2022/4/14 23:15:16
- 文本预处理通常包括四个步骤:
- 读入文本
- 分词(Tokenization)
- 建立词典(vocab),将每个词映射到唯一的索引(index)
- 根据词典,将文本序列转为索引序列,方便输入模型
- 建立词向量矩阵
class ZOLDatesetReader: @staticmethod def __data_Counter__(fnames): # 计数器 jieba_counter = Counter() label_counter = Counter() max_length_text = 0 min_length_text = 1000 max_length_img = 0 min_length_img = 1000 lengths_text = [] lengths_img = [] for fname in fnames: with open(fname, 'r', encoding='utf-8', newline='\n', errors='ignore') as fin: lines = fin.readlines() for i in range(0, len(lines), 4): text_raw = lines[i].strip() imgs = lines[i + 1].strip()[1:-1].split(',') aspect = lines[i + 2].strip() polarity = lines[i + 3].strip() length_text = len(text_raw) length_img = len(imgs) if length_text >= max_length_text: max_length_text = length_text if (length_text <= min_length_text): min_length_text = length_text lengths_text.append(length_text) if length_img >= max_length_img: max_length_img = length_img if (length_img <= min_length_img): min_length_img = length_img lengths_img.append(length_img) jieba_counter.update(text_raw) label_counter.update([polarity]) print(label_counter)
from nltk.corpus import stopwords nltk.download('stopwords') stopwords_list = stopwords.words('english') text = " What? You don't love python?" text = text .split() for word in text : if word in stopwords_list: text .remove(word)
def jieba_cut(text): text = dp_txt(text) stopwords = {}.fromkeys([line.rstrip() for line in open('./datasets/stopwords.txt', encoding='utf-8')]) segs = jieba.cut(text, cut_all=False) final = '' for seg in segs: seg = str(seg) if seg not in stopwords: final += seg seg_list = jieba.cut(final, cut_all=False) text_cut = ' '.join(seg_list) return text_cut
self.word2idx = {} self.idx2word = {} self.idx = 1 def fit_on_text(self, text): if self.lower: text = text.lower() words = text.split() for word in words: if word not in self.word2idx: self.word2idx[word] = self.idx self.idx2word[self.idx] = word self.idx += 1
def text_to_sequence(self, text, isaspect=False , reverse=False): if self.lower: text = text.lower() words = text.split() unknownidx = len(self.word2idx)+1 sequence = [self.word2idx[w] if w in self.word2idx else unknownidx for w in words] if len(sequence) == 0: sequence = [0] pad_and_trunc = 'post' # use post padding together with torch.nn.utils.rnn.pack_padded_sequence if reverse: sequence = sequence[::-1] if isaspect: return Tokenizer.pad_sequence(sequence, self.max_aspect_len, dtype='int64', padding=pad_and_trunc, truncating=pad_and_trunc) else: return Tokenizer.pad_sequence(sequence, self.max_seq_len, dtype='int64', padding=pad_and_trunc, truncating=pad_and_trunc)
def build_embedding_matrix(word2idx, embed_dim, type): embedding_matrix_file_name = '{0}_{1}_embedding_matrix.dat'.format(str(embed_dim), type) if os.path.exists(embedding_matrix_file_name): print('loading embedding_matrix:', embedding_matrix_file_name) embedding_matrix = pickle.load(open(embedding_matrix_file_name, 'rb')) else: print('loading word vectors...') embedding_matrix = np.random.rand(len(word2idx) + 2, embed_dim) # idx 0 and len(word2idx)+1 are all-zeros fname = '../../datasets/GloveData/glove.6B.' + str(embed_dim) + 'd.txt' \ if embed_dim != 300 else '../../datasets/ChineseWordVectors/sgns.target.word-character.char1-2.dynwin5.thr10.neg5.dim' + str(embed_dim) + '.iter5' word_vec = load_word_vec(fname, word2idx=word2idx) print('building embedding_matrix:', embedding_matrix_file_name) for word, i in word2idx.items(): vec = word_vec.get(word) if vec is not None: # words not found in embedding index will be all-zeros. embedding_matrix[i] = vec pickle.dump(embedding_matrix, open(embedding_matrix_file_name, 'wb')) return embedding_matrix
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