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查询Tags标签: 212D,共有 2条记录
  • Atcoder 212D Querying Multiset

    Problem Statement Takahashi has many balls, on which nothing is written, and one bag. Initially, the bag is empty. Takahashi will do Q operations, each of which is of one of the following three types.Type 1: Write an integer Xi on a blank ball and put…

    2021/8/12 23:06:28 人评论 次浏览
  • Atcoder 212D Querying Multiset

    Problem Statement Takahashi has many balls, on which nothing is written, and one bag. Initially, the bag is empty. Takahashi will do Q operations, each of which is of one of the following three types.Type 1: Write an integer Xi on a blank ball and put…

    2021/8/12 23:06:28 人评论 次浏览