mybatis 10: 动态sql --- part2
2022/8/16 2:24:56
本文主要是介绍mybatis 10: 动态sql --- part2,对大家解决编程问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的程序猿们随着小编来一起学习吧!
< foreach >标签
- 用来进行循环遍历,完成循环条件的查询,批量删除,批量增加,批量更新
- 包括循环查询 + 批量删除 + 批量增加 + 批量更新的用法
package com.example.mapper; import com.example.pojo.User; import java.util.List; /** * 数据访问层的接口,定义对数据库完成的CRUD的操作 */ public interface UsersMapper { //循环查询 List<User> getByIds(Integer []id_array); //批量删除 int deleteByIds(Integer []id_array); //批量插入 int insertBatch(List<User> users); //批量更新 int updateBatch(List<User> users); }
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <!DOCTYPE mapper PUBLIC "-// Mapper 3.0//EN" ""> <mapper namespace="com.example.mapper.UsersMapper"> <!-- //循环查询 List<User> getByIds(Integer []id_array); --> <select id="getByIds" resultType="user"> select <include refid="allColumns"/> from users where id in <foreach collection="array" item="id" open="(" close=")" separator=","> #{id} </foreach> </select> <!-- //批量删除 int deleteByIds(Integer []id_array); --> <delete id="deleteByIds"> delete from users where id in <foreach collection="array" item="id" separator="," open="(" close=")"> #{id} </foreach> </delete> <!-- //批量插入 int insertBatch(List<User> users); --> <insert id="insertBatch"> insert into users(username, birthday, sex, address) values <foreach collection="list" item="user" separator=","> (#{user.userName}, #{user.birthday}, #{}, #{user.address}) </foreach> </insert> <!-- //批量更新 int updateBatch(List<User> users); private Integer id; private String userName; private Date birthday; private String sex; private String address; --> <update id="updateBatch"> <foreach collection="list" item="user" separator=";"> update users <set> <if test="user.userName != null and user.userName != ''"> username=#{user.userName}, </if> <if test="user.birthday != null"> birthday=#{user.birthday}, </if> <if test=" != null and != ''"> sex=#{}, </if> <if test="user.address != null and user.address != ''"> address=#{user.address}, </if> </set> where id=#{} </foreach> </update> </mapper>
- 其实只有当入参类型是实体类时,才必须指明其类型,其他类型的数据皆可不写
< foreach >标签的属性说明
- collection:指明待遍历的数据容器的类型,可选的有三个:array,list,map
- item:给遍历出的每个元素指定一个名称,便于在标签内使用
- open 和 close:原先sql语句,in后面待遍历的数据放在括号中,这里通过标签属性的形式来实现
- 可以将sql语句和标签的书写分隔开,使得代码更加直观
- 注意:这是循环外层的括号,用来容纳所有的元素,循环内部的元素自身的括号不能用这对标签,要手动加上
- 是否要使用 open 和 close标签的说明:
<!-- 批量删除时使用 --> <foreach collection="array" item="id" separator="," open="(" close=")"> #{id} </foreach> <!-- 批量插入时未使用 --> <foreach collection="list" item="user" separator=","> <!-- 为元素手动添加括号 --> (#{user.userName}, #{user.birthday}, #{}, #{user.address}) </foreach> <!-- 不同选择的依据: 看被遍历的元素是否要放在同一个括号内,需要则使用open 和 close标签,否则不用 元素自身需要括号,则手动添加 -->
- 正确使用是指:在指定需要的间隔符后,间隔符号的个数以及出现在元素之间的位置,由mybatis自动正确放置(如果有多个元素的话)
- 本质:由底层解析出的sql语句可知,本质执行的是多条独立的update语句
- 这也决定了< update >标签内应该是一个 < foreach >标签,分隔符应该是";",用来间隔多条相互独立的update语句
- 注意:这与执行一条update语句,影响多行记录是不同的,必须在jdbc.properties文件中的url的值后新增配置:allowMultiQueries=true
- 本质:由底层解析出的sql语句可知,本质执行的是多条独立的update语句
jdbc.driverClassName=com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver jdbc.url=jdbc:mysql://ip:3306/ssm?useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=utf8&allowMultiQueries=true jdbc.username=XXXX jdbc.password=YYYY
//批量查询 ==> Preparing: select id, username, birthday, sex, address from users where id in ( ? , ? , ? )
//批量删除 ==> Preparing: delete from users where id in ( ? , ? )
//批量插入 ==> Preparing: insert into users(username, birthday, sex, address) values (?, ?, ?, ?) , (?, ?, ?, ?) , (?, ?, ?, ?)
//批量更新 ==> Preparing: update users SET username=?, birthday=?, sex=?, address=? where id=? ; update users SET username=?, birthday=?, sex=?, address=? where id=? ; update users SET username=?, birthday=?, sex=?, address=? where id=?
package com.example.mapper; import com.example.pojo.User; import; import org.apache.ibatis.session.SqlSession; import org.apache.ibatis.session.SqlSessionFactory; import org.apache.ibatis.session.SqlSessionFactoryBuilder; import org.junit.After; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.Array; import java.util.List; public class TestUsersMapper { //时间刷 SimpleDateFormat date = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"); //SqlSession对象 SqlSession sqlSession; //mybatis动态代理对象 UsersMapper usersMapper; //获取SqlSession @Before public void getSqlSession() throws IOException { //读取核心配置文件 InputStream in = Resources.getResourceAsStream("SqlMapConfig.xml"); //创建SqlSessionFactory对象 SqlSessionFactory factory = new SqlSessionFactoryBuilder().build(in); //获取SqlSession sqlSession = factory.openSession(); //获取mybatis动态代理对象 usersMapper = sqlSession.getMapper(UsersMapper.class); } //归还SqlSession @After public void closeSession(){ sqlSession.close(); } //循环查询测试 @Test public void testGetByIds(){ Integer []id_array = {1, 3, 5}; List<User> users = usersMapper.getByIds(id_array); users.forEach(System.out::println); } //批量删除测试 @Test public void testDeleteByIds(){ Integer []id_array = {3, 29}; int num = usersMapper.deleteByIds(id_array); if(num == 2){ System.out.println("批量删除成功!"); sqlSession.commit(); }else{ System.out.println("批量删除失败!"); } } //批量插入测试 @Test public void testInsertBatch() throws ParseException { User u1 = new User("西决", date.parse("2001-01-01"), "男", "北京"); User u2 = new User("南音", date.parse("2002-02-02"), "女", "北京"); User u3 = new User("北北", date.parse("2003-03-03"), "男", "北京"); List<User> users = new ArrayList<>(); users.add(u1); users.add(u2); users.add(u3); int num = usersMapper.insertBatch(users); if(num == 3){ System.out.println("批量插入成功!"); sqlSession.commit(); }else{ System.out.println("批量插入失败!"); } } //批量更新测试 @Test public void testUpdateBatch() throws ParseException { User u1 = new User(31,"西决2", date.parse("2001-01-01"), "男", "北京"); User u2 = new User(32,"南音2", date.parse("2002-02-02"), "女", "北京"); User u3 = new User(33,"北北2", date.parse("2003-03-03"), "男", "北京"); List<User> users = new ArrayList<>(); users.add(u1); users.add(u2); users.add(u3); int num = usersMapper.updateBatch(users); if(num == 1){ System.out.println("批量更新成功!"); sqlSession.commit(); }else{ System.out.println("批量更新失败!"); } } }
- 在执行批量更新操作时,为什么数据表的记录明明修改了3条,输出结果中更新结果的返回值却是1呢?
- 更新后的数据表,修改了3条记录
- 批量更新后的返回结果
<== Updates: 1 批量更新成功!
- 首先要区别< update >标签和update语句:在 < update >标签中有一个< foreach >标签,他循环了3条相互独立的update语句
- 注意:每条update语句恰巧都只是修改了一条记录,所以< update >标签返回3次1后结束,因为循环3次后循环标签结束了
- 对于如下测试代码,num其实被赋值3次,num的值是最后一次赋值的结果,本次测试恰好是:1
- 其实笔者不太确定num是否被赋值了3,但是根据底层输出的结果可知,起作用的一定是最后一条update语句影响的记录条数
- 不是循环的3条update语句影响条数的和,因为输出结果:是1,而不是3
int num = usersMapper.updateBatch(users);
//批量查询结果 Checking to see if class com.example.mapper.TestUsersMapper matches criteria [is assignable to Object] Checking to see if class com.example.mapper.UsersMapper matches criteria [is assignable to Object] Opening JDBC Connection Created connection 16148478. Setting autocommit to false on JDBC Connection [[email protected]] ==> Preparing: select id, username, birthday, sex, address from users where id in ( ? , ? , ? ) ==> Parameters: 1(Integer), 3(Integer), 5(Integer) <== Columns: id, username, birthday, sex, address <== Row: 1, 荷包蛋, 2002-08-23, 女, 黑河市 <== Row: 3, 小张, 1999-02-22, 1, 长沙 <== Row: 5, 段, 2001-03-10, 1, 太原 <== Total: 3 Users{id=1, userName='荷包蛋', birthday=Fri Aug 23 00:00:00 CST 2002, sex='女', address='黑河市'} Users{id=3, userName='小张', birthday=Mon Feb 22 00:00:00 CST 1999, sex='1', address='长沙'} Users{id=5, userName='段', birthday=Sat Mar 10 00:00:00 CST 2001, sex='1', address='太原'} Resetting autocommit to true on JDBC Connection [[email protected]] Closing JDBC Connection [[email protected]] Returned connection 16148478 to pool. Process finished with exit code 0
//批量删除结果 Checking to see if class com.example.mapper.TestUsersMapper matches criteria [is assignable to Object] Checking to see if class com.example.mapper.UsersMapper matches criteria [is assignable to Object] Opening JDBC Connection Created connection 544966217. Setting autocommit to false on JDBC Connection [[email protected]] ==> Preparing: delete from users where id in ( ? , ? ) ==> Parameters: 3(Integer), 29(Integer) <== Updates: 2 批量删除成功! Committing JDBC Connection [[email protected]] Resetting autocommit to true on JDBC Connection [[email protected]] Closing JDBC Connection [[email protected]] Returned connection 544966217 to pool. Process finished with exit code 0
//批量增加结果 Checking to see if class com.example.mapper.TestUsersMapper matches criteria [is assignable to Object] Checking to see if class com.example.mapper.UsersMapper matches criteria [is assignable to Object] Opening JDBC Connection Created connection 749604930. Setting autocommit to false on JDBC Connection [[email protected]] ==> Preparing: insert into users(username, birthday, sex, address) values (?, ?, ?, ?) , (?, ?, ?, ?) , (?, ?, ?, ?) ==> Parameters: 西决(String), 2001-01-01 00:00:00.0(Timestamp), 男(String), 北京(String), 南音(String), 2002-02-02 00:00:00.0(Timestamp), 女(String), 北京(String), 北北(String), 2003-03-03 00:00:00.0(Timestamp), 男(String), 北京(String) <== Updates: 3 批量插入成功! Committing JDBC Connection [[email protected]] Resetting autocommit to true on JDBC Connection [[email protected]] Closing JDBC Connection [[email protected]] Returned connection 749604930 to pool. Process finished with exit code 0
//批量更新结果 Checking to see if class com.example.mapper.TestUsersMapper matches criteria [is assignable to Object] Checking to see if class com.example.mapper.UsersMapper matches criteria [is assignable to Object] Opening JDBC Connection Created connection 1718322084. Setting autocommit to false on JDBC Connection [[email protected]] ==> Preparing: update users SET username=?, birthday=?, sex=?, address=? where id=? ; update users SET username=?, birthday=?, sex=?, address=? where id=? ; update users SET username=?, birthday=?, sex=?, address=? where id=? ==> Parameters: 西决2(String), 2001-01-01 00:00:00.0(Timestamp), 男(String), 北京(String), 31(Integer), 南音2(String), 2002-02-02 00:00:00.0(Timestamp), 女(String), 北京(String), 32(Integer), 北北2(String), 2003-03-03 00:00:00.0(Timestamp), 男(String), 北京(String), 33(Integer) <== Updates: 1 批量更新成功! Committing JDBC Connection [[email protected]] Resetting autocommit to true on JDBC Connection [[email protected]] Closing JDBC Connection [[email protected]] Returned connection 1718322084 to pool. Process finished with exit code 0
这篇关于mybatis 10: 动态sql --- part2的文章就介绍到这儿,希望我们推荐的文章对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持为之网!
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