- Go语言入门
- Go语言开发环境安装配置
- Go语言程序结构
- Go语言基础语法
- Go语言数据类型
- Go语言变量
- Go语言常量
- Go语言运算符
- Go语言条件和决策
- Go语言循环
- Go语言函数
- Go语言作用域规则
- Go语言字符串
- Go语言数组
- Go语言指针
- Go语言结构体
- Go语言切片
- Go语言范围(range)
- Go语言映射
- Go语言递归
- Go语言类型转换
- Go语言接口
- Go语言错误处理
- Hello World程序实例
- Go变量实例
- Go常量实例
- Go for循环语句实例
- Go if/else语句实例
- Go switch语句实例
- Go切片实例
- Go范围实例
- Go函数实例
- Go函数多个返回值实例
- Go可变参数的函数实例
- Go闭包(匿名函数)实例
- Go函数递归实例
- Go指针实例
- Go指针实例
- Go接口实例
- Go错误实例
- Go程序实例
- Go通道实例
- Go通道缓冲实例
- Go通道同步实例
- Go通道路线实例
- Go Select实例
- Go超时(timeouts)实例
- Go非阻塞通道操作实例
- Go关闭通道实例
- Go通道范围实例
- Go计时器实例
- Go断续器实例
- Go工作池实例
- Go速率限制实例
- Go原子计数器实例
- Go互斥体实例
- Go有状态的goroutines实例
- Go排序实例
- Go按自定义函数排序实例
- Go panic错误处理实例
- Go延迟(defer)实例
- Go集合函数实例
- Go字符串函数实例
- Go字符串格式化实例
- Go正则表达式实例
- Go JSON实例
- Go时间日期实例
- Go时代(Epoch)实例
- Go时间格式化/解析实例
- Go随机数实例
- Go数字解析实例
- Go URL解析实例
- Go SHA1哈希实例
- Go Base64编码实例
- Go读取文件实例
- Go写文件实例
- Go行过滤器实例
- Go命令行参数实例
- Go命令行标志实例
- Go环境变量实例
- Go执行过程实例
- Go信号实例
- Go退出程序实例
),它将唯一键映射到值。 键是用于在检索值的对象。 给定一个键和一个值就可以在Map
/* declare a variable, by default map will be nil*/ var map_variable map[key_data_type]value_data_type /* define the map as nil map can not be assigned any value*/ map_variable = make(map[key_data_type]value_data_type)
package main import "fmt" func main() { var countryCapitalMap map[string]string /* create a map*/ countryCapitalMap = make(map[string]string) /* insert key-value pairs in the map*/ countryCapitalMap["France"] = "Paris" countryCapitalMap["Italy"] = "Rome" countryCapitalMap["Japan"] = "Tokyo" countryCapitalMap["India"] = "New Delhi" /* print map using keys*/ for country := range countryCapitalMap { fmt.Println("Capital of",country,"is",countryCapitalMap[country]) } /* test if entry is present in the map or not*/ capital, ok := countryCapitalMap["United States"] /* if ok is true, entry is present otherwise entry is absent*/ if(ok){ fmt.Println("Capital of United States is", capital) }else { fmt.Println("Capital of United States is not present") } }
Capital of India is New Delhi Capital of France is Paris Capital of Italy is Rome Capital of Japan is Tokyo Capital of United States is not present
函数用于从映射中删除项目。它需要映射以及指定要删除的相应键。 以下是示例:
package main import "fmt" func main() { /* create a map*/ countryCapitalMap := map[string] string {"France":"Paris","Italy":"Rome","Japan":"Tokyo","India":"New Delhi"} fmt.Println("Original map") /* print map */ for country := range countryCapitalMap { fmt.Println("Capital of",country,"is",countryCapitalMap[country]) } /* delete an entry */ delete(countryCapitalMap,"France"); fmt.Println("Entry for France is deleted") fmt.Println("Updated map") /* print map */ for country := range countryCapitalMap { fmt.Println("Capital of",country,"is",countryCapitalMap[country]) } }
Original Map Capital of France is Paris Capital of Italy is Rome Capital of Japan is Tokyo Capital of India is New Delhi Entry for France is deleted Updated Map Capital of India is New Delhi Capital of Italy is Rome Capital of Japan is Tokyo