
2022/4/29 7:13:03



  最近在看kafka幂等性的源码的时候,在思考一个问题,既然幂等性是通过producerId + Sequence Number来判断是否重复,那么应该在broker缓存中,有保存producerId 和 Sequence Number,那么如果长时间一直使用,是否会由于 producerId 和 Sequence Number 的增长,造成OOM呢?在网上没找到答案,所以本文通过源码,来找到这个答案


  本文不再从具体的producer代码分析了,直接从ApiKeys的代码开始,直接追踪,前面有不理解的朋友,请参考:【转载】万字长文干货 | Kafka 事务性之幂等性实现 


 1 def handle(request: RequestChannel.Request) {
 2   try {
 3     ...
 4     request.header.apiKey match {
 5       //处理发上来的请求
 6       case ApiKeys.PRODUCE => handleProduceRequest(request)
 7       ...
 8     }
 9   } catch {
10     ...
11   } finally {
12     ...
13   }
14 }



 1 def handleProduceRequest(request: RequestChannel.Request) {
 2   ...
 4   if (authorizedRequestInfo.isEmpty)
 5     ...
 6   else {
 7     val internalTopicsAllowed = request.header.clientId == AdminUtils.AdminClientId
 9     //【重点】添加数据
10     replicaManager.appendRecords(
11       timeout = produceRequest.timeout.toLong,
12       requiredAcks = produceRequest.acks,
13       internalTopicsAllowed = internalTopicsAllowed,
14       isFromClient = true,
15       entriesPerPartition = authorizedRequestInfo,
16       responseCallback = sendResponseCallback,
17       processingStatsCallback = processingStatsCallback)
19     ...
20   }
21 }



 1 def appendRecords(timeout: Long,
 2                   requiredAcks: Short,
 3                   internalTopicsAllowed: Boolean,
 4                   isFromClient: Boolean,
 5                   entriesPerPartition: Map[TopicPartition, MemoryRecords],
 6                   responseCallback: Map[TopicPartition, PartitionResponse] => Unit,
 7                   delayedProduceLock: Option[Lock] = None,
 8                   processingStatsCallback: Map[TopicPartition, RecordsProcessingStats] => Unit = _ => ()) {
 9   if (isValidRequiredAcks(requiredAcks)) {
10     ...
11     //【重点】添加到本地Log
12     val localProduceResults = appendToLocalLog(internalTopicsAllowed = internalTopicsAllowed,
13       isFromClient = isFromClient, entriesPerPartition, requiredAcks)
14     ...
15   } else {
16     ...
17   }
18 }



private def appendToLocalLog(internalTopicsAllowed: Boolean,
                             isFromClient: Boolean,
                             entriesPerPartition: Map[TopicPartition, MemoryRecords],
                             requiredAcks: Short): Map[TopicPartition, LogAppendResult] = {
  trace(s"Append [$entriesPerPartition] to local log")
  entriesPerPartition.map { case (topicPartition, records) =>

    // reject appending to internal topics if it is not allowed
    if (Topic.isInternal(topicPartition.topic) && !internalTopicsAllowed) {
    } else {
      try {
        val partitionOpt = getPartition(topicPartition)
        val info = partitionOpt match {
          case Some(partition) =>
            if (partition eq ReplicaManager.OfflinePartition)
              throw new KafkaStorageException(s"Partition $topicPartition is in an offline log directory on broker $localBrokerId")
            partition.appendRecordsToLeader(records, isFromClient, requiredAcks)

          case None => throw new UnknownTopicOrPartitionException("Partition %s doesn't exist on %d"
            .format(topicPartition, localBrokerId))

      } catch {



 1 def appendRecordsToLeader(records: MemoryRecords, isFromClient: Boolean, requiredAcks: Int = 0): LogAppendInfo = {
 2   val (info, leaderHWIncremented) = inReadLock(leaderIsrUpdateLock) {
 3     leaderReplicaIfLocal match {
 4       case Some(leaderReplica) =>
 5         ...
 7         //【重点】
 8         val info = log.appendAsLeader(records, leaderEpoch = this.leaderEpoch, isFromClient)
 9         ...
10       case None =>
11         ...
12     }
13   }
15   ...
16 }



def appendAsLeader(records: MemoryRecords, leaderEpoch: Int, isFromClient: Boolean = true): LogAppendInfo = {
  append(records, isFromClient, assignOffsets = true, leaderEpoch)



1 private def append(records: MemoryRecords, isFromClient: Boolean, assignOffsets: Boolean, leaderEpoch: Int): LogAppendInfo = {
2   maybeHandleIOException(s"Error while appending records to $topicPartition in dir ${dir.getParent}") {
3     //【重点】检查和验证数据
4     val appendInfo = analyzeAndValidateRecords(records, isFromClient = isFromClient)
5     ...
6   }
7 }



 1 private def analyzeAndValidateProducerState(records: MemoryRecords, isFromClient: Boolean):
 2 (mutable.Map[Long, ProducerAppendInfo], List[CompletedTxn], Option[BatchMetadata]) = {
 3   ...
 5   //遍历所有批次
 6   for (batch <- records.batches.asScala if batch.hasProducerId) {
 7     //【重点】这里就是producerId的缓存,返回的结果是 ProducerStateEntry 类型
 8     val maybeLastEntry = producerStateManager.lastEntry(batch.producerId)
 9     ...
10     if (isFromClient) {
11       //【重点】重点就是findDuplicateBatch方法,是检查每个数据,是否发送重复,这个方法来自ProducerStateEntry类里面
12       maybeLastEntry.flatMap(_.findDuplicateBatch(batch)).foreach { duplicate =>
13         return (updatedProducers, completedTxns.toList, Some(duplicate))
14       }
15     }
17     ...
18   }
19   ...
20 }



def findDuplicateBatch(batch: RecordBatch): Option[BatchMetadata] = {
  if (batch.producerEpoch != producerEpoch)
    //【重点】检查重复的sequence num
    batchWithSequenceRange(batch.baseSequence, batch.lastSequence)



1 def batchWithSequenceRange(firstSeq: Int, lastSeq: Int): Option[BatchMetadata] = {
2   //【重点】过滤出重复的数据,只要offset范围在缓存范围有重合,代表有重复数据
3   val duplicate = batchMetadata.filter { metadata =>
4     firstSeq == metadata.firstSeq && lastSeq == metadata.lastSeq
5   }
6   duplicate.headOption
7 }



1 //【重点】这里就是producerId的缓存,返回的结果是 ProducerStateEntry 类型
2  8     val maybeLastEntry = producerStateManager.lastEntry(batch.producerId)



  可以看到 producerId 就缓存在producers里

//可以看到 producerId 就缓存在producers里
def lastEntry(producerId: Long): Option[ProducerStateEntry] = producers.get(producerId)



1 private val producers = mutable.Map.empty[Long, ProducerStateEntry]


  在上下文搜索下,有没有 删除 prodcuerId的动作,找到下面三个地方


 1 def truncateHead(logStartOffset: Long) {
 2   val evictedProducerEntries = producers.filter { case (_, producerState) =>
 3     !isProducerRetained(producerState, logStartOffset)
 4   }
 6   val evictedProducerIds = evictedProducerEntries.keySet
 8   //【重点】删除producerId
 9   producers --= evictedProducerIds
10   removeEvictedOngoingTransactions(evictedProducerIds)
11   removeUnreplicatedTransactions(logStartOffset)
13   if (lastMapOffset < logStartOffset)
14     lastMapOffset = logStartOffset
16   deleteSnapshotsBefore(logStartOffset)
17   lastSnapOffset = latestSnapshotOffset.getOrElse(logStartOffset)
18 }



 1 def truncateAndReload(logStartOffset: Long, logEndOffset: Long, currentTimeMs: Long) {
 2   // remove all out of range snapshots
 3   deleteSnapshotFiles(logDir, { snapOffset =>
 4     snapOffset > logEndOffset || snapOffset <= logStartOffset
 5   })
 7   if (logEndOffset != mapEndOffset) {
 8     producers.clear()
 9     ongoingTxns.clear()
11     // since we assume that the offset is less than or equal to the high watermark, it is
12     // safe to clear the unreplicated transactions
13     unreplicatedTxns.clear()
14     loadFromSnapshot(logStartOffset, currentTimeMs)
15   } else {
16     //【重点】
17     truncateHead(logStartOffset)
18   }
19 }







    一个来源于 kafka.log.Log#truncateTo,是follower副本向leader副本同步数据的时候触发,这个比较可疑



 1 private[log] def truncateTo(targetOffset: Long): Boolean = {
 2   maybeHandleIOException(s"Error while truncating log to offset $targetOffset for $topicPartition in dir ${dir.getParent}") {
 3     if (targetOffset < 0)
 4       throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Cannot truncate partition $topicPartition to a negative offset (%d).".format(targetOffset))
 5     if (targetOffset >= logEndOffset) {
 6       info(s"Truncating to $targetOffset has no effect as the largest offset in the log is ${logEndOffset - 1}")
 7       false
 8     } else {
 9       info(s"Truncating to offset $targetOffset")
10       lock synchronized {
11         checkIfMemoryMappedBufferClosed()
12         if (segments.firstEntry.getValue.baseOffset > targetOffset) {
13           truncateFullyAndStartAt(targetOffset)
14         } else {
15           val deletable = logSegments.filter(segment => segment.baseOffset > targetOffset)
16           deletable.foreach(deleteSegment)
18           //【重点】清理
19           activeSegment.truncateTo(targetOffset)
20           updateLogEndOffset(targetOffset)
21           this.recoveryPoint = math.min(targetOffset, this.recoveryPoint)
22           this.logStartOffset = math.min(targetOffset, this.logStartOffset)
23           _leaderEpochCache.clearAndFlushLatest(targetOffset)
24           loadProducerState(targetOffset, reloadFromCleanShutdown = false)
25         }
26         true
27       }
28     }
29   }
30 }



1 def truncateTo(offset: Long, isFuture: Boolean) {
2   // The read lock is needed to prevent the follower replica from being truncated while ReplicaAlterDirThread
3   // is executing maybeDeleteAndSwapFutureReplica() to replace follower replica with the future replica.
4   inReadLock(leaderIsrUpdateLock) {
5     //【重点】
6     logManager.truncateTo(Map(topicPartition -> offset), isFuture = isFuture)
7   }
8 }



override def maybeTruncate(fetchedEpochs: Map[TopicPartition, EpochEndOffset]): ResultWithPartitions[Map[TopicPartition, Long]] = {
  val fetchOffsets = scala.collection.mutable.HashMap.empty[TopicPartition, Long]
  val partitionsWithError = mutable.Set[TopicPartition]()

  fetchedEpochs.foreach { case (tp, epochOffset) =>
    try {
      val replica = replicaMgr.getReplicaOrException(tp)
      val partition = replicaMgr.getPartition(tp).get
      //如果 epochOffset 有异常
      if (epochOffset.hasError) {
        info(s"Retrying leaderEpoch request for partition ${replica.topicPartition} as the leader reported an error: ${epochOffset.error}")
        partitionsWithError += tp
      } else {
        val fetchOffset =
          if (epochOffset.endOffset == UNDEFINED_EPOCH_OFFSET) {
            warn(s"Based on follower's leader epoch, leader replied with an unknown offset in ${replica.topicPartition}. " +
              s"The initial fetch offset ${partitionStates.stateValue(tp).fetchOffset} will be used for truncation.")
          } else if (epochOffset.endOffset >= replica.logEndOffset.messageOffset)
            logEndOffset(replica, epochOffset)
        partition.truncateTo(fetchOffset, isFuture = false)
        replicaMgr.replicaAlterLogDirsManager.markPartitionsForTruncation(brokerConfig.brokerId, tp, fetchOffset)
        fetchOffsets.put(tp, fetchOffset)
    } catch {
      case e: KafkaStorageException =>
        info(s"Failed to truncate $tp", e)
        partitionsWithError += tp

  ResultWithPartitions(fetchOffsets, partitionsWithError)



override def doWork() {
  val fetchRequest = inLock(partitionMapLock) {
    val ResultWithPartitions(fetchRequest, partitionsWithError) = buildFetchRequest(states)
    if (fetchRequest.isEmpty) {
      trace(s"There are no active partitions. Back off for $fetchBackOffMs ms before sending a fetch request")
      partitionMapCond.await(fetchBackOffMs, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
  if (!fetchRequest.isEmpty)



 1 override def run(): Unit = {
 2   info("Starting")
 3   try {
 4     while (isRunning)
 5       //【重点】一直执行,直到isRunning=false
 6       doWork()
 7   } catch {
 8     case e: FatalExitError =>
 9       shutdownInitiated.countDown()
10       shutdownComplete.countDown()
11       info("Stopped")
12       Exit.exit(e.statusCode())
13     case e: Throwable =>
14       if (isRunning)
15         error("Error due to", e)
16   } finally {
17      shutdownComplete.countDown()
18   }
19   info("Stopped")
20 }


  ShutdownableThread 的实现类有 kafka.server.AbstractFetcherThread

  kafka.server.AbstractFetcherThread 的实现类有 kafka.server.ReplicaFetcherThread

  kafka.server.ReplicaFetcherThread  这个类被创建,然后运行,就会自动清理了


1 override def createFetcherThread(fetcherId: Int, sourceBroker: BrokerEndPoint): AbstractFetcherThread = {
2   val prefix = threadNamePrefix.map(tp => s"${tp}:").getOrElse("")
3   val threadName = s"${prefix}ReplicaFetcherThread-$fetcherId-${sourceBroker.id}"
4   //新建ReplicaFetcherThread
5   new ReplicaFetcherThread(threadName, fetcherId, sourceBroker, brokerConfig, replicaManager, metrics, time, quotaManager)
6 }



 1 def addFetcherForPartitions(partitionAndOffsets: Map[TopicPartition, BrokerAndInitialOffset]) {
 2   lock synchronized {
 3     val partitionsPerFetcher = partitionAndOffsets.groupBy { case(topicPartition, brokerAndInitialFetchOffset) =>
 4       BrokerAndFetcherId(brokerAndInitialFetchOffset.broker, getFetcherId(topicPartition.topic, topicPartition.partition))}
 6     def addAndStartFetcherThread(brokerAndFetcherId: BrokerAndFetcherId, brokerIdAndFetcherId: BrokerIdAndFetcherId) {
 7       //【重点2】
 8       val fetcherThread = createFetcherThread(brokerAndFetcherId.fetcherId, brokerAndFetcherId.broker)
 9       fetcherThreadMap.put(brokerIdAndFetcherId, fetcherThread)
10       //【重点3】
11       fetcherThread.start
12     }
14     for ((brokerAndFetcherId, initialFetchOffsets) <- partitionsPerFetcher) {
15       val brokerIdAndFetcherId = BrokerIdAndFetcherId(brokerAndFetcherId.broker.id, brokerAndFetcherId.fetcherId)
16       fetcherThreadMap.get(brokerIdAndFetcherId) match {
17         case Some(f) if f.sourceBroker.host == brokerAndFetcherId.broker.host && f.sourceBroker.port == brokerAndFetcherId.broker.port =>
18           // reuse the fetcher thread
19         case Some(f) =>
20           f.shutdown()
21           addAndStartFetcherThread(brokerAndFetcherId, brokerIdAndFetcherId)
22         case None =>
23           //【重点1】
24           addAndStartFetcherThread(brokerAndFetcherId, brokerIdAndFetcherId)
25       }
27       fetcherThreadMap(brokerIdAndFetcherId).addPartitions(initialFetchOffsets.map { case (tp, brokerAndInitOffset) =>
28         tp -> brokerAndInitOffset.initOffset
29       })
30     }
31   }
33   info("Added fetcher for partitions %s".format(partitionAndOffsets.map { case (topicPartition, brokerAndInitialOffset) =>
34     "[" + topicPartition + ", initOffset " + brokerAndInitialOffset.initOffset + " to broker " + brokerAndInitialOffset.broker + "] "}))
35 }



 1 def resizeThreadPool(newSize: Int): Unit = {
 2   def migratePartitions(newSize: Int): Unit = {
 3     fetcherThreadMap.foreach { case (id, thread) =>
 4       val removedPartitions = thread.partitionsAndOffsets
 5       removeFetcherForPartitions(removedPartitions.keySet)
 6       if (id.fetcherId >= newSize)
 7         thread.shutdown()
 8       //【重点】
 9       addFetcherForPartitions(removedPartitions)
10     }
11   }
12   lock synchronized {
13     val currentSize = numFetchersPerBroker
14     info(s"Resizing fetcher thread pool size from $currentSize to $newSize")
15     numFetchersPerBroker = newSize
16     if (newSize != currentSize) {
17       // We could just migrate some partitions explicitly to new threads. But this is currently
18       // reassigning all partitions using the new thread size so that hash-based allocation
19       // works with partition add/delete as it did before.
20       migratePartitions(newSize)
21     }
22     shutdownIdleFetcherThreads()
23   }
24 }



 1 override def reconfigure(oldConfig: KafkaConfig, newConfig: KafkaConfig): Unit = {
 2   if (newConfig.numIoThreads != oldConfig.numIoThreads) {
 3     //【重点】
 4     server.requestHandlerPool.resizeThreadPool(newConfig.numIoThreads)
 5   }
 6   if (newConfig.numNetworkThreads != oldConfig.numNetworkThreads)
 7     server.socketServer.resizeThreadPool(oldConfig.numNetworkThreads, newConfig.numNetworkThreads)
 8   if (newConfig.numReplicaFetchers != oldConfig.numReplicaFetchers)
 9     //【重点】
10     server.replicaManager.replicaFetcherManager.resizeThreadPool(newConfig.numReplicaFetchers)
11   if (newConfig.numRecoveryThreadsPerDataDir != oldConfig.numRecoveryThreadsPerDataDir)
12     server.getLogManager.resizeRecoveryThreadPool(newConfig.numRecoveryThreadsPerDataDir)
13   if (newConfig.backgroundThreads != oldConfig.backgroundThreads)
14     //【重点】
15     server.kafkaScheduler.resizeThreadPool(newConfig.backgroundThreads)
16 }



 1 private def updateCurrentConfig(): Unit = {
 2   val newProps = mutable.Map[String, String]()
 3   newProps ++= staticBrokerConfigs
 4   overrideProps(newProps, dynamicDefaultConfigs)
 5   overrideProps(newProps, dynamicBrokerConfigs)
 6   val oldConfig = currentConfig
 7   val (newConfig, brokerReconfigurablesToUpdate) = processReconfiguration(newProps, validateOnly = false)
 8   if (newConfig ne currentConfig) {
 9     currentConfig = newConfig
10     kafkaConfig.updateCurrentConfig(newConfig)
12     // Process BrokerReconfigurable updates after current config is updated
13     //【重点】
14     brokerReconfigurablesToUpdate.foreach(_.reconfigure(oldConfig, newConfig))
15   }
16 }



 1 private[server] def updateBrokerConfig(brokerId: Int, persistentProps: Properties): Unit = CoreUtils.inWriteLock(lock) {
 2   try {
 3     val props = fromPersistentProps(persistentProps, perBrokerConfig = true)
 4     dynamicBrokerConfigs.clear()
 5     dynamicBrokerConfigs ++= props.asScala
 6     //【重点】
 7     updateCurrentConfig()
 8   } catch {
 9     case e: Exception => error(s"Per-broker configs of $brokerId could not be applied: $persistentProps", e)
10   }
11 }



1 private[server] def initialize(zkClient: KafkaZkClient): Unit = {
2   currentConfig = new KafkaConfig(kafkaConfig.props, false, None)
3   val adminZkClient = new AdminZkClient(zkClient)
4   updateDefaultConfig(adminZkClient.fetchEntityConfig(ConfigType.Broker, ConfigEntityName.Default))
5   val props = adminZkClient.fetchEntityConfig(ConfigType.Broker, kafkaConfig.brokerId.toString)
6   val brokerConfig = maybeReEncodePasswords(props, adminZkClient)
7   //【重点】
8   updateBrokerConfig(kafkaConfig.brokerId, brokerConfig)
9 }




 1 def startup() {
 2   try {
 3     ...
 5     val canStartup = isStartingUp.compareAndSet(false, true)
 6     if (canStartup) {
 7       ...
 9       // initialize dynamic broker configs from ZooKeeper. Any updates made after this will be
10       // applied after DynamicConfigManager starts.
11       //【重点】
12       config.dynamicConfig.initialize(zkClient)
14       ...
15     }
16   }
17   catch {
18     ...
19   }
20 }



