sql xml
2022/7/22 2:22:54
本文主要是介绍sql xml,对大家解决编程问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的程序猿们随着小编来一起学习吧!
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <!DOCTYPE mapper PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN" "http://mybatis.org/dtd/mybatis-3-mapper.dtd"> <mapper namespace="com.huike.business.mapper.TbBusinessMapper"> <resultMap type="TbBusiness" id="TbBusinessResult"> <result property="id" column="id"/> <result property="name" column="name"/> <result property="phone" column="phone"/> <result property="channel" column="channel"/> <result property="activityId" column="activity_id"/> <result property="provinces" column="provinces"/> <result property="city" column="city"/> <result property="sex" column="sex"/> <result property="age" column="age"/> <result property="weixin" column="weixin"/> <result property="qq" column="qq"/> <result property="level" column="level"/> <result property="subject" column="subject"/> <result property="courseId" column="course_id"/> <result property="createBy" column="create_by"/> <result property="createTime" column="create_time"/> <result property="occupation" column="occupation"/> <result property="education" column="education"/> <result property="job" column="job"/> <result property="salary" column="salary"/> <result property="major" column="major"/> <result property="expectedSalary" column="expected_salary"/> <result property="reasons" column="reasons"/> <result property="plan" column="plan"/> <result property="planTime" column="plan_time"/> <result property="otherIntention" column="other_intention"/> <result property="nextTime" column="next_time"/> <result property="status" column="status"/> <result property="clue_id" column="clueId"/> </resultMap> <resultMap type="TbBusiness" id="TbBusinessAssignResult"> <result property="id" column="id"/> <result property="name" column="name"/> <result property="phone" column="phone"/> <result property="channel" column="channel"/> <result property="activityId" column="activity_id"/> <result property="provinces" column="provinces"/> <result property="city" column="city"/> <result property="sex" column="sex"/> <result property="age" column="age"/> <result property="weixin" column="weixin"/> <result property="qq" column="qq"/> <result property="level" column="level"/> <result property="subject" column="subject"/> <result property="courseId" column="course_id"/> <result property="createBy" column="create_by"/> <result property="createTime" column="create_time"/> <result property="occupation" column="occupation"/> <result property="education" column="education"/> <result property="job" column="job"/> <result property="salary" column="salary"/> <result property="major" column="major"/> <result property="expectedSalary" column="expected_salary"/> <result property="reasons" column="reasons"/> <result property="plan" column="plan"/> <result property="planTime" column="plan_time"/> <result property="otherIntention" column="other_intention"/> <result property="nextTime" column="next_time"/> <result property="status" column="status"/> <result property="assignBy" column="assign_by"/> <result property="owner" column="owner"/> <result property="ownerTime" column="owner_time"/> <result property="clue_id" column="clueId"/> </resultMap> <sql id="selectTbBusinessVo"> select id, name, phone, channel, activity_id, provinces, city, sex, age, weixin, qq, level, subject, course_id, create_by, create_time, occupation, education, job, salary, major, expected_salary, reasons, plan, plan_time, other_intention, next_time, status from tb_business </sql> <sql id="selectTbBusinesAssignVo"> select b.id, b.name, b.phone, b.channel, b.activity_id, b.provinces, b.city, b.sex, b.age, b.weixin, b.qq, b.level, b.subject, b.course_id, b.create_by, b.create_time, b.occupation, b.education, b.job, b.salary, b.major, b.expected_salary, b.reasons, b.plan, b.plan_time, b.other_intention, b.next_time, b.status, r.create_by as assign_by, r.user_name as owner, r.create_time as owner_time from tb_business b left join tb_assign_record r on b.id = r.assign_id </sql> <select id="selectTbBusinessPool" parameterType="TbBusiness" resultMap="TbBusinessResult"> <include refid="selectTbBusinessVo"/> <where> <if test="id != null and id != ''">and id = #{id}</if> <if test="name != null and name != ''">and name like concat('%', #{name}, '%')</if> <if test="phone != null and phone != ''">and phone = #{phone}</if> <if test="channel != null and channel != ''">and channel = #{channel}</if> <if test="activityId != null ">and activity_id = #{activityId}</if> <if test="provinces != null and provinces != ''">and provinces = #{provinces}</if> <if test="city != null and city != ''">and city = #{city}</if> <if test="sex != null and sex != ''">and sex = #{sex}</if> <if test="age != null ">and age = #{age}</if> <if test="weixin != null and weixin != ''">and weixin = #{weixin}</if> <if test="qq != null and qq != ''">and qq = #{qq}</if> <if test="level != null and level != ''">and level = #{level}</if> <if test="subject != null and subject != ''">and subject = #{subject}</if> <if test="courseId != null ">and course_id = #{courseId}</if> <if test="occupation != null and occupation != ''">and occupation = #{occupation}</if> <if test="education != null and education != ''">and education = #{education}</if> <if test="job != null and job != ''">and job = #{job}</if> <if test="salary != null and salary != ''">and salary = #{salary}</if> <if test="major != null and major != ''">and major = #{major}</if> <if test="expectedSalary != null and expectedSalary != ''">and expected_salary = #{expectedSalary}</if> <if test="reasons != null and reasons != ''">and reasons = #{reasons}</if> <if test="plan != null and plan != ''">and plan = #{plan}</if> <if test="planTime != null ">and plan_time = #{planTime}</if> <if test="otherIntention != null and otherIntention != ''">and other_intention = #{otherIntention}</if> <if test="nextTime != null ">and next_time = #{nextTime}</if> <if test="beginCreateTime != null and endCreateTime != null ">and DATE_FORMAT(create_time,'%Y-%m-%d') BETWEEN #{beginCreateTime} AND #{endCreateTime} </if> and status IN ('3','4') </where> <if test="params.dataScope != null and params.dataScope != ''"> AND (${params.dataScope} OR id IS NULL) </if> ORDER BY `create_time` DESC </select> <select id="selectTbBusinessList" parameterType="TbBusiness" resultMap="TbBusinessAssignResult"> <include refid="selectTbBusinesAssignVo"/> <where> <if test="id != null and id != ''">and b.id like concat('%', #{id}, '%')</if> <if test="name != null and name != ''">and b.name like concat('%', #{name}, '%')</if> <if test="phone != null and phone != ''">and b.phone like concat('%', #{phone}, '%')</if> <if test="channel != null and channel != ''">and b.channel = #{channel}</if> <if test="activityId != null ">and b.activity_id = #{activityId}</if> <if test="provinces != null and provinces != ''">and b.provinces = #{provinces}</if> <if test="city != null and city != ''">and b.city = #{city}</if> <if test="sex != null and sex != ''">and b.sex = #{sex}</if> <if test="age != null ">and b.age = #{age}</if> <if test="weixin != null and weixin != ''">and b.weixin = #{weixin}</if> <if test="qq != null and qq != ''">and b.qq = #{qq}</if> <if test="level != null and level != ''">and b.level = #{level}</if> <if test="subject != null and subject != ''">and b.subject = #{subject}</if> <if test="courseId != null ">and b.course_id = #{courseId}</if> <if test="occupation != null and occupation != ''">and b.occupation = #{occupation}</if> <if test="education != null and education != ''">and b.education = #{education}</if> <if test="job != null and job != ''">and b.job = #{job}</if> <if test="salary != null and salary != ''">and b.salary = #{salary}</if> <if test="major != null and major != ''">and b.major = #{major}</if> <if test="expectedSalary != null and expectedSalary != ''">and b.expected_salary = #{expectedSalary}</if> <if test="reasons != null and reasons != ''">and b.reasons = #{reasons}</if> <if test="plan != null and plan != ''">and b.plan = #{plan}</if> <if test="planTime != null ">and b.plan_time = #{planTime}</if> <if test="otherIntention != null and otherIntention != ''">and b.other_intention = #{otherIntention}</if> <if test="nextTime != null ">and b.next_time = #{nextTime}</if> <if test="beginCreateTime != null and endCreateTime != null ">and DATE_FORMAT(b.create_time,'%Y-%m-%d') BETWEEN #{beginCreateTime} AND #{endCreateTime} </if> <if test="status != null and status !=''">and b.status = #{status}</if> <if test="status == null or status == ''">and b.status in ('1','2')</if> and status IN ('3','4','1','0') AND (r.latest = '1' OR r.id IS NULL) AND (r.type = '1' OR r.id IS NULL) </where> <!-- 数据范围过滤 --> <if test="params.dataScope != null and params.dataScope != ''"> AND (${params.dataScope} OR r.id IS NULL) </if> ORDER BY b.`create_time` DESC </select> <select id="selectTbBusinessById" parameterType="Long" resultMap="TbBusinessResult"> <include refid="selectTbBusinessVo"/> where id = #{id} </select> <insert id="insertTbBusiness" parameterType="TbBusiness" useGeneratedKeys="true" keyProperty="id"> insert into tb_business <trim prefix="(" suffix=")" suffixOverrides=","> <if test="name != null">name,</if> <if test="phone != null">phone,</if> <if test="channel != null">channel,</if> <if test="activityId != null">activity_id,</if> <if test="provinces != null">provinces,</if> <if test="city != null">city,</if> <if test="sex != null and sex != ''">sex,</if> <if test="age != null">age,</if> <if test="weixin != null">weixin,</if> <if test="qq != null">qq,</if> <if test="level != null">level,</if> <if test="subject != null">subject,</if> <if test="courseId != null">course_id,</if> <if test="createBy != null">create_by,</if> <if test="createTime != null">create_time,</if> <if test="occupation != null">occupation,</if> <if test="education != null">education,</if> <if test="job != null">job,</if> <if test="salary != null">salary,</if> <if test="major != null">major,</if> <if test="expectedSalary != null">expected_salary,</if> <if test="reasons != null">reasons,</if> <if test="plan != null">plan,</if> <if test="planTime != null">plan_time,</if> <if test="otherIntention != null">other_intention,</if> <if test="nextTime != null">next_time,</if> <if test="status != null">status,</if> <if test="clueId != null">clue_id,</if> <if test="transfer != null">transfer,</if> </trim> <trim prefix="values (" suffix=")" suffixOverrides=","> <if test="name != null">#{name},</if> <if test="phone != null">#{phone},</if> <if test="channel != null">#{channel},</if> <if test="activityId != null">#{activityId},</if> <if test="provinces != null">#{provinces},</if> <if test="city != null">#{city},</if> <if test="sex != null and sex != ''">#{sex},</if> <if test="age != null">#{age},</if> <if test="weixin != null">#{weixin},</if> <if test="qq != null">#{qq},</if> <if test="level != null">#{level},</if> <if test="subject != null">#{subject},</if> <if test="courseId != null">#{courseId},</if> <if test="createBy != null">#{createBy},</if> <if test="createTime != null">#{createTime},</if> <if test="occupation != null">#{occupation},</if> <if test="education != null">#{education},</if> <if test="job != null">#{job},</if> <if test="salary != null">#{salary},</if> <if test="major != null">#{major},</if> <if test="expectedSalary != null">#{expectedSalary},</if> <if test="reasons != null">#{reasons},</if> <if test="plan != null">#{plan},</if> <if test="planTime != null">#{planTime},</if> <if test="otherIntention != null">#{otherIntention},</if> <if test="nextTime != null">#{nextTime},</if> <if test="status != null">#{status},</if> <if test="clueId != null">#{clueId},</if> <if test="transfer != null">#{transfer},</if> </trim> </insert> <update id="updateTbBusiness" parameterType="TbBusiness"> update tb_business <trim prefix="SET" suffixOverrides=","> <if test="name != null">name = #{name},</if> <if test="phone != null">phone = #{phone},</if> <if test="channel != null">channel = #{channel},</if> <if test="activityId != null">activity_id = #{activityId},</if> <if test="provinces != null">provinces = #{provinces},</if> <if test="city != null">city = #{city},</if> <if test="sex != null and sex != ''">sex = #{sex},</if> <if test="age != null">age = #{age},</if> <if test="weixin != null">weixin = #{weixin},</if> <if test="qq != null">qq = #{qq},</if> <if test="level != null">level = #{level},</if> <if test="subject != null">subject = #{subject},</if> <if test="courseId != null">course_id = #{courseId},</if> <if test="createBy != null">create_by = #{createBy},</if> <if test="createTime != null">create_time = #{createTime},</if> <if test="occupation != null">occupation = #{occupation},</if> <if test="education != null">education = #{education},</if> <if test="job != null">job = #{job},</if> <if test="salary != null">salary = #{salary},</if> <if test="major != null">major = #{major},</if> <if test="expectedSalary != null">expected_salary = #{expectedSalary},</if> <if test="reasons != null">reasons = #{reasons},</if> <if test="plan != null">plan = #{plan},</if> <if test="planTime != null">plan_time = #{planTime},</if> <if test="otherIntention != null">other_intention = #{otherIntention},</if> <if test="nextTime != null">next_time = #{nextTime},</if> <if test="status != null">status = #{status},</if> </trim> where id = #{id} </update> <delete id="deleteTbBusinessById" parameterType="Long"> delete from tb_business where id = #{id} </delete> <delete id="deleteTbBusinessByIds" parameterType="String"> delete from tb_business where id in <foreach item="id" collection="array" open="(" separator="," close=")"> #{id} </foreach> </delete> <update id="resetNextTimeAndStatus"> update tb_business set next_time=null, status=#{status} where id = #{id} </update> <update id="setTransfer"> update tb_business set next_time=null, status=#{status}, transfer='1' where id = #{id} </update> <update id="updateBusinessEndTimeById"> update tb_business set end_time=#{endTime}, next_time = null where id = #{id} </update> </mapper>
这篇关于sql xml的文章就介绍到这儿,希望我们推荐的文章对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持为之网!
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