查询Tags标签: Instance,共有 345条记录-
Fuel 30 分钟快速安装OpenStack
一直以来,对于openstack 的初学者来讲,安装往往是入门的头大难题。在E版本之前,要搭建一个基本能用的openstack 环境那是相当麻烦,自己要装机,自己搞源,自己照着文档敲命令,又没有靠谱的文档,官方给出的文档依旧有好多坑,还有语言问题往往用上好几天时间都装不起…
2021/10/17 23:13:22 人评论 次浏览 -
目录 单例模式简介: 单例模式优点: 应用场景: 单例设计模式的八种方式: 1、饿汉式(静态常量) 2、饿汉式(静态代码块) 3、懒汉式(线程不安全) 4、懒汉式(线程安全,同步方法) 5、懒汉式(线程安全,同步代码块) 6、双重检查(推荐使用) 7、静态内部类(推荐使用…
2021/10/16 11:09:36 人评论 次浏览 -
目录 单例模式简介: 单例模式优点: 应用场景: 单例设计模式的八种方式: 1、饿汉式(静态常量) 2、饿汉式(静态代码块) 3、懒汉式(线程不安全) 4、懒汉式(线程安全,同步方法) 5、懒汉式(线程安全,同步代码块) 6、双重检查(推荐使用) 7、静态内部类(推荐使用…
2021/10/16 11:09:36 人评论 次浏览 -
SCALING YOUR MIGRATION OPERATIONS Can you scale your migration operations? Your company is going all-in on AWS, and the sysops on the migration team just called in sick on a big migration day. (probably too much work over the last few days, connectin…
2021/10/13 23:46:25 人评论 次浏览 -
SCALING YOUR MIGRATION OPERATIONS Can you scale your migration operations? Your company is going all-in on AWS, and the sysops on the migration team just called in sick on a big migration day. (probably too much work over the last few days, connectin…
2021/10/13 23:46:25 人评论 次浏览 -
SCALING YOUR MIGRATION OPERATIONS Can you scale your migration operations? Your company is going all-in on AWS, and the sysops on the migration team just called in sick on a big migration day. (probably too much work over the last few days, connectin…
2021/10/13 23:44:27 人评论 次浏览 -
SCALING YOUR MIGRATION OPERATIONS Can you scale your migration operations? Your company is going all-in on AWS, and the sysops on the migration team just called in sick on a big migration day. (probably too much work over the last few days, connectin…
2021/10/13 23:44:27 人评论 次浏览 -
ORACLE RAC 修改实例名(实操记录)
ORACLE RAC 修改实例名(实操记录)twt企业IT社区2017-09-27 1481、备份全库和spfile backup as compressed backupset database plus archivelog; expdp dbank/dbank directory=dmp_dir dumpfile=dbank_2015623.dmp logfile=dbank.log parallel=5 SCHEMAS=DBANK Create p…
2021/10/13 2:14:08 人评论 次浏览 -
ORACLE RAC 修改实例名(实操记录)
ORACLE RAC 修改实例名(实操记录)twt企业IT社区2017-09-27 1481、备份全库和spfile backup as compressed backupset database plus archivelog; expdp dbank/dbank directory=dmp_dir dumpfile=dbank_2015623.dmp logfile=dbank.log parallel=5 SCHEMAS=DBANK Create p…
2021/10/13 2:14:08 人评论 次浏览 -
#include <iostream> #include <cassert>class Singleton { public:static Singleton& Instance(){static Singleton instance;return instance;} public:Singleton(const Singleton&) = delete;Singleton(Singleton&&) = delete;Singleton&a…
2021/10/12 23:16:46 人评论 次浏览 -
#include <iostream> #include <cassert>class Singleton { public:static Singleton& Instance(){static Singleton instance;return instance;} public:Singleton(const Singleton&) = delete;Singleton(Singleton&&) = delete;Singleton&a…
2021/10/12 23:16:46 人评论 次浏览 -
Java OCR文字识别(Tess4J)
Java OCR文字识别(Tess4J) 2017年10月17日 10:11:10 阅读数:6372 OCR (Optical Character Recognition,光学字符识别)是指电子设备(例如扫描仪或数码相机)检查纸上打印的字符,通过检测暗、亮的模式确定其形状,然后用字符识别方法将形状翻译成计算机文字的过程;…
2021/10/11 17:14:22 人评论 次浏览 -
Java OCR文字识别(Tess4J)
Java OCR文字识别(Tess4J) 2017年10月17日 10:11:10 阅读数:6372 OCR (Optical Character Recognition,光学字符识别)是指电子设备(例如扫描仪或数码相机)检查纸上打印的字符,通过检测暗、亮的模式确定其形状,然后用字符识别方法将形状翻译成计算机文字的过程;…
2021/10/11 17:14:22 人评论 次浏览 -
1.NET4.0之后动态类型版本 var startup = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Startup); var lnkFilePath = Path.Combine(startup, "XXClient.lnk"); var shellType = Type.GetTypeFromProgID("WScript.Shell"); dynamic shell = …
2021/10/10 20:44:13 人评论 次浏览 -
1.NET4.0之后动态类型版本 var startup = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Startup); var lnkFilePath = Path.Combine(startup, "XXClient.lnk"); var shellType = Type.GetTypeFromProgID("WScript.Shell"); dynamic shell = …
2021/10/10 20:44:13 人评论 次浏览