[Codeforces_gym_103469] D.Deleting
2022/8/1 6:22:49
本文主要是介绍[Codeforces_gym_103469] D.Deleting,对大家解决编程问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的程序猿们随着小编来一起学习吧!
You are given an array \([1,2,…,n]\), where the number of elements \(n\) is even.
In one operation, you can delete two adjacent elements of the array. If these elements are \(i\) and \(j\), the cost of this operation is \(cost(i, j)\).
In \(\frac{n}{2}\) operations, all elements will be deleted. The cost of deleting the whole array is defined as the largest cost among all the \(\frac{n}{2}\) operations.
What is the smallest possible cost of deleting the whole array?
It is guaranteed that the costs form a permutation of numbers from \(1\) to \({(\frac{n}{2})}^2\).
\(n\le 4000\)
设 \(dp(l,r)\) 表示删掉区间 \([l, r]\) 的答案。则转移为:
\[\max\{dp(l, r),cost(l - 1, r + 1)\}\to dp(l - 1, r + 1)\\ \max\{dp(l, k), dp(k + 1, r)\}\to dp(l , r) \]正常转移为\(O(n^3)\)。
考虑按照从小到大的顺序更新整个 \(dp\) 表。
考虑当前 \(dp(i,j) < val\) 的 \(dp\) 值都已经计算完毕,当前 \(cost(l, r) = val\)。
考虑哪些 \((i,j)\) 满足 \(dp(i,j) = val\):
- 如果 \(dp(l,r)\) 目前未被计算,并且 \(dp(l + 1, r - 1)\) 已经被计算了或者 \(l + 1 = r\),那么有 \(dp(l,r) = val\)。
- 如果 \(dp(l,r) = val\),并且 \(dp(l - 1, r + 1)\) 尚未被计算同时 \(cost(l-1, r + 1) < dp(l ,r)\),那么有 \(dp(l -1 , r + 1) = val\)。
- 如果\(dp(l,r) = val\),并且 \(dp(l, r')\) 尚未被计算同时 \(dp(r + 1, r')\) 已经被计算过了(\(<val\)),那么有 \(dp(l, r') = dp(l,r)\)。对于这种转移,可以利用
最后复杂度为 \(O(\frac{n^3}{64})\)。
可以只开 \(2000\),因为对于每个点有 \(cost\) 的位置只有一半。
#pragma GCC optimize(2) #pragma GCC optimize(3) #pragma GCC optimize("Ofast") #pragma GCC optimize("inline") #pragma GCC optimize("-fgcse") #pragma GCC optimize("-fgcse-lm") #pragma GCC optimize("-fipa-sra") #pragma GCC optimize("-ftree-pre") #pragma GCC optimize("-ftree-vrp") #pragma GCC optimize("-fpeephole2") #pragma GCC optimize("-ffast-math") #pragma GCC optimize("-fsched-spec") #pragma GCC optimize("unroll-loops") #pragma GCC optimize("-falign-jumps") #pragma GCC optimize("-falign-loops") #pragma GCC optimize("-falign-labels") #pragma GCC optimize("-fdevirtualize") #pragma GCC optimize("-fcaller-saves") #pragma GCC optimize("-fcrossjumping") #pragma GCC optimize("-fthread-jumps") #pragma GCC optimize("-funroll-loops") #pragma GCC optimize("-fwhole-program") #pragma GCC optimize("-freorder-blocks") #pragma GCC optimize("-fschedule-insns") #pragma GCC optimize("inline-functions") #pragma GCC optimize("-ftree-tail-merge") #pragma GCC optimize("-fschedule-insns2") #pragma GCC optimize("-fstrict-aliasing") #pragma GCC optimize("-fstrict-overflow") #pragma GCC optimize("-falign-functions") #pragma GCC optimize("-fcse-skip-blocks") #pragma GCC optimize("-fcse-follow-jumps") #pragma GCC optimize("-fsched-interblock") #pragma GCC optimize("-fpartial-inlining") #pragma GCC optimize("no-stack-protector") #pragma GCC optimize("-freorder-functions") #pragma GCC optimize("-findirect-inlining") #pragma GCC optimize("-fhoist-adjacent-loads") #pragma GCC optimize("-frerun-cse-after-loop") #pragma GCC optimize("inline-small-functions") #pragma GCC optimize("-finline-small-functions") #pragma GCC optimize("-ftree-switch-conversion") #pragma GCC optimize("-foptimize-sibling-calls") #pragma GCC optimize("-fexpensive-optimizations") #pragma GCC optimize("-funsafe-loop-optimizations") #pragma GCC optimize("inline-functions-called-once") #pragma GCC optimize("-fdelete-null-pointer-checks") #include<bits/stdc++.h> #define mkp make_pair using namespace std; #define MN 4005 int n, a[MN][MN]; inline int read() { int x = 0, f = 1; char ch = getchar(); while(ch < '0' || ch > '9') { if(ch == '-') f = -1; ch = getchar(); } while(ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') { x = (x << 3) + (x << 1) + ch - '0'; ch = getchar(); } return x*f; } #define se second #define fi first int f[MN][MN]; bitset<MN / 2> vis[MN], vis2[MN]; std::pair<int, int> pos[MN * MN / 4]; void upd(int l, int r) { bitset<MN / 2> tmp; if(r + 1 <= n) { tmp = (~vis[l]) & vis[r + 1]; int k = tmp._Find_first(); while(k != tmp.size()) { int kk = k * 2 + (l % 2 == 0); f[l][kk] = f[l][r]; vis[l][kk / 2] = vis2[kk][l / 2] = 1; upd(l, kk); k = tmp._Find_next(k); } } if(l > 1) { tmp = (~vis2[r]) & vis2[l - 1]; int k = tmp._Find_first(); while(k != tmp.size()) { int kk = k * 2 + (r % 2 == 0); f[kk][r] = f[l][r]; vis[kk][r / 2] = vis2[r][kk / 2] = 1; upd(kk, r); k = tmp._Find_next(k); } } if(l > 1 && r < n && !vis[l - 1][(r + 1) / 2] && a[l - 1][r + 1] < f[l][r]) { vis[l - 1][(r + 1) / 2] = 1; vis2[r + 1][(l - 1) / 2] = 1; f[l - 1][r + 1] = f[l][r]; upd(l - 1, r + 1); } } int main() { n = read(); for(int i = 1; i <= n; i++) for(int j = i + 1; j <= n; j += 2) { a[i][j] = read(); pos[a[i][j]] = mkp(i, j); } int MAX = (n / 2) * (n / 2); for(int i = 1; i <= MAX; ++i) { int l = pos[i].fi, r = pos[i].se; if(vis[l][r / 2] == 0 && (vis[l + 1][(r - 1) / 2] == 1 || (r == l + 1))) { vis[l][r / 2] = vis2[r][l / 2] = 1; f[l][r] = i; upd(l, r); } } return 0 * printf("%d\n", f[1][n]); }
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