2024/8/25 23:02:49
- 各个网站批量获得图片URL的方式略有不同,此处先以必应举例。
2.1 百度
- 打开百度进行图片搜索,并按下F12打开开发者模式
- 在更多工具中打开“网络”
- 找到这类请求
- 相应的描述如图
- 事实上,百度图片的URL信息都储存在这类请求中。这类请求的完整URL如下:
- 其中的pn参数,决定了展示的图片个数,且是30的倍数
- queryWord参数和word参数,是搜索的关键词
- 访问这个URL,会得到如下杂乱的信息
- 只要把这些信息进行恰到的处理,就可以从中提取出所有图片的URL
2.2 搜狗
- 搜狗与百度存储图片URL的请求头名字不同,如下:
2.3 必应
2.4 总结
- 只要找到了网站批量存储图片URL的请求头,就可以通过访问这个请求头,获得其中的文本数据。接下来,我将以必应为例,讲解如何从杂乱的信息中,批量提取图片URL。
- 上文中我们提及,这类请求头中的信息非常的杂乱。但是,我们可以用正则化筛选出图片的URL,如图:
- 可以看到,通过这个正则表达式,所有图片的URL都被提取出来
# Created by Han Xu # email:736946693@qq.com import requests import urllib.request import urllib.parse import os import re class Spider_bing_image(): def __init__(self): """ @:brief @:return """ self.path=input("type in the path where you want to reserve the images:") self.url = 'https://www4.bing.com/images/async?' self.headers = { 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/112.0.1722.48'} self.keyword = input("type in the keywords used to search in bing:") self.paginator = int(input("Type in the number of pages you want.Each page has almost 30 images:")) def get_urls(self): """ @:brief Get the URLs that you need to visit. @:return return a list of the URLs """ keyword = urllib.parse.quote(self.keyword) params = [] for i in range(1, self.paginator + 1): params.append( "q={}&first={}&count=35&cw=1233&ch=946&relp=35&datsrc=I&layout=RowBased_Landscape&apc=0&mmasync=1&dgState=x*303_y*1355_h*185_c*1_i*36_r*8&IG=6A228D01DCE044E685557DE143D55D91&SFX=2&iid=images.5554".format( keyword,30 * i)) urls = [] for i in params: urls.append(self.url + i) return urls def get_path(self): """ @:brief Get the path where you want to reserve the images. @:return """ dirname="./"+self.path dirname_origin = dirname int_index = 0 while(True): IsExist = os.path.exists(dirname) if (IsExist==False): os.mkdir(dirname) IsCreate=True break else: int_index+=1 dirname=dirname_origin+"({})".format(int_index) return dirname+"/" def get_image_url(self, urls): """ @:brief Get the URLs of images. @:return a list of URLs of images """ image_url = [] pattern_string="http[^%&]+.jpg" pattern = re.compile(pattern=pattern_string) for url in urls: url_txt = requests.get(url, headers=self.headers).text url_list=pattern.findall(url_txt) for i in url_list: if i: image_url.append(i) return image_url def get_image(self,image_url): """ @:brief download the images into the path you set just @:return """ m = 1 for img_url in image_url: #定义一个flag用于判断下载图片是否异常 flag=True try: #urlretrieve() 方法直接将远程数据下载到本地 print("第{}张图片的URL是{}".format(m,img_url)) print("保存于{}".format(os.getcwd()+self.path[1:])) urllib.request.urlretrieve(img_url, self.path + str(m) + '.jpg') except BaseException as error: flag=False print(error) if(flag): #下载完成提示 print('**********第'+str(m)+'张图片下载完成********') #每下载完后一张,m累加一次 m = m + 1 print('下载完成!') return def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ @brief the constrcution of the class @:return """ self.path=self.get_path() urls = self.get_urls() image_url = self.get_image_url(urls) self.get_image(image_url) return
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