2022/6/6 2:19:54
DB 专用词汇
pertain 属于
compatible 兼容的
temporary 暂时的
data redundancy 数据冗余
fire a trigger 触发触发器
Collation 整理
revoke 撤销,吊销
grant 授予, 准许
database integraty 数据库完整性 data integrity
allocate 分配(内存)allocate blocks
Taxonomy 分类 index taxonomy
aborted 流产的, the transaction aborted
chronological 按时间顺序排列的 chronological order
throughput 吞吐量 better transaction throughput
temporal 时间的 a temporal order
precedence graph 优先的
moderately 适度地 moderately fast
tertiary storage 第三级储存
archival storage 存档案的
checksum 校验和
surge 激增 electrical power surges
pitfall 陷阱 avoid two major pitfalls
ternary 三元 a ternary relationship between instructor, student, project
replicate 复制 replicate information
anomaly 异常 insertion anomaly
retrieve 检索 retrieve the data
hybrid disk 混合..
latency 延时,延迟
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