查询Tags标签: IGenericCar,共有 2条记录-
C# generic "where constraint" with "any generic type" definition?
C# generic "where constraint" with "any generic type" definition?Let me give example:I have some generic class/interface definition: interface IGenericCar< T > {...}I have another class/interface that I want to relate with c…
2021/10/13 17:44:11 人评论 次浏览 -
C# generic "where constraint" with "any generic type" definition?
C# generic "where constraint" with "any generic type" definition?Let me give example:I have some generic class/interface definition: interface IGenericCar< T > {...}I have another class/interface that I want to relate with c…
2021/10/13 17:44:11 人评论 次浏览