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查询Tags标签: HttpApplication,共有 3条记录
  • ASP.NET MVC doesn't call global.asax' EndRequest

    ASP.NET MVC doesnt call global.asax EndRequest 回答1The HttpApplication instance that is represented by your global.asax file is a single instance that only represents the first HttpApplication object. It is not guaranteed that this instance of the Ht…

    2021/9/7 11:06:15 人评论 次浏览
  • ASP.NET MVC doesn't call global.asax' EndRequest

    ASP.NET MVC doesnt call global.asax EndRequest 回答1The HttpApplication instance that is represented by your global.asax file is a single instance that only represents the first HttpApplication object. It is not guaranteed that this instance of the Ht…

    2021/9/7 11:06:15 人评论 次浏览
  • Asp.Net MVC一个Http请求流程

    不管技术如何更新迭代,依然有很多的项目,很多的程序员在使用Asp.Net开发着Web应用。今天大概梳理了一下一个Asp.Net MVC框架处理一个Http请求的过程,其中如果有不对的地方,欢迎留言指正。 1.HTTP.sys驱动程序接收到了http请求, 2.将请求分发给w3wp进程(工作进程),…

    2021/5/9 20:27:37 人评论 次浏览