2023/6/8 1:22:40
上个版本: 只是用到ctypes进行传输, 这次将python服务端更改为C++服务端,方便后续维护.
本文实现功能: python传输图片给C++, C++接受图片后对图片进行处理,并将结果返回给python客户端, pass image from python to C++
C++ 服务端
// .h #pragma once #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <sys/socket.h> #include <arpa/inet.h> #include <netinet/in.h> #include <signal.h> #include <opencv2/opencv.hpp> using namespace std; using namespace cv; class ModelManager; class ServerManager { private: int m_port; char *m_addr; cv::VideoCapture m_cap; int m_server; int m_accept; // client conn public: bool initialization(const int &port, const cv::VideoCapture &cap, char *addr = nullptr); bool initialization(const int &port, char *addr = nullptr); bool build_connect(); bool acceptClient(); void error_print(const char *ptr); bool free_connect(); bool send_data_frame(ModelManager& model); bool receive_data_frame(cv::Mat &frame, ModelManager& model); };
#include "ServerManager.h" #include "ModelManager.h" #define BUFFER_SIZE 65538 void ServerManager::error_print(const char * ptr) { perror(ptr); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } bool ServerManager::initialization(const int& port, const cv::VideoCapture& cap, char* addr){ m_port = htons(port); m_addr = addr; m_cap = cap; return true; } bool ServerManager::initialization(const int& port, char* addr){ m_port = htons(port); m_addr = addr; return true; } bool ServerManager::build_connect() { struct sockaddr_in server_addr; bzero(&server_addr,sizeof(server_addr)); server_addr.sin_family = AF_INET; server_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = m_addr?inet_addr(m_addr):INADDR_ANY; server_addr.sin_port = m_port; // create socket m_server = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if(m_server < 0) error_print("socket bind error"); // can reuse port int on = 1; if(setsockopt(m_server,SOL_SOCKET,SO_REUSEADDR,&on,sizeof(on)) < 0) error_print("setsockopt error"); // bind addr if(bind(m_server, (struct sockaddr*)&server_addr, sizeof(server_addr)) < 0) error_print("bind error"); // listen only one client if(listen(m_server, 1) < 0) error_print("listen failed"); cout << "ServerManager is listening, plesae wait..." << endl; return true; } bool ServerManager::acceptClient(){ struct sockaddr_in accept_addr; socklen_t accept_len = sizeof(accept_addr); bzero(&accept_addr,sizeof(accept_addr)); // accept client connection if((m_accept = accept(m_server,(struct sockaddr*)&accept_addr,&accept_len)) < 0) error_print("accept error"); std::cout << "Connection established" << std::endl; return true; } bool ServerManager::send_data_frame(ModelManager& model) { char *json_output = nullptr; json_output = model.createJson(); if (json_output == nullptr) { return false; } // printf("send data %s\n", json_output); // just send json_output, dont memcpy new char*!!! it wastes me two hours // send json int result = send(m_accept, json_output, strlen(json_output), 0); if (result == -1) { cout << "send fail" << endl; return false; } return true; } bool ServerManager::receive_data_frame(Mat& frame, ModelManager& model) { // recv frame size int data_size; if (recv(m_accept, &data_size, sizeof(data_size), 0) != sizeof(data_size)) { // when client close, then close connection close(m_accept); cout << "close connection to client" << endl; acceptClient(); // restart a new accept, to accept new connection return false; } cout << data_size << endl; // recv frame data // char buf[data_size]; // std::vector<uchar> decode; // int bytes_received = 0; // do // { // int nBytes = recv(m_accept, buf, data_size - bytes_received, 0); // for (int i = 0; i < nBytes; i++) // maybe can use memcpy, maybe faster // { // decode.emplace_back(buf[i]); // } // cout << bytes_received << endl; // bytes_received += nBytes; // } while (bytes_received < data_size); char *recv_char = new char[data_size]; std::vector<uchar> decode(data_size, 0); int index = 0; int bytes_received = 0; int count = data_size; while (count > 0)// if count >= 0, dead loop { int iRet = recv(m_accept, recv_char, count, 0); if (index >= data_size) index = data_size; memcpy(&decode[index], recv_char , iRet); index += iRet; if (!iRet) { return -1; } count -= iRet; } // decode message frame = imdecode(decode, cv::IMREAD_COLOR); // push into Model's queueMat model.mtxQueueImg.lock(); model.queueMat.push(frame); model.mtxQueueImg.unlock(); return true; } bool ServerManager::free_connect() { m_cap.release(); close(m_accept); close(m_server); return true; }
C++ model部分代码
#pragma once #include "CV_Classify.h" #include "CV_Detect.h" #include "ServerManager.h" #include <opencv2/opencv.hpp> #include <mutex> #include <queue> #include <unistd.h> // usleep #include <thread> #include "cJSON.h" #include <string> using namespace std; using namespace cv; class ModelManager{ public: Detect objdetect; Classify objclassify; std::mutex mtxQueueDet; // mutex for detect queue std::mutex mtxQueueImg; // mutex for image queue std::mutex mtxQueueCls; // mutex for classify queue std::queue<cv::Mat> queueMat; std::queue<ObjDetectOutput> queueDetOut;// Detect queue std::queue<ObjClassifyOutput> queueClsOut;// Classify queue bool DetectFlag = true; bool ClassifyFlag = true; bool empty_flag = false; friend class ServerManager; public: void initDetectModel() ; void initClassifyModel() ; void DetectImg(); void ClassifyImg(); void getClsResult(ObjClassifyOutput &output); // ObjClassifyOutput getClsResult(); char* createJson(); };
#include "ModelManager.h" void ModelManager::initDetectModel() { std::string config_path = "DetectConfig.yaml"; objdetect.Init(config_path, 1); } void ModelManager::initClassifyModel() { std::string config_path = "ClassiflyConfig.yaml"; objclassify.Init(config_path, 1); } void ModelManager::DetectImg() { DetectInput detect_input; DetectOutput detect_output; cv::Mat frame; size_t mm = 0; while(1) { if (queueMat.empty()) { if(!DetectFlag) { break; } usleep(2000); continue; } // get image from queueMat mtxQueueImg.lock(); frame = queueMat.front(); queueMat.pop(); mtxQueueImg.unlock(); // run model objdetect.Run(detect_input, detect_output); // push detect result into queueDetOut mtxQueueDet.lock(); queueDetOut.push(detect_output); // cout << "detect run !!" << endl; mtxQueueDet.unlock(); } return; } void ModelManager::ClassifyImg() { ObjClassifyInput input; ObjClassifyOutput output; cv::Mat frame; Detoutput detect_result; while(1) { if (queueDetOut.empty()) { if(!ClassifyFlag) { break; } usleep(2000); continue; } // get detect from queueDetOut mtxQueueDet.lock(); detect_result = queueDetOut.front(); queueDetOut.pop(); mtxQueueDet.unlock(); // run model objclassify.Run(input, output); // push cls result into queueClsOut mtxQueueCls.lock(); queueClsOut.push(output); mtxQueueCls.unlock(); } return; } void ModelManager::getClsResult(ObjClassifyOutput& output){ if (queueClsOut.empty()){ output.object_list.object_num = -1; // -1 is now empty; return; // must return in thread otherwise cant use &output } output = queueClsOut.front(); queueClsOut.pop(); return; } char* ModelManager::createJson() // dont know why cant use &value, need return value { mtxQueueCls.lock(); ObjClassifyOutput output; getClsResult(output); mtxQueueCls.unlock(); if (output.object_list.object_num == -1){ return nullptr; } // prepare send data json cJSON* json_object_list = NULL; cJSON* json_ObjClassifyOutput = NULL; json_ObjClassifyOutput = cJSON_CreateObject(); json_object_list = cJSON_CreateObject(); cJSON_AddItemToObject(json_ObjClassifyOutput, "object_list", json_object_list); int obj_num = output.object_list.object_num; cJSON_AddNumberToObject(json_object_list, "object_num", obj_num); for (int i = 0; i < obj_num; ++i){ cJSON* json_object = cJSON_CreateObject(); cJSON* json_box = cJSON_CreateObject(); cJSON_AddNumberToObject(json_box,"x", output.object_list.object[i].bbox.x); cJSON_AddNumberToObject(json_box,"y", output.object_list.object[i].bbox.y); cJSON_AddNumberToObject(json_box,"w", output.object_list.object[i].bbox.w); cJSON_AddNumberToObject(json_box,"h", output.object_list.object[i].bbox.h); cJSON_AddItemToObject(json_object,"bbox", json_box); cJSON_AddNumberToObject(json_object, "classes", output.object_list.object[i].classes); cJSON_AddNumberToObject(json_object, "objectness", output.object_list.object[i].objectness); // double prob = output.object_list.object[i].prob; // cJSON_AddNumberToObject(json_object, "prob", prob); // pointer cant use? string str = "object" + to_string(i); cJSON_AddItemToObject(json_object_list, str.c_str(), json_object); // printf("prob: %f", output.object_list.object[i].prob); } char* json_output = cJSON_Print(json_ObjClassifyOutput); cJSON_Delete(json_ObjClassifyOutput); return json_output; }
C++ 服务端运行
#include <../include/ServerManager.h> #include <../include/ModelManager.h> #include <thread> #define PORT 8080 void recvServer(ServerManager& s, ModelManager& model){ int idx = 0; while (true){ // auto start = std::chrono::steady_clock::now(); cv::Mat frame; s.receive_data_frame(frame, model); // cal time cost // auto end = std::chrono::steady_clock::now(); // std::chrono::duration<double, std::milli> elapsed = end - start; // std::cout << "recv execution time: " << elapsed.count() << " ms\n"; if (frame.empty()) { usleep(2000); continue; } // cv::imwrite("image"+to_string(idx++)+".jpg", frame); std::cout << "Image " << idx++ <<" received !!" << std::endl; } } void sendServer(ServerManager& s, ModelManager& model){ while (true){ if (s.send_data_frame(model)) { cout << "send success!!" << endl; cout << endl; }else{ // cout << "send fail!!" << endl; usleep(2000); } } } int main() { ServerManager s; ModelManager model; model.initDetectModel(); model.initClassifyModel(); cout << endl; s.initialization(PORT); s.build_connect(); s.acceptClient(); thread recv_server(recvServer, std::ref(s), std::ref(model)); thread send_server(sendServer, std::ref(s), std::ref(model)); thread detect(&ModelManager::DetectImg, &model); thread classfy(&ModelManager::ClassifyImg, &model); detect.join(); classfy.join(); recv_server.join(); send_server.join(); return 0; }
import json import socket import struct import time from multiprocessing import JoinableQueue from threading import Thread import os from natsort import ns, natsorted host = '' # '' 'localhost' port = 8080 def img_encode(img_path): img = cv2.imread(img_path) # img = cv2.resize(img, (500, 500), interpolation=cv2.INTER_CUBIC) img_param = [95] # 图片压缩率0-100 _, img = cv2.imencode('.jpg', img, img_param) img = img.tobytes() return img def img_product(img_queue, path, path_mode='image'): if path_mode == 'image': image = img_encode(path) img_queue.put(image) elif path_mode == 'dir': dir_list = os.listdir(path) files = natsorted(dir_list, alg=ns.PATH) # 顺序读取文件名 for filename in files: img_path = path + '/' + filename image = img_encode(img_path) img_queue.put(image) img_queue.put('E') img_queue.join() def server_consumer(img_queue): while True: start = int(round(time.time() * 1000)) # 1. get img from queue img_obj = img_queue.get() img_queue.task_done() # get end signal if img_obj[0] == 'E': client.close() break # 2. send package(img_bytes_size, img_bytes) pack_size = struct.pack("i", len(img_obj)) client.send(pack_size + img_obj) end = int(round(time.time() * 1000)) data = client.recv(65536) json_str = data.decode('utf8', 'ignore').strip(b'\x00'.decode()) results = json.loads(json_str) end = int(round(time.time() * 1000)) end_time = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime()) print('send and recv cost time: ', (end - start)) print(results) if __name__ == '__main__': client = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) client.connect((host, port)) img_dir = 'data' one_img = './data/image.jpg' mode = 'dir' img_jq = JoinableQueue() producer = Thread(target=img_product, args=(img_jq, img_dir, mode,)) consumer = Thread(target=server_consumer, args=(img_jq,)) producer.daemon = True # set daemon but not set join() producer.start() consumer.start() # producer.join() // 让生产者先关闭,防止close错误 consumer.join()
- 其实这个项目真正做完感觉还是挺简单, 就是对socket通信不太熟悉, 以及传图片没做过.
- 实际上传图片只需要读取图片后,imencode,然后tobytes,最后发送size和data即可.而接受端只需要拼接数组,然后imdecode即可.
- 另外传输结果的话利用json传输可以让结果可读性可高, 传输也比较方便, 当时copy别人的发送代码, 没有细看,导致使用memcpy让json格式乱码,导致无法解码json.
- 如果你感觉接收端没问题,一定要看看发送端.
- 之后的新任务就是视频传输利用rtsp流,敬请期待
- use memcpy in receive_frame function if you want,对应github地址
- a pure client and server code to create a simple demo
如果用ctrl+z中断,可能导致address in use,使用bg/fg
- 用户可以使用fg/bg操作继续前台或后台的任务,fg命令重新启动前台被中断的任务,bg命令把被中断的任务放在后台执行
- zmq send img
- 优化imdecode速度,本代码未使用
- 视频传输跟图片传输差不多
- Linux c++获取本地毫秒级精确时间
- 如果不想用json,可以试试struct
- 利用json来传输分类结果
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