2022/6/2 1:23:18
环境需求 | 示例版本 |
JDK8 | Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_231-b11) |
maven3.5 | 3.10.0-957.el7.x86_64 |
git | git version |
gcc | gcc (GCC) 4.8.5 20150623 (Red Hat 4.8.5-36) |
python3.7 | Python 3.7.0 |
nodejs | 6.4.1 |
https://ranger.apache.org/download.html 示例:wget https://dlcdn.apache.org/ranger/2.1.0/apache-ranger-2.1.0.tar.gz
[root@local opt]# tar -zxvf apache-ranger-2.1.0.tar.gz [root@local opt]# cd apache-ranger-2.1.0 [root@local opt]# mvn -DskipTests=true clean compile package install [root@local opt]# [root@local opt]#
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal on project ranger-hive-plugin: Could not resolve dependencies for project org.apache.ranger:ranger-hive-plugin:jar:2.1.0: Could not find artifact org.glassfish:javax.el:jar:3.0.1 in MavenCentral (https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/) -> [Help 1]
模块:ranger-hbase-plugin-shim 的pom.xml 中hbase-server增加javax.el的exclusion
<dependency> <groupId>org.apache.hbase</groupId> <artifactId>hbase-server</artifactId> <version>${hbase.version}</version> <exclusions> <exclusion> <groupId>org.glassfish</groupId> <artifactId>javax.el</artifactId> </exclusion> <exclusion> <groupId>jdk.tools</groupId> <artifactId>jdk.tools</artifactId> </exclusion> </exclusions> </dependency>
模块:hbase-agent的pom.xml 中hbase-server增加 javax.el的exclusion
<dependency> <groupId>org.apache.hbase</groupId> <artifactId>hbase-server</artifactId> <version>${hbase.version}</version> <exclusions> <exclusion> <groupId>org.apache.hadoop</groupId> <artifactId>*</artifactId> </exclusion> <exclusion> <groupId>jdk.tools</groupId> <artifactId>jdk.tools</artifactId> </exclusion> <exclusion> <groupId>org.glassfish</groupId> <artifactId>javax.el</artifactId> </exclusion> </exclusions> </dependency>
模块:hive-agent的pom.xml 中hive-jdbc和hive-service增加 javax.el的exclusion
<dependency> <groupId>org.apache.hive</groupId> <artifactId>hive-jdbc</artifactId> <version>${hive.version}</version> <exclusions> <exclusion> <groupId>org.glassfish</groupId> <artifactId>javax.el</artifactId> </exclusion> </exclusions> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>org.apache.hive</groupId> <artifactId>hive-service</artifactId> <version>${hive.version}</version> <exclusions> <exclusion> <groupId>org.glassfish</groupId> <artifactId>javax.el</artifactId> </exclusion> </exclusions> </dependency>
模块:ranger-hive-plugin-shim的pom.xml 中hive-jdbc和hive-service增加 javax.el的exclusion
<dependency> <groupId>org.apache.hive</groupId> <artifactId>hive-jdbc</artifactId> <version>${hive.version}</version> <exclusions> <exclusion> <groupId>org.glassfish</groupId> <artifactId>javax.el</artifactId> </exclusion> </exclusions> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>org.apache.hive</groupId> <artifactId>hive-service</artifactId> <version>${hive.version}</version> <exclusions> <exclusion> <groupId>org.glassfish</groupId> <artifactId>javax.el</artifactId> </exclusion> </exclusions> </dependency>
[INFO] ranger ............................................. SUCCESS [06:41 min] [INFO] Jdbc SQL Connector ................................. SUCCESS [ 3.348 s] [INFO] Credential Support ................................. SUCCESS [ 4.005 s] [INFO] Audit Component .................................... SUCCESS [ 4.903 s] [INFO] Common library for Plugins ......................... SUCCESS [ 12.143 s] [INFO] Installer Support Component ........................ SUCCESS [ 1.312 s] [INFO] Credential Builder ................................. SUCCESS [ 3.434 s] [INFO] Embedded Web Server Invoker ........................ SUCCESS [ 2.546 s] [INFO] Key Management Service ............................. SUCCESS [ 6.004 s] [INFO] ranger-plugin-classloader .......................... SUCCESS [ 2.380 s] [INFO] HBase Security Plugin Shim ......................... SUCCESS [ 5.526 s] [INFO] HBase Security Plugin .............................. SUCCESS [ 7.073 s] [INFO] Hdfs Security Plugin ............................... SUCCESS [ 6.313 s] [INFO] Hive Security Plugin ............................... SUCCESS [ 48.054 s] [INFO] Knox Security Plugin Shim .......................... SUCCESS [ 34.204 s] [INFO] Knox Security Plugin ............................... SUCCESS [ 13.456 s] [INFO] Storm Security Plugin .............................. SUCCESS [01:11 min] [INFO] YARN Security Plugin ............................... SUCCESS [ 2.923 s] [INFO] Ranger Util ........................................ SUCCESS [ 3.467 s] [INFO] Unix Authentication Client ......................... SUCCESS [ 1.768 s] [INFO] Security Admin Web Application ..................... SUCCESS [05:34 min] [INFO] KAFKA Security Plugin .............................. SUCCESS [ 4.829 s] [INFO] SOLR Security Plugin ............................... SUCCESS [ 38.678 s] [INFO] NiFi Security Plugin ............................... SUCCESS [ 3.360 s] [INFO] NiFi Registry Security Plugin ...................... SUCCESS [ 3.765 s] [INFO] Unix User Group Synchronizer ....................... SUCCESS [ 5.628 s] [INFO] Ldap Config Check Tool ............................. SUCCESS [ 1.958 s] [INFO] Unix Authentication Service ........................ SUCCESS [ 2.293 s] [INFO] KMS Security Plugin ................................ SUCCESS [ 4.156 s] [INFO] Tag Synchronizer ................................... SUCCESS [ 5.095 s] [INFO] Hdfs Security Plugin Shim .......................... SUCCESS [ 1.885 s] [INFO] Hive Security Plugin Shim .......................... SUCCESS [ 5.011 s] [INFO] YARN Security Plugin Shim .......................... SUCCESS [ 2.419 s] [INFO] Storm Security Plugin shim ......................... SUCCESS [ 2.299 s] [INFO] KAFKA Security Plugin Shim ......................... SUCCESS [ 2.167 s] [INFO] SOLR Security Plugin Shim .......................... SUCCESS [ 2.491 s] [INFO] Atlas Security Plugin Shim ......................... SUCCESS [ 2.080 s] [INFO] KMS Security Plugin Shim ........................... SUCCESS [ 2.216 s] [INFO] ranger-examples .................................... SUCCESS [ 0.171 s] [INFO] Ranger Examples - Conditions and ContextEnrichers .. SUCCESS [ 3.232 s] [INFO] Ranger Examples - SampleApp ........................ SUCCESS [ 1.099 s] [INFO] Ranger Examples - Ranger Plugin for SampleApp ...... SUCCESS [ 2.178 s] [INFO] Ranger Tools ....................................... SUCCESS [ 4.450 s] [INFO] Atlas Security Plugin .............................. SUCCESS [ 3.318 s] [INFO] Sqoop Security Plugin .............................. SUCCESS [ 3.578 s] [INFO] Sqoop Security Plugin Shim ......................... SUCCESS [ 1.990 s] [INFO] Kylin Security Plugin .............................. SUCCESS [ 4.512 s] [INFO] Kylin Security Plugin Shim ......................... SUCCESS [ 2.517 s] [INFO] Unix Native Authenticator .......................... SUCCESS [ 1.846 s] [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] BUILD SUCCESS [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] Total time: 18:14 min [INFO] Finished at: 2022-06-01T11:40:58+08:00 [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 295245545 May 28 16:33 ranger-2.1.0-admin.tar.gz -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 48976682 May 28 16:33 ranger-2.1.0-atlas-plugin.tar.gz -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 31709512 May 28 16:33 ranger-2.1.0-elasticsearch-plugin.tar.gz -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 43390335 May 28 16:33 ranger-2.1.0-hbase-plugin.tar.gz -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 41972314 May 28 16:33 ranger-2.1.0-hdfs-plugin.tar.gz -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 41762386 May 28 16:33 ranger-2.1.0-hive-plugin.tar.gz -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 58726808 May 28 16:33 ranger-2.1.0-kafka-plugin.tar.gz -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 134727752 May 28 16:33 ranger-2.1.0-kms.tar.gz -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 46122786 May 28 16:33 ranger-2.1.0-knox-plugin.tar.gz -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 41685171 May 28 16:33 ranger-2.1.0-kylin-plugin.tar.gz -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 34206 May 28 16:33 ranger-2.1.0-migration-util.tar.gz -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 48387150 May 28 16:33 ranger-2.1.0-ozone-plugin.tar.gz -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 61120560 May 28 16:33 ranger-2.1.0-presto-plugin.tar.gz -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 19845038 May 28 16:33 ranger-2.1.0-ranger-tools.tar.gz -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 36801 May 28 16:33 ranger-2.1.0-solr_audit_conf.tar.gz -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 41366257 May 28 16:33 ranger-2.1.0-solr-plugin.tar.gz -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 41893624 May 28 16:33 ranger-2.1.0-sqoop-plugin.tar.gz -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 4434856 May 28 16:33 ranger-2.1.0-src.tar.gz -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 54977723 May 28 16:33 ranger-2.1.0-storm-plugin.tar.gz -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 35676787 May 28 16:33 ranger-2.1.0-tagsync.tar.gz -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 17328489 May 28 16:33 ranger-2.1.0-usersync.tar.gz -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 41899800 May 28 16:33 ranger-2.1.0-yarn-plugin.tar.gz
配置admin install.properties
pwd:/soft/ tar -zxvf ranger-2.1.0-admin.tar.gz pwd:/soft/ranger-2.1.0-admin vim install.properties #修改以下内容 db_root_user=root db_root_password=root db_host=localhost:3306 db_name=ranger db_user=ranger db_password=ranger audit_store=solr audit_solr_urls=http://localhost:6083/solr/ranger_audits audit_solr_user=solr policymgr_external_url=http://localhost:6080 policymgr_http_enabled=true unix_user=root unix_user_pwd=123456 unix_group=root
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more # contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with # this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. # The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 # (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with # the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # This file provides a list of the deployment variables for the Policy Manager Web Application # #------------------------- DB CONFIG - BEGIN ---------------------------------- # Uncomment the below if the DBA steps need to be run separately #setup_mode=SeparateDBA PYTHON_COMMAND_INVOKER=python #DB_FLAVOR=MYSQL|ORACLE|POSTGRES|MSSQL|SQLA DB_FLAVOR=MYSQL # # # Location of DB client library (please check the location of the jar file) # #SQL_CONNECTOR_JAR=/usr/share/java/ojdbc6.jar #SQL_CONNECTOR_JAR=/usr/share/java/mysql-connector-java.jar #SQL_CONNECTOR_JAR=/usr/share/java/postgresql.jar #SQL_CONNECTOR_JAR=/usr/share/java/sqljdbc4.jar #SQL_CONNECTOR_JAR=/opt/sqlanywhere17/java/sajdbc4.jar SQL_CONNECTOR_JAR=/usr/share/java/mysql-connector-java.jar # # DB password for the DB admin user-id # ************************************************************************** # ** If the password is left empty or not-defined here, # ** it will try with blank password during installation process # ************************************************************************** # #db_root_user=root|SYS|postgres|sa|dba #db_host=host:port # for DB_FLAVOR=MYSQL|POSTGRES|SQLA|MSSQL #for example: db_host=localhost:3306 #db_host=host:port:SID # for DB_FLAVOR=ORACLE #for SID example: db_host=localhost:1521:ORCL #db_host=host:port/ServiceName # for DB_FLAVOR=ORACLE #for Service example: db_host=localhost:1521/XE db_root_user=root db_root_password=root db_host=localhost:3306 #SSL config db_ssl_enabled=false db_ssl_required=false db_ssl_verifyServerCertificate=false #db_ssl_auth_type=1-way|2-way, where 1-way represents standard one way ssl authentication and 2-way represents mutual ssl authentication db_ssl_auth_type=2-way javax_net_ssl_keyStore= javax_net_ssl_keyStorePassword= javax_net_ssl_trustStore= javax_net_ssl_trustStorePassword= # # DB UserId used for the Ranger schema # db_name=ranger db_user=ranger db_password=ranger # change password. Password for below mentioned users can be changed only once using this property. #PLEASE NOTE :: Password should be minimum 8 characters with min one alphabet and one numeric. rangerAdmin_password= rangerTagsync_password= rangerUsersync_password= keyadmin_password= #Source for Audit Store. Currently solr and elasticsearch are supported. # * audit_store is solr audit_store=solr # * audit_solr_url Elasticsearch Host(s). E.g. audit_elasticsearch_urls= audit_elasticsearch_port= audit_elasticsearch_protocol= audit_elasticsearch_user= audit_elasticsearch_password= audit_elasticsearch_index= audit_elasticsearch_bootstrap_enabled=true # * audit_solr_url URL to Solr. E.g. http://<solr_host>:6083/solr/ranger_audits audit_solr_urls=http://localhost:6083/solr/ranger_audits audit_solr_user=solr audit_solr_password= audit_solr_zookeepers= audit_solr_collection_name=ranger_audits #solr Properties for cloud mode audit_solr_config_name=ranger_audits audit_solr_no_shards=1 audit_solr_no_replica=1 audit_solr_max_shards_per_node=1 audit_solr_acl_user_list_sasl=solr,infra-solr audit_solr_bootstrap_enabled=true #------------------------- DB CONFIG - END ---------------------------------- # # ------- PolicyManager CONFIG ---------------- # policymgr_external_url=http://localhost:6080 policymgr_http_enabled=true policymgr_https_keystore_file= policymgr_https_keystore_keyalias=rangeradmin policymgr_https_keystore_password= #Add Supported Components list below separated by semi-colon, default value is empty string to support all components #Example : policymgr_supportedcomponents=hive,hbase,hdfs policymgr_supportedcomponents= # # ------- PolicyManager CONFIG - END --------------- # # # ------- UNIX User CONFIG ---------------- # unix_user=root unix_user_pwd=123456 unix_group=root # # ------- UNIX User CONFIG - END ---------------- # # # # UNIX authentication service for Policy Manager # # PolicyManager can authenticate using UNIX username/password # The UNIX server specified here as authServiceHostName needs to be installed with ranger-unix-ugsync package. # Once the service is installed on authServiceHostName, the UNIX username/password from the host <authServiceHostName> can be used to login into policy manager # # ** The installation of ranger-unix-ugsync package can be installed after the policymanager installation is finished. # #LDAP|ACTIVE_DIRECTORY|UNIX|NONE authentication_method=NONE remoteLoginEnabled=true authServiceHostName=localhost authServicePort=5151 ranger_unixauth_keystore=keystore.jks ranger_unixauth_keystore_password=password ranger_unixauth_truststore=cacerts ranger_unixauth_truststore_password=changeit ####LDAP settings - Required only if have selected LDAP authentication #### # # Sample Settings # #xa_ldap_url=ldap:// #xa_ldap_userDNpattern=uid={0},ou=users,dc=xasecure,dc=net #xa_ldap_groupSearchBase=ou=groups,dc=xasecure,dc=net #xa_ldap_groupSearchFilter=(member=uid={0},ou=users,dc=xasecure,dc=net) #xa_ldap_groupRoleAttribute=cn #xa_ldap_base_dn=dc=xasecure,dc=net #xa_ldap_bind_dn=cn=admin,ou=users,dc=xasecure,dc=net #xa_ldap_bind_password= #xa_ldap_referral=follow|ignore #xa_ldap_userSearchFilter=(uid={0}) xa_ldap_url= xa_ldap_userDNpattern= xa_ldap_groupSearchBase= xa_ldap_groupSearchFilter= xa_ldap_groupRoleAttribute= xa_ldap_base_dn= xa_ldap_bind_dn= xa_ldap_bind_password= xa_ldap_referral= xa_ldap_userSearchFilter= ####ACTIVE_DIRECTORY settings - Required only if have selected AD authentication #### # # Sample Settings # #xa_ldap_ad_domain=xasecure.net #xa_ldap_ad_url=ldap:// #xa_ldap_ad_base_dn=dc=xasecure,dc=net #xa_ldap_ad_bind_dn=cn=administrator,ou=users,dc=xasecure,dc=net #xa_ldap_ad_bind_password= #xa_ldap_ad_referral=follow|ignore #xa_ldap_ad_userSearchFilter=(sAMAccountName={0}) xa_ldap_ad_domain= xa_ldap_ad_url= xa_ldap_ad_base_dn= xa_ldap_ad_bind_dn= xa_ldap_ad_bind_password= xa_ldap_ad_referral= xa_ldap_ad_userSearchFilter= #------------ Kerberos Config ----------------- spnego_principal= spnego_keytab= token_valid=30 cookie_domain= cookie_path=/ admin_principal= admin_keytab= lookup_principal= lookup_keytab= hadoop_conf=/etc/hadoop/conf # #-------- SSO CONFIG - Start ------------------ # sso_enabled=false sso_providerurl= sso_publickey= # #-------- SSO CONFIG - END ------------------ # Custom log directory path RANGER_ADMIN_LOG_DIR=$PWD # PID file path RANGER_PID_DIR_PATH=/var/run/ranger # ################# DO NOT MODIFY ANY VARIABLES BELOW ######################### # # --- These deployment variables are not to be modified unless you understand the full impact of the changes # ################################################################################ XAPOLICYMGR_DIR=$PWD app_home=$PWD/ews/webapp TMPFILE=$PWD/.fi_tmp LOGFILE=$PWD/logfile LOGFILES="$LOGFILE" JAVA_BIN='java' JAVA_VERSION_REQUIRED='1.8' JAVA_ORACLE='Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment' ranger_admin_max_heap_size=1g #retry DB and Java patches after the given time in seconds. PATCH_RETRY_INTERVAL=120 STALE_PATCH_ENTRY_HOLD_TIME=10 #mysql_create_user_file=${PWD}/db/mysql/create_dev_user.sql mysql_core_file=db/mysql/optimized/current/ranger_core_db_mysql.sql mysql_audit_file=db/mysql/xa_audit_db.sql #mysql_asset_file=${PWD}/db/mysql/reset_asset.sql #oracle_create_user_file=${PWD}/db/oracle/create_dev_user_oracle.sql oracle_core_file=db/oracle/optimized/current/ranger_core_db_oracle.sql oracle_audit_file=db/oracle/xa_audit_db_oracle.sql #oracle_asset_file=${PWD}/db/oracle/reset_asset_oracle.sql # postgres_core_file=db/postgres/optimized/current/ranger_core_db_postgres.sql postgres_audit_file=db/postgres/xa_audit_db_postgres.sql # sqlserver_core_file=db/sqlserver/optimized/current/ranger_core_db_sqlserver.sql sqlserver_audit_file=db/sqlserver/xa_audit_db_sqlserver.sql # sqlanywhere_core_file=db/sqlanywhere/optimized/current/ranger_core_db_sqlanywhere.sql sqlanywhere_audit_file=db/sqlanywhere/xa_audit_db_sqlanywhere.sql cred_keystore_filename=$app_home/WEB-INF/classes/conf/.jceks/rangeradmin.jceks
配置solr install.properties
pwd:/soft/ranger-2.1.0-admin/contrib/solr_for_audit_setup vim install.properties #修改以下选项 SOLR_USER=root SOLR_GROUP=root SOLR_INSTALL=true #此链接可以自行下载solr安装包到本地内网http服务器 或者替换为apache链接 http://archive.apache.org/dist/lucene/solr/8.3.0/solr-8.3.0.tgz SOLR_DOWNLOAD_URL= SOLR_HOST_URL=http://localhost:6083 SOLR_RANGER_HOME=/opt/solr/ranger_audit_server
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more # contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with # this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. # The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 # (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with # the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. #Note: #1. This file is sourced from setup.sh, so make sure there are no spaces after the "=" #2. For variable with file path, please provide full path #!/bin/bash #JAVA_HOME to be used by Solr. Solr only support JDK 1.7 and above. If JAVA_HOME is not set #in the env, then please set it here #JAVA_HOME= #The operating system (linux) user used by Solr process. You need to run Solr as the below user and group SOLR_USER=root SOLR_GROUP=root #How long to keep the audit logs. Please note, audit records grows very rapidly. Make sure to #allocate enough memory and disk space to the server running Solr. MAX_AUDIT_RETENTION_DAYS=90 #If you want this script to install Solr, set the value to true. If it is already installed, then set this to false #If it is true, then it will download and install it. #NOTE: If you want the script to install Solr, then this script needs to be executed as root. SOLR_INSTALL=true ### BEGIN: if SOLR_INSTALL==true ### #Location to download Solr. If SOLR_INSTALL is true, then SOLR_DOWNLOAD_URL is mandatory #For open source version, pick a mirror from below. Recommended versions are Apache Solr 5.2.1 or above #http://lucene.apache.org/solr/mirrors-solr-latest-redir.html #Note: If possible, use the link from one of the mirror site #SOLR_DOWNLOAD_URL=http://archive.apache.org/dist/lucene/solr/5.2.1/solr-5.2.1.tgz SOLR_DOWNLOAD_URL= ### END: if SOLR_INSTALL==true ### #The folder where Solr is installed. If SOLR_INSTALL=false, then Solr need to be preinstalled, else the setup will #install at the below location #Note: If you are using RPM from LucidWorks in HDP, then Solr is by default installed in the following location: #SOLR_INSTALL_FOLDER=/opt/lucidworks-hdpsearch/solr SOLR_INSTALL_FOLDER=/opt/solr #The location for the Solr configuration for Ranger. This script copies required configuration and #startup scripts to the $SOLR_RANGER_HOME folder. #NOTE: In SolrCloud mode, the data folders are under this folder. So make sure this is on seperate drive # with enough disk space. Have 1TB free disk space on this volume. Also regularly monitor available disk space # for this volume #SOLR_RANGER_HOME=/opt/solr/ranger_audit_server SOLR_RANGER_HOME=/opt/solr/ranger_audit_server #Port for Solr instance to be used by Ranger. SOLR_RANGER_PORT=6083 #Standalone or SolrCloud. Valid values are "standalone" or "solrcloud" SOLR_DEPLOYMENT=standalone #### BEGIN: if SOLR_DEPLOYMENT=standalone ########################## #Location for the data files. Make sure it has enough disk space. Since audits records can grow dramatically, #please have 1TB free disk space for the data folder. Also regularly monitor available disk space for this volume SOLR_RANGER_DATA_FOLDER=/opt/solr/ranger_audit_server/data #### END: if SOLR_DEPLOYMENT=standalone ########################## #### BEGIN: if SOLR_DEPLOYMENT=solrcloud ########################## #Comma seperated list of of zookeeper host and path. Give fully qualified domain name for the host #SOLR_ZK=localhost:2181/ranger_audits SOLR_ZK= #Base URL of the Solr. Used for creating collections SOLR_HOST_URL=http://localhost:6083 #Number of shards SOLR_SHARDS=1 #Number of replication SOLR_REPLICATION=1 #### END: if SOLR_DEPLOYMENT=solrcloud ########################## #Location for the log file. Please note that "solr" or the process owner should have write permission #to log folder #SOLR_LOG_FOLDER=logs SOLR_LOG_FOLDER=/var/log/solr/ranger_audits SOLR_RANGER_COLLECTION=ranger_audits #Memory for Solr. Both min and max memory to the java process are set to this value. #Note: In production, please assign enough memory. It is recommended to have at least 2GB RAM. # Higher the RAM, the better. Solr core can take upto 32GB. For dev test you can use 512m #SOLR_MAX_MEM=2g #SOLR_MAX_MEM=512m SOLR_MAX_MEM=2g
pwd:/soft/ranger-2.1.0-admin/contrib/solr_for_audit_setup ./setup.sh
Wed Jun 1 11:58:55 CST 2022|INFO|Solr Ranger Home </opt/solr/ranger_audit_server> exists. Will overwrite configurations Wed Jun 1 11:58:55 CST 2022|WARN|/opt/solr exists. This script will overwrite some files Wed Jun 1 11:58:55 CST 2022|INFO|Downloading solr from --2022-06-01 11:58:55-- Connecting to connected. HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK Length: 186097798 (177M) [application/x-gzip] Saving to: ‘solr-8.3.0.tgz’ 100%[========================================================================================================================================================================>] 186,097,798 110MB/s in 1.6s 2022-06-01 11:58:56 (110 MB/s) - ‘solr-8.3.0.tgz’ saved [186097798/186097798] Wed Jun 1 11:58:59 CST 2022|WARN|/opt/solr exists. Moving to /opt/solr.bk.060122115855 Wed Jun 1 11:58:59 CST 2022|INFO|Installed Solr in /opt/solr Wed Jun 1 11:58:59 CST 2022|INFO|Configuring standalone instance Wed Jun 1 11:58:59 CST 2022|INFO|Copying Ranger Audit Server configuration to /opt/solr/ranger_audit_server Wed Jun 1 11:59:00 CST 2022|INFO|Done configuring Solr for Apache Ranger Audit Wed Jun 1 11:59:00 CST 2022|INFO|Solr HOME for Ranger Audit is /opt/solr/ranger_audit_server Wed Jun 1 11:59:00 CST 2022|INFO|Data folder for Audit logs is /opt/solr/ranger_audit_server/data Wed Jun 1 11:59:00 CST 2022|INFO|To start Solr run /opt/solr/ranger_audit_server/scripts/start_solr.sh Wed Jun 1 11:59:00 CST 2022|INFO|To stop Solr run /opt/solr/ranger_audit_server/scripts/stop_solr.sh Wed Jun 1 11:59:00 CST 2022|INFO|After starting Solr for RangerAudit, it will listen at 6083. E.g http://app01-saas:6083 Wed Jun 1 11:59:00 CST 2022|INFO|Configure Ranger to use the following URL http://app01-saas:6083/solr/ranger_audits Wed Jun 1 11:59:00 CST 2022|INFO| ** NOTE: If Solr is Secured then solrclient JAAS configuration has to be added to Ranger Admin and Ranger Plugin properties Wed Jun 1 11:59:00 CST 2022|INFO| ** Refer documentation on how to configure Ranger for audit to Secure Solr ########## Done ################### Created file /opt/solr/ranger_audit_server/install_notes.txt with instructions to start and stop ###################################
pwd:/opt/solr/ranger_audit_server/scripts # ./start_solr.sh -force
NOTE: Please install lsof as this script needs it to determine if Solr is listening on port 6083. Started Solr server on port 6083 (pid=30207). Happy searching! #check # netstat -anp | grep 6083 tcp6 0 0 :::6083 :::* LISTEN 30207/java
pwd:/soft/ranger-2.1.0-admin ./setup.sh
2022-06-01 12:03:27,774 [JISQL] /usr/java/jdk1.8.0_231-amd64/bin/java -cp /usr/share/java/mysql-connector-java.jar:/soft/ranger-2.1.0-admin/jisql/lib/* org.apache.util.sql.Jisql -driver mysqlconj -cstring jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/ranger -u 'ranger' -p '********' -noheader -trim -c \; -query "select 1;" 2022-06-01 12:03:28,301 [I] Checking connection passed. Installation of Ranger PolicyManager Web Application is completed.
# ranger-admin start Starting Apache Ranger Admin Service Apache Ranger Admin Service with pid 32471 has started. #CHECK # netstat -anp | grep 6080 tcp6 0 0 :::6080 :::* LISTEN 32471/java
pwd:/soft/ranger-2.1.0-usersync vim install.properties #修改项 POLICY_MGR_URL =http://localhost:6080 unix_user=root unix_group=root
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more # contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with # this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. # The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 # (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with # the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # The base path for the usersync process ranger_base_dir = /etc/ranger # # The following URL should be the base URL for connecting to the policy manager web application # For example: # # POLICY_MGR_URL = http://policymanager.xasecure.net:6080 # POLICY_MGR_URL =http://localhost:6080 # sync source, only unix and ldap are supported at present # defaults to unix SYNC_SOURCE = unix # # Minimum Unix User-id to start SYNC. # This should avoid creating UNIX system-level users in the Policy Manager # MIN_UNIX_USER_ID_TO_SYNC = 500 # Minimum Unix Group-id to start SYNC. # This should avoid creating UNIX system-level users in the Policy Manager # MIN_UNIX_GROUP_ID_TO_SYNC = 500 # sync interval in minutes # user, groups would be synced again at the end of each sync interval # defaults to 5 if SYNC_SOURCE is unix # defaults to 360 if SYNC_SOURCE is ldap SYNC_INTERVAL =1 #User and group for the usersync process unix_user=root unix_group=root #change password of rangerusersync user. Please note that this password should be as per rangerusersync user in ranger rangerUsersync_password= #Set to run in kerberos environment usersync_principal= usersync_keytab= hadoop_conf=/etc/hadoop/conf # # The file where all credential is kept in cryptic format # CRED_KEYSTORE_FILENAME=/etc/ranger/usersync/conf/rangerusersync.jceks # SSL Authentication AUTH_SSL_ENABLED=false AUTH_SSL_KEYSTORE_FILE=/etc/ranger/usersync/conf/cert/unixauthservice.jks AUTH_SSL_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD=UnIx529p AUTH_SSL_TRUSTSTORE_FILE= AUTH_SSL_TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD= # --------------------------------------------------------------- # The following properties are relevant only if SYNC_SOURCE = ldap # --------------------------------------------------------------- # The below properties ROLE_ASSIGNMENT_LIST_DELIMITER, USERS_GROUPS_ASSIGNMENT_LIST_DELIMITER, USERNAME_GROUPNAME_ASSIGNMENT_LIST_DELIMITER, #and GROUP_BASED_ROLE_ASSIGNMENT_RULES can be used to assign role to LDAP synced users and groups #NOTE all the delimiters should have different values and the delimiters should not contain characters that are allowed in userName or GroupName # default value ROLE_ASSIGNMENT_LIST_DELIMITER = & ROLE_ASSIGNMENT_LIST_DELIMITER = & #default value USERS_GROUPS_ASSIGNMENT_LIST_DELIMITER = : USERS_GROUPS_ASSIGNMENT_LIST_DELIMITER = : #default value USERNAME_GROUPNAME_ASSIGNMENT_LIST_DELIMITER = , USERNAME_GROUPNAME_ASSIGNMENT_LIST_DELIMITER = , # with above mentioned delimiters a sample value would be ROLE_SYS_ADMIN:u:userName1,userName2&ROLE_SYS_ADMIN:g:groupName1,groupName2&ROLE_KEY_ADMIN:u:userName&ROLE_KEY_ADMIN:g:groupName&ROLE_USER:u:userName3,userName4&ROLE_USER:g:groupName3 #&ROLE_ADMIN_AUDITOR:u:userName&ROLE_KEY_ADMIN_AUDITOR:u:userName&ROLE_KEY_ADMIN_AUDITOR:g:groupName&ROLE_ADMIN_AUDITOR:g:groupName GROUP_BASED_ROLE_ASSIGNMENT_RULES = # URL of source ldap # a sample value would be: ldap://ldap.example.com:389 # Must specify a value if SYNC_SOURCE is ldap SYNC_LDAP_URL = # ldap bind dn used to connect to ldap and query for users and groups # a sample value would be cn=admin,ou=users,dc=hadoop,dc=apache,dc=org # Must specify a value if SYNC_SOURCE is ldap SYNC_LDAP_BIND_DN = # ldap bind password for the bind dn specified above # please ensure read access to this file is limited to root, to protect the password # Must specify a value if SYNC_SOURCE is ldap # unless anonymous search is allowed by the directory on users and group SYNC_LDAP_BIND_PASSWORD = # ldap delta sync flag used to periodically sync users and groups based on the updates in the server # please customize the value to suit your deployment # default value is set to true when is SYNC_SOURCE is ldap SYNC_LDAP_DELTASYNC = # search base for users and groups # sample value would be dc=hadoop,dc=apache,dc=org SYNC_LDAP_SEARCH_BASE = # search base for users # sample value would be ou=users,dc=hadoop,dc=apache,dc=org # overrides value specified in SYNC_LDAP_SEARCH_BASE SYNC_LDAP_USER_SEARCH_BASE = # search scope for the users, only base, one and sub are supported values # please customize the value to suit your deployment # default value: sub SYNC_LDAP_USER_SEARCH_SCOPE = sub # objectclass to identify user entries # please customize the value to suit your deployment # default value: person SYNC_LDAP_USER_OBJECT_CLASS = person # optional additional filter constraining the users selected for syncing # a sample value would be (dept=eng) # please customize the value to suit your deployment # default value is empty SYNC_LDAP_USER_SEARCH_FILTER = # attribute from user entry that would be treated as user name # please customize the value to suit your deployment # default value: cn SYNC_LDAP_USER_NAME_ATTRIBUTE = cn # attribute from user entry whose values would be treated as # group values to be pushed into Policy Manager database # You could provide multiple attribute names separated by comma # default value: memberof, ismemberof SYNC_LDAP_USER_GROUP_NAME_ATTRIBUTE = memberof,ismemberof # # UserSync - Case Conversion Flags # possible values: none, lower, upper SYNC_LDAP_USERNAME_CASE_CONVERSION=lower SYNC_LDAP_GROUPNAME_CASE_CONVERSION=lower #user sync log path logdir=/soft/ranger-2.1.0-usersync/logs #/var/log/ranger/usersync # PID DIR PATH USERSYNC_PID_DIR_PATH=/var/run/ranger # do we want to do ldapsearch to find groups instead of relying on user entry attributes # valid values: true, false # any value other than true would be treated as false # default value: false SYNC_GROUP_SEARCH_ENABLED= # do we want to do ldapsearch to find groups instead of relying on user entry attributes and # sync memberships of those groups # valid values: true, false # any value other than true would be treated as false # default value: false SYNC_GROUP_USER_MAP_SYNC_ENABLED= # search base for groups # sample value would be ou=groups,dc=hadoop,dc=apache,dc=org # overrides value specified in SYNC_LDAP_SEARCH_BASE, SYNC_LDAP_USER_SEARCH_BASE # if a value is not specified, takes the value of SYNC_LDAP_SEARCH_BASE # if SYNC_LDAP_SEARCH_BASE is also not specified, takes the value of SYNC_LDAP_USER_SEARCH_BASE SYNC_GROUP_SEARCH_BASE= # search scope for the groups, only base, one and sub are supported values # please customize the value to suit your deployment # default value: sub SYNC_GROUP_SEARCH_SCOPE= # objectclass to identify group entries # please customize the value to suit your deployment # default value: groupofnames SYNC_GROUP_OBJECT_CLASS= # optional additional filter constraining the groups selected for syncing # a sample value would be (dept=eng) # please customize the value to suit your deployment # default value is empty SYNC_LDAP_GROUP_SEARCH_FILTER= # attribute from group entry that would be treated as group name # please customize the value to suit your deployment # default value: cn SYNC_GROUP_NAME_ATTRIBUTE= # attribute from group entry that is list of members # please customize the value to suit your deployment # default value: member SYNC_GROUP_MEMBER_ATTRIBUTE_NAME= # do we want to use paged results control during ldapsearch for user entries # valid values: true, false # any value other than true would be treated as false # default value: true # if the value is false, typical AD would not return more than 1000 entries SYNC_PAGED_RESULTS_ENABLED= # page size for paged results control # search results would be returned page by page with the specified number of entries per page # default value: 500 SYNC_PAGED_RESULTS_SIZE= #LDAP context referral could be ignore or follow SYNC_LDAP_REFERRAL =ignore # if you want to enable or disable jvm metrics for usersync process # valid values: true, false # any value other than true would be treated as false # default value: false # if the value is false, jvm metrics is not created JVM_METRICS_ENABLED= # filename of jvm metrics created for usersync process # default value: ranger_usersync_metric.json JVM_METRICS_FILENAME= #file directory for jvm metrics # default value : logdir JVM_METRICS_FILEPATH= #frequency for jvm metrics to be updated # default value : 10000 milliseconds JVM_METRICS_FREQUENCY_TIME_IN_MILLIS=
# ./setup.sh
INFO: moving [/etc/ranger/usersync/conf/java_home.sh] to [/etc/ranger/usersync/conf/.java_home.sh.01062022121036] ....... Direct Key not found:SYNC_GROUP_USER_MAP_SYNC_ENABLED Direct Key not found:hadoop_conf Direct Key not found:ranger_base_dir Direct Key not found:USERSYNC_PID_DIR_PATH Direct Key not found:rangerUsersync_password SLF4J: Failed to load class "org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder". SLF4J: Defaulting to no-operation (NOP) logger implementation SLF4J: See http://www.slf4j.org/codes.html#StaticLoggerBinder for further details. log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger (org.apache.htrace.core.Tracer). log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly. log4j:WARN See http://logging.apache.org/log4j/1.2/faq.html#noconfig for more info. The alias usersync.ssl.key.password already exists!! Will try to delete first. FOUND value of [interactive] field in the Class [org.apache.hadoop.security.alias.CredentialShell] = [true] Deleting credential: usersync.ssl.key.password from CredentialProvider: jceks://file/etc/ranger/usersync/conf/rangerusersync.jceks Credential usersync.ssl.key.password has been successfully deleted. Provider jceks://file/etc/ranger/usersync/conf/rangerusersync.jceks was updated. WARNING: You have accepted the use of the default provider password by not configuring a password in one of the two following locations: * In the environment variable HADOOP_CREDSTORE_PASSWORD * In a file referred to by the configuration entry hadoop.security.credstore.java-keystore-provider.password-file. Please review the documentation regarding provider passwords in the keystore passwords section of the Credential Provider API Continuing with the default provider password. usersync.ssl.key.password has been successfully created. Provider jceks://file/etc/ranger/usersync/conf/rangerusersync.jceks was updated. SLF4J: Failed to load class "org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder". SLF4J: Defaulting to no-operation (NOP) logger implementation SLF4J: See http://www.slf4j.org/codes.html#StaticLoggerBinder for further details. log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger (org.apache.htrace.core.Tracer). log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly. log4j:WARN See http://logging.apache.org/log4j/1.2/faq.html#noconfig for more info. The alias ranger.usersync.ldap.bindalias already exists!! Will try to delete first. FOUND value of [interactive] field in the Class [org.apache.hadoop.security.alias.CredentialShell] = [true] Deleting credential: ranger.usersync.ldap.bindalias from CredentialProvider: jceks://file/etc/ranger/usersync/conf/rangerusersync.jceks Credential ranger.usersync.ldap.bindalias has been successfully deleted. Provider jceks://file/etc/ranger/usersync/conf/rangerusersync.jceks was updated. WARNING: You have accepted the use of the default provider password by not configuring a password in one of the two following locations: * In the environment variable HADOOP_CREDSTORE_PASSWORD * In a file referred to by the configuration entry hadoop.security.credstore.java-keystore-provider.password-file. Please review the documentation regarding provider passwords in the keystore passwords section of the Credential Provider API Continuing with the default provider password. ranger.usersync.ldap.bindalias has been successfully created. Provider jceks://file/etc/ranger/usersync/conf/rangerusersync.jceks was updated. SLF4J: Failed to load class "org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder". SLF4J: Defaulting to no-operation (NOP) logger implementation SLF4J: See http://www.slf4j.org/codes.html#StaticLoggerBinder for further details. log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger (org.apache.htrace.core.Tracer). log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly. log4j:WARN See http://logging.apache.org/log4j/1.2/faq.html#noconfig for more info. The alias usersync.ssl.truststore.password already exists!! Will try to delete first. FOUND value of [interactive] field in the Class [org.apache.hadoop.security.alias.CredentialShell] = [true] Deleting credential: usersync.ssl.truststore.password from CredentialProvider: jceks://file/etc/ranger/usersync/conf/rangerusersync.jceks Credential usersync.ssl.truststore.password has been successfully deleted. Provider jceks://file/etc/ranger/usersync/conf/rangerusersync.jceks was updated. WARNING: You have accepted the use of the default provider password by not configuring a password in one of the two following locations: * In the environment variable HADOOP_CREDSTORE_PASSWORD * In a file referred to by the configuration entry hadoop.security.credstore.java-keystore-provider.password-file. Please review the documentation regarding provider passwords in the keystore passwords section of the Credential Provider API Continuing with the default provider password. usersync.ssl.truststore.password has been successfully created. Provider jceks://file/etc/ranger/usersync/conf/rangerusersync.jceks was updated. SLF4J: Failed to load class "org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder". SLF4J: Defaulting to no-operation (NOP) logger implementation SLF4J: See http://www.slf4j.org/codes.html#StaticLoggerBinder for further details. log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger (org.apache.htrace.core.Tracer). log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly. log4j:WARN See http://logging.apache.org/log4j/1.2/faq.html#noconfig for more info. The alias ranger.usersync.policymgr.password already exists!! Will try to delete first. FOUND value of [interactive] field in the Class [org.apache.hadoop.security.alias.CredentialShell] = [true] Deleting credential: ranger.usersync.policymgr.password from CredentialProvider: jceks://file/etc/ranger/usersync/conf/rangerusersync.jceks Credential ranger.usersync.policymgr.password has been successfully deleted. Provider jceks://file/etc/ranger/usersync/conf/rangerusersync.jceks was updated. WARNING: You have accepted the use of the default provider password by not configuring a password in one of the two following locations: * In the environment variable HADOOP_CREDSTORE_PASSWORD * In a file referred to by the configuration entry hadoop.security.credstore.java-keystore-provider.password-file. Please review the documentation regarding provider passwords in the keystore passwords section of the Credential Provider API Continuing with the default provider password. ranger.usersync.policymgr.password has been successfully created. Provider jceks://file/etc/ranger/usersync/conf/rangerusersync.jceks was updated. INFO: moving [/etc/ranger/usersync/conf/ranger-ugsync-site.xml] to [/etc/ranger/usersync/conf/.ranger-ugsync-site.xml.01062022121042] ....... WARNING: Unix Authentication Program (/soft/ranger-2.1.0-usersync/native/pamCredValidator.uexe) is not available for setting chmod(4550), chown(root:root)
# pwd : /soft/ranger-2.1.0-usersync/conf # vim ranger-ugsync-site.xml # 更改 <property> <name>ranger.usersync.enabled</name> <value>false</value> </property> #新值 <property> <name>ranger.usersync.enabled</name> <value>true</value> </property>
# pwd:/soft/ranger-2.1.0-usersync # ./start.sh NOTE: This script is provided for backward compatibility only. All scripts calling this should now use '/usr/bin/ranger-usersync start' instead Apache Ranger Usersync Service is already running [pid={1367}]
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