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查询Tags标签: Note20211227,共有 2条记录
  • USTC English Club Note20211227

    #Back to the start# Can you still remember where it all began? Can you still remember the reason why you depart from the comfort zone? When looking back upon the experience, can you recognize yourself immediately? We should stay true to the origina…

    2022/1/31 6:06:08 人评论 次浏览
  • USTC English Club Note20211227

    #主题跨年晚会# 晚会主题是流行音乐,12月30日晚七点和大家在西活三楼多功能厅不见不散,丰厚奖品,二课学时,好吃好喝好玩的都等着大家[em]e10311[/em]参加就有奖!!! 只需报名参加,即可获得自选定制明信片以及我社定制徽章,当晚还有抽奖环节送出三份实体专辑,活动…

    2022/1/31 6:06:07 人评论 次浏览