uniapp 组件中可以用onshow吗?-icode9专业技术文章分享
2024/12/18 6:03:12
本文主要是介绍uniapp 组件中可以用onshow吗?-icode9专业技术文章分享,对大家解决编程问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的程序猿们随着小编来一起学习吧!
在 UniApp 中,组件本身并没有 onShow
生命周期钩子,但你可以通过页面的 onShow
钩子来间接实现类似的功能。如果你希望在组件中执行某些操作,可以在父页面的 onShow
1. 在父页面的 onShow
假设你有一个父页面 Index.vue
和一个子组件 NotificationComponent.vue
,你可以在父页面的 onShow
父页面 Index.vue
<template> <view> <NotificationComponent ref="notificationComponent" /> </view> </template> <script> import NotificationComponent from '@/components/NotificationComponent.vue'; export default { components: { NotificationComponent }, onShow() { this.$refs.notificationComponent.handleOnShow(); } } </script>
子组件 NotificationComponent.vue
<template> <view> <!-- 消息通知 --> <u-popup :show="notice_status" :round="120" @close="notice_status=false" mode="top" bgColor="transparent" :overlay="false"> <view class="notice_bg"> <view class="notice_title flex-between"> <view class="flex-align-center"> <image class="notice_notice" src="@/static/images/common/notice.png" /> {{notice_info.title}} </view> <view> {{notice_info.time}} </view> </view> <view class="notice_tips"> {{notice_info.content}} </view> </view> </u-popup> <!-- 考试通知 --> <u-popup :show="test_status" :round="120" @close="test_status=false" mode="center" bgColor="transparent"> <view class="test_bg"> <view class="test_title">测试任务提醒</view> <view class="test_tip">老师给你发送了测试试卷,快来测试一下吧!</view> <view class="test_paper">试卷:<text style="font-weight: bold;">{{info.name}}</text></view> <view class="test_content"> <view>题目数量:<text style="color: #43adef;">{{info.num}}题</text></view> <view>发送时间:<text style="color: #43adef;">{{info.time}}</text></view> </view> <view class="test_button" @click="startTest">进入测试</view> </view> </u-popup> </view> </template> <script> import { getPaperStatusApi } from '@/api/questionBank/index.js'; import { getWordPaperStatusApi } from '@/api/wordPaper/index.js'; import { mapGetters } from 'vuex'; export default { data() { return { notice_status: false, notice_info: { //通知数据 title: '', time: '', content: '', type: '' }, test_status: false, info: { name: '', //试卷名称 num: 0, //小题数量 time: '', //发卷时间 type: 3, //3:习题试卷,6:词汇试卷 paper_id: '', //习题试卷的试卷id paper_exam_id: '', //考试记录的id paper_exam_record_id: '', word_paper_id: '', } } }, computed: { ...mapGetters([ 'notice_types' ]) }, methods: { getNotice() { const now = new Date(); const hours = now.getHours().toString().padStart(2, '0'); // 获取小时并确保是两位数 const minutes = now.getMinutes().toString().padStart(2, '0'); // 获取分钟并确保是两位数 this.notice_info.time = `${hours}:${minutes}`; const pages = getCurrentPages(); const currentPage = pages[pages.length - 1]; const currentPageRoute = currentPage.route; // 获取当前页面路由 if (this.notice_types.includes('1')) { this.handleNotice('1', '同步课程通知', '老师为你更新了同步课程'); } else if (this.notice_types.includes('2')) { this.handleNotice('2', '任务课程通知', '老师为你更新了任务课程', 'pages/index/index'); } else if (this.notice_types.includes('5')) { this.handleNotice('5', '智能复习通知', '老师为你更新了智能复习规则', 'pages/review/review'); } else if (this.notice_types.includes('3')) { //习题试卷 this.getPaper(); } else if (this.notice_types.includes('6')) { //词汇试卷 this.getWordPaper(); } }, handleNotice(type, title, content, redirectPage = null) { this.notice_info.title = title; this.notice_info.content = content; this.notice_info.type = type; this.notice_status = true; var notice_types = this.notice_types.filter(item => item !== type); this.$store.commit('notice/set_notice_types', notice_types); var that = this; if (redirectPage && currentPageRoute === redirectPage) { setTimeout(function() { that.notice_status = false; }, 3000); } else if (redirectPage) { setTimeout(function() { uni.redirectTo({ url: '/' + redirectPage }); }, 2000); } else { setTimeout(function() { that.notice_status = false; }, 3000); } }, async getPaper() { const { data: res } = await getPaperStatusApi(); if (res.data) { this.test_status = true; this.info.name = res.data.paper.name; this.info.num = res.data.paper.question_item_num; this.info.time = res.data.exam_time; this.info.paper_id = res.data.paper_id; this.info.paper_exam_id = res.data.paper_exam_id; this.info.paper_exam_record_id = res.data.paper_exam_record_id; this.info.type = '3'; console.log(this.info); } }, async getWordPaper() { const { data: res } = await getWordPaperStatusApi(); if (res.data) { this.test_status = true; this.info.name = res.data.name; this.info.num = res.data.num; this.info.time = res.data.exam_time; this.info.word_paper_id = res.data.word_paper_id; this.info.type = '6'; } }, startTest() { var notice_types = this.notice_types.filter(item => item !== this.info.type); this.$store.commit('notice/set_notice_types', notice_types); if (this.info.type == '3') { //习题试卷 this.test_status = false; uni.navigateTo({ url: '/pages/questionBank/components/startTest/startTest?id=' + this.info.paper_id + '&paper_exam_id=' + this.info.paper_exam_id + '&paper_exam_record_id=' + this.info.paper_exam_record_id }); } }, handleOnShow() { this.getNotice(); } } } </script>
2. 使用 watch
你也可以在组件中使用 watch
子组件 NotificationComponent.vue
<template> <view> <!-- 消息通知 --> <u-popup :show="notice_status" :round="120" @close="notice_status=false" mode="top" bgColor="transparent" :overlay="false"> <view class="notice_bg"> <view class="notice_title flex-between"> <view class="flex-align-center"> <image class="notice_notice" src="@/static/images/common/notice.png" /> {{notice_info.title}} </view> <view> {{notice_info.time}} </view> </view> <view class="notice_tips"> {{notice_info.content}} </view> </view> </u-popup> <!-- 考试通知 --> <u-popup :show="test_status" :round="120" @close="test_status=false" mode="center" bgColor="transparent"> <view class="test_bg"> <view class="test_title">测试任务提醒</view> <view class="test_tip">老师给你发送了测试试卷,快来测试一下吧!</view> <view class="test_paper">试卷:<text style="font-weight: bold;">{{info.name}}</text></view> <view class="test_content"> <view>题目数量:<text style="color: #43adef;">{{info.num}}题</text></view> <view>发送时间:<text style="color: #43adef;">{{info.time}}</text></view> </view> <view class="test_button" @click="startTest">进入测试</view> </view> </u-popup> </view> </template> <script> import { getPaperStatusApi } from '@/api/questionBank/index.js'; import { getWordPaperStatusApi } from '@/api/wordPaper/index.js'; import { mapGetters } from 'vuex'; export default { data() { return { notice_status: false, notice_info: { //通知数据 title: '', time: '', content: '', type: '' }, test_status: false, info: { name: '', //试卷名称 num: 0, //小题数量 time: '', //发卷时间 type: 3, //3:习题试卷,6:词汇试卷 paper_id: '', //习题试卷的试卷id paper_exam_id: '', //考试记录的id paper_exam_record_id: '', word_paper_id: '', } } }, computed: { ...mapGetters([ 'notice_types' ]) }, watch: { '$route': { handler() { this.getNotice(); }, immediate: true // 立即执行一次 } }, methods: { getNotice() { const now = new Date(); const hours = now.getHours().toString().padStart(2, '0'); // 获取小时并确保是两位数 const minutes = now.getMinutes().toString().padStart(2, '0'); // 获取分钟并确保是两位数 this.notice_info.time = `${hours}:${minutes}`; const pages = getCurrentPages(); const currentPage = pages[pages.length - 1]; const currentPageRoute = currentPage.route; // 获取当前页面路由 if (this.notice_types.includes('1')) { this.handleNotice('1', '同步课程通知', '老师为你更新了同步课程'); } else if (this.notice_types.includes('2')) { this.handleNotice('2', '任务课程通知', '老师为你更新了任务课程', 'pages/index/index'); } else if (this.notice_types.includes('5')) { this.handleNotice('5', '智能复习通知', '老师为你更新了智能复习规则', 'pages/review/review'); } else if (this.notice_types.includes('3')) { //习题试卷 this.getPaper(); } else if (this.notice_types.includes('6')) { //词汇试卷 this.getWordPaper(); } }, handleNotice(type, title, content, redirectPage = null) { this.notice_info.title = title; this.notice_info.content = content; this.notice_info.type = type; this.notice_status = true; var notice_types = this.notice_types.filter(item => item !== type); this.$store.commit('notice/set_notice_types', notice_types); var that = this; if (redirectPage && currentPageRoute === redirectPage) { setTimeout(function() { that.notice_status = false; }, 3000); } else if (redirectPage) { setTimeout(function() { uni.redirectTo({ url: '/' + redirectPage }); }, 2000); } else { setTimeout(function() { that.notice_status = false; }, 3000); } }, async getPaper() { const { data: res } = await getPaperStatusApi(); if (res.data) { this.test_status = true; this.info.name = res.data.paper.name; this.info.num = res.data.paper.question_item_num; this.info.time = res.data.exam_time; this.info.paper_id = res.data.paper_id; this.info.paper_exam_id = res.data.paper_exam_id; this.info.paper_exam_record_id = res.data.paper_exam_record_id; this.info.type = '3'; console.log(this.info); } }, async getWordPaper() { const { data: res } = await getWordPaperStatusApi(); if (res.data) { this.test_status = true; this.info.name = res.data.name; this.info.num = res.data.num; this.info.time = res.data.exam_time; this.info.word_paper_id = res.data.word_paper_id; this.info.type = '6'; } }, startTest() { var notice_types = this.notice_types.filter(item => item !== this.info.type); this.$store.commit('notice/set_notice_types', notice_types); if (this.info.type == '3') { //习题试卷 this.test_status = false; uni.navigateTo({ url: '/pages/questionBank/components/startTest/startTest?id=' + this.info.paper_id + '&paper_exam_id=' + this.info.paper_exam_id + '&paper_exam_record_id=' + this.info.paper_exam_record_id }); } } } } </script>
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这篇关于uniapp 组件中可以用onshow吗?-icode9专业技术文章分享的文章就介绍到这儿,希望我们推荐的文章对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持为之网!
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