2019/7/10 22:36:30
//其中那个color函数是我为了美观加上去的,如果感觉不需要的话可以将代码中所有有关color的都删掉即可 #include <iostream> #include <cstdio> #include <cstring> #include <algorithm> #include <windows.h> using namespace std; const int N = 1000+10; int n; struct Node { char name[100]; char number[20]; }; typedef struct { struct Node* mylist; int len; int listsize; }sqlist; void Init(sqlist &s1); void Creat(sqlist &s1); void Delet(sqlist &s1); void Add(sqlist &s1); void Print(sqlist &s1); void color(const unsigned short color1); int main() { sqlist s1; Init(s1); color(10); printf("\n\n\n\n --------------- WSM's phonetxt-------------------\n\n"); printf(" |You could chose these ops: |\n"); printf(" | 1.Creat the phonetxt |\n"); printf(" | 2.Delet the member in the phonetxt |\n"); printf(" | 3.Add the member in the phonetxt |\n"); printf(" | 4.Print the phonetxt |\n"); color(14); printf("\n\n\n\n Now,you can enter an optiton:"); int op; while(scanf("%d",&op)!=EOF) { if(op==1) Creat(s1); else if(op==2) Delet(s1); else if(op==3) Add(s1); else if(op==4) Print(s1); else { color(4); printf(" You input is invalid,reinput please:)\n"); color(14); } printf("\n Now,you can enter an optiton:"); } return 0; } void Init(sqlist &s1) { s1.mylist = (Node *)malloc(100*sizeof(Node)); s1.len = 0; s1.listsize = 100; return; } void Creat(sqlist &s1) { s1.len = 0; cout<<" how many numbers do you want to built:"; scanf("%d",&n); cout<<" please input their informations:"<<endl; for(int i=1;i<=n;i++) { printf(" input the %d person name:",i); scanf(" %s",s1.mylist[i-1].name); printf(" input the %d person phonenumber:",i); scanf(" %s",s1.mylist[i-1].number); s1.len++; } color(9); cout<<" well done,the phonetxt has been created!!!"<<endl; color(14); return; } void Delet(sqlist &s1) { cout<<" please enter the number you want to delet:"; heredelet: int x; scanf("%d",&x); if( x<1 || x>s1.len) { color(4); cout<<" sorry,your input is invalid,please input again:"; color(14); goto heredelet; } struct Node *p,*q; p = &(s1.mylist[x-1]); q = s1.mylist + s1.len -1; for(++p;p<=q;++p) *(p-1) = *p; --s1.len; color(9); cout<<" well done,the member has been deleted!!!"<<endl; color(14); return; } void Add(sqlist &s1) { cout<<" please enter the number you want to add:"; hereadd: int x; scanf("%d",&x); if( x<1 || x>s1.len+1) { color(4); cout<<" sorry,your input is invalid,please input again:"; color(14); goto hereadd; } struct Node cur; printf(" input the person name:"); scanf(" %s",cur.name); printf(" input the person phonenumber:"); scanf(" %s",cur.number); struct Node *p,*q; q = &(s1.mylist[x-1]); for(p=&(s1.mylist[s1.len-1]);p>=q;--p) *(p+1) = *p; *q = cur; ++s1.len; color(9); cout<<" well done,the member has been added!!!"<<endl; color(14); return; } void Print(sqlist &s1) { color(8); printf(" Name------phonenumber\n"); struct Node *q = s1.mylist; for(q;q<s1.mylist+s1.len;q++) { printf(" %s %s\n",q->name,q->number); } color(14); color(9); cout<<" well done,the phonetxt is above!!!"<<endl; color(14); return; } void color(const unsigned short color1) { if(color1>=0&&color1<=15) SetConsoleTextAttribute(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), color1); else SetConsoleTextAttribute(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), 7); return; }
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