), -- 地址 math int, -- 数学 english int -- 英语 ); INSERT INTO student(id,NAME,age,sex,address,math,english) VALUES (1,'马云',55,'男', '杭州',66,78),(2,'马化腾',45,'女','深圳',98,87),(3,'马景涛',55,'男','香港',56,77),(4,'柳岩' ,20,'女','湖南',76,65),(5,'柳青',20,'男','湖南',86,NULL),(6, '刘德华',57,'男','香港' ,99,99),(7,'马德',22,'女','香港',99,99),(8,'德玛西亚',18,'男','南京',56,65);
-- 基础查询 -- 1.显示表中所有列的信息 select * from 表名; select * from student; --2查询表中特定列的数据 select 字段1,字段2,... from 表名; select id,name,age from student; -- 3.去除重复元素,使用distinct关键字 select distinct 字段 from 表名; select distinct address from student; --4.计算列 用于数值类型的列进行四则运算 select (字段1+字段2) from 表名; select name,(math+english) from student; --5.起别名,用关键字as(as可以省略,字段名与别名用空格隔开即可) SELECT 字段名 1 AS 别名1, 字段名 2 AS 别名2... FROM 表名; select name as 姓名,math as 数学,english as 英语 from student;
--条件查询 1.使用where关键字 2.运算符:(具体含义不解释了,会举例) > < >= <= = <> != --不等于 between ... and... in(集合) like '%字符%' 模糊查询 知到 % 和 _ 使用 IS NULL 3.比较运算符 and 或 && or 或 || not 或 ! select * from student where math > 70; select * from student where english <= 80; select * from student where sex = '女'; select * from student where sex <> '女'; select * from student where math > 70 and math < 80; select * from student where math between 70 and 80; select * from student where age in(55,44,33,20); SELECT * FROM student WHERE NAME LIKE '柳_';--查询名字为2个字且第一个字为柳 SELECT *FROM student WHERE NAME LIKE'马%';-- %代表0个或多个字符,进行模糊查找 select * from student where english is not null; select * from student where english is null;
-- 排序查询 order by 字段1 排序方式1,字段2 排序方式2 ... 排序方式: 升序 ASC 降序 DESC SELECT * FROM student ORDER BY age DESC; select * from student order by math desc,english desc;
-- 聚合函数 将一列数据作为一个整体,进行纵向计算 count max min sum avg 不会计算null值 SELECT COUNT(NAME) FROM student; select count(english) from student; SELECT COUNT(IFNULL(english,0)) FROM student; select count(id),max(math),min(english),sum(math),avg(english) from student;
-- 分组查询 分组后查询字段只用分组字段和聚合函数 SELECT sex,AVG(math) FROM student GROUP BY sex; SELECT sex,AVG(math),COUNT(id) FROM student GROUP BY sex; SELECT sex,AVG(math),COUNT(id) FROM student WHERE math > 70 GROUP BY sex; SELECT sex,AVG(math),COUNT(id) FROM student WHERE math > 70 GROUP BY sex HAVING COUNT(id)>2; -- where和having区别 1. where 在分组之前进行限定,如果不满足条件,则不参与分组。having在分组之后进行限定,如果不满足结果,则不会被查询出来 2. where 后不可以跟聚合函数,having可以进行聚合函数的判断。
--分页查询 limit 索引值(0为首位置索引),该页显示的条数 SELECT *FROM student3 LIMIT 0,3;-- 从0开始,查询3条,1-3 SELECT *FROM student3 LIMIT 3,3;-- 从3开始,查询3条 4-6 SELECT *FROM student3 LIMIT 6,3;-- 从6开始,查询3条 7-9
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