2022/8/13 1:25:37
2022-08-12 11:20:01
1. 目的
做一些 application 方面 demo 的尝试。
使用 OpenCV 而不是 EasyX 或 SDL 的原因是: 对 OpenCV 比较熟悉觉得比较简单, 能够跨平台, 对于验证想法的小demo还是够用的。
主要思路是状态转移,即:当前帧和下一帧, 根据用户输入的方向键改变或维持方向, 根据方向情况更新 snake 的每个 body 部分(block)的位置, 清理屏幕和绘制更新位置后的 snake; 随机位置生成食物, 吃到食物后 body 需要增加一个元素。
使用到了 std::deque
双端队列数据结构, 解决了 snake 改变方向后计算新位置的问题。
2. 代码
#include <opencv2/highgui.hpp> #include <opencv2/opencv.hpp> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> class Point { public: int x; int y; }; // Divide the whole image(canvas) into blocks // block is the basic plot unit class Block { public: int width; int height; public: Block(int _height, int _width) : height(_height), width(_width) {} }; // A randomly generated block class Food { public: Point pos; cv::Scalar color; bool exist; }; // User use arrow keys for snake movement // Esc key corresponds to EXIT, means exit the game enum Direction { LEFT, RIGHT, TOP, BOTTOM, EXIT }; class Snake { public: Snake(const Point& pos, Direction dir, cv::Scalar color); public: std::vector<Point> points; std::deque<Direction> directions; cv::Scalar color; }; Snake::Snake(const Point& init_point, Direction dir, cv::Scalar _color) { points.push_back(init_point); directions.push_back(dir); color = _color; } Point get_center_point(int w, int h) { Point pt; pt.x = w / 2; pt.y = h / 2; return pt; } void draw_block(cv::Mat& image, int block_x_idx, int block_y_idx, int block_width, int block_height, cv::Scalar color) { for (int i = 1; i < block_height-1; i++) { int y = block_y_idx * block_height + i; for (int j = 1; j < block_width-1; j++) { int x = block_x_idx * block_width + j; image.ptr(y, x)[0] = color[0]; image.ptr(y, x)[1] = color[1]; image.ptr(y, x)[2] = color[2]; } } } int get_random_int(int a, int b) { return (rand() * 1.0 / RAND_MAX) * (b - a) + a; } bool is_same_block(const Point& p1, const Point& p2, const Block& block) { int p1_block_idx_x = p1.x / block.width; int p1_block_idx_y = p1.y / block.height; int p2_block_idx_x = p2.x / block.width; int p2_block_idx_y = p2.y / block.height; return p1_block_idx_x == p2_block_idx_x && p1_block_idx_y == p2_block_idx_y; } void draw_image(cv::Mat& image, Snake& snake, Direction new_direction, const Block& block, Food& food) { image = cv::Scalar(0); // clean canvas const int w = image.cols; const int h = image.rows; // TODO: 检查 block 大小是否符合窗口整除倍数关系 int num_bodies = snake.points.size(); printf("num bodies is %d\n", num_bodies); snake.directions.pop_back(); snake.directions.push_front(new_direction); for (int i = 0; i < num_bodies; i++) { Point& point = snake.points[i]; if (snake.directions[i] == RIGHT) { point.x = (point.x + block.width) % w; } else if (snake.directions[i] == LEFT) { point.x = (point.x - block.width + w) % w; } else if (snake.directions[i] == TOP) { point.y = (point.y - block.height + h) % h; } else if (snake.directions[i] == BOTTOM) { point.y = (point.y + block.height) % h; } } for (int i = 0; i < num_bodies; i++) { Point& point = snake.points[i]; int block_x_idx = point.x / block.width; int block_y_idx = point.y / block.height; draw_block(image, block_x_idx, block_y_idx, block.width, block.height, snake.color); } // 随机生成食物的绘制 Point& pos = food.pos; if (!food.exist) { pos.x = get_random_int(0, w); pos.y = get_random_int(0, h); food.exist = true; } if (is_same_block(snake.points[0], food.pos, block)) { food.exist = false; Point new_point; Point& last_point = snake.points[num_bodies - 1]; Direction last_direction = snake.directions[num_bodies - 1]; int x_shift = 0; int y_shift = 0; if (last_direction == RIGHT) { x_shift = -1; } else if (last_direction == LEFT) { x_shift = 1; } else if (last_direction == TOP) { y_shift = 1; } else if (last_direction == BOTTOM) { y_shift = -1; } new_point.x = (last_point.x + x_shift * block.width) % w; new_point.y = (last_point.y + y_shift * block.height) % h; snake.points.push_back(new_point); snake.directions.push_back(last_direction); } else { int block_x_idx = pos.x / block.width; int block_y_idx = pos.y / block.height; draw_block(image, block_x_idx, block_y_idx, block.width, block.height, food.color); } } int main() { const int w = 640; const int h = 480; cv::Size size; size.width = w; size.height = h; cv::Mat image(size, CV_8UC3); image = cv::Scalar(0); Block block(40, 40); Point center = get_center_point(w, h); Direction direction = RIGHT; Snake snake(center, direction, cv::Scalar(255, 255, 255)); for (int i = 1; i < 4; i++) { Point pt; pt.y = center.y; pt.x = center.x - block.width * i; snake.points.push_back(pt); snake.directions.push_back(direction); } int i = 0; Food food; food.color = cv::Scalar(255, 0, 0); food.exist = false; const char* title = "snake"; cv::namedWindow(title); while (true) { draw_image(image, snake, direction, block, food); i++; std::string image_path = std::to_string(i) + ".png"; cv::imwrite(image_path, image); cv::imshow(title, image); int key_ret = cv::waitKey(500); // 官方文档说用 waitKeyEx; 下面的数值是我在 Linux KDE 下试出来的。 printf("key_ret is %d\n", key_ret); switch (key_ret) { case 81: direction = LEFT; break; case 83: direction = RIGHT; break; case 82: direction = TOP; break; case 84: direction = BOTTOM; break; case 27: direction = EXIT; break; } if (direction == EXIT) { printf("Bye~\n"); break; } } return 0; }
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