查询Tags标签: 1647,共有 2条记录-
1647. Minimum Deletions to Make Character Frequencies Unique
A string s is called good if there are no two different characters in s that have the same frequency. Given a string s, return the minimum number of characters you need to delete to make s good. The frequency of a character in a string is the number o…
2021/7/21 6:05:55 人评论 次浏览 -
1647. Minimum Deletions to Make Character Frequencies Unique
A string s is called good if there are no two different characters in s that have the same frequency. Given a string s, return the minimum number of characters you need to delete to make s good. The frequency of a character in a string is the number o…
2021/7/21 6:05:55 人评论 次浏览